Re-populating Praetoria.




I think i have an idea to make Praetoria come back to life.

Praetoria is nice looking, has some great story lines, was very popular when it just came out. However, when the shininess faded, and several flaws behind it surfaced, more and more people began to avoid it.
I made 1 Praetorian, the 1st day GR went live, she made it to Primal Earth and is to date the only Praetorian i made.

I know the Devs have spent a lot of time, resources, blood, sweat and tears in the whole Going Rogue content including a gorgeous new world, and i am sure they have not expected that it would be as empty as it is now.
Less than two years after launch, i'm spending 30 minutes here, and i see nobody. People on my server admit that they like the content, but the draw of it is gone, and only a handful make new toons there.
So i started thinking of ways to re-populate Praetoria.

When making a new toon, people who are VIP can go to Praetoria, but can not do missions there, so why not change that?
Have two new contacts, one contact to let you become a member of the Resistance, and one to join the Power Division.
these contacts will give a new mission so you can join the fight of their cause, much like the way we can now switch alignments.
this would also benefit the older toons, since they can now join the Praetorian story line too. However, i think it would be smart to scale the mission level to either the level of the toon, or scale the level of the toon a little lower. My thought have them go 20 levels lower while doing Nova Praetoria arcs, 10 levels lower while doing Imperial City Arcs, and natural level while in Neutropolis. Have the level also scale up the deeper you go into the story arc, much like leveling up a new toon would.

Since we are now doing Resistance and Loyalists arc, we should also be able to make the choices the toons have who started in Praetoria, their version of Alignment switching. This so the 'Resistance Member', 'Loyalist' and 'On Moral High ground' will become available for toons that started in Primal Earth.

Additionally, this would also tie in the addition to Praetorian zone Beacons for use in Primal Earth SGs and VGs. Making it also one step closer to adding Villain zone beacons to Hero SGs and vice versa.
This all would eliminate a lot of uneccecasry travel from zone to zone. SG/VG bases should be brought back to the transportation hub it was, and this would be a solid reason as to why the 'other side's' beacons are added to each base.

Thank you for your time reading this, and i love to hear feedback and ideas.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



I have taken about 10 toons through Praetoria at this point. I agree with you..the zones there look great, feel great, have some excellent arcs and missions and I can see how much work it would have been to create.

But, like you IS almost dead. I see a couple of common reasons for this.

Firstly, it lags. Perhaps not if you have a super computer, but speaking as someone with an average PC who can run the rest of the game almost constantly fun, it lags. Not a lot, but it does, and on almost every single team I have joined there, at least one person will be dying of lag. Dont get me wrong, I love how prea looks, and pushes the limits of the game engine. Sadly, I can't really think of a 'fix' for this.

Secondly, mob difficulty. I hear this mentioned in almost every discussion of the zone. End drain, - regen, exotic damage types, huge ambushes, destroyers with like 32489430912 points of mez prot AND rage. Perhaps the reason is that the mobs there A(apart from..ghouls, syn, destroyers?) are versions of mobs that scale all the way to 50, while the 1-20 red and blue zones have there own mobs. The mobs there are generally harder then normal zones, and it 'seems' to take longer to hit 20 there than outside. Opinion of course.

Thirdly, the devs vastly underestimate how greedy and level hungry people are. When the zone first came along, it was a good way to make a 'hero' (or vill) AT, get to 20, then swap sides right away. Now of course, we can just make any AT, anywhere. With the added bonus of it being in a non laggy, non OP baddie populated area, usually with an AE building handy.

Oh and also. The utterly idiotic way that going from Prea to redside screws you out of 3 badges needed for an accolade..with NO way to flashback them. (also for the blue safeguards I guess, but less important)

Let people have someway to get those badges, as well as normal flashbacks of the arcs there, including the Morality Missions. I would also personally love if we got to keep the Prea alignment icon (the gold ppd one, blue resist one) after we left. Perhaps make it a half and half with your hero/vill/vigi/rogue icon.

As for the mobs there..maybe tone them done a little? Lower the size of ambushes? Speaking from experience, trying to kill nobel savage and then maelstrom on a solo troller was not fun in any way.

On another note..LET us earn teh Moral High Ground badge from normal, primal earth alignment missions...since they are, you know..MORALity missions.



Repopulating praetoria would require the zone extending itself to level 50. There is no other way. The emptiness of low level zones is not praetoria specific. The majority of pre 50 zones are relatively barren, much of which is in part due to the sheer number of them.

However extending the zone to level 50 would require a massive amount of time and resources from the development team, in short: don't expect that any time soon, or all at once, ala first ward.



The biggest problem with Preatoria is that is has a wealth of content spread over an alarmingly thin level range. Most people who where playing Preatoria approached is like they did the rest of the game, that is, leveling very quickly in a group. Thing is, lv1-20 is kind of a bad place to have this epic story unfold because level 1-20 goes by almost instantaneously in a group. The only 'good' way to approach preatoria content while retaining any comprehension of the story is solo, and that's not everyone's cup of tea.

I, with my full powers of hindsight, would have stretched the current content out over 30 levels, rather than 20, with the bulk of the stories occurring *after* level 20.

Edit: That's not really very helpful to repopulating Preatoria, mind, but it's my analysis on why I think it died so fast.



There are relatively easy ways to make Praetoria far more appealing;

-Cut out about 3/4 of the stupid ambushes. Seriously. Not EVERY damn mission needs ambushes!
-Throttle back mob difficulty. Compared to Primal starter mobs, Praet mobs feel like (and usually are) level 50 mobs scaled down...badly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There are relatively easy ways to make Praetoria far more appealing;

-Cut out about 3/4 of the stupid ambushes. Seriously. Not EVERY damn mission needs ambushes!
-Throttle back mob difficulty. Compared to Primal starter mobs, Praet mobs feel like (and usually are) level 50 mobs scaled down...badly.
What the TechBot said. What keeps me out of Praetoria by FAR the most is that I simply don't want to have to deal with the hassle of the incredibly difficulty at such a low level. There's enough content in there to run new characters through it regularly and not repeat yourself too much, but it's just a pain in the *** to deal with the ambushes, with the scaled-down high-level enemies and with the aggressive mission design.

That mission with the waves and waves of Ghouls (doesn't that describe, like, half the content there?) very well could have been the LAST thing I ever wanted to do in Praetoria, and is one of my least favourite to this day.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I love Praetoria. I rolled 5 toons through when it came out to see all the paths.

I didn't find it all that hard either, running solo Blasters, MM's, Brutes. Solo is probably the keyword there, as this was before the diff. slider was added, meaning no bosses sadly.

I went back when Freedom launched to show a returning friend around. This was Virtue at 7pm central and checking a /whoall in all 3 zones showed us to be the only souls present...

Sadness. As I'd love to continue using the zone.

I'm afraid to say, repopulating Praetoria simply isn't going to happen. We'd need upwards of 100,000 new subscribers. We'd have to see an influx of so many players, they have no where else to spread out to.

That won't happen.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
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I gotta say that Mob difficulty is what keeps me from going back there. I LOVE the story-lines there. They're great. But a lot of the enemy groups there are highly annoying for low-level characters, including (IMO):

1) The Clockwork: if you're melee, these guys don't bunch up well, so you can't utilize any low-level AoEs you get, and need to chase each individual mob down. Then there's the whole -regen thing on their attacks, which nullifies a whole secondary set at those levels, and it's not like our Regen is that great at level 2 anyways.

2) Zombies: they heal each other when they die. Really? A lot of low-level frustration comes from not having enough endurance on a lot of characters, so having to spend even MORE attacks per spawn doesn't exactly make me want to fight these guys.

3) Enemy groups doing mostly Energy damage well before I can even get Energy Resistance/Defense. Primal enemy groups were designed around how most powersets go (or possibly, the other way around), with few groups having more "exotic" damage types until the slightly higher levels (15-20ish). Praetorian enemy groups are loaded with enemies doing these types of damage from level 1 on.

If it's a starting area, make it starter-friendly.

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
I love Praetoria. I rolled 5 toons through when it came out to see all the paths.

I didn't find it all that hard either, running solo Blasters, MM's, Brutes. Solo is probably the keyword there, as this was before the diff. slider was added, meaning no bosses sadly.
Agreed. While the Praetoria content is challenging, it's not really that hard. You have to think, some of the missions are short. Some you can just outrun the foes (stealth) or outright ignore the foes (tanker/brute) to get and complete the objectives.

It's not laid back and easy like Primal earth content, but much of that wears on my attention as is. Soloing primal missions, I may manage 3 or 4 before I start thinking of turning the game off. Praetoria and 1st Ward, I can run a whole contact's missions and still be interested in what the next mission may hold.

But difficulty aside, why Praetoria is so empty is probably the same reason Red side is somewhat empty. Blue side hogs all the players, and as it hogs all the players, it encourages them to repeat the same content over and over (Death from Below). Leveling my old defenders, I had to start putting in my search comments that I didn't want to team on that anymore. The times I was on DfB teams, noobs were astonished there was actually so much more to the game when I explained what that tip does that they just got.

Yes, the emptiness of Praetoria is an issue, but it's just one of the symptoms of a bigger problem with game content.



I have roughly four or five toons in the 20-22 range parked in Praetoria waiting for expanded content and three more in the mid 30s in First Ward. I haven't exhausted First Ward yet, but it can be difficult to scratch up teams and many of those missions are very difficult solo. Hopefully we will see a second level 30 zone and eventually level 40 & 50 zones added.

I have taken another dozen or so to Primal to keep playing them, but I really like the idea of keeping some of them purely Praetorian.



Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
\I have taken another dozen or so to Primal to keep playing them, but I really like the idea of keeping some of them purely Praetorian.

I have six characters that will remain in Praetoria (or will leave for Primal if they can retain their original Loyalist/Resistance alignment and not be shoehorned into the four Primal alignments).

Waiting in Praetoria paid off for First Ward, I just hope they continue to expand that content up to level 50.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There are relatively easy ways to make Praetoria far more appealing;

-Cut out about 3/4 of the stupid ambushes. Seriously. Not EVERY damn mission needs ambushes!
-Throttle back mob difficulty. Compared to Primal starter mobs, Praet mobs feel like (and usually are) level 50 mobs scaled down...badly.
I like the ambushes, challenge, etc.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like the ambushes, challenge, etc.
Upping the challenge is long as it's via difficulty controls.
Having way harder than basic as a Praetorian standard? That's not cool. Saying 'I find it easy' a la Leo doesn't cut it when other people find it much harder.

If you find things too easy, you can always up the difficulty. If things are too hard? Well, then you are stuffed.
Besides, even from a purely mechanical PoV rather than opinion, Praetorian mobs are provably nastier than Primal mobs at that level. They have more attacks, more debuffs and more exotic damage types. Not to mention occasional total immunity to Mez that can render Domintors and Controllers totally impotent.
Some ATs and Players find it easy.
Others do not. That is part of the problem.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I was making tons of new characters in Praetoria, but I've pretty much lost interest, at this point. There's simply not enough potential variety for me, the story is more or less a single track, and it ends at 20, with no real option to continue playing as a Praetorian after that. No, First Ward doesn't even count in my mind. It's fun, don't get me wrong there, but it barely ties in at all to the story, and is really only a continuation of at best one of the original four paths.

Hence, there's little inspiration to create new Praetorians, especially when it means they miss access to things they might otherwise want at the appropriate level ranges (in some cases, like Mayhem Missions, lost more or less forever). So if they're going to have to be Primals anyway, it's easier to make them Primals from the start.

Praetoria's not really salvageable at this point, sadly, without really making into a full-fledged "city" of its own, and that's never going to happen.



If I could start my character in primal, and then take her to Praetoria and do all those missions as either a resistance member or loyalist (undercover or as a turncoat who will obviosuly have to about face back to siding with primal...which im okay with) I'd rerun those arcs and likely avoid the DFB Trial.

One of the things that killed Praetoria, was allowing any AT to become a hero/villain.

If time has shown us anything, it's that most players will go the path of least resistance.

Fastest time to the next level? Any AT? That's what the majority of players want.

Now, I'd start my character in Praetoria and not need a way to go to Praetoria from Primal with a new hero, except, I want it known my character is Primal through the badges. I want my character to go through those same starting arcs, I don't need new ones, I just want to more easily say "Primal hero making these choices."

As for First Ward, still don't think my main would make some of those choices.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Saying 'I find it easy' a la Leo doesn't cut it when other people find it much harder.
I didn't say it was easy, just not hard. Besides, I don't think that's the overarching reason that Praetoria is empty. It could be a fault that people consider when choosing, yes, but I'd like to imagine players are more adventurous than to let a few ambushes get in the path of new stories.

But other posters bring up a valid point I hadn't considered but share. That you ultimately can't be a true Praetorian. That once you get to a certain level, that's it...Praetoria over.

I've got 4 Praetorians myself, 2 of which have gone a long way past Prae toward the lvl 50s because it fit their concept. But had I the option of sticking to Praetoria, I'd make at least 3 more characters linked with the firsts I made because it makes sense.

So perhaps that's why the gold side is barren. It's a run and dun affair...



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I didn't say it was easy, just not hard. Besides, I don't think that's the overarching reason that Praetoria is empty. It could be a fault that people consider when choosing, yes, but I'd like to imagine players are more adventurous than to let a few ambushes get in the path of new stories.
Actually, this kind of makes me realize another problem with Praetoria that ends up killing my inspiration with it and I think it leaves it feeling barren. That being that the stories are all extremely linear in following one another, to the point that unless you get on a team that's all running the same arc, it's easily to outlevel and just end up completely left out of the story as well. This isn't so much a problem in the other cities, but it means that when I do create a new Praetorian, I create him or her with the express purpose of soloing to 20. This can be a problem for me if the new character is, say, a Controller, but it'll also be a problem for other players coming in and wondering where all the Praetorians are.



What does it for me is that without full level 1-50 content Praetoria kind of feels like an extended tutorial that you can do before you start playing the "real" game back on Primal Earth. I think if Praetoria ever got fleshed out to be a complete 1-50 area then it would feel more significant. I'd love to be able to have Praetorian native characters that never have to leave Praetoria in order to reasonably advance up to 50.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Yeah, the lack of 1-50 Praetoria does kinda suck. Especially when you then get treated like Primal from 20 onward. It...kinda ruins the immersion. And the potential cool things they could have done.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I always found it rather odd that repeatable missions were included considering I'm constantly outlevelling content just running story-arcs.. Perhaps the level ranges could be extended, so instead of having to leave at 20 it just opens up the possibility of leaving then.

As it is I think the level ranges are 1-10, 8-15, 15-20.. Maybe they could be opened up (extending the ranges of enemy groups as required) to 1-15, 8-23, 15-30, or thereabouts. Add a Praetorian side to the First Ward content (if you haven't crossed over into Primal Earth yet) and you have a very solid first 30 levels of content to build on..

As for addressing the difficulty, maybe take a leaf from DFB and do away with TOs and DOs in Praetoria - they could have Praetorian Origin enhancements that are basically just SOs without being tied to an origin. Add DFB-esque temporary powers as story-arcs rewards as well and it should go a long way to easing the difficulty without making it too trivial (you're still limited by available slots etc.)

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Upping the challenge is long as it's via difficulty controls.
Having way harder than basic as a Praetorian standard? That's not cool. Saying 'I find it easy' a la Leo doesn't cut it when other people find it much harder.

If you find things too easy, you can always up the difficulty. If things are too hard? Well, then you are stuffed.
Besides, even from a purely mechanical PoV rather than opinion, Praetorian mobs are provably nastier than Primal mobs at that level. They have more attacks, more debuffs and more exotic damage types. Not to mention occasional total immunity to Mez that can render Domintors and Controllers totally impotent.
Some ATs and Players find it easy.
Others do not. That is part of the problem.
I can agree with you about the enemies being more difficult, which I think would have worked better if the enemies where spread over a large level range. Then we'd have a wider arrange of more powerful abilities to actually deal with the threats imposed upon us. The stories and the.... I guess epicocity, if I can borrow words, always felt like 30-40 range content to me. Level 1-20 just felt off for what I was doing, difficulty aside.

That being said, I still think *how* difficult the content was is subjective. I've so far taken a blaster, brute, corrupter, and dominator through at least Preatoria and while I will agree that I had to flex my muscles (and inspirations) more than the vanilla content required, they still got through without me breaking anything.



Originally Posted by Expeditor View Post
As for addressing the difficulty, maybe take a leaf from DFB and do away with TOs and DOs in Praetoria - they could have Praetorian Origin enhancements that are basically just SOs without being tied to an origin. Add DFB-esque temporary powers as story-arcs rewards as well and it should go a long way to easing the difficulty without making it too trivial (you're still limited by available slots etc.)
Part of me kind of likes this idea. After all, as a Praetorian, you're serving the state, and the Incarnate Trials demonstrate that supers who pay proper lip-service to the Emperor are allowed far greater power than any Primal can drum up. Giving low level buffs to all starting Praetorians, if just by, say, selling SOs at DO prices and ranges, or something, could be justifiable both in game balance and story reasons.



Most of the replies have the statement "Too hard for low levels"
Ambushes, enemy groups that are over powering and such, and thats why i think that my idea could work, not being level 1-20 while doing missions there.
As a level 50 you'd start off as 20 levels lower while in Nova Praetoria and full Incarnate 50 while in Neutropolis, here is a break down.
You're level 30-40 in Nova Praetorian Missions, not 1-10. In Imperial City you're level 40-50, instead of 5-15. And Neutropolis you'll fight at you native level 50+. This would open up more powers, making it easier to deal with the enemy groups.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
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I think it'd be nice if I, as a non-praetorian, could open up the find team list and see who was currently chilling in Praetoria. Instead I just assume it's a barren wasteland.