35 -
2 est... I'll be there, let me know what you need me to bring.
Thanks DE it was a blast, I'll be there for W.A.V.E 2.0!
Quote:ALL HAIL LORD OMEGA!my pick:
Princess scarletta (@omega shockwave)
master tactician, can lead leagues into battle, great toon(s), great person.
I'll follow omega blind into battle, knowing we can win.
One of the finest players on the game!
Omega has my support and vote all the way. -
Actually you would owe that thanks to someone else. @Alushya was the one that did most of the work gettin you your brute to 50.
3 rooms done, 300k spent... all done with love and fun!
I hope I got my form in in time, doubt I'd win but will be fun trying!
Cool Noire, I have a SG's on both side, we should do a coalition.
Hero SG - Slackers... contact @Slacker
Villain SG - New Reign... contact @Ashe Burn -
Not like the FTPers can get on private channels, actually if I'm not mistaken the FTPers can only talk in local and team only. Honestly most of the people that I have been teaming with for years are not even gonna leave the server that they are on, I know I'm not going to switch servers.
I hope you have fun in your little channel... even if you're the only one in it. -
Well since we're bragging and everything...
A few years ago a few fellow slackers and myself pushed the limits on a lrsf (Havok11, Botley, Alpha-One, Brickfaced, and a few others).
29 mins 17 secs, we didn't have incarnates to boost us up. We just did it to say to those that said it couldn't be done... That it can!
That's something to brag about. -
My video card crashes and my girlfriend is trying to be nice...
"You can play on my WoW account."
Severe did a great job at leading tonight, it was a rough start but the outcome was a blast!
Thanks again Severe, I'll see you next week. -
I have to agree with Severe, Virtue is a solid server with a lot of great players... not as good as most Guardians though. There are 4 or 5 good channels on Virtue that can get most teams going and or tfs/raids.
When I decided to break from Guardian, Virtue was where I went and had no troubles lvling up toons.
Not as big as Freedumb but very close, normally Virtue is redlighted from all the players on it.
Issues with Freedumb - Lot of noobs there and a lot of buttheads. It does have a large collection of older players but to sort them out from the noobs can be painful.
But no matter what, as many have said in the past... Guardian is home! -
Sounds like a great idea! - Mind/Sonic troller, WP/Electric tank, Stone/SS tank, Kin/Psi defender, or a Fire/Energy blaster that I could bring.
The Guardian Channel is one of the bigger one, also there is Guardian Teams, and Level 50.
There may be more but those 3 are the ones that I use or my friends use the most.
I think all 3 you will have to be given chat permissions from a Moderator/OP. -
32... I remember when I was 32 all those years ago.... Damn I'm old but not as Mr U!
Count me in Alpha. -
For all that you do this wish of a Merry Christmas is for you!
Eat, Drink, and slack off! -
Again it was a suggested amount of vault storage, I posted this for ideas what the storage should be or what people would think is a acceptable amount.
My point was that I think most people are missing is that throughout my toons I have this salvage (like most others) but it's spread out through multiple toons. I'm looking at being able to access the salvage that I already have instead of running AE or having to pay the jacked up price of it.
If my toon just hit 27, 37, or 47 I would like to go ahead and slot the recipes within that level range. Please remember that everyone just got 3 respecs for each toon they have. Now if you are trying to adjust for inherent fitness and or make some other modification to your toon you will have to purchase some sort of salvage. Now I can only speak for myself that I made a lot of changes to a lot of toons and I did this before I started running TF/SF for shards and yes after I get done doing my respec I would like to finish slotting it so I can do these tf/sf's... I personally don't care to run a toon on a tf/sf that isn't slotted properly.
As far as a global and a regular vault I am all for that as well, anything that will allow me to gain access to salvage quicker that is on another toon without forcing me to log over to every toon I have to get to it.
As far as salvage being gauged on the market, when was the last time someone bought a Alchemical Gold, a few weeks ago it was selling for the same price as some rare salvage (one million for a uncommon salvage and that is just one example of how the salvage market has gone crazy) and now sits at a nice price of 500K... So people do not think that is gauged?
Again, I am looking for ideas for what an acceptable amount would be. -
It is a suggested amount, I have 47 50's so I know what I would be loosing out. But to come up with a outrageous amount would get laughed at by the devs (and this post whether it be for the global vault or expanding the email will be tossed out like Pre ED), I'd rather loose a little to gain much more. Unless you have each piece of salvage listed for each toon how long would it take you to hunt down the salvage you would need? You rather add to the price gouging at the market? More than likely you'll say I have billions... I have billions too and I'd like to keep that so I am able to buy the recipes I need for the toons, I surely don't want to spend more on the salvage then the recipes it takes to slot the toon. As far as the SG salvage lockers not all my toons are in the same sgs, or even on the same servers... Sure I'd like to see them expand the lockers, will I ever think they will do it... not really.
So if the number is to low, tell me a number that is reasonable but yet realistic.
Not everyone have 47 50's let alone 80. But I'm sure a lot of people are getting feed up with spending an arm and a leg on salvage. -
Thanks Vivian for the link. Being new to posting on the forums I really wasn't sure where I should have posted the suggestion. Well it's up, now lets see how the others feel about the idea.
Been talking to a lot of my global friends and we all agree that we would like to see the Vault go global or being able to email more then one item at a time. Salvage prices have gone through the roof, most of us if not all have more salvage then we know what to do with it's just getting to it cause it's all on toons spread out across the server or multiple servers.
What I had in mind was expanding the vault to a global level of 100 salvage items per account or expanding email so you are able to ship 10 items of similar things at once.
This will hopefully reduce the price jacking on the markets and make it so some salvage costs less then the recipe your trying to craft.
I asked this question on the Guardian servers and this is what a handful thought.
Let me know how you feel about this idea. -
Personally I wasn't referring to larger base salvage, I was thinking more on the lines of making the vault hold 100 salvage items per account. Maybe make it so you are able to ship 10 items at a time via email instead of just 1. I am not opposed to a SG accolade that will expand the storage within that SG (sounds like a intelligent idea). As far as hoarding salvage and price jacking, that is already occurring within the game, when you are forced to pay 500K to a million for a uncommon salvage just because it is a low level type of salvage is stupid. Yes, I know supply and demand. I do not sell my salvage on the market and if hoarding it is a crime then I am guilty but also I know I will need that salvage on another toon in the coming future or one of my SG mates might need it. Any salvage that I do not use I place within my SG lockers for all my members to use and most if not all do the same.
Yes, I do realize that you can cash in AE tickets or run Flashbacks to get lower level salvage and I have no problem doing that, just when I finish a toon and ready to slot them I don't wanna have to spend extra time in AE or Flashback (within Flashback there is no guarantee that you will even get said salvage) to get one or two pieces of salvage that I need.
To me it seems the ones that wouldn't want this is the ones that are doing the price jacking on the market. -
Quote:I'm not saying get rid of them, just maybe a different way you can get them other than drops.I would have to agree on the crazyness of temp power drops however i think that they hold some importants in the game play like a few folks said a few of them can be very useful.
You can buy WW/BM teleporters (These are great things to have) and Jet packs. Why can't you just purchase other temp powers instead of getting them as drops? In return it would free up space in your recipe inventory for something you might be able to use more then a revolver of a baseball bat.