2535 -
Sabre Justice, after all his techno-knight adventures, is gonna head down to Spanky's Boardwalk on Talos and chill with the Tsoo and reminisce about old times.
Firefawkes is gonna be doing what he loves- setting supervillains on fire.
Spectral Guardian goes to the worst battleground in Galaxy City and spends every ounce of her power to protect the people there, in honour of its guardian.
Sergeant Mittens and her crew are scrambling to take the first rocket back to Mars, court martial or no court martial.
Hyperhero One... with the world ending and everything he fought for going to naught? The people of the Rogue Isles could use a hero right now, and maybe about time he became the hero he once pretended to be.
The rest of the crew? Too many places and people and dreams to count...
And Professor Backfire himself? Last seen disappearing into the laboratory and locking the door... -
Quote:...seriously? Jeez, I take it back, NCsoft ain't got a clue what they're doin.You know, one thing occurred to me after reading a thread from Feb 2011 saying that CoH was #8 on the list of MMOs by subscribers.
Well, I just checked MMOData.net. City of Heroes is, despite its relatively low numbers, still #8 in the top ten MMO subscribers list.
I repeat that for emphasis: out of the dozens of MMOs out there (most of which are trying to be just like WoW but failing), only seven are doing better than CoH. (WoW is doing so well that it's listed on there three times, but I'm counting WoW East, WoW West, and WoW Global as a single game)
Maybe CoH was the worst-performing NCSoft game (and, looking at those numbers actually confirms that), but I don't see how they can even pretend to think that throwing WoW Clone #2890174831 up against the 800-pound gorilla that is WoW itself is going to make them more money than the wholly original (in all senses of the word) product that was CoH.
People may leave WoW for the chance to play Batman or Spider-Man clones (again, eighth most subscribers in all of MMO-dom), but they're not going to leave WoW for "We're just like the game you were already playing, only with much less content! And far less developed lore! And, since we hate Mac and Linux, our new game is available for fewer operating systems! Why aren't you flocking to it?"
It makes me all the madder. -
Quote:Eh heh, trust me, that isn't likely to end well.With MA that could of been different.
Downsized to a server, and let players create content.
From the sound of it, City of Heroes may be doing okay on its own, but compared to NCsoft's big earners it's small fry, and just the first to go when things go bad. We've seen it happen to Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa- NCsoft has a lot less patience for Western-oriented properties, I suppose because they simply don't get the market and it has changed too much. I doubt they could sell CoH to someone else either, considering that by MMO standards it's practically prehistoric (ie, older than WoW) and trying to compete with a game that has friggin Batman on the cover.
As dedicated as we all are, there's only so many of us, and CoH fell into MMO obscurity long ago- we're lucky that it's lasted as long as it did, with continuous development rather than a skeleton crew. But no matter how many changes and bells and whistles they add I just don't see how CoH can draw in more new players (the lifeblood of MMOs) nowadays with the younger, shinier, more advanced games to compete with. -
I really doubt they're going to copyright troll people based on City of Heroes characters, there is absolutely no point in it.
Trying a two-week subscription of City of Villains from PC Powerplay, wondering what the hell kind of game this was, and having fun ordering my soldiers around to shoot whatever I told them from behind my force fields.
Being in Scrapperlock with Sabre Justice, my BS/SR high-tech knight, for WEEKS on end, and loving every second of it.
Trying to figure out what the heck Inventions were.
Running through area plots and getting to know them well- fighting hard to save Croatoa, uncover the mystery of Faultline, and kicking Nemesis' *** for killing that awesome Longbow dude in the Rikti War Zone.
The complete mayhem of Rikti invasions, Rikti mothership raids, Halloween zombie invasions, Task Forces... most big teams in general, actually.
Getting on board the 'DEFENDERS ARE NOT HEALERS' bandwagon til I was blue in the face, even though I didn't actually play one.
Wasting tons of time on these forums while at school. -
Quote:That's just holding off the cancellation- MMOs that don't update are as good as dead.Another option would be to keep the game running but not adding new stuff to it. That would safe tons of money, but also lesser sales.
I'm not gonna blame NCSoft for this, as much as we all love this game, it's never been a top contender in the market, and it's pretty damn old compared to everything it's had to compete with, and doesn't have an established IP or other big draw to keep a steady supply of new players in. And as ahead of its time as CoH was when it released, it's really showing its age now in a lot of ways- UI, world design, missions... you all know what I mean.
That and honestly, I hadn't been playing even after a 3-month subscription, because I honestly feel like I've done everything, besides also having less time and attention span for MMOs nowadays. -
I haven't played this game in too long, but a few years ago I spent tons of time on both the game and the forums, to the point where I kinda almost became canon thanks to confusion with Doctor Brainstorm and half the forums seems to recognise me even after being gone for over a year... I just don't know what to think now the game is shutting down.
Just want to say that it's been a hell of a ride, and this game pretty much got me right into all things superhero-related, thanks to all the informative and interesting conversations and arguments I've had here.. I've had so much fun creating characters and trying out ideas in the game, and just wandering around Paragon City and the Rogue Isles- I don't know if I'll ever know a wretched hive of scum and villainy as fun as that.
Though that I haven't played this game for a while probably says a lot- there's a point where it's hard to keep it fresh forever, especially when you're a player like me that's on too erratically and in too much of a different timezone to keep up major community participation- though I gotta say, I've had tons of fun in random teams that I don't know if other MMOs can ever match. Thanks for all the fun, everyone. -
I used to be a life-ruined Troper, but the site's falling to pieces now. Long story short, the admin has gone completely crazy, everyone with anything resembling insight has been driven off and the community has turned into a total hugbox, in the worst sense of the term. There's still good pages left, but I can't help but cringe at seeing what the place is turning into.
I don't PvP because it just seems like way too much hassle to get competitive about it. Everything works differently, in ways that don't seem to be well documented at all, and PvE skill and experience just don't follow over. It's pretty much a completely different game- and not necessarily a very good one.
The big post on the last page basically said that to make PvP work in City of Heroes, you'd basically have to make it a completely different game. And at that point, why bother? -
Next episode is where things should start getting gooood, if I remember right.
The Dark powersets have always been really odd ducks, though from what I've played of my DA Scrapper I'd agree that a few powers are just not worth taking.
And yeah, making drastic changes to old mechanics of a 6 year old MMO is just asking for trouble, unless those changes are obviously needed. -
Pretty sure doing crazy things with time travel and bullets is the concept of some gunkata movie or anime.
After starting with Broad Sword, which has a ridiculous number of alternate weapon skins, some of which like the Tech Sword are completely unique and awesome, it's kinda sad seeing the limits on Katana.
Mind you, that's just at character creation, iirc there's a lot more weapons you can unlock from badges, like the Council guns. -
Faultline used to be really crowded post-rebuild when I was last here, though I suppose with the shakeup of the old mission structure, less people are being sent there. (that and since it's not on the train line, who cares?)
I thought this thread was a bit late, though with Hollywood development hell you never know. Speaking of which, the actual Red Dawn remake has also been in development hell for a while, especially since they pulled a Homefront (also written by the writer of Red Dawn!) and hastily changed the Chinese to North Koreans at the last minute.
There's dozens of towns in America called Springfield, I don't think that was accidental either- it's deliberately made to be Anytown, America, and some episodes go to pains to stress the absurdity.
But yeah, based on his childhood hometown, not surprising at all. -
Oh hey, it's that book us Auskids all had to read in school!
In case anyone's wondering, no, they never really give a reason for the invasion in the books or identify the invaders, though in retrospect I find it hard to imagine they're anyone but China. And yes, it's basically Australian Red Dawn mixed with good ol' teen romance instead of 80s cheese, and bland as hell. I dunno how a movie will work, though I cba watching the trailer at the moment. (connection is treacherous) -
One time I ran into my character's apparent counterpart in WW. I was in white and blue, he was red and black, I wore a cape, he wore a trench coat, I was Broadsword, he was Katana, but we had about the same face and hairdo and general style. It was very bizarre.
I suppose I actually posted that in Suggestions once or twice years ago. (I presume I'll see the exact same threads there as ever) I also once posted a thread about Ninjutsu Tankers on the Tanker forum ages ago, because never say die. Or never.
So where/what are the Signature Arcs? -
I play Merc/FF Mastermind, and I ended up respeccing into all my attacks because you'll die of boredom otherwise. And having one more source of attack output (that you can control, no less) is surprisingly nice.
It's a difference in playstyle really, you end up playing as basically a fiddly tankmage. -
New? I've had this avatar for years now! And no, I can't ever find a better one.
I suppose Ninjutsu prooobably wouldn't really work on any AT other than Stalker, but I can dream. -
I do, Enforcer used to be all over the place when it came out. Kinda funny since I think Heavy Enforcer just looks ridiculous on any bodytype other than Huge. Though I saw one guy called Link that had it all done up in green and it was strangely fitting.