Villain Hami?
A few Months ago we tried to organize one, but half the people wanted to do their own thing. But I would be more than happy to join in the fun. I am available most times.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I'd be interested in this, moreso if it's on a day I can make them, weekends are the only time I can get to them until the summer.
Don't have a clue on the methods to run a villainside Hami, although I think I remember we got a few starter suggestions/guide pointers when Guardian was trying to get going on beating Hami after the changes.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
id very much be interested in running redside hami but the only set days i have every week is an early morning shift monday and a late shift wednesday but usually everything around that is early most of the time
You so know I'm game Pyber! Just lemme know when its going down.
Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.
Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius
I would love to do this and i have read up on some other people doing it villian side post i12 from what i can see it would go pretty much like hero.... main brute tanks other brutes taunt... 2 pain or thermal on main brute. You need to use pain and thermals for your healers/tpers and vet's mind link and such are mainly useless do cant defend hami attacks. But anyway with like bot mm they are ranged... i think most other ones would be melee.. could be wrong. and if you needed more +reg you can always grab wb temps and throw 2 or 3 in between each attack. I know most of you dont like southern but she has done a villian hami raid on her server alot and they got it going good so if you need more adivce might want to hit her up
Wow. A non-Elitist Hami raid? I might have to try one of these!
Good luck, pyber!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Count me in. Just set the time and date, a weekend raid would be best... im on Hawaii time.
Jets L50 eLx3 Blaster (1300 Badges) @Jets or @Jets Too
L50 Stalker, 4-Tankers, 3-Scrappers, 2-Dominators, 2-Arachnos, 3-Brutes, Blaster, 4-Controllers, Defender

Wow. A non-Elitist Hami raid? I might have to try one of these!
Good luck, pyber! ![]() |
As for a villain-side raid on Guardian, Pyber, our guild won't be able to help directly as we have our villains on another server. As I mentioned in the other Hami thread, however, I have developed a strategy for a public raid over there that I'll be posting in the Pinnacle server area at some point in the near future. I had planned to already have it posted, but RL conspired to slow that plan. The strat is designed to be a villain version of the strat we use at our blue side raids, and is a little different than many of the red-side strats I've seen in the way it uses different ATs. Feel free to check it out when I post it, or contact me about it.
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
We actually have one of these blue-side every Wednesday night at 9:30 eastern. You should come out and try it.
I have a friend who has been wanting to lead Hami Raids for as long as I've been playing, but he can't, because he hasn't been sanctioned by you, and also believes that he has to have your macros to lead the Raid.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I'd definitely appreciate any help you could offer Wulf. I've been on quite a few of your Hero-side Hami Raids, so the general idea is well entrenched in my mind, heh. If you'd be willing to post or send me the general outline of your Villain-side Hami Raids on Pinnacle sometime in the near future, that would help greatly I'd think.
A few Months ago we tried to organize one, but half the people wanted to do their own thing. But I would be more than happy to join in the fun. I am available most times. |

I know most of you dont like southern but she has done a villian hami raid on her server alot and they got it going good so if you need more adivce might want to hit her up |
Hammmie!!!!!!!! ![]() |

And thanks to everyone else that's shown their support thus far. I'd like to aim for a Saturday or Sunday Raid day, perhaps the weekend of the 21-22nd or 28-29th. That will give everyone enough notice to set aside some time, as well as giving Wulf, Mel and any others ample time to confer with me over tactics.
That would be the one I was talking about. If the Raid isn't lead by you, or by someone you sanctioned, nobody will come.
I have a friend who has been wanting to lead Hami Raids for as long as I've been playing, but he can't, because he hasn't been sanctioned by you, and also believes that he has to have your macros to lead the Raid. |
But I've also asked repeatedly for folks to volunteer to lead when I can't be there, or even to give me a break from time to time and let me just participate. I've had a couple of folks approach me and attempt to lead it, and have given the macros I use to them if they wanted them. But the folks who showed up for those raids didn't always listen to them for some reason.
I wasn't there during those times, so I'm not sure why that would be. Perhaps it was just that it was a departure from the norm that had people spooked. Maybe some folks showed up that don't normally, and thought they knew what they were doing better than the person trying to lead. Maybe the person leading didn't coordinate the team leaders or get things going soon enough.
As I said, I don't know the reason, since I wasn't there. But I doubt it had anything to do with whether or not I "sanctioned" the person to lead. On the occasions I knew an attempt was going to be made in my absence, I mentioned it on these forums so the folks who showed up would know a raid was still going on and who to listen to. If those who showed up didn't do so, that's not on me or my lack of "sanction" for the person who was attempting to lead the raid...particularly since there's no such thing as a "sanction" to lead a hami raid from me or anyone else.
In any case, there's nothing elitist or intended to be elitist about the public raids. I invite everyone to come out and participate, and would be glad for someone else to step up and volunteer to lead them occasionally, whether I'm there or not. If your friend is serious about leading one sometime, have him contact me. He can take or leave my macros (since I use them to save myself from typing the same thing every week), as long as he has the process down so that it is successful. After all, failure will cause people to stop following faster than anything else.
But let's refrain from casting a negative image on the public raids just because someone hasn't had a chance--or taken advantage of an opportunity--to lead one successfully. That doesn't help anything.
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
On the subject of a Villain Side Hami, I wouldn't mind popping in to have poke or two at it if my schedule lines up.
As to the Wednesday Night Public Raids, I've been absent for awhile for several reasons. My schedule has been erratic and I've been very ill lately.
I did manage to partially lead the Yellow Team one night, quite a while back, even if I was the Tauntless Tank on the Scrapper Team.
The biggest issues I have about Hami Raids is that my system no longer performs well enough for me to be on top of things. I lag so bad and when I do have a moment of fluid play, it freezes down into a slideshow of molasses proportion.
Ya'll have fun and if I can jump in eventually I will.
I'm hoping for some upgrades by January.
That would be the one I was talking about. If the Raid isn't lead by you, or by someone you sanctioned, nobody will come.
I have a friend who has been wanting to lead Hami Raids for as long as I've been playing, but he can't, because he hasn't been sanctioned by you, and also believes that he has to have your macros to lead the Raid. |
Sounds to me like thats your and your friends problem. Anyone can step up to lead a hami raid. It isn't Wulf's responsibility to populate the damn thing. So far on Guardian he is the only one that has consistently provided successful raids for the server. People like to succeed. Rude of you to knock he and his sg's effort on the behalf of the server(imho).
No offense,Kheldarn. Seriously? If you or any friends have interest in leading hami's. I feel 100% certain you will get help from Wulf and TA. I also know that if you contact raid leads from other servers via the forums they will be happy to help you as well. A few servers have multiple hami's weekly. In fact ? Those servers have multiple leaders that sometimes just run spontaneous hami's. Some raids take longer than others but practice and repetiton make for better raids over time. People get how to do all the roles and times get shorter. The fact about any 50 player encounter in any game is that you will need some people preset in a few roles until the majority understands the raid. That isn't elitism .. it's common sense.There is nothing stopping Guardian from doing the same as the servers with multiple leads. Every server doing multiple raids now had to take baby steps to get to where they are currently in terms of frequency and consistent ,timely,successful raids.
On a positive note ...I really hope the redside raid goes well and everyone has a fun time ;D
I would also love to be on a Red Hami raid.
My biggest problem is time zone, so a weekend would be good. A US daytime raid would be doubly awesome.
So yes, I'm interested if we can get enough people to arrive at the same time.
I would also suggest a MotD in the Guardian/50 channels for those who never come to this board but might be interested.

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Well, then, Wulf, maybe the problem isn't you, but rather, the players. I've seen a few other people attempt to organize Hami raids, and the general response seems to be, "Nah, we'll wait for the real one, on Wednesday.".
I've also seen people say, "Wulf said on the forums that he couldn't be here for the Hami Raid this Wednesday, so there's no raid this week.".
Maybe I'm just seeing the wrong people, but when you see things like that, it gives a bit of an elitist impression.
And pyber, I do truly wish you the best of luck!

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Well, then, Wulf, maybe the problem isn't you, but rather, the players. I've seen a few other people attempt to organize Hami raids, and the general response seems to be, "Nah, we'll wait for the real one, on Wednesday.".
I've also seen people say, "Wulf said on the forums that he couldn't be here for the Hami Raid this Wednesday, so there's no raid this week.". Maybe I'm just seeing the wrong people, but when you see things like that, it gives a bit of an elitist impression. |
If consistent success = elitist, then I and my guild are guilty as charged, and I challenge anyone else who would be equally successful to step up to the plate and lead. Otherwise, the regular raids continue on Wednesday nights for anyone who wants to show up and take down the jell-o.
And pyber, I do truly wish you the best of luck! |
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
Vill side hami raid! Its the awsomesauce. Im all for it
Never done a Hami raid, I'm in.
I'm available most evenings and weekends
I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!
I, for one, am all for this particular event. Perhaps this would bring the villainside on Guardian a little more action. I've always thought that one of the biggest drags to the villainside on this game is lack of people trying to organize things compared to the heroside. I am not saying people don't try, but most of the ideas seem to fizzle out fairly quick.
Anyways, if this goes ahead, count me in, I have a 50 brute, 50 Bane, and a 50 Fortunata, with a stalker and another brute sitting in the shadows at 44 each.

Hammie Now!? *Holds up shiny new Jell-O spoon*
You mean I can play with the jello boy on BOTH sides now Pyber?
*jumps up and down giggling* SOOOO there. Completely count me in.
Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr
Alot of the more active vill side players recently moved to freedom with me but we still get on guardian sometimes and would be excited to do a vill side hami raid
I'm on 12 hr days and it's all hit and miss. But any Jello is Good!!! : )

on Guaridian/ Riggilian 50 inv/ss tank, RLB 50 ill/rad troller, On Pinn/ Rigg. 50 ss/inv brute, DRT 50 bot/bubble MM...hehehe plus
On and off over the past couple of months I've been pulling all the information I can on running a Villain-side Hamidon Raid. Some people I've talked to in the Globals and among my Coalitions have expressed interest in giving one a test run.
What I'd like to put out here now, is basically a poll to see if there is enough interest among us Guardianites to put one together in the near future. Most of the information that I've pulled on Villain Hami Raids is rather antiquated (most is pre-i12), so if anyone that has run them in the past on Guardian or other servers is willing to offer their assistance in making this happen, they'd be more than welcome.
If possible, I'd like to schedule a full test run to help fine-tune our tactics within the next couple of weeks. Suggestions on what would be a good day/time for most is welcome.
So, any takers?