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  1. I also got Toy Wonder and reserved Darknought for a street justice brute... they are my robotic Dynamic Duo.
  2. Yeah! Come on over to Exalted and join Slackers!! It's what ALL the Cool Kids are doing!

    *watches all the cool kids from behind the bushes*
  3. I got my Global name, Tex Mech, as well as:

    Texas Titan
    Texas Tyrant
    Texas Maiden
    Saint Anger
    Saint Magnum
    Power Cosmic
    Noah Mercy
  4. Tex_Mech

    I hate it when:

    My customers at work clean the roaches out of their ashtrays before i work on their car.
  5. 'Enemy' by Disturbed played at high volume while farming or doing any speedrun is too good to describe.
  6. Very interested in that. I have no real ambition to jump on the 'flavor of the week' bandwagon and just run repeated trials on toons that are already 50, when i have so many non-50's that need work.
  7. I play CoV on my cyborg werewolf brute, Hardwere. :P
  8. I try to attend every costume contest I see advertised. I've been known to walk out of a mission to do so. And I don't attend them for the prizes at all.
    Bottom line, I LOVE to make costumes and then I love to stack them up against others to see how they fare. I was the kid in back of class drawing all the gaudy superheroes on his bookcovers and refining their looks over the years. I had my own original superhero universe in my head and in several notebooks throughout my teens and twenties. The CoH Character Generator has allowed me to bring many of those crude early works to refined completion.

    And I just take a lot of personal satisfaction from walking away with a win. Don't need the prizes or the praise, just to know I created something someone else saw and thought "Wow! That looks great! I wish I had thought of it."
  9. My first lvl 50 and global namesake Tex Mech is an AR/Dev blaster. Started him in the early days of no debt cap, debt at lvl 5, no temp powers to help a brother out, etc.Needless to say it took about 2 years to get him to lvl 50, but I can be pretty stubborn and was determined that he would be my first 50. This all being said... the dev set can be found lacking, has rech and end issues that need too much tweaking with sets to make such a toon desirable to work on unless you have the patience and infl. What I found the most frustrating was that the device set didn't work well with most teams since they want to run and gun and don't have the patience to wait for multiple mines to be set up due to the horrendous rech rate. I found myself limited to mostly using the AR set and being half a toon on teams and only really getting to use his full potential when solo.... Which had the side effect of making me an anti-social player for the first couple years.

    well, anyway, I'm rambling now so I'll just mention one last thing I would REALLY like to see added that may be off topic on this thread but what the hell.
    I want to see MORE BASE ITEMS. Cuz to be honest, I'd rather spend hours editing my base than spend hours running the same trial/TF repeatedly on the same toon.... but that's just me.
  10. BTW... forgot to mention I LOVE that Adam Hughes pic you use in your banner. His work has always impressed me.
  11. My wife (@Dragonzblaze) and her family are from the Farmington Mo area. Her daughter (@Gatita Fria) is there now. So our hearts and hopes go out to anyone there in harm's way. Heard on a San Antonio radio station this morning that over 80 twisters have touched down in the last 24 hours in the Tx, Ok, and Midwest areas.
    I do know it's been uncharacteristically windy in my area for several weeks now.

    things that make you go Hmm.....
  12. I agree with Capa (as I usually do) But then she and I are a lot alike in many ways. Capa is correct in stating that text is a supremely lousy medium to convey the finer points of communication. Too much is lost not being able to see body language, facial expressions, or hear tone of voice.
    I usually understand when Capa is employing her 'dry sense of humor' because I also have a dry sense of humor and am usually inherently sarcastic in my comments/replies, so I kind of read her comments with that 'tone of voice' in my head. And I understand not all people read text that way.
    But, on the whole, Guardian is a very nice place to live. I have many toons on other servers, but Guardian is the only one I've bought additional slots for (only have 4 left to claim). It's the only server my wife and I have both hero and villian bases on, and ALL of the people on our global friends list come from Guardian.
    Actually, I have more friends on Guardian than I do in real life.I don't know if I should thank all y'all for being so friendly, or offer my apologies for putting up with my crap for 75 months.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blacjac84 View Post
    Some I know, some I don't, some I've heard whispers of.

    But you're right, Armeros. 7 does seem a bit limited, but I just wanted to see if it could be done.
    But, you must remember, 7 is the magic number for the core group of almost all comic book superhero groups. Avengers, JLA, JSA, X-men, etc.

    7 is apparantly a magic number for heroes.
  14. I just try to do my part injecting my scathing wit and cutting sarcasm for others enjoyment... or aggravation.. whichever you prefer.
    But, there is no other server where I love the people enough to talk to them much less 'play' verbally.
    Contrary to what you see of me in the game, I'm severely anti-social in the real world.
  15. There is a Level 50 Channel that is serverwide. Most people in channel play on Guardian Server (but are by no means required to be on Guardian to join, just have at least one level 50 on your account).
    There are constantly people looking to start TF's and Trials, and if you don't find someone starting one up just mention you'd like to run one and you'll be suprised how many people respond.
    I am a Mod on that channel, shoot me a tell at @Tex Mech and i'll bring you into the asylum with the rest of us.
  16. Informed: You All?


    'Informed y'all' is the message from the 'superior invasion force' we're supposed to fear?

    Please pardon me while I quake in fear of the redneck invasion from the backwoods of the galaxy.

    *Organizes the next mobile home mothership invasion*
  17. Okay...

    my Deadweight team consisted of ..

    @Tex Mech (Tex Mech)
    @Dragonzblaze (Dragonz Ice)
    @EvilScotsman (Earth Mother Gaea)
    @Casa (Darn)
    @Dark HealingRain (Dark HealingRain)
    @Mommy (Sun Dark)

    And 2nd place winner on Scavenger Hunt was @Tex Mech (Belle of the Brawl)
  18. Thanks again for a really fun Winter Event!!

    1st place Male Hero Costume winner's global is @EvilScotsman (Offworlder)

    1st place Female Hero Costume winner's global is @Tex Mech (Belle of the Brawl)

    1st place Female Villian Costume winner's global is @Dragonzblaze (Constance Payne)

    Sexiest Costume Villians winner's global is @Dragonzblaze (Constance Payne)

    Tex Mech's Deadweight Race team members global's are ...
    @Tex Mech
    and 2 other members whose globals I don't know offhand but the toon names were Dark HealingRain and (I believe) Sun Dark

    I will try to verify globals on the last 2 team members for you.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Morrison View Post
    also i think id have to go with Pull Me Under by Dream Theater and since itd be my execution they damn well better put forth the effort to get the band to play it live
    That was my first choice too AM.. but since it's already taken I'd have to say ..

    Life by the Drop by Stevie Ray Vaughn played, of course, on blues guitar.
  20. Tex_Mech

    Name that Baby!!


    It seems I missed the fact there was a second page to this thread and was too little too late.

    Congratulations anyway, on your son and on finding a name for him! Best of luck with him and the rest of your family!
  21. Tex_Mech

    Name that Baby!!

    My wife and I named our son Logan Drake (after Wolverine and the current Robin's last name), and we feel your pain on the spread between ages of your children with our having had one in diapers and one in college (18 year spread between them).

    One thing I did when we were going through name options for our son, I contacted a friend who used to be the class bully when I was in school (but has since grown out of that) and ran name suggestions past him. It helped us find a name that was hard for bullies to pick on, make nasty rhymes of, or otherwise torment a child for. It might sound stupid but I think we all know how devastating being on the receiving end of said torment can be for young children.

    Ivan Lawrence
    Charles Ivan
    Nathanial Ivan
    Alexander Ivan
    Ivan Zander

    ... are a few suggestions off the top of my head.
  22. After building the monster truck I thought I might try an Armored Transport Vehicle. The room that it sets in is being done as a car dealership which I will add more vehicles to as I construct them.


  23. Howdy y'all, I just love coming to this thread and stealing *cough* I mean 'looking at' all the cool items you've come up with.
    I made saw the sports car that was done and wanted a non-vet reward vehicle for my base. But I had to stay true to my country boy heritage so I decided a monster truck was the way to go.
    Hope y'all like it (and I hope the links work since I've never posted here before)







    Notice the back window in the last pic. The gun rack gives it that real redneck touch.