Empty Zones
I think it's because they've walled everything off.
Heroes can't see what zones villains are in, villains can't see what zones heroes are in. Neither can see where Praetorians are and vice versa. Kind of hard to get together for some cooperative action when you're not even sure if anyone is around doing anything before you make the trip.
Faultline used to be really crowded post-rebuild when I was last here, though I suppose with the shakeup of the old mission structure, less people are being sent there. (that and since it's not on the train line, who cares?)
I think it will continue the trend. A lonnng time ago, street-sweeping was the way to level but they changed missions to be more desireable. I don't see this changing so unless they get some new tech to make the zones more interactive, seeing empty zones will continue for all except the most populated servers. I feel the same way as I travel through zones but at the same time, missions/trials/TFs are where the action lies.
Just as an example, unless I see a building being physically demolished(physics tech) by a monster, a humongous water spout in IP about to hit land and heroes need to gather items from the zone to build a dehumidifier on crack or a large group of citizens attacked at random(and being 'defeated', i.e. they disappear), then I don't foresee any interest in a zone besides it being something I have to travel through or a nice backdrop to look at as I go from mission to mission. Even the re-occurring Monsters seem to not gather much interest in zone-events, at least on the servers I frequent.
It's sad and I wish it could change but I think the effort along with the level of tech in the game engine versus the ROI would prevent seeing anything different happening than we have in the past few years as far as zones are concerned.
Zones will remain ghosted until there's good reason to inhabit them, otherwise folks will use them for their arcs or just because there's a mission door there they have to go to. Task forces, zone events that don't suck, etc. Faultline used to get run fairly often because you get access to Yin-Os and the Ouro badge as you go through it, now we've got DFB dropping SOs and anyone can ask for an ouro portal at 14. otherwise, you're just running stuff for story and badges.
Night Ward is a bit unnecessary, when apparently the story is just "First Ward with ghosts." A few new mission maps could've easily done the same job without having to turn it into a new zone.
In my opinion, the devs need to hold off creating new zones for awhile, focus more on new maps since that's where all the action actually goes on (maybe give us those maps in AE so we can use 'em as well), and just start making new content that takes place in existing zones. Maybe even spruce up a visually lacking zone every now and again, like Skyway City or something.
It would also help to make zone events worth running more than once. Increase their rewards a bit. Like have Lusca dish out five or ten merits, or maybe two per tentacle and five for the head, considering she takes a generous amount of coordination and time to beat. Have preventing the Clockwork Paladin's construction give out ten merits, since there's a small window of opportunity to actually pull it off that often gets overlooked. Have the Ghost of Scrapyard dish out five merits, and maybe a bonus two merits if you defeat all of his Scrapyarders. I'm sure that'll really help get people more motivated to go out into the zones.
With issue 23's announcement on another new zone "night ward?" something like that I just have to give a huge *sigh. It so unfortunate that many zones already that are extremely cool like:
First Ward The Pretoria area All the hazard zones blueside specially the shadow shard Faultline and many more are almost completely barren of actual players. I am not much for thinking of ways to help this if it needs to be helped, but I feel like it is such a shame that such cool looking zones go unused by the majority of the playerbase. |
So, empty zones are not problematic for me.
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@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I go through full zones all the time, like Atlas Park... and they might as well be empty for me. I don't interact with the other people training up or selling or running in circles simple because they're (virtually) next to me. They're not the folk who will be on my next mission or TF or Trial.
The zones are not the "melting pot" of the game where people meet, banter and for teams. That's what Global channels and, if they ever add a server-wide LFT channel - what that'll be for. In the age of global communication, it's only natural that people would meet through chat and not by physically running into each other, and yes, I mean that for in-game.
Zones are pretty to look at, zones are cool to fight in and zones are great for setting the mood and providing a fitting atmosphere. Zones, however, don't need random players running about them to do any of that.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
They're looking to avoid the problem of Croatoa, where it wasn't obvious which part was in the spirit world and which part was still in the real world.
Mind you Croatoa and Striga are another 2 good examples of what's going to happen with this new zone after about a week or so, as is First Ward
I still cannot work out why they won't give us a proper Public Team system instead of messing around with adding more new Global Channels (we already have Help, shunting the LFT talk from there to a LFG channel is pointless : These zones will still be empty)
Besides for my hatred for Red Caps, I loved Croatoa. I sometimes run the arcs on new characters for the story. My love for the Fautlline story is undying though.
I would really like to see more to do in some of those empty zones.
For example, how often does anyone go to:
Boomtown. Other than one TF (?) and some 'kill x' missions. there really isn't much going on here.
Crey's Folly. Same thing. one or two door missions, some street sweeping for 'kill x'.
OR, since the change:
2/3 of Mercy Island.
You get the idea there. This is not the same as the zones I think of as forgotten zones. Those zones have plenty to do it's just that people tend to overlook them.
Places like:
The Hollows
Perez Park
Skyway City (BIG zone that most people just use to get to...)
Faultline (one of the best blueside mission chains in the game)
Founders Falls (it seems like every contact I have that is actually in zone, sends me to missions outside of it)
I think I'd be happier seeing more done with those zones before we start adding more real estate.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

They're looking to avoid the problem of Croatoa, where it wasn't obvious which part was in the spirit world and which part was still in the real world.
To follow along with what Xzero45 was talking about I think it might have been a better idea for the Devs to have concentrated on some really solid instance maps that could have "built upon" what First Ward started to create a meaningful spirit world version of it. By simply cutting-n-pasting First Ward into a "new" cloned zone they've just doubled-up on the same big open zone that was already becoming fairly empty to begin with. A few weeks after I23 we'll have a -pair- of nearly identical zones that are mostly empty instead of one zone full of content.

Basically Night Ward was quick-n-dirty way to allow the Devs to "claim" that they've added a whole new zone to the game because saying that sounds better marketing-wise than saying they just added a few new mission arcs and enemy groups to fight.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
The old abandoned hazard zones would make for good zones if the GMs spawned even faster than they do now, or if they would perhaps revamp it with new lowbie missions. I don't know, though. Some of these zones do seem better just left the way they are. I'd just like access to Faultline without using my SG base/Skyway/Pocket D. Does the i23 tunnel system offer Faultline? I forgot.
I think I'd be happier seeing more done with those zones before we start adding more real estate.
More zone don't do anything to help with teaming, if it means folks are split across more zones.
If I'm in new villain zone number 1323232 and you're in Mercy, i'm not going to see your "lft" b-cast.
We need to add more content to do (mission doors and/zone events) in zones, not spread out the population even more.
One idea is to have a contact that gives out repeatable mission arcs that deal directly with a zone's overall enemy groups and story. The arc would be 5-10 missions long and would repeatable DAILY. The reward for completing the arc could be a random rare purple or orange recipe+20 reward merits. (The whole too many merits for this or that argument is old and useless since superpacks [which are now FREE for most long term vets] drop reward merits like a street vendor who has a hole in his hotdog stand).
I just think there should be more focus on improving zones like the Shadow Shard so there is even a reason to go there in the first place, versus adding more useless real estate.
We've tried it the "we need more space" way, lets try another.
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

Faultline used to be really crowded post-rebuild when I was last here, though I suppose with the shakeup of the old mission structure, less people are being sent there. (that and since it's not on the train line, who cares?)
People go where the train goes... and they mainly stick to the high population zones where they can make teams to do repeatable content for good rewards.
I'm curious what the Dev's feeling is about the fact that the entire world of Praetoria was basically made completely obsolete by the fact that the DFB trial created a way to skip past the early levels so fast that you'd be crazy to do anything else.
I do agree, however, that it's a shame some great content is just sitting out there relatively unplayed.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
there are 2 types of "empty" zones
zones that people play in but not a lot and don't stand around in the zone
hollows, faultline, striga, Sky, etc - There are reasons to go to the zone and things to do there. But given instanced missions you don't spend much time in the zone itself and not a lot of people are there
dead zones that you only go to if sent
Crey's Folly, Boomtown, Perez
I don't have a problem with zones that have content but not a lot of players. Dead zones are just sad. I would like to see something done with them.
my solution is to create zone arcs by theme or story. Which they seem to be doing with Praetoria. It has lvl 1-20 starting area, First Ward for 20-30 and now will get Night Ward 30-40.
I really want to see a science set of zones, magic set of zones, gritty set of zones, 4 color hero set of zones. Then you could choose your style/theme and play 1-50 in the content type of your choice.
I think the devs are kind of shooting themselves in the foot with some of these new zones.
Making lovely new zones, but then filling them with annoying mobs that a lot of people would rather not fight just seems like bad logic.
Now I've never actually run First Ward, but I've talked to a few people who have, and they all said pretty much the same thing. "Nice zone, but annoying mobs, only ran through there once to see what it's like and won't go back".
That was my main issue with Praetoria. I felt like I was fighting mobs which were designed to be fought in the 30s, not in the early teens..
I wasn't entirely surprised when I read about that myself as it truely makes sense. They're trying to build up content Gold side to the point that they can bring it up to par content wise (level I mean) so that they can finish what they started. Atleast, that's what I gathered out of this and other discussions/speculations over the past year or so.
I said this when folks were screaming for more zones for redside.
There is such a thing as TOO MANY zones, but City of Villains is nowhere near that. A new zone might make red-side feel a little bit less like Lemmings Earth, as well. Right now, it feels like someone took multiple zones, cut them down to just the basic landmarks and then slammed them together to form one island, so you have a tiny factory, a tiny town, a tiny Arachnos fort, a tiny graveyard, a tiny dig site, a tiny Freakshow fort and a tiny dock all bunched up together in the same island, even though there's enough material there for at least three zones.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I completely disagree. I like seeing other players around. The NPC's walking here and there are also nice. But seeing actual players going about their business (street sweeping, sitting or standing around with other players chatting, etc.) makes me feel like I'm in a real world. It helps a lot with immersion for me.

I enjoy seeing all the costumes and reading the bios (not too many of those, it seems). Some times you just cannot form a team (you know it's a bad night when even Blasters turn you down

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
I will admit that CoV swung the pendulum back a bit to far in terms of zones.
What I think would be neat is to use Praetora zone tech to tear down most of the walls.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
With issue 23's announcement on another new zone "night ward?" something like that I just have to give a huge *sigh. It so unfortunate that many zones already that are extremely cool like:
First Ward
The Pretoria area
All the hazard zones blueside specially the shadow shard
and many more are almost completely barren of actual players. I am not much for thinking of ways to help this if it needs to be helped, but I feel like it is such a shame that such cool looking zones go unused by the majority of the playerbase.
Why do you think that is? Will this new zone become more wasted space? What would you do to bring in more players to these areas if you think we should be even bothering to go to them?
I'll be honest though I've never read any of the npc text boxes fully in my whole time playing cox, tl;dr lol for the most part cause it doesn't really have incentive for me. Maybe that has something to do with it, being part of the player base that's like me and not caring for the story they give us. Though I do appreciate a cool looking zone that clearly says its story almost just by looking at it.