Alien Races of the CoX Universe




Originally Posted by Mekkanos View Post
The info on the Void Hunters has actually been around for a while, but you need to go through some of the earlier Kheldian arcs to find them. Here's the the relevant clue.

Essentially, the Void Hunters are created by altering a number of Nictus fragments and implanting them into a willing host. It's similar to how Galaxies are created except the fragments the Galaxies use are unaltered. It's noted that Requiem purposely picks men that are loyal to him (Former 5th Column members, mostly) for the program so that, if he needs to, he'll have them on his side.

Anyway, great overview of the various alien races in City of Heroes!
Good info is good. Thanks.

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Great bit of info on the various CoH races.

What this really gets me thinking is that CoH really needs some sort of "Cosmic" expansion that explores this universe a bit more.

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The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
for the hydra though, i believe it is said they are from a separate planet and the rikti enslaved them as a race of cannon fodder.

ok, looked at the mish on wiki, technically they are only shown to be extradimensional, but its not stated if the portals go to the same place in each dimesion, so i still say they are possibly aliens.
The Hydra are from another Earth, IIRC. They were dragged to our Earth by the Rikti in an attempt to use them as fodder/distraction/what-have-you.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Hydra (at least according to their boss info) have DNA similar to many viruses and plants common on earth.
Sounds rather... Devouring Earth-ish.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Nictus are evil Khledians who have used advanced science to transform themselves and their powers. Black-purple in color, they now manipulate gravity and dark matter in a fashion similar to standard Kheldians. The lifespan of an unjoined Nictus (and Warshades) is about 5 years. Joined Nictus are, like Kheldians, unaging while in a host.
As a note, Nictus are also notable in that they steal the essence of others, especially other Kheldians, in order to increase their lifespan. Essentially, they've become sort of like energy vampires. This actually leads to my next point.

The Nictus once ruled their race with an iron fist (metaphorically-speaking), until the normal Kheldians rose up and cast them down. The Nictus fled, and those that hunted them became known as the Peacebringers. What resulted was a running war across the universe, with the Nictus forcefully possessing various alien races to hide in, and the Peacebringers finding them and driving them out. The war has now come to Earth, with the Nictus having been here for centuries, if not millennia, and the Peacebringers just recently arriving. The Nictus have joined forces with the Council as part of their plans to conquer Earth.
I don't believe that the Nictus actually ruled the Kheldians. The cause of the war, according to Moonfire, is simply that the Nictus had started preying on other Kheldians to increase their short lifespans. Their method for doing so was particularly effective. In Moonfire's words...

The Nictus scientists developed a powerful energy transfer device that could rip away a Kheldian's life force, even at a distance of light years. This terrible weapon is the reason we Peacebringers have resolved to destroy all Nictus, wherever they may be.
It's implied that the device was destroyed at some point but Arakhn has attempted to create something similar more recently. The Peacebringers have no desire to see such a device come into being again, so they continue to hunt the Nictus wherever they may be.

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Sounds rather... Devouring Earth-ish.
interestingly, the Hydra lieutenants are described as having DNA "unlike anything seen in this world."

Talk about continuity issues.

On the note of Mekkanos' post, the lore parts specifically, the Kheldian war lore, reminds me vaguely of Transformers.
Mostly in the fact that: Two factions of a race of transforming aliens and have been warring for centuries now bring their battle to earth but may have been involved with earth for much longer than we think.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
interestingly, the Hydra lieutenants are described as having DNA "unlike anything seen in this world."
My impression was that the Hydra came from a version of Earth that followed a radically different evolutionary path than our own, and these large, ambulatory colonies of bacteria/micro-organisms became the dominant life form. They're even more alien than the Rikti.

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Weren't the Shivan meteors originally sent to Earth by a destroyer of worlds called galact... er, Shiva, by Earthlings? I haven't seen anything directly connecting Shiva to the Battalion / Coming Storm, so for the moment Shiva ought to be considered at least potentially a seperate space race.



Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
Weren't the Shivan meteors originally sent to Earth by a destroyer of worlds called galact... er, Shiva, by Earthlings? I haven't seen anything directly connecting Shiva to the Battalion / Coming Storm, so for the moment Shiva ought to be considered at least potentially a seperate space race.
Play the Ouroboros initiation arc. The Battalion uses Shivan meteors as scouts.

Speak with Mender Silos
Mender Silos


Character. I am glad to finally meet you, or re-meet you in this case.

My name is Mender Silos, and I am over one million years old. I come from the future, near the end of time itself. I created Ouroboros so that we could have a centralized location to try and mend the past.

I am sure Lazarus told you about the Carbon Law, and the tethers we from the future have. Of course, I am far beyond my tether, but this wouldn't be the first law I have broken. I have been planning this for a very, very long time.

This threat... in the near future, I call it the 'coming storm.' Earth will be attacked by it, and will be unable to defend herself due to extenuating circumstances. I plan on changing that. The first step in eliminating this storm is to remove its scouts from a point in your near future. If you would be so kind as to go forward in time and help Mender Lazarus. Once they are defeated, Ouroboros will begin charting the causality wake to determine the outcome upon your time stream.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Play the Ouroboros initiation arc. The Battalion uses Shivan meteors as scouts.
I have done this. I have also read the Background from the City of Villains official website:

As their world collapsed around them, desperate scientists fired thousands of probes into space warning of a massive entity poised to devour their very world. The Arcosians knew that this scourge would eventually reach other solar systems and hoped the tiny blue planet called Earth could avoid the same catastrophic fate.

Hundreds of years later, Australian Kurrin Wirake set out on a traditional pilgrimage along his ancestral songline, a dreaming trek connecting the landscape of his aboriginal people to the mythic episodes that occurred at specific locations during the ancient dreamtime. According to his people, the Earth retains a memory of its own origin. This memory echoes across the modern world and often manifests as a guruwari, or “seed of life.” It was during his search for this vibratory echo of the Earth’s creation that Kurrin instead found warning of its possible destruction. In the shadow of the famous rock, Ularu, Kurrin uncovered one of the pods launched over 800 hundred years before by the doomed Arcosians.

The pod might have remained in Kurrin’s remote village forever if an Australian AWACS plane had not flown directly over it. Performing a simple test flight, the Airborne Warning and Control System surveillance equipment picked up an unusual signal emanating from Kurrin’s village. The Australian military investigated and confiscated the pod from the angry villagers, then called on allies from NASA to help decode its alien signal.

The lead cryptologist, an Indian woman named Seetha Neremanu, deciphered the code in a matter of hours. Dr. Neremanu immediately alerted the UN Security Council that a gigantic planetary devourer was heading our way. The thing’s name was unpronounceable in human speech, so Dr. Neremanu named it Shiva, after the Hindu deity “Destroyer of Worlds”. Shiva, Seetha added, would reach earth within a year.

With the help of secret alien technology owned by the Russian government, the UN gathered a multi-national force of superheroes to confront this imminent danger. Dr. Neremanu called this band of heroes Operation Vishnu, the “Preservers”, which consisted of Russian, American, Chinese, and French volunteers. Set to annihilate Shiva with a nuclear strike, Operation Vishnu launched late in the summer of 1989.

A blast was detected and Shiva disappeared from deep space detection system, but the heroes who guided the rocket to its final target were never heard from again.

That same summer, the infamous meteor shower of Bloody Bay began. It wreaked havoc on the island, causing not only direct damage but radiation sickness and other, more sinister maladies as well. Perhaps strangest of all, weird energy from the meteor formed around the corpses of the dead and created protoplasmic entities filled with Shiva’s destructive rage. Those few who know of Shiva wonder if these new creatures, the “Shivans”, are somehow trying to reassemble the pieces and resurrect the Destroyer of Worlds.
While newer content appears to retcon this background, the Arcosians and Shiva have never been specifically designated as no longer in-continuity, to my knowledge.



Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
Weren't the Shivan meteors originally sent to Earth by a destroyer of worlds called galact... er, Shiva, by Earthlings? I haven't seen anything directly connecting Shiva to the Battalion / Coming Storm, so for the moment Shiva ought to be considered at least potentially a seperate space race.
Humans dubbed the thing Shiva, without really knowing what it was. We now know that it is the Battalion. It would take some seriously fancy footwork to explain Shiva being a separate race somehow.



Originally Posted by Crazy1van View Post
I have done this. I have also read the Background from the City of Villains official website:

While newer content appears to retcon this background, the Arcosians and Shiva have never been specifically designated as no longer in-continuity, to my knowledge.
There's also nothing in that back history that contradicts that Shivans are used by the Battalion to scout worlds. The Arcosian planet is probably a Battalion colony now, the Shivans having served their purpose there.