ok listen...
I was in school so it wasn't me.
I don't know. Maybe we should have someone Hive-sit till we find the people responsible and them lambast them across the Internet?
... or atleast find out who this group is and convince them to finish what they started or wait till Thursdays to do what they're doing. Maybe their doing it on purpose for teh lulz?
whats funny is some of you "elite sg's" run off about how great of an sg they have or how they can do anything but then this is the 2nd time they have screw the pooch on hami.
at lease if you screw up ask for help so we can get hami finished...leaving it for us is selfish.luckily we spawned the hive 2 and did our raid there and done

Im not sure how this screws people from finsihing off hami. I lub you alot servere but come on how many people carry eoes to hami now days alot. That hami could of been finished in 10mins and everyone gotten both rewards. And it takes what 1 hit to get the merits or hami from him. Not to mention what is wrong with another sg trying to attempt to do hami. Noone owns hami and maybe they were practicing and just couldnt get it done. No they did not finish but like i said it doesnt hurt either way 1 hit and you get the rewards how many leechers in regular raids do this. The only thing it hurt was the getting of the eoes. And i know when I go to hamis I carry atleast 4 with me now.
we only had 3 tanks last night and one guy had never done it before and last hami he was on he was on the drop team.
on the 2nd run i taunted 3 mitos myself.
on a public raid its never that simple.half these guys are new or have no clue.sure if i could get some vet help we could have yes.but uh..hardly none of the hami vets show up anymore.call it lazy or cheap. yes i bring eoes and you do..but hardly no one else does..there is the issue.
and another thing...if they couldnt get it done with hami..why not ask for help from the public?.too good to talk to guardian? dont want to look bad? too big of egos to do ask for help?
which is it cause if i was on and they asked for help id show up to help em out and so would alot of people.instead they waste their time and ours for nothing?

As Willow phase shifts her tank and runs away.......O.O who said that?? lol
I haven't seen any calls on channels about an impromptu Hami (the way you sometimes see for Rikti Mothership) so my guess is it is a SG. However, I'd expect a competent SG to have put together a set of teams capable of finishing: right number of people, right powers. Especially if they've ever been on one of the public raids.
I'm still hoping it is a SG 'practicing' though. Their timing sucks but I'd hate to think it's someone doing this to grief the public Hami raid. That would be quite unpleasant behaviour.
Whether it can be overcome if you get the right team selection/EoEs isn't really relevent. Could at least warn people what's happened so if adjustments have to be made they can be done early.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
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just kidding.
It was me
And while I'm admitting my guilt, I was also the second gunman on the grassy knoll...
In all seriousness though, I can see how annoying it could be. But somehow I doubt it's being intentionally done to grief the regular public Raid.
love a promptu hami raid .. I need the hamio's... I show up at the hami raid almost every week. some weeks its smooth as silk. some weeks it not so much. If decide I need a promptu hami. I have no problem broadcasting as I'm sure most of guardian knows. so with that being said how about a promptu hami raid this week???
Lady Bellicose Task Force Junkie
Im not sure how this screws people from finsihing off hami. I lub you alot servere but come on how many people carry eoes to hami now days alot. That hami could of been finished in 10mins and everyone gotten both rewards. And it takes what 1 hit to get the merits or hami from him. Not to mention what is wrong with another sg trying to attempt to do hami. Noone owns hami and maybe they were practicing and just couldnt get it done. No they did not finish but like i said it doesnt hurt either way 1 hit and you get the rewards how many leechers in regular raids do this. The only thing it hurt was the getting of the eoes. And i know when I go to hamis I carry atleast 4 with me now.
yeah piece of cake compared to a normal raid right?.... lul

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators
I don't run the Hami raids very often, maybe one every few months. And I'll admit I don't know much about it, I just look for orders and do as I'm told. But it seems to me that someone is purposely doing it. It doesn't take a lot of effort to "spawn" Hami, a team of 8 (especially with the new incarnate stuff and Alpha level shift) could do it pretty quick I'd imagine.
I don't know how easy it is to triple spawn hami, nor do I know how to do it. Again, however, with the new incarnate stuff I'd imagine a team of 8 could easily jackknife the whole thing.

I don't run the Hami raids very often, maybe one every few months. And I'll admit I don't know much about it, I just look for orders and do as I'm told. But it seems to me that someone is purposely doing it. It doesn't take a lot of effort to "spawn" Hami, a team of 8 (especially with the new incarnate stuff and Alpha level shift) could do it pretty quick I'd imagine.
I don't know how easy it is to triple spawn hami, nor do I know how to do it. Again, however, with the new incarnate stuff I'd imagine a team of 8 could easily jackknife the whole thing. |
Honestly, however, I don't see how this messes up anyone's party. All you have to do is spawn the second iteration of the Hive and then proceed as normal. But if it IS a result of SG testing, it IS inconsiderate of whomever did it, and hopefully they will either desist or succeed in future testing.
And Bellicose...you know we run every Wednesday night. It's not exactly impromptu, but then, a sure thing isn't all that bad where shards or merits are concerned!
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
whats funny is some of you "elite sg's" run off about how great of an sg they have or how they can do anything but then this is the 2nd time they have screw the pooch on hami.
at lease if you screw up ask for help so we can get hami finished...leaving it for us is selfish.luckily we spawned the hive 2 and did our raid there and done |
I therefore almost fell out of my chair laughing that the so-called 'elite" failed Hamidon in fabulous-disaster fashion. Walk on home, "elite."
Ha ha, BI, you've got us all super curious now! You're such a tease! Who was it?
-- Vivian
Ha ha, BI, you've got us all super curious now!
![]() -- Vivian |

Its another biiiiig Guardian group that makes their wannabees go through an extensive and quite humiliating application process, and its members rarely speak in Broadcast, teamspeak or any other public mode of communication. They are very controlling of their members and do not allow them to associate with any other SG. Ever. If a member tries they will swiftly and publically be called onto the carpet about it. Outside socialization is NOT ALLOWED! And they like Hami raids. A lot. On Wednesdays.
[And it wasn't PK Squadron! Heh, I kinda miss those guys, they had their funny moments. I never see them around anymore.]
It's fairly obvious who you're insinuating, BI. It's also fair to say that IF you're referring to TA, you're talking about what you don't know, since you claimed you "declined" when everyone knows that NO ONE from the public would be invited to a guild raid. Several of your other facts are inaccurate if you're talking about us as well, but feel free to believe what you like.
I can tell you that 1) we've successfully taken Hami down at 75%, and 2) When TA attempts a 75% takedown, we spawn a second iteration of the Hive and conduct the raid there. After all, why would we want to delay a public raid that WE lead?!? We even have this practice on the Pinnacle server where we don't have to worry about anyone else raiding (redside).
Take your accusations and venom elsewhere. There haven't been any other incidents, so it's a moot point.
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
It's fairly obvious who you're insinuating, BI. It's also fair to say that IF you're referring to TA, you're talking about what you don't know, since you claimed you "declined" when everyone knows that NO ONE from the public would be invited to a guild raid.
The persons I declined to join were friends in the zone, not TA. Everyone knows you don't want non_TA in there.
And yes, it is true that you usually take down Hami when you have a competent leader leading the raid. It was pretty funny to see the whole lot of you instantly exit to Pinnacle after the incident in question though, as if the embarrassment were too great to be borne.
As it should be

Several of your other facts are inaccurate if you're talking about us as well, but feel free to believe what you like. |
Take your accusations and venom elsewhere. There haven't been any other incidents, so it's a moot point. |
I'm not going to bother arguing because I'm familiar with your type. Suffice it to say everyone is entitled to their opinion, but many of your "facts" are just plain wrong.
This is the first and last thing I will bother saying in this thread, though anyone is free to PM me or /t me in game @lost 1.
Have a wonderful day.
Proud member of the Twilight Avengers
Shunya~DB/Electric Scrapper capable of 262 DPS pre Incarnate
Mindtrix~Ill/Cold Controller soloed Lusca pre Incarnate
Psyanara~Night Widow/Fortunata 300+ DPS w/ Reactive
This is likely a waste of breath, but I'm going to bother exactly once. After that, you can continue to flash your ignorance for all to see for as long as you like.
Bah, you lot do not own the Hive. People who are not in your so-called "elite" group participate in those raids all the time, much to the chagrin of your raid leaders who immediately begin trying to dismantle non-TA teams via tell. TA cannot control who enters the zone and participates. Aw!
The persons I declined to join were friends in the zone, not TA. Everyone knows you don't want non_TA in there. |
What I was referring to, however, was the fact that we raid privately as a guild, and NO ONE gets invited to those, nor are they announced by anyone, whether they have "friends with alts" in the guild or otherwise. That's the way we've always operated, as we like to do such things as a guild only. That kind of thing is not for everyone, just as our guild isn't. And trust me...when we even attempt a 75% takedown of Hami, we have enough people that we don't need many bots to fill the zone. When we don't have that many, we stick to the 50% takedown, which we do regularly.
And yes, it is true that you usually take down Hami when you have a competent leader leading the raid. It was pretty funny to see the whole lot of you instantly exit to Pinnacle after the incident in question though, as if the embarrassment were too great to be borne.
As it should be ![]() |
Not so fast, Sparky. I hear this stuff from friends who have alts in your group. Doesn't sound like a very congenial place to me, but I let 'em play their own game.
Can only go by what I see, which is a lot of bullying and a lot of faux-"elite" wannabe-itude. Get over yourselves; your group really does not have all that great a rep on the server. Notorius for all the wrong reasons.
Well guess what...you ain't the first, and you won't be the last. I daresay that our rep is just fine with many of the regulars at the Wednesday night raids who seem to enjoy raiding with us and whose opinions we actually value.
There are far more things I could say to further discredit you, but quite frankly, I'm bored, and doing so would be a further waste of my time. So go, enjoy your own little world. Oh, and if you'd like to participate in a public raid, they're at 9 eastern on Wednesday evenings. Have a nice day!
The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader
@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2
I run Hami every chance I get with Wulf and the gang. I'm not a TA member. I've always been met with encouragement from all TA members. We ran Hami in the old days ("old days" meaning months ago) in around 40 minutes. We clocked it in at 12 minutes the other night. I can't imagine anyone but Wulf, or any other TA member, coordinating that many toons in such an efficient manner - regardless of the task at hand.
I'm not trying a pick a fight. I just found a certain previous post to be rather caustic and simply untrue.
This is likely a waste of breath, but I'm going to bother exactly once. After that, you can continue to flash your ignorance for all to see for as long as you like.
You misunderstand. When we voluntarily run the public raids, we gladly welcome everyone, and run it with an efficiency that is unmatched on any server, whether you care to admit it or not. The reason we shuffle the teams is because, as leaders, we need to make sure each team has what it needs to be successful for everyone's benefit. We also need to ensure that the person leading the team actually knows what he or she is doing. We have a number of public folks who fill that role regularly, including Street Stalker, Doctor Bob, Ariel', Lady Bellicose, and a number of different people from the Empire. We don't claim to be elite in that set-up...we're just trying to ensure success by making sure the team set-ups are as good as possible for the overall strat. What I was referring to, however, was the fact that we raid privately as a guild, and NO ONE gets invited to those, nor are they announced by anyone, whether they have "friends with alts" in the guild or otherwise. That's the way we've always operated, as we like to do such things as a guild only. That kind of thing is not for everyone, just as our guild isn't. And trust me...when we even attempt a 75% takedown of Hami, we have enough people that we don't need many bots to fill the zone. When we don't have that many, we stick to the 50% takedown, which we do regularly. We don't allow anyone in our guild to lead the raid unless we're sure they're competent to do so, and no one has led one aside from our officers in years. And we "usually take down Hami" when we have a competent leader?!? That actually made me laugh out loud. If you saw us suddenly go to Pinnacle at around the same time this incident happened, it's interesting, since we all remain globally hidden for our guild raids. So if you could see us, we weren't raiding. First, Sparky hasn't been in our guild--or even in the game--for a couple of years now. Second, if you hear any of the crap that you've said about our guild from people who are actually in my guild, then I need to strengthen the application process, as I don't typically allow blatant liars to become members. But by all means, send me a PM with their names, and I'll be glad to discuss their discontent with them at length. And BTW, it's SOOOO kind of you to "let'em play their own game" considering it's their account and can play however and with whomever they choose. And you call us elite and controlling?!? I will agree with you about one thing, though...if they've been telling you this BS about our guild, I don't know why they are members either. I couldn't care less what my "rep" is with someone like you. Your only goal in this post seems to be to use it as an opportunity to air some personal greivances you seem to have with my guild, or try to lay enough innuendo to get others to share them. This is especially obvious since the incident Serv posted about was over a month ago, and the one before that is even further back. Posting when nothing else has happened since then reveals your true agenda. Well guess what...you ain't the first, and you won't be the last. I daresay that our rep is just fine with many of the regulars at the Wednesday night raids who seem to enjoy raiding with us and whose opinions we actually value. There are far more things I could say to further discredit you, but quite frankly, I'm bored, and doing so would be a further waste of my time. So go, enjoy your own little world. Oh, and if you'd like to participate in a public raid, they're at 9 eastern on Wednesday evenings. Have a nice day! |
So when can I expect you to come to other servers and show us your superiority? (also the last raid i led on freedom was 12 min, champion, victory and Justice all can do them in that same time frame, and Virtue has done them in 7min)
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
this is what hami looks like tonight. since theres 3 mitos its clear to me someone got too high on themselves and tried to do hami without finishing.

now i know this happened a few weeks ago...whoevers sg is doing this and messing up public raids should at least take responsibility for it.
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