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  1. Thanks to several very helpful fellow Guardianites, today my main badger finally got his last redside badge (Hellbane -- for defeating Caleb) and came home to the blueside.

    He still has some badges to work on in the time he has left, and among these are a few of the iTrial and Mo-iTrial badges. Off the top of my head, I know he still needs Mo-Magi, Mo-Keyes, and Mo-MoM. For this last one, he only needs the defeat-all-20-different-Malaise-nightmares badge from the first MoM mish -- he's at 16/20, iirc.

    I was wondering, with this effectively being our last full weekend with the game, what would our server's usual raid leaders think of running some Mo's either Friday or Saturday (11/23 & 11/24)?

    Many thanks to those who assisted Dash Bleu this morning/afternoon, and many thanks to all those who've helped him earn a shiny in the past.

  2. Many thanks for running these yesterday, Omega!
    I'm still /em curseyou'ing the Team-Up Teleporter UI (and my fail-to-notice-the-big-green-button-self -- and the wonky teaming/league'ing invite system -- but mostly m'self) for missing out on the MoDD-on-the-first-attempt. >.<

    Very much hoping you'll be able to put together at least one or two more of these events before the end of November. Cheers!

  3. Thanks so much for running the Tin Mage II TF yesterday, Ariel' -- was very glad to have another shot at that Mo.

    If I might phone-in an advance request: Oct 30 - Nov 5, the WST (redside) is LRSF. My main badger, Dash Bleu, still needs MoLRSF. He also needs to take down Synapse in RV to complete his 'Phalanx collection there (and earn the Blackguard badge). I was wondering if you might consider running an MoLRSF followed by hunt-the-Phalanx-in-RV one evening during that week. I figure 3+ weeks notice ought to give participants plenty of time to alignment-shift to Villain/Rogue.

    Thanks again, Ariel'!

  4. Omega, please sign up Dash Bleu (ma/sr scrapper, +3 shifted).

    Desperately hoping he can get his Mo's for these iTrials. Thanks a bunch for organizing this!

  5. Dash Bleu (ma/sr scrapper) would LOVE to get signed up for this, Ariel. He's desperately hoping we can get the Midnight Dodger badge, as it's the last one he needs for the Mo.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
    I've been looking at those, but after a few hours of play I still had no tips. I was getting normal alignment tips street-sweeping in Peregrine, but nothing else. I'm trying to figure out whether I'm just lucky enough for the extremely improbable, or if there's a bug that's not going to get fixed.
    I've been wondering the same thing. I missed out on the V-Day stuffs earlier this year, so I was quite pleased to see the event switched on today. Just finished running the Red Widow / Cupid's Arrow mish, but so far, every Tip drop today has been for Alignment, not V-Day. Was wondering if anyone has received any V-Day Tips at all today.

  7. Dash_no_Chris

    Where to now?

    I've also never been into PvP stuffs -- the feeling of accomplishment and virtual camaraderie that I get from teaming up with other heroes to defeat PvE enemies is just too enjoyable. As a longtime fan of the Champions pen&dice RPG, I jumped on a lifetime subscription to Champions Online as its closed beta was drawing to an end. Also picked up an LTS for DCUO. Both games have some nifty stuff, but CoH really was the total package. I've barely scratched the surface of DCUO, mind you, and I do want to get back to playing it. With CO, I've only rolled one new alt since they did their major systems overhaul of the game earlier this year, and I still need to go back and re-gear all my old alts. Also LTS'd on Star Trek Online.

    Nearly a year ago, I submitted a request for consideration for Wildstar's first closed beta, but never got an invite. NCSoft's actions today have pretty much sealed the fate of that game (and all of NCSoft's other games) for me. And seeing that Marvel Heroes is a Diablo-style game in which one plays as pre-generated iconic Marvel characters rather than creating your own original heroes, I've got not a lot of interest in that title.

    My global in CO and STO is @Dash_no_Chris -- in DCUO it's DashnoChris (iirc).

  8. As a long-time fan of various fighting games, and martial arts manga/anime in the vein of Hokuto no Ken, my first (and still main) toon was a MA/SR scrapper -- who took the original version of Storm Kick, and Flurry, as soon as he could. The only thing about the original SK that bugged me was waiting for the long animation to finish when I rolled a miss. Flurry, on the other hand, was respec'd away pretty quickly for the reasons we're all familiar with.

    Even if the devs never saw fit to give either or both of these powers a short cone AoE (like Shadow Maul), I always thought that there's one change that could make me happy with them. Give each an alternate, very brief, single-swing-and-a-miss animation that plays whenever either power rolls a miss. Roll a miss, you get this short-duration miss animation; roll a hit, you get the normal multi-strike animation. Minimizes the amount of time wasted waiting for your toon to finish doing no damage, and makes your toon look a little less foolish by preventing him from flailing wildly at empty air.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
    Sunday, 2/26/11, I will try to start at 12pm Eastern.

    Sunday I'm going to lead a bunch of MoTrials. I will try to run at least 1 attempt on each. Bring your badge characters and let's have some fun.
    Sounds great! My badger, Dash Bleu, has only picked up MoTPN so far -- and is partially there on the others:

    MoKeyes = 0/4
    MoUG = 1/4
    MoLam = 1/4
    MoBAF = 2/4
    MoMoM = 3/4

    Very happy for the coincidental timing on this -- I happen to be covering the graveyard shift that week, and won't have to leave for work on that Sunday until 16:30 PST / 19:30 EST.

  10. I don't know how long this commerical (entitled Home Protector Plus: Journey) has been running, but I just happened to see it on AMC. What caught my attention is the "radio chatter" voice of the PPD Police Drone that can be heard 6 seconds into the video, just as the girl begins to ride past her burning house. I hadn't heard of Police Drones employing fire-fighting equipment before, but if Liberty Mutual's home burglary policies include stationing a Police Drone in my house to simply teleport thieves directly to the local jail, I just might become a customer.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    *bump nudge poke*
    Many thanks to Ariel' and all those who participated in last night's FNFN -- thanks especially for helping me complete Dash Bleu's arena badge collection!

  12. I, for one, hope TA continues to lead Hami Raids on Guardian. Personally, I haven't been able to attend a Wednesday night raid for the last year or two due to working swing shift til midnight on Wednesdays (with only a few exceptions, like during vacation time). I thought there was nothing new under the sun as far as Hami Raids went, until I was finally free to participate in one several weeks ago. Being on a raid in which no-one left the bowl during a Mito bloom -- instead, standing our ground as aggro teams expertly reasserted control over Mitos as damage teams swept them away again and again, until we simply ignored the 25% HP bloom and continued beating Hami himself into defeat -- was such an absolute rush! Any time I have a free Wednesday evening, I will happily head the The Hive to get in on a Hami Raid (unfortunately, my work schedule makes such opportunities few and far between). Would a shift to Thursday nights be something that might improve overall attendance (not just my own)?

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    So I can run one or the other of the requested tf's. We can plan on a start time of around 7:00pm.
    Maybe you could do a post with multiple sign-up lists for the requested TFs and opt to run whichever list fills up first?

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    We did it and on the first pass to boot!

    Tankie everyone for joining and see everyone next time!
    Many, many thanks for my new shiny, Ariel'! Such an amazingly smooth run!

    And just to chime in: Dash Bleu (ma/sr scrapper) is still on the hunt for MoLRSF and MoITF. But anytime I'm free for an Ariel' Mo attempt, Dash Noir (dm/reg scrapper) is waiting in the wings to start on any Mo's that Dash Bleu already has.

  15. Ninus, thanks SO much for putting together this event, thanks for helping my main get his 2nd WTF badge and to 25/50 on his 3rd, and thanks for the awesome incentive raffle you provided -- as a longtime Las Vegas resident who never gambles, your update above gave me a little taste of that adrenaline rush that fuels our local economy.

    And thanks for showing us just how quickly the Treespec can be run -- I'm very much looking forward to that trial coming up again as a WTF so I can finish up that 3rd badge.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    So for Saturday Jan 7th 2012 @6:00pm pst I plan on running a MoBarracuda SF!

    If you are interested reserve your spot now before they are all gone!
    Howdy, Ariel'!

    Please reserve 2 spots: one for myself (playing Dash Bleu, lv.50 ma/sr/body scrapper), and one for @Bri-Guy (playing Nina Burns, lv.50 fire/fire/soul brute).


  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Me needs the Septad/Pentad badge to complete my Arena Accolade
    Dash Bleu needs that one (Pentad Victor), as well as the Swiss Draw match winner badge (Tournament Victor), to complete his Arena Accolade.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Azure Lightstar View Post
    Oh, hey -- there's m'main, Dash Bleu, in the lower right corner.
    Thanks much for continuing to run these Mothership raids -- with my current work schedule, it had been several months since the last time I'd been able to participate in one.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
    Hopefully we can work on Swiss Draw and Pentad badges
    Originally Posted by Hericane View Post
    and the the RV AV badges.
    Count me in. Dash Bleu still needs Swiss Draw and Pentad, and defeating Synapse in RV'll give him Breakneck and Blackguard badges.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
    It's a passive auto-power, you can't drag it onto your power tray regardless.
    Yeah, I was assuming it'd be a passive based on the power's name as I was busily dragging and dropping the Synaptic powers into my tray. The display/artwork oddities, as well as the pause-&-popup stuff had me thinking I'd better bug & report it.

  21. Arc: "Who Will Die?" part 1 (villain version, played solo, as a Rogue)
    Mish: "Take Synapse's Power for Yourself!"

    Attempted to drag the 4 Synapse temp power icons to my power tray.
    Synaptic Blast, Synaptic Strike, Synaptic Whirlwind all displayed normally in the Temporary Powers section of my Powers window, all had individualized artwork for their buttons, and all 3 dragged-and-dropped into my power tray with no problem.
    However, Synaptic Resistance had a few errors.

    First, while it appeared in the Temporary Powers section of the Powers window, it was skewed slightly to the left of the other powers in the list.
    Second, it's button had only placeholder artwork (gray button with a red "X" on it; iirc, this was used for the Mission Teleporter temp power button for quite some time).
    Third, when I attempted to drag Synaptic Resistance to my power tray, an error message appeared in a pop-up window, pausing my game. The pop-up had 2 buttons ("Copy to Clipboard" and "OK"), and clicking "OK" brought up a 2nd pop-up. Clicking "OK" again brought up a 3rd:

    Bad rawInfo size of 192 bytes for cursor texture or icon 'white' of 8x8 size
    Cursor texture or icon 'white' was -1 bpp instead of 32 bpp
    Inconsistency between dds header width/height of -1x-1 and rawInfo width/height of 8x8 for cursor texture or icon 'white'
    Clicking "OK" on the 3rd pop-up unpaused the game and play proceeded as normal. Attempting to drag Synaptic Resistance to the power tray again caused a repeat of this same error message sequence.
    Right-clicking Synaptic Resistance and selecting "add to power tray" had no effect whatsoever: the power did not add to the tray, and the error messages did not appear.

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
    The First mission of the LRSF is Bugged. I hope they can fix it before the 23rd.
    Good news, according to today's patch notes:
    Lord Recluse Strike Force

    Fixed an issue where Longbow Chasers were not showing up in the first mission, preventing players from progressing
    Game on?

  23. Heya, Guardian!

    A number of years back, a number of Guardian forum celebs established Bottoms Up -- a drink-/cocktail-/alcoholic-beverage-themed SG -- over on the portion of Guardian spelled T-r-i-u-m-p-h (due to having no further room for alts in downtown Guardian proper). I rolled several alts for Bottoms Up m'self, and enjoyed bellying up to the bar every few weeks with some of Guardian's finest. But home is where the heart is (our mains and primary alts, too ), and so the Bottoms Up outings became fewer and farther between, and eventually stopped.

    With the advent of i21 and the ability to buy 12 more character slots (#s 37-48) on Guardian server -- combined with the 90%-off-a-bundle-of-server-transfers-one-bundle-per-customer sale that ends today in the Paragon Market in-game store -- I wondered the members of Bottoms Up (the group's founders, in particular) would be interested in plunking down the $6 for the Character Transfer bundle in order to move our Bottoms Up alts to Guardian to try re-startin' the party on our home server.


    EDIT: Mistress Noire pointed out that the Code Enforcement & Building Standards division of NCSoft, while eager to issue building permits for new construction projects, takes a decidedly negative view of any attempt to transport entire SG bases across server boundaries. Furthermore, even if it were possible to move the base to Guardian, the number of bottles that would need to be bubble-wrapped and hand-packaged before the movers arrived would be staggering.

    I'd love to start playing some of my Bottoms Up alts again. Given the difficulties of transferring from Triumph to Guardian (I'll blame the Paragon Market for blinding me with the shininess of a 90% discount ), how many other BU members would be up for scheduling a night or two each month for some altaholic alcoholism? IIRC, most of Guardian's trial & raid action seems to happen on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays -- right? How would 1 or 2 Thursdays a month work for BU stuffs? Maybe call it "First & Third Thirsty Thursdays" for those who (like me) need mnemonic devices when the drink starts a-flowin'?

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ariel_ View Post
    Okie dokie I better start penciling people in before I lose track of who wants in on the Lord Recluse Strike Force.
    Count me in with Dash Bleu (ma/sr rogue scrapper), please!

  25. Depending on how well we do on an MoLRSF attempt (and how quickly we finish) -- and depending on how many of us are vigilante/rogue -- maybe we could duck over to Indy Port afterward and take a crack at an MoStates, too?
