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  1. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight for some jell-o. It was a LONG spawn, but we managed to turn in a roughly 12 min raid once the big goo showed himself. Special thanks, as always, to the team leaders and my support.

    This would likely have been much smoother and even faster, but numbers were sadly lacking. At the time we started taking down DE, we had only 35 people in the zone, and over a third of them were from our guild. We made it up to 42 by raid's end, but that's still pretty small for a turnout.

    What makes that worse is that TA was planning to surprise everyone with a second raid on red-side following the blue-side run. Unfortunately, with the lackluster turnout, and knowing some of my own people were sacrificing other things to be there, I decided not to do so.

    It's appearing more and more as if weekly raiding may no longer be of interest to as many people as before. We're going to keep an eye on it for another week or two, but if things don't pick up, we'll likely drop back to only raiding every other week.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dash_no_Chris View Post
    Would a shift to Thursday nights be something that might improve overall attendance (not just my own)?

    I'm afraid a change to Tuesday night wouldn't work for us. In fact, Wednesday may be the only weeknight we can do such things on a regular basis because we have other guild events scheduled throughout the week.

    There's been enough response that we'll continue leading them a little longer and see if the turnout that we had last week continues. If it lags again, we may take your suggestion, Ruthia, and go to every other week.
  3. The lull in the weekly updates has been primarily due to the fact that I haven't been available to run the raids over the last couple of months. But the guild has run them every week there have been enough folks available with the exception of the week of Christmas.

    We're asking about this because there is interest on our other server, and we've run a few over there. So if there wasn't the interest here anymore, we have an alternative. If folks are still up for jell-o, though, we can continue to lead them. For those of you who are using the Facebook page, kindly post something about this thread there and ask the folks to post here or copy and paste their input. We want to know what the server wants.

    So what say the rest of you? Still want your shot at Hami?
  4. This thread has remained quiet for awhile now, and it is, in many ways, a reflection of the attendance at the raids. There have been some, like a couple of weeks back, where the zone filled and Hami got PWNT. But more frequently, it's been slow arrivals, poor attendance, and a general lack of interest.

    Our guild has been glad to lead these for the last couple of years, but it appears that the server's interest in doing so has dwindled significantly. We are willing to continue to lead them if there is enough interest, but we are going to raid multiple times each week as a guild anyway. And since we populate two servers, we can always lead public raids on the other server if it's not something Guardian wants to do.

    So you tell us, Guardian: should the weekly public raids continue or not?
  5. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight!

    First, gratz on setting a new record for the fastest public hami raid with a crisp 8-minute run! The spawn took awhile, but Hami got PWNT!

    Second, double gratz to everyone who then switched over to the redside and joined the Twilight Avengers in completing what I believe is the first successful public redside raid on the server. The time came in at around 18 minutes, but considering the number (44) and combination of toons we had, that's very respectable.

    Special thanks to all of the team leaders and support folks that helped make both raids possible! And to my guildmates, you make me proud to be your leader. /salute

    To answer some of the questions I got following the redside run, yes, TA may well lead more redside raids on this server if there's enough interest. So let me know if you'd like to see more villainous jell-o wrestling, and stay tuned!
  6. Thanks to everyone who came out last night. Spawn took a little while, and we had some DC issues, but were still able to take Hami down in an efficient 11 minutes.

    Special thanks, as always, to the team leaders, as well as to the support folks on my team. Hope to see you next week!
  7. So, just out of curiosity, how many of you would be interested in doing a raid on the redside at some point? I've had a number of folks ask me about this in the past, and I've always declined because our villains are primarily on another server. But in talking with my guildmates, we've determined that, if there's enough interest from the public, we will put the work in to get raid toons leveled or crossed over to be able to lead them.

    So what say you, Guardian? You wanna do something villainous in jell-o or not?
  8. Wulfman

    Hamidon Raid

    I'm sure there are others who would plan to attend a redside raid, but I was hoping for a little more response than three folks. If you would, ask about it in your league at the next blueside raid and let me know what the response is there. The folks who are there are going to be the most likely to attend, so it should give me a better idea of just how much interest there is in a redside raid.

  9. Thanks to everyone for coming out this week. The spawn and the raid were both done in a reasonable amount of time, despite not having the best damage/debuff combinations on our teams.

    A special thanks, as always, to the support folks on my team, along with all of my team leaders.

    Hope to see you there next week!
  10. Wulfman

    Hamidon Raid

    There was some discussion in the PinnBadges channel during the blue side raid on Sunday night indicating there was some interest in a redside public raid. The Twilight Avengers led a few of these successfully, since our villains are on this server, but the last one had a very poor showing indicating a lack of interest. We've not offered to lead another raid since, aside from aiding JL get set-up to start running the blue side raids.

    That's been awhile back, though, and perhaps there's more interest in it now. If so, I'll see if I can rally my troops to potentially lead one on the "off" week between the scheduled blue side raids JL has been leading. If the attendance is good enough, maybe it will become a regular thing.

    But for now, I'll just throw it out there: you folks want a redside public raid?
  11. Just a heads up that TA will not be available to lead the raid this evening as both Kiddygrade and myself are going to be absent. We may have some TA that will show up to participate should someone else decide to step up and lead a raid this evening, but our numbers will be lower than normal.

    So if you've been looking for a chance to lead the raid, here it is. Barring anything unforeseen, we should be back on schedule to lead next week.

    Good luck and cya then!
  12. Just wanted to let folks know that I will not be available to lead the raid this evening. Our guild is having a gathering in St. Louis this weekend, so a number of us will be traveling. However, not everyone in our SG is able to attend the gathering, so Kiddygrade is going to be leading the raid as scheduled.

    Also, we've tested the league interface in Hamidon raid conditions, and it appears that the patch they made last week fixed the majority of the lag issues it was causing...at least for now...so I'm guessing she will use it. We are requesting, however, that folks not use their Destiny powers, as these do still cause additional lag for everyone affected by them. Just sound off in broadcast when you hit the zone, and she'll get you squared away quickly.

    Thanks, and I'll see you all next week. Good luck!
  13. Thanks to everyone who came out to the raid last night. We opted not to use the League interface after last week's lag issues, and asked that no one use Destiny powers, as the combination of the two seemed to be the major culprits. With the exception of one person who apparently didn't understand what "please don't use destiny powers" meant, the lag was back to the normal amount, and things went much more smoothly. We were a little light on numbers (40 or so), but took Hami out in a reasonable amount of time anyway.

    Special thanks as always to the support folks on my team, as well as the team leaders. As always, you did an excellent job, and made the raid a success.

    With the change they made on Tuesday to the league interface, we'll likely try using it again next week and see if the lag issue was resolved. Hope to see you there!
  14. Thanks to everyone who came out this past week for Hami. Unfortunately, lag was a significantly harder enemy to defeat than the Hamidon. We got it done, but it was awful in there for everyone involved. So kudos to everyone for sticking it out, and I hope everyone bugged it.

    On that note, I likely will NOT use the League interface for this week's raid. It actually creates some of the lag, as does use of the Destiny powers. I'm hoping the devs take a serious look at this and get it fixed ASAP. But in the meantime, we're going to minimize it as best we can.

    Hope to see you there!
  15. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Of the servers listed only the 7 min raid used nukes and that was pre alpha and incarnates, i can't imagine how fast they could do it now. Sometimes people will fire a nuke for powering through the bloom but it isn't needed to reach that time. The 12 min raids will go lower just with the nature of the incarnate slotting. Lvl shifts and extra buffs, debuffs, and attacks will make the "fastest times" for everything change.
    That was what I had heard about the 7 minute raid, but wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for confirming it. As for the rest, congratulations. Sounds like most servers that raid Hami regularly are in the same neighborhood.

    I also agree that the level shifts and incarnate slotting will certainly make the times drop. The "fastest time" is, and will always be, relative.
  16. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    Originally Posted by MyLexiconIsHugeSon View Post
    Forgive me because I'm new, but what's a guild?
    I use the word guild when referring to the Twilight Avengers because we actually are a guild that spans multiple online games (8 or so, at last count). Technically, of course, we are a SG and VG in this game that serves as the CoX chapter of the guild. I use the terms interchangably for our group, since both happen to be true for us. But I agree it can be confusing to those not familiar with the term, and can't speak as to why others may use it.
  17. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Hami itself wasn't triple spawned but it's mito's where this is a result of a failed Zerg raid where they try to skip the mito blooms and directly kill Hami

    So for example they might have taken out the first bloom of mito's then powered through the 75%, 50% and 25% and then failed to make it the last 25% at that point you have 3 blooms of mito's.

    And Philly, we've always been on Guardian and Pinnacle, and have no real interest in going elsewhere. We've run with the public in 9 minutes on multiple occasions, and our guild has shaved time off of that. My understanding is that the other servers use Warburg nukes and other temp powers to assist. We don't. So if you don't either, then by all means, well done. We actually have a 5-minute goal, which shouldn't be a problem, provided we get past the lag that has hit with a lot of folks in i20.

    If you shave time off of your raids, by all means, send me a message. I'm always curious to see what other servers are doing.
  18. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    This is likely a waste of breath, but I'm going to bother exactly once. After that, you can continue to flash your ignorance for all to see for as long as you like.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Bah, you lot do not own the Hive. People who are not in your so-called "elite" group participate in those raids all the time, much to the chagrin of your raid leaders who immediately begin trying to dismantle non-TA teams via tell. TA cannot control who enters the zone and participates. Aw!

    The persons I declined to join were friends in the zone, not TA. Everyone knows you don't want non_TA in there.
    You misunderstand. When we voluntarily run the public raids, we gladly welcome everyone, and run it with an efficiency that is unmatched on any server, whether you care to admit it or not. The reason we shuffle the teams is because, as leaders, we need to make sure each team has what it needs to be successful for everyone's benefit. We also need to ensure that the person leading the team actually knows what he or she is doing. We have a number of public folks who fill that role regularly, including Street Stalker, Doctor Bob, Ariel', Lady Bellicose, and a number of different people from the Empire. We don't claim to be elite in that set-up...we're just trying to ensure success by making sure the team set-ups are as good as possible for the overall strat.

    What I was referring to, however, was the fact that we raid privately as a guild, and NO ONE gets invited to those, nor are they announced by anyone, whether they have "friends with alts" in the guild or otherwise. That's the way we've always operated, as we like to do such things as a guild only. That kind of thing is not for everyone, just as our guild isn't. And trust me...when we even attempt a 75% takedown of Hami, we have enough people that we don't need many bots to fill the zone. When we don't have that many, we stick to the 50% takedown, which we do regularly.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    And yes, it is true that you usually take down Hami when you have a competent leader leading the raid. It was pretty funny to see the whole lot of you instantly exit to Pinnacle after the incident in question though, as if the embarrassment were too great to be borne.

    As it should be
    We don't allow anyone in our guild to lead the raid unless we're sure they're competent to do so, and no one has led one aside from our officers in years. And we "usually take down Hami" when we have a competent leader?!? That actually made me laugh out loud. If you saw us suddenly go to Pinnacle at around the same time this incident happened, it's interesting, since we all remain globally hidden for our guild raids. So if you could see us, we weren't raiding.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Not so fast, Sparky. I hear this stuff from friends who have alts in your group. Doesn't sound like a very congenial place to me, but I let 'em play their own game.
    First, Sparky hasn't been in our guild--or even in the game--for a couple of years now. Second, if you hear any of the crap that you've said about our guild from people who are actually in my guild, then I need to strengthen the application process, as I don't typically allow blatant liars to become members. But by all means, send me a PM with their names, and I'll be glad to discuss their discontent with them at length. And BTW, it's SOOOO kind of you to "let'em play their own game" considering it's their account and can play however and with whomever they choose. And you call us elite and controlling?!? I will agree with you about one thing, though...if they've been telling you this BS about our guild, I don't know why they are members either.

    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    Can only go by what I see, which is a lot of bullying and a lot of faux-"elite" wannabe-itude. Get over yourselves; your group really does not have all that great a rep on the server. Notorius for all the wrong reasons.
    I couldn't care less what my "rep" is with someone like you. Your only goal in this post seems to be to use it as an opportunity to air some personal greivances you seem to have with my guild, or try to lay enough innuendo to get others to share them. This is especially obvious since the incident Serv posted about was over a month ago, and the one before that is even further back. Posting when nothing else has happened since then reveals your true agenda.

    Well guess what...you ain't the first, and you won't be the last. I daresay that our rep is just fine with many of the regulars at the Wednesday night raids who seem to enjoy raiding with us and whose opinions we actually value.

    There are far more things I could say to further discredit you, but quite frankly, I'm bored, and doing so would be a further waste of my time. So go, enjoy your own little world. Oh, and if you'd like to participate in a public raid, they're at 9 eastern on Wednesday evenings. Have a nice day!
  19. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    It's fairly obvious who you're insinuating, BI. It's also fair to say that IF you're referring to TA, you're talking about what you don't know, since you claimed you "declined" when everyone knows that NO ONE from the public would be invited to a guild raid. Several of your other facts are inaccurate if you're talking about us as well, but feel free to believe what you like.

    I can tell you that 1) we've successfully taken Hami down at 75%, and 2) When TA attempts a 75% takedown, we spawn a second iteration of the Hive and conduct the raid there. After all, why would we want to delay a public raid that WE lead?!? We even have this practice on the Pinnacle server where we don't have to worry about anyone else raiding (redside).

    Take your accusations and venom elsewhere. There haven't been any other incidents, so it's a moot point.
  20. Wulfman

    ok listen...

    Originally Posted by The_Terrorizer View Post
    I don't run the Hami raids very often, maybe one every few months. And I'll admit I don't know much about it, I just look for orders and do as I'm told. But it seems to me that someone is purposely doing it. It doesn't take a lot of effort to "spawn" Hami, a team of 8 (especially with the new incarnate stuff and Alpha level shift) could do it pretty quick I'd imagine.

    I don't know how easy it is to triple spawn hami, nor do I know how to do it. Again, however, with the new incarnate stuff I'd imagine a team of 8 could easily jackknife the whole thing.
    Honestly, even with the level shifts, there's NO way a team of 8 could pull off a triple stack. It requires not only taking both the aggro and having enough damage to take down the mitos, but enough to take Hami down through at least two levels of green mito healing. That simply CAN'T be done with the game standards as they are. As someone who has literally led 1,000 or more Hami raids, take my word for it.

    Honestly, however, I don't see how this messes up anyone's party. All you have to do is spawn the second iteration of the Hive and then proceed as normal. But if it IS a result of SG testing, it IS inconsiderate of whomever did it, and hopefully they will either desist or succeed in future testing.

    And Bellicose...you know we run every Wednesday night. It's not exactly impromptu, but then, a sure thing isn't all that bad where shards or merits are concerned!
  21. Thanks to everyone who came out last night for the draft. It was one of the tougher ones we've had in awhile, as we only had 40 or so, and a number of those folks were either new to the raid or new to the role they played. Even so, after a quick spawn, we were able to take Hami down in around 22 minutes.

    Thanks to the support folks on my team, as well as my team leaders! Excellent works as always!

    Hope to see you next week!
  22. This is good to know, JD. If we decide to host one on Pinnacle now, we'll still plan for redside, but will stay on Wednesday nights as a change of pace for folks. Good luck with the raiding!
  23. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight for some jell-o. Althought we had a little different mix of toons tonight, we were able to follow a reasonably quick spawn with a 12-minute raid.

    Special thanks to Fortuno for the support on my team, along with the team leaders: Grim Maligne, Clan, Sausage Tones, Street Stalker, and Opus. As always, you guys did a stellar job.

    Cya next week!
  24. Thanks to everyone who came out tonight. We had a very fast spawn, and then an even faster 9-minute raid!

    Special thanks to Mind Trick for being my support, as well as to my team leaders: Street Stalker, Argentium, Grim Maligne, Fire Addict, Celtic Apparition, and Kiddygrade. Outstanding work, folks!

    See you next week!
  25. JD will certainy correct me if I'm incorrect, but I believe JL's intention is to raid blueside for now.

    Because they are doing this bi-weekly, if the Twilight Avengers decide to host a public raid, we'll do it on the off week and on redside, just so there's a change-up. We will, of course, post on these forums to let everyone know about it ahead of time, as we've done in the past. Unfortunately, because we currently lead weekly raids on the Guardian server, we won't be able to run these regularly for the time being. Should that change, it, too, will be posted here.

    Gratz on getting the ball rolling again JL, and good luck!