56 -
I will so be there!!! unless R/L curses me :P
THANK YOU!!!! for the countless hours of escape.. Wish you all well and best of luck with search for a Job!
OMG where were you when I was going through my web design classes????? Awesome Job! I hope there will be a COH for your students to continue to learn on!
The Empire of the Damned will continue with the raids till they no longer allow us to log in... so check the forums or Face book for raid events.. It's been a pleasure teaming and raiding with Guardian!!
when you work in a call center and giggle when you get a call from a Mr. Reichman
When I invest time and energy into a friendship that meant nothing to them, and left feeling like an fool
if you ever faked a migrain to get out of going camping so you can stay home alone to play coh in peace ..heh
if your Tag on your car reads " Tank LFG"
Meep!! can't remember If i posted or not.. (old age) .. started about 2009 and Guardian is my home. I'm always around .. some where .. doing . something
well since i'm paying for two account that offer's mulitply servers i plan on playing them all except champion my head will explode from the lag!!!
When the game goes down for maintance.. downloaded the new patch and keep getting a message that a firewall or access is not avalible.. WTH!!!!!!!
Tonight is the HamiRaid 8pm est followed by Mothership raid in RWZ and ending with an ITrial. Hope everyone can make it
Happy Hunting to all
LB -
when i just form a tast force or trial and comcast decides that's the time to pull the plug on my internet!!!!
Wow... so much love...
I love RAIDING, Wednesday Hami raids are great, TA does a awesome job. Severe and everyone that night did and awesome job. (awesome in the fact we all completed I got my hamio)
I'm not opposed to doing two or more Hami raids during the week. Personally I don't care who leads, as long as we get the job done.
Personalities are always going to clash, someone is always going to either feel left out, put down or annoyed by someone else. whether its a person or a group. I believe the majority in this game is adults, or at least meet the age requirement to be called and adultSo if you dont like someone or group, you have two options dont team with them, or suck it up and play the game.
love a promptu hami raid .. I need the hamio's... I show up at the hami raid almost every week. some weeks its smooth as silk. some weeks it not so much. If decide I need a promptu hami. I have no problem broadcasting as I'm sure most of guardian knows. so with that being said how about a promptu hami raid this week???
Another MS Raid, went extremely well. the use of the League Mode is great for making balance teams. Everyone that showed up did an awesome job.
when my chainsaw runs out of gas and oil and a mob of fresh zombies is on my lawn
I hate the fact that most of the people on this server is adults but we act like Jr high school kids, calling names sending nasty tells. so what if someone quits a task force, a cop, or a flipping a team. And before you send that tell with a bunch of four letter words to a stranger consider the fact maybe that player just might be a 12yr. And even if it's someone you know, get over it, just rude. After all it is just a game. I know its annoying. But its not the end of the world and maybe, just maybe that person is having a BAD DAY? Don't let it ruin yours. if it happens to you and I'm on send me a tell.. i'll reply with a "ha ha "
when coh thinks its cool to have a new patch every 3freakin days and it takes forever (anything longer then 2 minutes) to download.... I WANT MY GAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!