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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
    I would suggest those into non-standard WoW clone MMOs check out GW2, it really is different. The thing that originally sold me on the game was a negative review by a WoW fanboy listing everything he hated about it... and I liked everything on the list.
    People will hate it for the sole purpose of hating it, it will color everything they see and do in the game. I'd rather not have them play it because I don't think they'll enjoy it under any circumstances and it'd be a waste of money for them. That said, I've been burned out on fantasy settings for a while but Guild Wars 2 has so many small details and hidden things in the world that I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I love exploring and helping others in the game explore or find the hidden puzzles in each map.
  2. Here's a list of names I have ready to free up. Sent me a message if you want any of them.

    Jack of Blades
  3. This sounds pretty terrible. It also sounds like stalkers won't be as fun to play again. C'est la vie.
  4. I stay away from AE because I'm terrified that I might accidentally brush something Venture made.
  5. Thank you for making the Image of the Well pet shoot out an endless supply of yellow liquid.
  6. Let me answer your question with a question.

    -Why- would I want to PvP in city of heroes?
  7. Endlessly

    Empty Zones

    I think it's because they've walled everything off.

    Heroes can't see what zones villains are in, villains can't see what zones heroes are in. Neither can see where Praetorians are and vice versa. Kind of hard to get together for some cooperative action when you're not even sure if anyone is around doing anything before you make the trip.
  8. The wait on staff has been long enough that the excitement has turned to annoyance. I'm tired of waiting for you guys to dangle it down low enough above our heads so we can reach it. I've unsubscribed and will probably be avoiding the game for a while - By the time I come back maybe there will be a few things worth getting amongst the piles of vanity pets.

    If they aren't all time sensitive, that is.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    I would pay 800 for the lep, IF IT COULDN'T BE KILLED. It is TOTALLY useless dead.
    Good news, it doesn't. Go spend your ten dollars.
  10. I'd like to think I would. Still, considering how much they think a leprechaun is worth I'd be worried that by the time it was completed they'd start charging us 20+ dollars for it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Okay, if each pet is a learning experience (dog = 4 legged rig, etc), then this means we now get...


    Yes, you heard it here first. The newest power, Snake Control, will launch with St. Patrick's Day. Admittedly, it has the unfortunate costume side effect of turning your costume green, but hey, we all make sacrifices. No more grinding our way thru snake maps - you just walk in, shout "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" and WHOOSH, snakes go fleeing from you like vampires from garlic.

    Snake Pet - 1600 points
  12. When you guys patched it last night to make it no longer die in battle like a veteran rewards pet you forgot to change the outright insulting price, just FYI.
  13. I think this marks the first time someone could actually say 'slap in the face' and not have everyone roll their eyes at them. Go wild, folks.
  14. I won't be buying staff. I was excited at the idea of making a staff stalker... And excited, and excited. Now that a few weeks have passed and I've made two other stalkers while waiting my infatuation has passed. Maybe eventually, but I'm putting it off for a few months for the time being.
  15. I don't know what you're talking about.

  16. Pocket D is the reason I disabled in-game music.
  17. I can't be bothered to get all pessimistic and whine about unique pieces and other stuff. This is pretty great news and I'm super thrilled that it's happening. Thanks, Dink! I never even knew you existed and now you're already tied for favorite.
  18. I think it'd be nice if I, as a non-praetorian, could open up the find team list and see who was currently chilling in Praetoria. Instead I just assume it's a barren wasteland.
  19. These sure seem like a waste of time.

    Edit: thanks for transcribing them anyway.
  20. I think it's silly to worry about what other people buy for their own convenience.
  21. Try dominator. Some of the assault sets are melee oriented, your primary just stops them from fighting back. Also, domination gives mez protection, which might help you ease into the lifestyle change. I like going mind/fire and blasting away point blank.
  22. Weak. The powers that came with my character do a pretty good job at killing the undead as it is.
  23. Considering how many times they had to click to make those posts, I think they're doing their best to disprove their own point.
  24. After zoning into a mission near the end of the Moonfire Taskforce, at least four members of the team had around three of their powers randomly 'on recharge', some of them taking several minutes longer than they should have to recharge, such as the Tier 2 Electrical blast power.