Where to now?
I've also never been into PvP stuffs -- the feeling of accomplishment and virtual camaraderie that I get from teaming up with other heroes to defeat PvE enemies is just too enjoyable. As a longtime fan of the Champions pen&dice RPG, I jumped on a lifetime subscription to Champions Online as its closed beta was drawing to an end. Also picked up an LTS for DCUO. Both games have some nifty stuff, but CoH really was the total package. I've barely scratched the surface of DCUO, mind you, and I do want to get back to playing it. With CO, I've only rolled one new alt since they did their major systems overhaul of the game earlier this year, and I still need to go back and re-gear all my old alts. Also LTS'd on Star Trek Online.
Nearly a year ago, I submitted a request for consideration for Wildstar's first closed beta, but never got an invite. NCSoft's actions today have pretty much sealed the fate of that game (and all of NCSoft's other games) for me. And seeing that Marvel Heroes is a Diablo-style game in which one plays as pre-generated iconic Marvel characters rather than creating your own original heroes, I've got not a lot of interest in that title.
My global in CO and STO is @Dash_no_Chris -- in DCUO it's DashnoChris (iirc).
I hear you loud and clear. This was my first MMO and likely to be my last. I've tried a LOT of other games and none of them where able to capture me like COH did.
I had not really played much in the last 4-5 months but now there is a deadline..and i'm enjoying some old school play. No incarnate stuff...just classic AV arcs in PI!
Controllers and Defenders RULE!
Guardian is home.
Vixen defined by urbandictionary.com:
Totally gorgeous and amazing human female. With the cutest smile and a sweet body. Loves partying and drinks a lot but is still incredibly smart. But be warned, may jump you unexpectedly.
I've played quite a few MMOs before, but as for what I'll play now I don't know. I couldn't get into CO or DCUO that much so I may be hanging up my superhero cape for good. I was thinking of going back to my lvl 80 brawler on EQ2, but not a huge fan of crafting for hours to make money. I'm kind of hoping that the projects to resurrect Matrix Online happen. It'd be nice to play that again.
I tried out The Secret World and was pleasantly surprised by what I found there. Character customization is practically nil but it's surprisingly well designed and the community seems good there.
It's very gear dependent and there are no levels per se, but as you gain xp you get ability and skill points to spend on weapon skills and other abilities. There's also no AT's and you can literally change from an Empath to a Tank to a Blaster to a Scrapper simply by changing your gear and the powers you're using.
There's some warts of course, but graphically it's much better than CoH and it has very well written and voice acted story lines. There's PvP, but it's mostly like CoH and restricted to specific zones.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
I have also been trying out TSW. The only draw back I have run into so far is that I have not come across any of my Guardian friends yet.
Other than that the game does not come across as a grind fest to me and each mission has a story behind it that can hold clues to puzzles in some of the other missions.
Dungon, TSW's version of TF's, are fairly short and with a good team can take under an hour to complete.
I did a 3-day trial for TSW.
I'm kind of on the fence. It's strong in the storyline department as mentioned above, and it's a great-looking game.
I'm not sure if I like the ability/skill system though. It's not particularly intuitive, and I don't know if I like the idea of being able to just switch-out a completely different build. I mean, my characters' powers in CoH are part of them, part of who I imagine them to be. I can't imagine Rosa Quartz joining up on a team and going "Oh, we need a blaster instead of a tank? No problem, I'll just load up a different set of powers." I guess what I'm saying is that switching out powers like that hurts my emersion. And in a game like TSW, emersion is everything.
Global name: @k26dp
If anyone's on the fence about TSW, it's on sale for 50% off this weekend; down to $25. I'm on it sporadically right now; work is interrupting things at the moment.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
I have to say that I, along with most everyone reading this I suspect, am completely bummed out by the death of CoH. After paying and playing for 8+ years, I am going to be lost without this game, and more importantly, the Guardian family to play with.

So my question is, where to next? What MMO out there do you feel will capture your loyalty? I have zero interest in PvP, and from my searching, the majority of games out there are focused on that instead of PvE.
I played Champions Online, before it went ftp, and got 2 characters to lvl 40, but it never really felt right as the game was more solo-oriented. I did love the character creation tool they had, and a lot of the gameplay style was great, but I don't think I will be going back to it.
I also played DCU Online during beta, and while a lot of it was cool, I was very unhappy with the inability to remap movement keys. Dunno what it's like live, but after playing CoH for all these years, I'm pretty set for what keys I like to use, and if I can't remap another game to be as close as possible for movement control, it's gonna be a very tough sell for me.
I played Reckoning: Kingdoms of Amalur from its launch to its demise. Loved that game. Oh well.
I've signed up for Marvel Heroes beta, and WildStar beta - but in the meantime, any recommendations from the Guardian community would be greatly appreciated.
Stay safe Guardian.