Issue 19's Inherant Fitness: The concerns




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Some people don't have the twitch reflexes to handle that level of speed. Some folks are on crappy computers with crappy internet connections and are usually drunk or otherwise impaired.
What's this "and?" I'm on a pretty crappy computer and I'm totally sober, unfortunately.

Considering how annoyed I get at the lag my crappy computer sometimes causes me, I often wonder how those with computers crappy enough to be unable to handle Speed Boost manage to play at all.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
What's this "and?" I'm on a pretty crappy computer and I'm totally sober, unfortunately.

Considering how annoyed I get at the lag my crappy computer sometimes causes me, I often wonder how those with computers crappy enough to be unable to handle Speed Boost manage to play at all.
You might be surprised. I know of several people with insanely crappy computers who have not upgraded.

It's an incomprehensible thing to me, but then again I play so many other games on my PC that if I didn't have a halfway decent box, I simply could not play them.

Some folks reason that they only play 'just barely enough' is perfectly fine. I guess its an MMO gamer thing.



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
That doesn't help. That just allows me to make a couple of bucks off of respeccing but I still "have" to respec. I don't need extra funds.

I know that I really don't have to respec if I don't want to. I could just keep my characters right where they are. And I probably will for many. But I don't want to feel like I'm not keeping up with my neighbors and fail to take advantage of 3 new power picks.

It's not a RAGEQUIT or even a rant. I'll cope and I'll end up enjoying the change, especially on new characters. But for those that I end up respeccing, it will be an annoyance to me.
I agree with you, I hate freaking respeccing my characters and I don't have to but now I will and i have to make sure everything is in the damn right slots and stuff. This is a joke. They should just move it all to the inherent area and are enhancements/slots go with it. I have too many characters I'd have to respec and I want the new stuff but between this inconvenience and the stupid party pack and going nowhere, blah!



Can someone link me to the issue 19 stuff pls kthnx.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's not nice to constantly call those handicapped in this fashion whiners.
Well gee good thing I didn't do that then huh?

Go stick words in someone else's mouth.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Some people don't have the twitch reflexes to handle that level of speed. Some folks are on crappy computers with crappy internet connections and are usually drunk or otherwise impaired.
and some of us are using powersets that rely heavily on pbaoe and cone effects, where not being able to pinpoint position yourself reduces your effectiveness far more than the speed boost increase in recovery and recharge makes up for it.



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Here's a real concern:

I usually slot Health and Stamina up to 3 slots each to make them wholly effective. With the change, I'll do the same. But that leaves me with a dearth of enhancement slots for whatever powers I take in their place.

We're basically getting more powers, but with the same number of enhancement slots. The numbers were balanced before, but now they won't be.
Why is this a problem?

If people are comfy with their picks and slotting now, then they have room for a couple of convenience utility powers or another travel set for RP/visual interest. Or there's the choice of taking a couple powers people actually wanted but faced the irritating choice of 'having' to take a power that feels like it should be a character attribute rather than part of a powerset.

Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
What do you guys think?
Should we be able to choose whether our characters get the effects of Swift and Hurdle as inherents? Or should we just accept a full-port without changes?

As for me, I'd vote to have Swift and Hurdle to be part of base Run, Fly and Jump movement, where by slotting them you're improving your base movement and by not slotting them you're moving at normal speeds for someone at Lv1
As for the thrust of the OP here, I think this would be the most straightforward way to treat the whole Fitness set. Instead of being inherent at their level of basic effect when taken now, have them treated as gateways for enhancing the basic character stat directly. By still having to spend slots on them to reach full effect, there's still a resource choice involved, but to me it eliminates the sense of 'missing out'.

Personally, one of the reasons I left the game after trying it when CoV came out was wondering why my energy pool seemed to be powered by an arthritic gerbil. Dynamic energy regen integrated directly with the basic build framework of every character is one of the things that drew me to CO (too bad for Cryptic they seem to have left everyone competent at making games beyond the basic mechanics here at Paragon). One of the reasons I almost refused to let my friend draw me back in with Going Rogue was learning of the "YOU HAZ TO TAKE FITNESS!!!!" mindset. Learning of the fitness pool becoming inherent prompted me to set my sub up tri-monthly instead of monthly.



I think if the power pools are revamped, and epic power pools are able to accessed earlier, I think this alleviates some of the concerns.

And I do like the idea of having the option of claiming the fitness powers if you like.

Some people truly do like natural builds, and fitness may not fit into their character concept if it is made inherent. But I suppose I am a special snowflake as I build purely on character concepts anyways.



Well first of all there is nothing that says swift and hurdle have to stay automatic powers... Not every inherent is or we'd all be in rest constantly and every time brawl recharged we be slapping someone in the face. While Health and Stamina would obviously remain auto powers they could easily change the others so you had to toggle them on for use.

Secondly I decided to just check and see how much faster SWIFT makes me move. On a character that I have the fitness poll and chose swift with 1 enhancement (to increase flight speed) ...

Base run speed is 14.32 MPH
Swift added ...5.37 MPH

as a comparison..

Prestige power Quick adds ...18.16 MPH ( Vet reward power)
Ninja Run adds...21.46 MPH (Add on pack)

Okay swift does increase run speed by about 40% even with the only enhancement I have in place designed to increase my flight speed but honestly I have the fitness pool on every character I own and that 5 + MPH difference seems natural to me and when you consider the others more than double my run speed a 5 mile an hour boost really doesn't seem that annoying.

The change from a pool power to inherent is something a lot of players, myself included, have been begging to get for years and I am more than happy to see it finally taking place. Any new character I create after this takes place will get three almost bonus powers between level 15 and 20 compared to what I used to get years ago and by adding a couple slots of enhancement to Stamina will actually be able to use them without having to rest between every other mob. When I first saw the announcement I did a very quick draft on how this could improve one of my characters. I used my ILL/EMP since she was my very first 50 level. With the change she can have Clear Mind and Fortitude by level 20 along with her Phantom Army. Those were powers that usually had to wait until the 20s to even be considered while I was working my way through the fitness pool so I had enough END to use the powers I already had more effectively and not spend a small fortune on Catch a Breaths.

Granted the change may mean a few powers take longer getting added enhancements, since most people don't mega slot swift or health, but scrappers and blasters can add to their attack chain faster, tankers can increase defense quicker and actually use the toggle powers, controllers with have more buffs/debuffs and so on. Ever since this was announced I have seen multiple threads and it seems like there are almost as many players crying DOOOOOOOM as there are players happy that some one finally listened to us and made the change. Stamina at level 2 is not a curse from the depths of Hades .. its a blessing for the Devs. Stop analyzing and enjoy. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I think it would be annoying to turn swift/hurdle into a toggle power, but it can be a lot like stalker hide where it doesn't take up any end to run.

And I agree that paralysis by analysis may be taken place here given the change seems good, but some of the concerns are legit.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Well gee good thing I didn't do that then huh?

Go stick words in someone else's mouth.
Confused you with another poster, my bad.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Confused you with another poster, my bad.
Words are not what I like guys sticking in...wait let me try that again.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Words are not what I like guys sticking in...wait let me try that again.
If at first you don't succeed...
[Error rule34: All plausible endings to that sentence have been deemed severe innuendo risks. Terminating post.]

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
My only concern is that now I'll have to respec dozens of characters to take advantage of this new perk.

And I HATE respeccing!
Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to all that respeccing. :-(

That said, I am a little unhappy at the thought of getting Hurdle on all my characters. I've always avoided it in the past, because the constant changes in my character's speed when they down stairs really annoys me. Hopefully, it won't be too bad, because it's the one dark lining to an otherwise silver cloud.

But if the devs found a way to let us disable auto powers, I'd be happy to use it on Hurdle.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
If at first you don't succeed...
[Error rule34: All plausible endings to that sentence have been deemed severe innuendo risks. Terminating post.]
The only thing I want put in my mouth right now is DiGiorno pizza.

Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
Yeah, I'm really not looking forward to all that respeccing.
It'd be weird if they found a way to move fitness to inherit on all characters and kept current slotting of those powers for people who had them.

I can see how it could be done (if I make presumptions about how the information is organized) but with the touchiness of our character copy tool (which should just import one record over to the database) I'm not sure that sort of massive modification makes me comfortable in this environment.