Trying the new Exalted "vip" server?
not to mention hitlering the thanks.
oh and cross posting in every section of the forums is against the forums stop spamming

Not like the FTPers can get on private channels, actually if I'm not mistaken the FTPers can only talk in local and team only. Honestly most of the people that I have been teaming with for years are not even gonna leave the server that they are on, I know I'm not going to switch servers.
I hope you have fun in your little channel... even if you're the only one in it.
�Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.�
0 50s but I have fun playing!
You guys are crazy though Pepsi and I started a sg over on exalted for Guardian pplz, we got quite a few ppl and there alts, last few nights been running stuff like crazy
Hit level 23 last night
Cool Noire, I have a SG's on both side, we should do a coalition.
Hero SG - Slackers... contact @Slacker
Villain SG - New Reign... contact @Ashe Burn
�Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.�
0 50s but I have fun playing!
*gnaw donations*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
Yeah! Come on over to Exalted and join Slackers!! It's what ALL the Cool Kids are doing!
*watches all the cool kids from behind the bushes*
16 Level 50's currently spread across several servers.
couldve sworn that guardian was the only server, i wonder where everyone's disappearing to =x
Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper
Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan
I've done everything I need to do on Exalted. I'm fine right where I am, where I belong, my home.
Guardian or Die!!
well since i'm paying for two account that offer's mulitply servers i plan on playing them all except champion my head will explode from the lag!!!
Lady Bellicose Task Force Junkie
I need to get my conputer fixed before I can try it out.. think my motherboard fried
<--- on Guardian DUH!!!!

*gnaw motherboard*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
*gnaw Pepsiman*
I, too, have no interest in going to Exalted. It shows every sign of becoming another Freedom.
Guardian has traditionally been one of the friendliest, most pleasant servers to be on, free of much of the drama seen elsewhere.
I intend to stay, because that's what appeals to me. I know I'd be hard pressed to find that elsewhere -- including Exalted.
-- Vivian
wow....sounds like someones trying to corner the market on some new channels :P
40 50s so far.
if you dont like me....i dont really care.
respect is earned , never given