Suggestions for Future Content
#3 is a very cool idea I can see the devs doing, and #2 is a system I enjoy playing and would also like to see expanded upon somehow

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

Heya Wei-
1) /agree on Radiation Armor. It wasnt that long ago that I read similar ideas like yours on the Tanker forums and loved the ideas being hacky-sacked around. I always hope that the devs see posts like these; where our player community outlines and articulates an idea so meticulously.
2) /agree with this, too. I have a dual blades Brute thats a hoot to play
that Vital Strike cone always brings a maniacal smile to my face. I understand the arguments regarding keeping DBs as the only combo set for uniqueness, but Im a greedy boy and want more. I erroneously expected the Kinetic Melee to be another combo based set
how wrong I was.
3) and 4) Crap, imma Yes man this morning. I was drinking a beer, smoking a cigar and talking to @Supafreak on my front porch about similar ideas over the weekend. Give us an elite/hell level/incarnate zone where all level shifts are applied (thus our advancement matters) and let us compete against the tough stuff. This could be used as an avenue of acquiring threads without having to initiate a Trial. Dont get me wrong, I dig those Trials, but they get repetitive and Id like a chance to acquire threads with Action Agent running in small groups & solo.
As for my immediate ideas?
Tinker with Blasters Devices so some powers are on par with the other sets in terms of usefulness and desire. Trip Mine should have the same setup time and be uninterruptable like the Trip Mine in Traps. Gun Drone shouldnt have the outlandish endurance cost or should it be interrupted - like the Malta gun drone.
Grant shield defenders/corrupters (Im looking at you Ice Domination & Thermal) the ability to shield themselves. It honestly wont upset the balance at all; itd grant those ATs more survivability in solo/small group format.
Allow Pain Dom & Empathy the ability to Fortitude/Clear Mind or Painbringer/Enforced Morale themselves. These ATs would be so much more fun to play if they could increase their dps/survivability themselves and *gasp* grant themselves status resistance. Would it break the balance? Hell no. Make a pain dom, traps and dark corrupter. Play all three. Youll see for yourself. If they could only cast some of those tasty buffs on themselves, itd make the powerset so much more attractive.
You can find me playing on Guardian and my favorite toons right now are:
Alistair Ywain | Timmy Terrific | Action Agent | Doctor Spectrum | Handsome Devil | Snow Daze | Major Turmoil
#1 - don't play a tank, but I can see the allure of the set.
#3 - I don't see a new zone until the Incarnates are all opened up, then perhaps a zone or two (whether it be level 54 or up to 60) for those who have unlocked all the goodies and #4 would fall right in line with #3, so that is cool as well.
Groovy suggestions.
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
Tinker with Blasters Devices so some powers are on par with the other sets in terms of usefulness and desire.

I played my AR/dev blaster to lvl 38 then deleted him because I couldn't bring myself to invest anymore time with such an unsatisfying powerset. A couple of good gimmicks, but the rest needs a serious overhaul.

My first lvl 50 and global namesake Tex Mech is an AR/Dev blaster. Started him in the early days of no debt cap, debt at lvl 5, no temp powers to help a brother out, etc.Needless to say it took about 2 years to get him to lvl 50, but I can be pretty stubborn and was determined that he would be my first 50. This all being said... the dev set can be found lacking, has rech and end issues that need too much tweaking with sets to make such a toon desirable to work on unless you have the patience and infl. What I found the most frustrating was that the device set didn't work well with most teams since they want to run and gun and don't have the patience to wait for multiple mines to be set up due to the horrendous rech rate. I found myself limited to mostly using the AR set and being half a toon on teams and only really getting to use his full potential when solo.... Which had the side effect of making me an anti-social player for the first couple years.
well, anyway, I'm rambling now so I'll just mention one last thing I would REALLY like to see added that may be off topic on this thread but what the hell.
I want to see MORE BASE ITEMS. Cuz to be honest, I'd rather spend hours editing my base than spend hours running the same trial/TF repeatedly on the same toon.... but that's just me.
16 Level 50's currently spread across several servers.
Hell Guardian!
Since we have such a great community here on Guardian, I thought it might be cool to see what kind of suggestions we can come up with for future game content. So feel free to bring up anything you think would be cool to have in-game. New archetypes, new power sets, more of something we already have just a taste of...the world's our oyster!
Here's my 0.025 cents worth.
#1 - I've made this suggestion every couple of years here at the forums (last time was 2007), and I will continue to do so until my dream comes true! LOL I want a Radiation Tanker!
Primary: Radiation Aura
1 - Choking Cloud
1 - Radiation Shield
2 - Radiant Aura
6 - Enervating Shield
8 - Metabolic Shield
12 - Meltdown
18 - Uranium Armor
26 - Plutonium Armor
32 - Mutation
Secondary: Radiation Melee
1 - Reactor
2 - Fission
4 - Fusion
10 - Taunt
16 - Breach
20 - Haze
28 - Build Up
35 - Atomic Bomb
38 - Ground Zero
#2 - would love to see more chaining attack combos brought into the game like Dual Blades has.
#3 - lvl 54 Incarnate only zone in Praetoria where we can get Tipz mishz, street hunt, and introduce new story arcs.
#4 - open up all lvl 54 content to give thread drops and Incarnate salvage rewards. So hunting lvl 54 Rikti in RWZ, or Rularuu, or fighting Hami, or a Mothership Raid, or any TF that can be scaled up to 54.
"nuff said from WEI.