Unfinished Business - Master's Runs & etc.
I was just thinking about my coh "unfinished business" yesterday and masters were some of them. But with work I can't say if I'll be able to come to this yet or not. And I tend to just get stuck being bi....."whined" at by a manager whenever I request a day off, for anything (god forbid the diabetic has an issue), so that's out of the question lol. Hopefully I'll have the day off or be closing.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

I will be there. with Ninus (Bots/Dark/Soul Mastermind) still have all Ultimates in my Inspiration trays.
Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time

Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!
I'll bring the Horse!
�Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.�
0 50s but I have fun playing!
Count Ulli in for this. I have to leave around 3PM EST, but I think that's enough time.
I'll bring my bots/dark MM for the MOUG and my fire/rad corruptor, most likely, for the MoMags.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
BUMMER, Looks like I will be missing out on your last Master run attempts. I wish all that make the league best of luck scoring your last Master Badges.
I will be in the hell of recert class for my Paramedic certification. I can tell you I would much rather be sitting at my computer playing than hearing about respiratory problems and treatments...
Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.
Vixen defined by urbandictionary.com:
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.
I need to be on these!!
Lady Bellicose Task Force Junkie
Who said anything about these being the last?
Also, sometime... (not sure when yet) I'd like to put together a blueside (Hero's & Vigilantes) <GASP!!!!> Cathedral of Pain.
Yes, I know. These are weird times.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
I'll be there with vent and with Gypsy Witch, my +3 6t4 aoe blaster (including Clarion).
Thanks for organizing this!
Shard it all I wasn't going to but I REALLY want the MoMagi on Ru....
My Energy/Ice Corruptor for the MoMagi and my Fire/Rad Corruptor for the MoUG
Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr
I'll bring Ari, she is +3 in everything.
I'll be there with whatever the league needs most. It'll be entertaining to help get yet another MoMagi. lol

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone." - Kragothe Valour
T-minus 5 days to the MO's. The group is looking pretty darn good at the moment. Anyone want to reach out to Armeros for this? Just realized he's not in this yet.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Count me in...might be one of the last times I suit up.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
Ah man, wish I could be there, but I work Saturdays and am not available until after 5pm EST. Best of luck to everyone.

Omega, please sign up Dash Bleu (ma/sr scrapper, +3 shifted).
Desperately hoping he can get his Mo's for these iTrials. Thanks a bunch for organizing this!
FYI... expanded the event a bit. Info up at the top in the original post. I'll have a loose itinerary/strategy plan posted by tomorrow night.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
"Loose" plan for Saturday.
Trial #1: Underground - Attempt to get ALL badges, unless entire league does not want to go for Preservation Specialist (destroy all bombs) badge. This will probably be only attempt for that specific badge.
Trial #2: Underground #2 - Cleanup of any missed badges.
Trial #3: Magisterium - Attempt for Triple Threat (3 AV's in 5 sec of each other), and The Hard Way.
Trial #4: Magisterium #2 - Attempt for Ready to Rumble (Defeat Black Swan within 8 minutes of beginning the trial), and the Hard Way.
Trial #5: Magisterium #3 - Cleanup of any missed badges.
<probably a good time to break for food>
Depending what we have leftover after the break...
16 players or less:
Trial #6a: Minds of Mayhem - All badges but the Nightmares (open to farm that once this starts winding down, but not going to dedicate time to it while the lead is still really strong).
Trial #7a: Dilemma Diabolique - All badges
Trials #8-10a: Lambda Sector - All badges
17 or more players:
Trial #6b: TPN Campus - All badges
Trial #7b: Keyes Island Reactor - All badges
Trial #8b: Behavioral Adjustment Facility - Strong & Pretty
Trial #9b: Behavioral Adjustment Facility #2 - Gotta Keep 'Em Separated
I'll keep going as long as there is still adequate interest (within reason, can't guarantee I'll still be doing them at 3am in the morning )
I'll cover strategy when we begin since most will miss this thread anyway.
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none
Many thanks for running these yesterday, Omega!
I'm still /em curseyou'ing the Team-Up Teleporter UI (and my fail-to-notice-the-big-green-button-self -- and the wonky teaming/league'ing invite system -- but mostly m'self) for missing out on the MoDD-on-the-first-attempt. >.<
Very much hoping you'll be able to put together at least one or two more of these events before the end of November. Cheers!
any chance of doing a bucnh of trials again?
Was Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and I was away
Capt. Obvious: Telling it like it is since 2004
First items of unfinished business... I've still got another Master of Underground to lead and there are several others I'd like to help achieve Master of Magisterium.
On Saturday, October 6th at noon (Eastern Time) I'll be forming a league to tackle both Master of Underground and Master of Magisterium. Hopefully 2 weeks is enough notice for people. Please try to be there on time. We'll start with MoUG.
UPDATE: Since the recent announcement by NCSoft that all avenues were exhausted regarding selling or licensing CoH, AND since we've got such a great roster forming up here, I'd like to extend this event and make it sort of a last 'large group' hurrah. For some of us, this may be the last time we ever play the game.
So, pending there is enough interest... after the MoMagi stuff is all done, we'll run some TPN's, MoM's, DD's, other incarnate MO's, etc.
If you'd like a spot saved for you, please reply to this or send a tell to @Omega Shockwave. Please let me know what you are bringing (archetype, pri/sec, level shifts).
For both trials:
For MoUnderground (MoUG):
For MoMagisterium (MoMagi):
- We'll make attempts for all of the badges required for the Master's badge as long as we have a league capable of doing so.
- This will include attempts at The Hard Way (defeating Tyrant without closing more than 12 Lights of the Well). Unless we start absolutely crushing The Hard Way badge, any effort to convince me to try for The Really Hard Way (closing NO lights) will be futile.
- Note #1: Be prepared to purchase Ultimate (+1 level shift) inspirations for this. You can buy them at the black market/wentworth's or from Astral Christy in Ouroboros for 2 astrals each.
- Note #2: For the Hard Way/Really Hard Way it is necessary to debuff Tyrant's damage resistance. Group damage/recharge buffs will also help. Scourge from corruptors is VERY valuable since he regenerates faster the lower his HP goes.
Signup List:Team 1:
1) @Omega Shockwave (+3, able to bring just about anything)
2) Psychic Guardian
3) @Ninus (Bots/Dark mastermind)
4) @Slacker
5) @Ullikummis
6) @Lady Bellicose
7) @Capa Devans (DB stalker)
8) @Mad Skills (Emp/Rad defender)
Team 2:
1) @Rekatrednu
2) Gypsy Witch (blaster)
3) @Dragons Lair (Ruthia Dascht - +3 Energy/Cold Dom corruptor)
4) @Strife Fox***
5) @Dark Energon (Nephila - +3 Crab Spider)
6) @Ariel (+3 Blaster)
7) @Kragothe (whatever is needed)
8) @Vixen Healer (+3 empathy defender)
Team 3:
1) @Armeros
2) @Paish
3) @Coonie
4) @Dash no Chris
May show up sometime later:
@Omega Shockwave
Server: Guardian
SG: The Omega Revolution
VG: none