Alien Races of the CoX Universe




I've begun thinking about the various aliens in the universe of our beloved MMO. And I mean -space aliens-, not beings from other dimensions. So far, I've compiled this listing, with what I know and some of what I surmise....

Kheldians - Formless energy beings from another galaxy, their natural forms look like floating puffballs of energy, blue-white in color. They can manipulate energy in various ways, thus leading to their innate ability to shapeshift and merge with organic hosts. They normally have control of light and energy, and are generally noble, peaceful creatures. Khledians without a host have a lifespan of about 10 Earth years, but by moving from host to host, they become functionally immortal (the Warshade Shadowstar is about 3000-5000 years old, if rumors are true).

Nictus are evil Khledians who have used advanced science to transform themselves and their powers. Black-purple in color, they now manipulate gravity and dark matter in a fashion similar to standard Kheldians. The lifespan of an unjoined Nictus (and Warshades) is about 5 years. Joined Nictus are, like Kheldians, unaging while in a host.

The Nictus once ruled their race with an iron fist (metaphorically-speaking), until the normal Kheldians rose up and cast them down. The Nictus fled, and those that hunted them became known as the Peacebringers. What resulted was a running war across the universe, with the Nictus forcefully possessing various alien races to hide in, and the Peacebringers finding them and driving them out. The war has now come to Earth, with the Nictus having been here for centuries, if not millennia, and the Peacebringers just recently arriving. The Nictus have joined forces with the Council as part of their plans to conquer Earth.

The Warshades are Nictus that have reformed and become heroes, enjoying a generally peaceful, if uncomfortable, alliance with the Peacebringers to battle the Nictus.

Kurukt/Ruktur - Large, heavily armored creatures, sometimes described as "lobsters" by humans. The Kurukt evolved on the surface of a neutron star, thus making them incredibly strong and nearly indestructable. The Ruktur, likewise, come from the surface of a pulsar, gaining similar physical might. The Peacebringers and Nictus once used these creatures as hosts and allies, and their physical patterns are retained by them today as the "White Dwarf" and "Black Dwarf" forms, respectively.

Despite evolving on the surfaces of two different stars, it's clear the Kurukt and Ruktur were at some point one species. After the Peacebringer-Nictus war moved on, it is not known what happened to these races.

Mefnanim/Hulnanim - These two alien races are, likewise, clearly branches of the same race. Squid-like in appearance, and naturally bouyant, these creatures evolved in the atmophere of a gas giant. The Mefnanim lived in the energy-charged upper atmosphere, while the Hulnanim lived in the dark depths of the lower atmosphere. Both species had the ability to project blasts of energy or negative energy. As with the "lobsters," the "squids" became allies and pawns of the Peacebringers and Nictus, and their bodies and powers are remembered by the Kheldians today as the "Bright Nova" and "Dark Nova" forms. When the Kheldian war left their world, it is not revealed what became of the "squids."

Maaxigada'arzildilo - The only known representative of this alien race is the hero Dillo. Little is known about them, beyond that their world was assaulted by the Shivans, and the "Maaxi" were forced into exile. Dillo came to Earth to warn humanity of the Shivan threat only to find he was too late. They were already here.

Dillo wears some sort of containment suit, that, if breached, leaves him severely weakened and unable to fight until it is repaired and re-pressurized. This suggests that the Maaxi cannot survive in Earth's atmosphere unaided, possibily to not being able to breath oxygen, or that Earth's air pressure is unsuitable for Maaxi life. They are humanoid, and somewhat squat, judging from Dillo's appearance, but beyond that we cannot be certain what they look like. They appear to be a friendly species.

Shivans - The scouts of the "Coming Storm," these creatures seem to be living goo. They ride inside meteors launched by the Coming Storm, and are perfectly capable of surviving atmospheric entry and landing. This ooze combines with whatever unliving matter is nearby to form skeletal structures for themselves, so that they can move in the planet's gravity and atmosphere. On Bloody Bay, the Shivans combined with the buried corpses of the island's numerous old cemetaries, using skeletons to provide physical support for themselves. When they struck Galaxy City, the Shivans used the rubble created by their meteors' impacts to form bodies of concrete and steel rebar. Both types seem to explode like water balloons when they die.

It is unclear if Shivans are intelligent or sentient. They cannot speak, lacking mouths of any sort, and it is unknown if telepathic communication has ever succeeded. They are hostile and violent, and can project blasts of radiation at their enemies. It is possible that the Coming Storm simply unleashes them as "beasts of war" to soften up potential targets.

"The Coming Storm" - Almost nothing is yet known of them, other than they are hostile, use the Shivans as some sort of slave soldiers or hired guns, and are aiming at Primal Earth next. They devastated the homeworld of the Maaxigada'arzildilo, driving the survivors into exile.

Conjecture: If the Kheldian known as Twilight's Son is to be believed, in the far future the Coming Storm wiped out his entire race (using them as power sources for their ships), with himself being the last one. I don't know if this was in fact the Coming Storm that did this (the descriptions never name TS's "masters"), but seems reasonable, as Twilight's Son is an Ouroboros Mender, and the Menders show considerable wariness about the Coming Storm.



To be honest i always thought making it so that the Kheldian and Nictus forms were species from different stars and planets that coincidentally happened to be exactly identical in every respect except colours and energy types emitted was kind of, well, stupid. Very stupid.

i would've had it that both Peacebringers and Warshades were emulating the same species and that the change to Nictus altered the sort of energy emitted/used when emulating the forms. Then again it is very comic booky to have unnecessary and somewhat implausible complications instead of more logical and straightforward explanations.

Anyway, regarding alien species, the Coming Storm would seem to possibly be the Primal Earth version of The Battalion that the Rikti fought off in their own dimension.
i seem to recall a few other alien species being mentioned by name in game, but i can't recall them at the moment.

Edit: And DarkGob scooped me on the Battalion; complete with a link.

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Now that you mention it, I had heard one of the devs had recently let it slip in-game that the Coming Storm is in fact called the Battalion. But I can't confirm that, so I didn't mention it.



The Coming Storm is The Batallion. With a character that completed the Underground Trial, just pay a visit to Prometheus to read all the new info he gives.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
To be honest i always thought making it so that the Kheldian and Nictus forms were species from different stars and planets that coincidentally happened to be exactly identical in every respect except colours and energy types emitted was kind of, well, stupid. Very stupid.
Heck, I always thought it was very strange that Kheld and nictus even bonded with the same creatures.
It certainly would be interesting if someday, Kheldian ATs got a minor revisit and a few additional forms were added, like one for pure melee DPS, or one that heavily specialized in controls.

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Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post

Conjecture: If the Kheldian known as Twilight's Son is to be believed, in the far future the Coming Storm wiped out his entire race (using them as power sources for their ships), with himself being the last one. I don't know if this was in fact the Coming Storm that did this (the descriptions never name TS's "masters"), but seems reasonable, as Twilight's Son is an Ouroboros Mender, and the Menders show considerable wariness about the Coming Storm.
The end of the Kheldians happened because Twilights Son BETRAYED them to save his own worthless tentacles.

Personally, I hate this particular story line, mainly because my main is a PB. If she ever finds out what he did ICly, she's going to want to kill him!


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Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
The end of the Kheldians happened because Twilights Son BETRAYED them to save his own worthless tentacles.

Personally, I hate this particular story line, mainly because my main is a PB. If she ever finds out what he did ICly, she's going to want to kill him!
So would my Warshade.



Any thoughts on including extradimensional races under 'alien?' If so, you might add the Rikti, Hydra, and Rulaaru.

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Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Any thoughts on including extradimensional races under 'alien?' If so, you might add the Rikti, Hydra, and Rulaaru.
I would object to those proposals.

Rularuu fits more under Interdimensional, Eldritch Abomination

Hydra (at least according to their boss info) have DNA similar to many viruses and plants common on earth.

and Rikti are mutated humans.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



for the hydra though, i believe it is said they are from a separate planet and the rikti enslaved them as a race of cannon fodder.

ok, looked at the mish on wiki, technically they are only shown to be extradimensional, but its not stated if the portals go to the same place in each dimesion, so i still say they are possibly aliens.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
To be honest i always thought making it so that the Kheldian and Nictus forms were species from different stars and planets that coincidentally happened to be exactly identical in every respect except colours and energy types emitted was kind of, well, stupid. Very stupid.
I always thought that a nice hook if they ever wanted to explore the story of a non-humanoid form spreading and evolving across the universe.

I've always thought the two species probably related way back down the evolutionary tree. If Khelds bonded with humans and gorillas they'd look pretty similar but have very different abilities.

Alternatively, as gods do definitely exist in the CoX multiverse, maybe it wasn't evolution but creation - and The Creator just happens to like the squid and lobster forms as much as bipedal humanoids.

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It certainly would be interesting if someday, Kheldian ATs got a minor revisit and a few additional forms were added, like one for pure melee DPS, or one that heavily specialized in controls.
Always hoped that more forms would be added - it's a fun mechanic, but historically (don't know about recent months) khelds were never used enough to justify any dev time.

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Nice summation of ETs, though I'd request it's moved to guides (where spoilers are to be expected). One of the replies requires Omega clearance...

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The goddess Merulina of the Coralax may qualify, as she came from space.

For millennia, a godlike being as old as the cosmos itself floated free across the universe. As the fetid swamps of the Earth’s Cretaceous Period began to recede, this god Merulina crashed into the turbid waters of the expanding Atlantic.

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Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
The goddess Merulina of the Coralax may qualify, as she came from space.
I never realized the Coralax had such a Lovecraftian origin. Thanks for pointing that out!



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
Always hoped that more forms would be added - it's a fun mechanic, but historically (don't know about recent months) khelds were never used enough to justify any dev time.
Riiiiiight... they never did anything to the powers or anything.... nope, they're exactly as they were in I3.


Also, I'm fairly sure (*cough* backstory guide *cough*) the Nictus did not rule the Khelds.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Also, I'm fairly sure (*cough* backstory guide *cough*) the Nictus did not rule the Khelds.
According to Requiem in the Blue King Studios comic (issues 11 and 12), they did until the Kheldian rebellion. However, Requiem is...not exactly an unbiased source.



Something I've been trying to figure out for my own RP and stories is the scale and nature of the Kheldian-Nictus War. Is it a running conflict as Nictus move to another warzone and Peacebringers and Warshades pursue them, or a galactic wide thing with pitched space battles and ships and whatnot. Basically, are they fighting in the shadows or is it more a full space opera?

Best I've been able to manage is base it off a combination of Green Lantern battles with shapeshifting instead of making big energy hammers and saws and whatnot and the Kree-Skrull War.

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Originally Posted by mogura View Post
Any info on the Void Seekers?
It's never stated if they're ALL aliens, they are in definite connection with the nictus and work with any villain group who might be expecting Kheldians when members of said gang apparently cannot bother to learn how to use a quantum array rifle themselves.
But from what I gathered they do use human hosts.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
It's never stated if they're ALL aliens, they are in definite connection with the nictus and work with any villain group who might be expecting Kheldians when members of said gang apparently cannot bother to learn how to use a quantum array rifle themselves.
But from what I gathered they do use human hosts.
Weird. I always assumed their hosts were alien humanoids, you know, due to the strange morphology of the skin and the pronounced visibility of the surface-level cardiovascular system.

Thanks for the info. It would be nice to see the devs (finally) clarify this, though, too.

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Originally Posted by Pattern Walker View Post
I never realized the Coralax had such a Lovecraftian origin. Thanks for pointing that out!
Oh, they are definitely partly Lovecraft-inspired. For example, from Calystix's history:

The first records of a priest called Calystix date from ancient Rome, where a Legion discovered an ancient temple to a Cult of the Shaper. This cult was led by a high priest called Calystix who ordered the townspeople to slay the Legion. The soldiers were nearly overcome, but they won and put the temple and the town to the torch for their abhorrent practices. Later records of a Cult of the Shaper led by Calystix re-occur in the middle ages, and again during the Enlightenment. The last known occurrence was in a small Massachusetts fishing village in the 1920s, though it is unknown if it was lead by a priest called Calystix, as the Cult was destroyed by the American Navy for crimes of piracy and cannibalism.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by mogura View Post
Weird. I always assumed their hosts were alien humanoids, you know, due to the strange morphology of the skin and the pronounced visibility of the surface-level cardiovascular system.

Thanks for the info. It would be nice to see the devs (finally) clarify this, though, too.
The info on the Void Hunters has actually been around for a while, but you need to go through some of the earlier Kheldian arcs to find them. Here's the the relevant clue.


This report gives a brief overview of how Nictus Fragments can be altered using quantum energy techniques. By implanting these altered fragments into a willing host, subjecting that host to a specific training regimen, and equipping the implanted soldier with the proper equipment, the Council can create a Void Hunter. The report is short on specific details about how the fragments are altered, the implantation process, and the training regimen, but it does spend several interesting pages expressing the scientist's concerns. They worry about the long term effects, and mention that they have no idea what would happen if something called a 'Total Integration' were to occur to a Void Hunter.

Essentially, the Void Hunters are created by altering a number of Nictus fragments and implanting them into a willing host. It's similar to how Galaxies are created except the fragments the Galaxies use are unaltered. It's noted that Requiem purposely picks men that are loyal to him (Former 5th Column members, mostly) for the program so that, if he needs to, he'll have them on his side.

Anyway, great overview of the various alien races in City of Heroes!

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