City Of Heroes Freedom Friday: 2/3/12

Agent White



Rich Raymer: Are there plans to redo the Splash page in the wake of States' passing? The older splash, while dated, was much more inclusive as a 'story of yourr hero" way

City of Heroes: Yes, there will be a different picture on the login screen with Issue 22, which prominently features Statesman. You can view it now on the VIP Beta!

Rich Raymer: So...the biog change in the splash for a game that doesn't feature States promenantly feature States it..???

City of Heroes: It's a tribute to Statesman. While Statesman has died, and will be removed from certain in-game locations in Issue 23, the character is still the most recognizable hero in City of Heroes, and will continue to be a part of the game in some form. (Marketing, login screen, etc.)


Tj Adams: Sooo, when will we be able to change the colors of the Epic power pool skillz to match our character colors?

City of Heroes: This is something we have heard our players on.


Pooky Pooky Pooks: we want to fight HUGE dinosaurs!!! and better stuff for the VIP's.. lol

City of Heroes: We do seem to get a lot of requests for dinosaurs...


Taylor Guy: Are you guys thinking about making it to where we can customize our MM pets?

City of Heroes: There's a lot of working parts to mastermind pet customization. It's something we've investigated.


R Scott Morrison: What do you think about offering a Super Group Invite Token that I can use to email to my offline friends or my other alts? I would definitely spend points on something like that.

City of Heroes: Sounds like an idea you may wish to post in the Suggestion thread on the forums.


Isaac Sher: ‎1) The Imperial Dynasty set on Test looks great -- any chance we can get some Chinese women's clothing, such as silken robes or cheongsam dresses? Or perhaps something Japanese Kimono-ish?

2) With the retro-scifi set coming eventually, is it possible to add alternate visual FX to the dual pistols set, so it looks like you're shooting lasers (with energy-zap sounds) instead of bullets and bang-noises? I'd love to make a two-gun space hero ala Flash Gordon.

City of Heroes: Regarding future Chinese/Asian-themed clothing, there's always the possibility. As for your second question, that's a neat idea, and I'll ask around about it!


Jessie Stiner: Are there any plans to make content outside of trials more difficult (more than +4)? The trials are challenging but I'm sure a lot of folks would like to see content doable with 8 people more challenging instead of needing 30 people to complete. Thanks!

City of Heroes: Nothing to report on that at this time.


Jeanne-Annette Thomas Johnson: Will the Carnival of Shadows costumes become available? I bought the Carnival of Light bundle and am really pleased but if all the costume pieces for Shadows were released, I would be ecstatic.

City of Heroes: There's a possibility, if people would like to see the Carnival of Shadows pieces.


Duke Von Deuce: Now, I'm no programmer, so I don't speak from authority here... but wouldn't MM pet customization be fairly similar to custom AE critters? I mean, effectively they operate in the same manner, right?

City of Heroes: I believe it's different, but I'm not a programmer either. I do know it's something we have looked into before.


Jeremy Abrams: How about a water based power set?

City of Heroes: We know this is one of the more requested power set ideas.


Darryn Mereness: Is there any word on changing prices for things on the market. Things seem to expensive.

City of Heroes: Prices in the Paragon Market™ sometimes get discounted. There are featured sales almost every week; in addition, VIP players receive 400 Paragon Points per month as part of their VIP subscription (550 at Tier 8 on the Paragon Rewards Tree!) that they can use towards purchases in the Paragon Market.

Darryn Mereness: I think your mistaken. I'm at tier 9 and never got more then 400

City of Heroes: You should be receiving +150 Paragon Points as the Tier 8 bonus.

Ryan Moore: What are the criteria for getting the 550 points from the Tier 8 level?

City of Heroes: It's the bonus you receive when you own the number of Paragon Rewards Tokens for that tier. These are Paragon Rewards Tokens earned, and do not have to be slotted.

Ryan Moore: Well I reached Tier 8 two months ago and are still getting 400 a month. My wife has all of Tier 8 and one or two in the VIP Tier 9 and is also still getting only 400 a month. Who do I message to fix this/

City of Heroes: Please contact customer support.

Editor's Note: City of Heroes is right, and you do get +150 Paragon Points for owning 34 Reward Tokens.

Anyone who isn't getting them should contact Customer Service.


Eric Balderston: I'd really like to see a "guide for the returning/new player". As it sits now, you have to wade through miles of forums to find any real information.

City of Heroes: That's a fantastic idea. In the meantime, I would suggest checking the Game Updates page if you have not already.


Jason Deas: Any more thoughts towards "secret identities"?

City of Heroes: Players can create their own secret identities by creating "civilian" costumes in their additional costume slots. The upcoming Pocket D Valentine's costume pack will have some club wear that would also work great for this purpose!


Jason Johnson: will there be more animal heads in character creation? for example boar, horse, rhino, buffalo

City of Heroes: Many of our players enjoyed the Animal Pack, so there's a chance in the future.


Isaac Sher: Are there any plans to add new NPC Superhero/Supervillain groups to the setting? Right now, the only official hero groups are the Phalanx, the Vindicators, Vanguard (sort of), and Twinshot's gang in the new Atlas storyarc. Might there be other groups out there that we can interact with, ala the Teen Titans, Outsiders, Defenders, Heroes for Hire -- those kind of "second tier" supergroups?

Ditto for villains -- an equivalent of the Sinister Syndicate, Masters of Evil, Injustice Society, Legion of Supervillains... where you're fighting against other costumed bad guys rather than faceless minions.

City of Heroes: You'll have to wait for future story developments.


Tina Martel-Kowalik: What about coloring for seperate costume pieces? Left arm, right arm, left and right boots, legs.

City of Heroes: I'm not sure as to the feasibility of asymmetrical coloring. The way the costume creator is set up, coloration of individual pieces for right-and-left sides, such as arms or legs, I believe would have to be set per individual piece--iif at all possible--and it would be specific to those pieces.


Sean O'Donnell: Also, what about fat/overweight models for character creation?

City of Heroes: Sorry, at this time we are not planning on creating another body type. Creation of another body type would need a new model rig, new animations, and each costume piece would need to be recreated for said rig. This would require a large amount of resources that we feel would be better allocated to content that a wide audience of players will enjoy.


Sean O'Donnell: With Beast Mastery coming, will we see more npc animals in-game now? Like stray dogs, cats, birds in the cities, packs of wolves in wooden areas?

City of Heroes: With the number of people who have the German Shepherd pet and the Coyote Travel Power, and upcoming Beast Mastery pets, I don't think we'll need animal NPCs. Atlas Park on VIP Beta already looks like a dog park.


James Yoon: So you guys managed to add the Coyote travel temp power. Any chance that we'll get to other animals travel powers like foxes, wolves, big cats, and foxes?

City of Heroes: The four-legged rig has opened up a lot of options.


Tim Lehnerer: Any chance of parrot, cockatoo, lizard, snake (especially cobra-hooded), alligator, piranha, shark, bear, or gorilla heads in the future?

City of Heroes: As mentioned earlier, the Animal Pack was very successful, so you might see more animal heads at some point in the future.


Mason Ulves: So since statesman is dead, all the missions that had him in it will be gone? Never got to play missions with him. Or he will still be in the missions already maid, but not the future ones?

City of Heroes: Around Issue 23, Statesman will start being removed from the game in certain areas.


Shane Semones: Are there any plans that would allow lvl 50's to be able to add an enhancement slot/slots to powers that have not been maxed out at 6? Maybe a tf or trial that would allow us to craft one.

City of Heroes: No plans at this time.

Editor's Note: During the I19* Beta, things were changed, and we were going to get 3 additional slots. Instead of getting 3 Slots on Level Up starting at Level 31, it was going to start at Level 25. However, it was discovered that adding these 3 additonal slots caused all KINDS of problems, both visible to players (like premanently deleting slotted enhancemnts for Level 50s claiming the extra slots) and behinds the scenes. They were removed due to the serious game-breaking (as in having the potential to make the game unplayable for anyone) problems they caused. Synapse said that they'd try to see if there was a way to make them work, and when I last asked him about it, things weren't looking good. It's highly possible that we'll never get any additional slots due to the nature of the almost 10 yeard old engine running the game.

* - It might have been during the I20 Beta.


Andrew Hollingsworth: The game has evolved to a face paced type of game play. Any plans on reworking sets such as Traps to keep pace with the change of pace? Such as removing or allowing interrupt slotting in trip mines or getting rid of time bomb (agrguablly the worst power in the game) in lieu of something else such as Director 11's multiple minelay?

City of Heroes: We are always looking to see whether certain powers or Power Sets can be balanced to make them better, or more viable choices. You might want to post those suggestions for Traps on the forum.


Andrew Hollingsworth: Currently there are only 5 Targeted AoE sets, Air Burst, Detonation, Positron's Blast, Ragnarok and Javelin Volley as opposed to PBAoE which has 7 sets and Melee which has 12 sets (ranged also has 12). Out of those 5 there are only 3 "norrmal" sets in Targeted AoE, the other two are Purple and PvP, to make matters worse none of these sets give decent inherent recharge. Any plans on adding more Targeted AoE recipes to give the players more options?

City of Heroes: There are no specific plans I can give at this time, however we may look into more Targeted AoE IO sets in the future.


Rick Mares: I have a trifecta of questions:

I was thinking about one of the most asked Questions for Freedom Friday about the mayhem missions/safeguard missions,

1) What about the newspapers/radios and such missions be scale-able much like the praetoria zone events, that way people have a reason to go back to old zones every so often?

2) Any chance of us getting some new recipes for say base equipment? I feel the invention system needs more things to craft and bases are in need of more options (example more door choices/beds/etc) and they could be special rare drops for completing missions?

3) Any chance of getting a "self-Duplicating" ability? It could work like the MM (or be a MM power) where instead of the normal minions you can create more copies of yourself at different levels (obviously not as powerful)

City of Heroes: 1) It's an interesting idea.

2) Nothing to say about new base recipes at this time. Sorry!

3) This has been something players have been requesting for awhile, and we have heard feedback on it.


Murray McKinstray: I understand the difficulties you lot have with allowing customisable Mastermind Pets, and how many people ask for it which you constantly have to deny...

Can you try give us them anyway?

City of Heroes: As stated earlier, it has been something we've investigated.


Ben Kent: Carnival of Shadows costume parts! Shut up and take my Paragon Points!

City of Heroes: We've heard player request for this.


Liz Ivette Pina: any chance of a mission or world underwater? graphics could be amazing!

City of Heroes: Nothing's planned, but who knows in the future?


Moon Fyire: with all the new stuff comming out that we can buy in the paragon market can we expec to see a grappling hook anytime soon? it would be nice to have a travel power for powerless heroes/villians. it could be atravelpower and attack like the other power pools for travel.

City of Heroes: Sorry, there are no plans for a grappling hook travel power. While it has been widely requested, there's no good way to make it work animation-wise; the player would either be grappling onto nothing in mid-air, or would be swinging from a floating device of some kind.


Cameron Kay: If Rularuu the Ravager were to pass gas, what speed would the winds from his neither regions travel at?

City of Heroes: I have no idea, but it'd be devastating.


Stephen Beason McCall: Silly question but as a noob to this game, Time Manipulation or Dual Pistols? Which is the better power for a beginner?

City of Heroes: I would suggest Dual Pistols, as it's a pretty straightforward Power Set.

Tim Lehnerer: You can actually take both as a corruptor, I think.

Stephen Beason McCall: Might do that then Tim. Thanks


Daniel Smith: With the recent weapon based sets (Dual Wield, Titan Weapon, Staff) You guys have done an awesome job of allowing powers like Brawl, Apprentice Charm, and most other temp powers to work without having to redraw the animation. Any chance of fixing other weapon sets for this as well?

City of Heroes: We may, however as far as I am aware nothing's planned at this point.


Eric Morgan: when will the new dark powers be open to beta test?

City of Heroes: We're currently working to allow the darkness power sets on VIP Beta. Thanks for your patience.

Editor's Note: The new Darkness Control, Darkness Affinity, and Dark Assault powersets were available on the VIP Beta server until the patch on Tuesday, January 31. At this time, access to the powersets has been removed, and any characters made with them have been locked. There are a lot of changes being made to them, based on player feedback and bug reports, so they've been temporarily removed until the fixes and changes are made.


Jeff Smith: I22 goes live when? A) WITHIN 2 WEEKS B) WITHIN A MONTH OR C) BEFORE I23?

City of Heroes: Soon™.


Tim Lehnerer: Are there any plans to have shoulder pets for male characters? How about a shoulder parrot? Or a shoulder pterodactyl?

City of Heroes: We might have more shoulder pets in the future.


Russ Petersen: Are there any plans to add more to First Ward? The place really needs something beyond the main story arc and the Seed, as it is it has become a new hollows, you go there, run the arc, then leave.

City of Heroes‎: You'll need to wait and see.


Wayne Howe: Just a few crazy suggestions. Allow super speed to run on top of water and up the side of walls and buildings. And we want to be able to ride the blimp in Atlas Park. =P

City of Heroes: There are technical issues with allowing super speed to run up buildings. Sorry!


Asim Farooq Hassan: How about some new alternate animations for blasters and corrupters, like oh, wand or staff casting? It would be cool for the magical cjaracters to have staffs that they cast their attacks with.

City of Heroes: This is another suggestion we hear time to time. It'd be a neat way of expressing a "magical origin" version of a Blaster or Corrupter.


Cameron Kay: How does Manticore deal with his inability to see dogs in his day to day life? I know it's caused his embarrassment before (I.E.: Not being able to see someone's fancy new dog hat. As well as being attacked by the pack of stray dogs) But has it ever caused any other issues?

City of Heroes: Manticore's too preoccupied at the moment to deal with dog issues; that being said, with the number of German Shepherds now occupying Paragon City...


Ashleyanne Spriggs: The copy tool to beta is not working for my character. Is it still running?

City of Heroes: I will need to double check on the Character Copy Tool. Thank you for bringing it up!


Jeremy Thompson: Any chance we could at some point have the option to pick our login screen? I loved the Going Rogue one. The new Freedom one on Beta isn't to my liking. I'd enjoy an option to pic from official artwork or such by Paragon Studios.

City of Heroes: The option to pick your login screen, or even a rotating login screen, is a fun idea. I'll ask around about it.

Editor's Note: Before the switch to the NCSoft Launcher, you could pick the Villain or GR Loading Screens by adding a switch to your updater shortcut. You can still do this in the Launcher. Check out this thread for more info.


Josh Sova: Have you guys considered raising the level cap at any time? Getting to lvl 50 is easy and simple now a days. Make it harder!

City of Heroes: The Incarnate system available to VIP players is considered, "Beyond 50."


Indigo Zellazi: If you wanted to send in concept art for costume or power ideas and not fan art, who or where do you send it? I've been wondering for a while now and haven't had a chance to ask. Thanks.

City of Heroes: You can post it on the forums, either in Suggestions and Ideas, or in one of the All Things Art threads in the City Life section. These methods have the best chance of being noticed.


Bob Hamm: Any plans for a program to incentive Free or Premium players to bring their pals into the game?

City of Heroes: We are working on further incentives for all of our players, which we will hopefully disclose more about soon. Also, while not Free or Premium, there are incentives for VIP players to get their friends to sign up as VIPs!


Kaitlyn Montenegro: Ohh... I had an idea! How about a movement power where a player mounts on the shoulders of another, who carries then anywhere they want!
Or a shoulder-mounted hamster launcher, just like the one that got the guy who leaked beast mastery...

City of Heroes: Now you've got me thinking about some kind of shoulder-catapult player-launcher.


Daniel McDeavitt: When will be able to re-name SuperGroups without starting over? (I inherited one that i would like to retask...)

City of Heroes: This is a QoL issue that we've heard from our players.


Luke Johnson: There's a lot of enemy groups on both sides of the game, but it seems like a lot of them haven't been given much to do. I know there's a story arc involving the Luddites coming soon, but what about the Goldbrickers? Scrapyarders? Prisoners? Any love for these forgotten groups?

City of Heroes: 'Forgotten' groups are anything but. You may have noticed that 'legacy' villain groups have been getting upgrades in both looks, and content. Is anything in store for groups like the Goldbrickers, or Scrapyarders? Who knows?


Indigo Zellazi: Besides needing to know where to send concept art for powers, costumes, and characters.... When will it rain? I'd like to finally patrol on a stormy night with thunder and lightning.

City of Heroes: There was rain during Episode 5 of, "Who Will Die?" As for if there will ever be zone-wide changing weather, it's very resource-intensive. We'll continue to look into possible ways to implement weather.


Scott Artphobia Jarvis: Are Arbiter Sands and Arbiter Hawk twins? ;p

City of Heroes: I don't believe so, but they do have a similar fashion sense.


Jeremy Abrams: What about more content for the midnighters club. Like midevil times or egypt both time periods had magic

City of Heroes: Medieval or Egyptian eras would require new assets, possibly even new zones; while the idea isn't out of the question, we would need to have sufficient content laid out to prompt the creation of those assets.


Moon Fyire: can we have bird tails to go with out bird costume parts please?

City of Heroes: Hmm, I am noticing a lot of requests for animal costume pieces today! Again, we may look at more animal pieces in the future.


Tyron Samaroo: Hey i notice Hero Merits take a while to get I know SSA only1 a week 20m+ 50 reward merit and Hero Morality Mission. Is anytime soon you will add on more ways of gaining Hero Merits? Such as "AE" Claim with tickets or 1 every month you subs.

City of Heroes: Signature Story Arcs are a good way to get weekly Hero Merits.


C.w. Ballance: How about some Ouroboros costume parts? And also, some Freedom Phalanx desktops? Individual and as a team. And maybe a couples desktop with Manticore and Psyche for me and my wife. My desktop wants some Manticore!

City of Heroes: I'll definitely be sure to ask about further wallpapers for our Media section.


Ryan Moore: are level bumps being given on test server for any certain power sets?

Daniel Smith: I agree with Ryan, I would love to try staff at level cap

City of Heroes: You may wish to put your names in the Level Bump Request thread in the VIP Beta forums.


Indigo Zellazi: Had a thought. Could there be a Secret Identity option? When your not in costume, you could enable it and it would change your name and costume to your Secret Identity so no one would know who you are when your not in costume.

City of Heroes: Players can create secret identity costumes for themselves. As for name changes, sorry, this option is not available.


John Agapos: No holster for dual pistols? No scabbard for the swords, no quivers for the archers? These should have been available from day 1.

City of Heroes: ‎We have heard players ask for things like holsters and quivers. David Nakayama recently commented about it in a recent Ustream; we definitely want to expand on backpack options.


Indigo Zellazi: Any chance on centaur legs, spider legs, or a serpent-like waist option? Maybe extra arms or an extra head for those lonely nights?

City of Heroes: Extra arms and extra heads aren't feasible due to the way the character models and animations are set up. As for lower leg options, there's nothing planned at this time.


Simone Bayer: I am with CoX since the beginning, and I have a few lvl 50 heroes, which I like and still play from time to time. Since kopeshs and other weapons and powersets were not available back then, I gave them other powers. Now the powersets that fit much better are out, but I don't want to re-roll all my lvl 50 again. Is there any chance that there might be, sometime, a powerset-respec available?

City of Heroes: Sorry, at this time there are no plans for Power Set respecs.


Joe DeRouen: Would it truly be difficult to make things like the rocket board, flying carpet, and coyote travel power merely suppress toggles rather than turning them off? That's a giant pain, and one reason why I haven't purchased any after the rocket board.

City of Heroes: Travel powers such as Rocket Board, Flying Carpet, and Coyote prevent the use of other powers for a few different reasons, one of which being animations. We have heard player feedback on this, however, and are in the process of evaluating it.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



These sure seem like a waste of time.

Edit: thanks for transcribing them anyway.



Mostly a bunch of the same old questions and answers. Will people ever take the hint? (Answer: no.) Love all the armchair programmers, I too often wonder why the devs don't just add more code to fix things.


Cameron Kay: How does Manticore deal with his inability to see dogs in his day to day life? I know it's caused his embarrassment before (I.E.: Not being able to see someone's fancy new dog hat. As well as being attacked by the pack of stray dogs) But has it ever caused any other issues?
......what the hell even is this question

EDIT: Your transcription is appreciated regardless, Kheldarn. Occasionally there's at least one or two interesting tidbits.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Ya, the wait and see on First Ward is encouraging.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Josh Sova: Have you guys considered raising the level cap at any time? Getting to lvl 50 is easy and simple now a days. Make it harder!

Folks, level cap raises don't solve any problems. They only create them...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
......what the hell even is this question
It's an old forum post, "Manticore can't see dogs," the Manticore conspiracy. Some poster going for the "If I throw enough nonsense around, something funny will happen."

I think it's derived from the "Green eyed people can't see dogs" joke in Penny Arcade.



People keep asking questions that obviously can't be answered at this time, so this turns into Deflection Friday.



Thanks for transcribing, Kheldarn!

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Tj Adams: Sooo, when will we be able to change the colors of the Epic power pool skillz to match our character colors?

City of Heroes: This is something we have heard our players on.
They have said they heard us for over 2 years now. I would REALLY love to change hasten. As I have said many times, I would even be willing to buy the option from the store, but I would prefer to get it for free.

Damn it, either way I want to customize Hasten.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



1) What about the newspapers/radios and such missions be scale-able much like the praetoria zone events, that way people have a reason to go back to old zones every so often?
I would LOVE for there to be a way to do the mayhem/safeguard missions that you have outleveled, either through ouroborus (how about adding an 'arc' for each level range consisting out of 3 or 5 paper missions and the mayhem?) or make them scalable like in the above suggestion.

It's a real pain to either a) make sure you don't out level them so you get the badges, which can break the flow of the game or limits what you can do with a character or b) harass people on lower level characters to join their missions.

It's especially annoying villainside where they attached an accolade power to it.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
People keep asking questions that obviously can't be answered at this time, so this turns into Deflection Friday.
It isn't much different from the forums. Just check the suggestion forum or any of the feedback threads. People have little concept of what kind of resources are involved in doing anything they see as 'simple'.



Did the dinosaur answer seem to have more of a "I know something you don't know" vibe, then the usual "No comment" type of answer?

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Originally Posted by Jasra View Post
Did the dinosaur answer seem to have more of a "I know something you don't know" vibe, then the usual "No comment" type of answer?
Thought I was the only one sensing that.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
City of Heroes: Yes, there will be a different picture on the login screen with Issue 22, which prominently features Statesman. You can view it now on the VIP Beta!
Prominently indeed!
*crotch to the face!*

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Prominently indeed!
*crotch to the face!*
The proportions look wrong from the PoV of the picture. Looks like he has tiny legs and a HUGE upper body. >< I think someone needs to have a chat with the artist and explain the concept of perspective to him.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint