2099 -
Amen, Guardian was definitely the FUN/"what-the-hell-let's-do-that-cause-it-sounds-fun" server. Your ACTFs will definitely be missed and part of my CoH Guardian memories, as will the old & new Hami raids. and all the little events in between that made times fun, the early CCCs, Sunday Night Fights, etc.
Guardian 4 Life! -
Glad to have had ya part of the Guardian and CoH family for these many years and that it'd become a positive impact to help ya in other parts of your life. If paths don't cross in other games in the future at least the memories here have been good ones
Gratz! PL Meh! 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years, it's all the same as since you reached 50 and hopefully had a lot of fun on the journey there!
And if ya had some memorable times as well, there's a bonus
I'm down for this on Herri.
Edit: Oh also, I've got the badge on Herri but just comin along for old times sake, if there's anyone without the badge that wants a spot, feel free to bump me down to the alts/backup list -
gah, and of course you put it this weekend. lol I forgot about a friend's party I haven't seen in a while that night, and then another friend's hockey game later in the night. So unfortunately I'm gonna have to pass unless ya move it to another weekend.
I'm down for a MoLRSF that week. We've done a successful Mo run before, we just need a mind dom that can jump in and out of the way to avoid getting killed and we should be good to go.
Herri's already Rogue and set for a Hero RV run. I got them all when I lucked out when Elf's Revenge was running a Hero RV team a few months ago, but I'm willing to help out if we're up for going for them.
might as well throw this out if it helps with ideas: TFs/SFs/Trials/GMs I wouldn't mind badge completing sometime before the end would be: Takiross SF, Renault SF, Yin TF, redside DiB (and all badges within), 1st and 3rd treespec, Seed of Hami. I know ya done the Cap SF a few times already and I've missed them due to other plans so I figured that ones a longshot, but wth. Nothing to lose at this point with Nov. getting closer -
Sign me up for that. I have no plans that night after work. And I could use a run as I still need the Midnight Dodger and Army of Neu badges.
Frak, so wanna make this but I have friend's championship game at 6:25-7:55 pm. List Herri as an alternate in case this starts late, like at 8:30 pm or after late. heh
*haz song stuk in hed nao* Thanks MU... *smacks MU* :P
Ya may have not posted a bunch, but ya were there in the channel in some for or other, for at least a year or so from what I remember, and if you weren't in the channel I think most of us recognize ya if we teamed with Mental or related company often enough. lol So to me you were part of the big Guardian family.
How I got mentioned in that list I have no idea. I remember the times and TFs and what not we teamed on and how fun/enjoyable it was and always made for good times, but that was kinda short few years. I probably woulda teamed more with ya over the last few years but I kinda went into mostly solo mode aside from a few TFs/raids/events here and there.
Still if I did any good to fell ya more at home, I'm glad for that, and will miss ya as much as I will the rest of the Guardian family. -
oh, if there's a serious Master run and someone really wants to make sure they get the badge, I'll bring Herri for that.
I'll be there. I'll bring.. someone.. not sure who quite yet. heh
I'll be there for this. I'll bring a char that could use the levels, Lady Herricane, a D4, if I can get her to the min level. If necessary I'll bring Herri for Tankage if the team needs it
I never found a group to go after the Seed either. I'd be interested in this, depending on what Ariel' has scheduled for that evening regarding this and the iTrials she's planning on running
Ariel', you frakkin rock! Totally awesomesauce! I'm gonna keep not trusting you til the end of time!
Sign me up for both. I'll bring the tankage in Herri if needed, but if not I'll bring along Time Vortex, my grav/time, since she's my lowest in level on that side. -
Hey Ariel' I know you might be busy due to school semester active again, but any chance you can squeeze in any weekly TFs of yours in, to let people know things are still going to happen as is until the plug is finally pulled and/or to send the game off in a fitting way, playing the game we always have until the very end?
Losing CoH is like losing a family member or leaving a close group of friends. While I've found ways to react to seeing close friend leave the game and still keep in contact and keep meaningful friendships, CoH is where it all started and I'm shocked at the sudden announcement. Like many, this would inevitably come around, just I expected more of a cushion and signs it was imminent. Too many good memories and friends to post them all here, but Guardian and the Guardian channel have been too good to me, as it has all of us, over these past 8 years. I'll be sad to see it go, but until the final day when the servers are closed for access, I'm gonna keep playing until they stop letting me.
ariel, in case you're reading this, I just got done with work due to a long call. Heading home will try and get there ASAP, if you can hang on til I get home, cool. If not I'll understand.
Sign me up, always fun to run the Abandoned Sewers. Gonna try and get one of the chars I need to level up to the trial min. If I don't have one ready by then I'll go with my SS brute, and if really necessary, Herri.
I'm interested. I won't be able to make it right at the beginning as I'll be at a friends hockey game til 6 pm so I won't be home til 6:30 but sign me up and I'll log in and just catch up with you guys and run whatever haven't by that time.
put me down as tentative. provided I can remember, I'll be there. heh
Eek, this completely slipped my mind as well. Forgot about it until I was thinking about this weekend and was afraid I planned to do two things at the same time, but noticed it was last Saturday. Guess I was too excited about getting my new phone that day. heh
And gratz for getting through another school year!
I'm down for this again. so close at the end, yet so far. I'll bring Herri or whoever else is needed for the team at the time.
More music inspiration that's slightly in theme as well:
Live to Rise - Soundgarden