Just another saying goodbye
well i honestly only played with you maybe like 2 times total.but i blame mental for that! so good luck to you gracie!

Ya may have not posted a bunch, but ya were there in the channel in some for or other, for at least a year or so from what I remember, and if you weren't in the channel I think most of us recognize ya if we teamed with Mental or related company often enough. lol So to me you were part of the big Guardian family.
How I got mentioned in that list I have no idea. I remember the times and TFs and what not we teamed on and how fun/enjoyable it was and always made for good times, but that was kinda short few years. I probably woulda teamed more with ya over the last few years but I kinda went into mostly solo mode aside from a few TFs/raids/events here and there.
Still if I did any good to fell ya more at home, I'm glad for that, and will miss ya as much as I will the rest of the Guardian family.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
Cripes, I forgot to mention the mythical Severe.
Heri, you made the list just cause. I was just trying to list everonye I could think of at the time that I actually know I played with. I've probably played with a lot of people via the guardian channel, just on alts and I didn't know enough to find out otherwise.
Princess Grace - MA/Inv scrapper
Solana - Mind/Energy dominator
Lyonette - Kat/SR scrapper
*one tiny pepsiman hides in grace's pants*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
All those names make me think of the "Glory Days" of our beloved server. Best of Luck Princess...
" I've said it before, I'll say it again, some of those "Recipe found" messages should be brown." Ullikummis
*haz song stuk in hed nao* Thanks MU... *smacks MU* :P
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
We missed you every day you were gone and have been thrilled every time you've logged in since.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
*Gives Grace a bag of pixie dust and a plate of cookies*
It was great running into you so many times.
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
Back when I started in I4 this board did a wonderful job of welcoming me to the game. I wasn't the best poster back when I was active on the boards, and an inherent shyness (surprising to some people, I know) kept me mostly quiet on the guardian channel, but it was always nice having y'all around to make me feel not quite so lonely.
Electrault, StarOmega, and Yetice it all started with you guys. Bradman, Vectrakess, and Lissandra were the best most faithful set of comrades a MMO player could wish want. Eighttball and Neut and their gang were fantastic allies. There were many many others over the years like La De Da, Mistress Noire, Herricane, Scotts, and man can that list go on forever.
But most of all I need to thank Fire Plus (Shove), Mental Maden, Tellania, Medistar, and Tet. I didn't exactly say goodbye when I took a 2 year hiatus on you guys. I cannot thank you enough for taking me back like nothing had happened and making me feel at home again.
Princess Grace - MA/Inv scrapper
Solana - Mind/Energy dominator
Lyonette - Kat/SR scrapper