Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns




Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?
/signed once again



I never knew about /cleartray, it would sure skip a lot of time having to right-click+[R] every single power after I respec, good to know.

As for whining, sorry again? I didn't meant to sound whiney, when I stated the question "What do you guys think?" I really meant "What do you guys think?" not "Here's my opinion, suck it!", starting a discussion is important because the devs should know what's on their players' minds and not have to get the flack of implementing a change which could annoy a percentage of the user-base, however minor, when they could tweak the design to suit everybody's tastes.

I misinterpreted the full scale of having Swift and Hurdle on by default and apologised, but what I don't apologise for is starting the discussion on what the player-base is worried about even though we don't have all the information. We happen to have a development studio who takes note of our feedback and feedback is what will make this game as good as it can be.

Plus, it's not like I totally hated the idea of Inherent Fitness, saying I hate Health and Stamina too would make me sound whiny and ridiculous.

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I saw zero whine in your thread. You detailed pretty extensively that you were not whining nor reacting wildly.
People who lash out at others as some did, generally are being quite sensitive themselves... but this is the way of some.

And I have an official certificate that says I am a very reasonable and observant intellectual.
I would scan it in, but the crayon doesn't show up well enough.

Your O.P. is a totally legitimate topic to ponder and discuss among those capable.
I applaud you and offer you an imaginary plate of equally imaginary cookies.

I've said my piece on people that rudely dismissed (and worse) such posts as yours and I don't suppose there's any point in saying anything more about it.
We all have bad days, so I'll not hold it against anyone else.
(Well, unless they want me to... nudge nudge, say no more...)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Some people would $%^*& about free money.

"OMG I can't count that high! Mommy! Take it away!"

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I'm pleased to hear about this actually. I do not have a character to date who does NOT have Fitness. I work it into every single build becuase that boost on the character which is a constant running power which takes no endurance...who would pass that up? Swift and Hurdle...the only problems I have with them is debating which to take first.

Also, something to note here i think is getting over looked. Natural Origin is being misinterpreted. It does not mean you have no superpowers. Sure if that's the theme your going for then great, awesome. But it also represents aliens or other worldly critters whose powers are innate (Meaning born with it or natural to you) to them as a species. To quote the origin itself.

"You aren't 'super' at all; your amazing talents come from intense training and innate abilities. You might have been driven to physical excellence by some all-encompassing desire for perfection or revenge, or perhaps you are not human at all, and possess powers natural to your race. With your natural origin you have to rely on your cunning and skill. This origin will give you access to Throwing Knives. This attack has a very short range and deals minor Lethal damage, as well as inflicting additional Damage over Time."

Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.

Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius



Originally Posted by StrifeFox View Post
I'm pleased to hear about this actually. I do not have a character to date who does NOT have Fitness. I work it into every single build becuase that boost on the character which is a constant running power which takes no endurance...who would pass that up? Swift and Hurdle...the only problems I have with them is debating which to take first.

I pass on Stamina on all my toons. I do hear what you are saying Strife, and I love your avatar, but to me, if I have no use for it, I won't try to take the power. Taunt on my scrappers, half the Corrupter secondaries that are can't be used on self, health/stamina on a toon that is not built around it. I know the min/max numbers, but I don't min/max that way. I stay with a concept.



Originally Posted by RoseT View Post
I've got something that will help with this. I normally take a screen shot so I know where I had my powers originally, then after the respec, do /cleartray. This will put everything back into your Powers window where you can pull them down instead of trying to shuffle them around.
That's good info. Wish I'd known this before.



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
I never knew about /cleartray, it would sure skip a lot of time having to right-click+[R] every single power after I respec, good to know.

As for whining, sorry again? I didn't meant to sound whiney, when I stated the question "What do you guys think?" I really meant "What do you guys think?" not "Here's my opinion, suck it!", starting a discussion is important because the devs should know what's on their players' minds and not have to get the flack of implementing a change which could annoy a percentage of the user-base, however minor, when they could tweak the design to suit everybody's tastes.

I misinterpreted the full scale of having Swift and Hurdle on by default and apologised, but what I don't apologise for is starting the discussion on what the player-base is worried about even though we don't have all the information. We happen to have a development studio who takes note of our feedback and feedback is what will make this game as good as it can be.

Plus, it's not like I totally hated the idea of Inherent Fitness, saying I hate Health and Stamina too would make me sound whiny and ridiculous.

No worries, you're not the problem here.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
This is the only concern that I have. It would be AWESOME if they'd re-work the respec process so that your power trays don't end up full of every single temp power or vet inherent you have and your actual powers are all jumbled up or pushed off the trays. I can really deal with the rest of the respec process just fine, but what it does to the power trays is awful >.<
I always take a screenshot of the UI and save it, just before I enter a respec. When I'm done respeccing, I can just refer back to the image of how my trays looked before, to get my layout to look that way again.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
So, what options are there for these new power picks
I think I'm going to make an elec/elec/elec/mu blaster with Tesla Cage, Shocking Grasp, Shocking Bolt and Electric Shackles. I'll put the Lockdown proc in each of them, and put the Devastation proc in all the ranged attacks.

I think that would be rather awesome.



I do like the freedom this gives me to pick more powers, either from power pools, or even the EPP/PPP's.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
What i think?

That people are going out of their way as much as possible to find something to whine about.
You cannot be wholly serious that swift makes your character run too fast?



I'm satisfied by these pending changes, but dismayed by the blunt insensitivity in the majority of replies here. If you read between the lines (empathize), the OP seems concerned that his ability to CHOOSE is being traded away for this improvement. I won't argue that this is an improvement-- it is. But I will ALWAYS and unapologetically consider the plight of one who feels his freedom to choose is being negatively impacted.

I empathize. Nearly all of my characters have benefited, not just mechanically but THEMATICALLY, from the Fitness Power Pool. However, I DO have a couple of Natural Origin "everyday men turned heroes", for whom the first two powers in the Fitness Power Pool would have marred their theme conceptually. Some of you, who aren't conceptual/thematic thinkers and creators, may not understand this sentiment. All I can say is that I'm glad I was able to create those characters before a change like this made such characters impossible to create.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
However, I DO have a couple of Natural Origin "everyday men turned heroes", for whom the first two powers in the Fitness Power Pool would have marred their theme conceptually.
This is an absoluely ridiculous argument as the base running speed and jumping height are already beyond human capabilities that Swift, etc, won't make a blind bit of difference.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
This is an absoluely ridiculous argument as the base running speed and jumping height are already beyond human capabilities that Swift, etc, won't make a blind bit of difference.
You know, it would be beneath me to trivialize the imaginative themes underlying your characters, or anyone else's.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm satisfied by these pending changes, but dismayed by the blunt insensitivity in the majority of replies here. If you read between the lines (empathize), the OP seems concerned that his ability to CHOOSE is being traded away for this improvement. I won't argue that this is an improvement-- it is. But I will ALWAYS and unapologetically side with the underdog who feels his freedom to choose is being negatively impacted.

I empathize. Nearly all of my characters have benefited, not just mechanically but THEMATICALLY, from the Fitness Power Pool. However, I DO have a couple of Natural Origin "everyday men turned heroes", for whom the first two powers in the Fitness Power Pool would have marred their theme conceptually. Some of you, who aren't conceptual/thematic thinkers and creators, may not understand this sentiment. All I can say is that I'm glad I was able to create those characters before a change like this made such characters impossible to create.
Then don't respec that toon. Problem solved.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Then don't respec that toon. Problem solved.
Thank you.

For pointing out the completely obvious.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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I know there is just no point in bothering but...

Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
This is an absoluely ridiculous argument as the base running speed and jumping height are already beyond human capabilities that Swift, etc, won't make a blind bit of difference.
Yeah... because more than doubling jump height shouldn't matter to you... silly person who has different thoughts than someone else!! (posted sarcastically)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I've found the jump height issue should be resolvable by just giving space a half tap instead of a full tap, and you gain the advantage of being able to fall a bit longer without taking damage.



Soo . . . in summary:

OP has a concern.

Certain group of players think he's stupid and whiny for having that concern.

Another group doesn't share that concern but have another concern.

A third group thinks that the first group were terribly rude.



That about sums it up.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Soo . . . in summary:

OP has a concern.

Certain group of players think he's stupid and whiny for having that concern.

Another group doesn't share that concern but have another concern.

A third group thinks that the first group were terribly rude.



That about sums it up.
Yet another group recaps the thread



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
Yet another group recaps the thread


Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
I've found the jump height issue should be resolvable by just giving space a half tap instead of a full tap, and you gain the advantage of being able to fall a bit longer without taking damage.
Yep, that is the definite RP workaround for it, should it come to it.

Not a huge deal for those of us that care. It is fun for the game to represent what you want, however there are indeed ways to force it to instead!

(Good suggestion/post. I hadn't thought to offer it for people who may not have thought of it)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Then don't respec that toon. Problem solved.
Did you even finish reading the post you quoted? I realize many in this thread(including you) are making up arguments, but this one is beyond ridiculous. Try harder next time and lrn2read.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Then don't respec that toon. Problem solved.
Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Soo . . . in summary:

OP has a concern.

Certain group of players think he's stupid and whiny for having that concern.

Another group doesn't share that concern but have another concern.

A third group thinks that the first group were terribly rude.



That about sums it up.
You forgot mods editing posts because some people are too sensitive and got butt hurt.

You also forgot people attempting to make witty commentary on said thread.