Request - Music from the Guardian Server
Requiem for a Dream. It automatically makes anything epic. I suggest using it for the final missions in a TF. Especially the new TFs.
@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian

ok i have to mention bonnie tyler's "i need a hero' a song written by Jim Steinman and Dean Pitchford, it's especially relevant in a world with the incarnate system.
'i used to have superpowers until my therapists took them away' random bumper sticker
please excuse the small print. arthritis makes it difficult to use the shift keys.
i use to listen to evanesece first album while i really helped kill the boredom
any old anthrax or testament does great too

For Mayhem Missions - Voltaire - When you're Evil
Kiss - Unholy , War Machine , God of Thunder
Dio - Holy Diver , Last in Line , Sacred Heart , Rainbow in the Dark
Manowar - Outlaw , Dark Avenger , Defender , Crown and the Ring , Blood of Kings , Violence and Bloodshed , Sting of the Bumble Bee(Flight of the Bumble Bee done on mainly a dual neck base)
Billy Idol's Cyberpunk album
Metallica - any pre-Black album
Megadeth pretty much any of thing with Dave Mustang
Iron Maiden any with Bruce
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I see some familiar artists and songs.
But more importantly, a lot that I don't recognize. I will definitely check these suggestions out in the next few days. And I will do my best to give you guys some feedback as to how the songs worked with my personal game style and preference.
I know I will like them though, because there isn't much music I don't like (with maybe the exception of Oi! (Which I honestly haven't really given a fair chance)).
Keep sending in your ideas though. I appreciate the time that you are putting into my request.
I don't have a playlist or anything for regular playing. Whatever I'm in the mood for from Sirius radio is always playing in the background. Usually it's Sirius XMU but when the mood strikes I'll put on First Wave or even Liquid Metal (/ devil horns!!!!). I do though have one music ritual that came out of my early days playing CoH.
I started playing CoH (my first MMO) in Aug 04 and that first Christmas we had a bad snowstorm and I wasn't able to go home and see family. So I ended up alone on the holidays playing a lot of CoH. At the time I was pretty obsessed with the soundtrack for the movie, Garden State and was playing it rather heavily at that time. It was over that Christmas "break" that I saw the true value of playing an MMO: the community. Logging on I really didn't expect to find anyone else on, let alone people I knew ingame. But they were there and I found myself with plenty to do and that always left an impression on me. So a few months down the road when my namesake was about to hit 50 I decided I wanted to play music that made me think of the "road to 50" and I automatically thought of the Garden State soundtrack. So since that first 50 and every one since then (yep, all 21 times), right before a character dings 50 I put on that CD and I'm taken back to that Christmas and reminded of how it felt back then and how much I enjoy the game and the community.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
A lot of metal/hard rock.
I am more of a new wave/new romantic/hair metal kinda person, and while I do love my 80's music, I am always open to getting into new grooves.
Recently, I have been listening to the new Mr. Big album, "What If" and the first single "Undertow", which kicks some serious butt.
What I listen to is based on my mood. So, one day I could jam out to the Cars and the next it's Nine Inch Nails or the Rolling Stones "Paint It Black", it endless.
When I have a little more time, I will go through my library and pull out some songs.
EDIT - also looking forward to the new Robbie Robertson album in April. I love his solo stuff. Also, Black Dub has their debut album out and it's groovy!
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
A lot of metal/hard rock.
I am more of a new wave/new romantic/hair metal kinda person, and while I do love my 80's music, I am always open to getting into new grooves. Recently, I have been listening to the new Mr. Big album, "What If" and the first single "Undertow", which kicks some serious butt. What I listen to is based on my mood. So, one day I could jam out to the Cars and the next it's Nine Inch Nails or the Rolling Stones "Paint It Black", it endless. ![]() When I have a little more time, I will go through my library and pull out some songs. EDIT - also looking forward to the new Robbie Robertson album in April. I love his solo stuff. Also, Black Dub has their debut album out and it's groovy! |
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Recent Single from Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare. Goes pretty good with my main toon, Terrorizer. Additionally, Just about anything with Disturbed. Their rock really makes for good arresting/plundering.

I tend to lean more towards the heroic side but with a dark edge... so I'll link some "vigilante" - hyper songs.
Overkill "Bring Me The Night"
Arch-Enemy "My Apocolypse"
Annihilator "King of the Kill"
Skinlab "In For The Kill"
Skindred "Stand For Something"
Straight Line Stitch "Black Veil"
Otep "Confrontation"
Requiem for a Dream. It automatically makes anything epic. I suggest using it for the final missions in a TF. Especially the new TFs.
I'm going to have to dig out O Fortuna by Carl Orff. I like the John Williams version, but I might see how the Apotheosis techno version plays out.
I've got more comments for the later posts, but I'm getting ready for work now. Also, I can't seem to figure out how to quote multiple posts, so I may just have to comment to each separately.
I started playing CoH (my first MMO) in Aug 04 and that first Christmas we had a bad snowstorm and I wasn't able to go home and see family. So I ended up alone on the holidays playing a lot of CoH. At the time I was pretty obsessed with the soundtrack for the movie, Garden State and was playing it rather heavily at that time. It was over that Christmas "break" that I saw the true value of playing an MMO: the community. Logging on I really didn't expect to find anyone else on, let alone people I knew ingame. But they were there and I found myself with plenty to do and that always left an impression on me. So a few months down the road when my namesake was about to hit 50 I decided I wanted to play music that made me think of the "road to 50" and I automatically thought of the Garden State soundtrack. So since that first 50 and every one since then (yep, all 21 times), right before a character dings 50 I put on that CD and I'm taken back to that Christmas and reminded of how it felt back then and how much I enjoy the game and the community.
Thank you very much for this post. I going to have to see what is on the Garden State soundtrack now. I hope you have many more opportunities to play the soundtrack as you level more characters to 50.
For Mayhem Missions - Voltaire - When you're Evil
Kiss - Unholy , War Machine , God of Thunder Dio - Holy Diver , Last in Line , Sacred Heart , Rainbow in the Dark Manowar - Outlaw , Dark Avenger , Defender , Crown and the Ring , Blood of Kings , Violence and Bloodshed , Sting of the Bumble Bee(Flight of the Bumble Bee done on mainly a dual neck base) Billy Idol's Cyberpunk album Metallica - any pre-Black album Megadeth pretty much any of thing with Dave Mustang Iron Maiden any with Bruce |
When I think of KISS, I usually think of songs like Beth, Detroit Rock City, Rock and Roll All Nite, and I was Made for Loving You. I had forgotten that they had much harder (and heavier) songs. Of the three KISS suggestions, I really liked War Machine best.It made me want to tromp my villain all around the Rogue Isles in a Titan suit.
I had a hard time finding Dio songs, but Ill keep looking. Of the ones I located, I really liked Last in Line. I would have liked to hear the Sting of the BubbleBee though (it sounds intriguing), even though the Transformers live action movie really soured the name BubbleBee for me.
I love the Cyberpunk album from Billy Idol. I grew up in the 80s and have been accused of never leaving (and yes I know that the album was released in 93, but I think of Idol as an 80s icon). But before I sidetrack myself too much. Cyberpunk was one of three albums that kept in my arsenal of background music for role playing back in the day. The other two albums were Metallicas Black album and the first CD I ever purchased (the Freejack soundtrack). LOL. Ive since expanded that library (doing DJ gigs as a hobby), and have now even included sound effect discs. I still play those three albums from time to time though.
Im like Metallica and Megadeth, but sadly I doubt anyone will ever call me a huge fan of either group. Im sort of embarrassed to admit that I only ever started listen to either group after they had commercial hits. That aside, there is no denying that both groups have talent. Im really impressed with Dave. Mr. Mustaine is phenomenal with a guitar. And the lyrics from both groups are very thought-provoking. As I mentioned before, I still love the Black album.
Try youtube to see if you like the songs.
Sting of the Bumblebee
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
I've talked extensively in some threads about the subject, but if you haven't listened to Metallica's Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets, you really haven't listened to Metallica. Yeah, yeah the Black Album made them uber famous, but real Metallica is the early stuff.
Also try these albums" Anthrax- Among the Living, Testament- Practice What You Preach or Pantera- Cowboys From Hell.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
While I am a fan of the 80s metal scene, I am also a fan of where these bands (Anthrax / Testament / Metallica / etc) progressed to later in their careers. I have a problem being nostalgic, and feel we can't have copy after copy of "Master of Puppets" and any other great metal albums.
Anyhoo... since they were mentioned... here's some fitting songs from these bands in the "City of" setting (from classic to modern where applicable):
Trial By Fire Classic, cool groove, borderline heroic / vigilante
Time is Coming Fitting for vigilante or rogue
True Believer Dark, fitting for villain. My pick from them.
More Than Meets the Eye Kinda spiritual, heavy, fitting for a rogue or someone who's fallen and getting back up.
One World Kinda political but energetic, qualifies as heroic to me
In My World For the one with inner struggles or outsider, rogue or vigilante
Fueled - My pick. Very energetic. Definitely for the conflicted rogue or vigilante
Cowboys From Hell - Definitely villain, IMO. Classic.
Mouth For War - More fitting for a rogue. My pick from them.
Pantera (IMO) is one of those bands with sooooo much potential and they were reinventing metal, but from here they just went downhill thanx to drug abuse by Phil.
R.I.P. Darryl.
Seek and Destroy - Villain, without a doubt. Classic.
Damage Inc. - 100% Vigilante. 100% Energy. 100% Love this song.
Fuel - I say fitting for a rogue. Probably familiar with this tune. Modern, but I say it nods to their past.
All Nightmare Long - Probably fitting for a Vigilante. Either this or Damage Inc. is my pick from them. I love Death Magnetic! Right up there with Master of Puppets to me.
Liar Hero, borderline vigilante.
Sweating Bullets I say Rogue.
Headcrusher Vigilante, probably. I like to stay with the times, so this is my pick from them. Megadeth puts out a lot of specific personal subjects or political songs and hard to find something fitting for "City of". Plus, there was a phase they went thru I couldn't follow for a while. Great to have them back to their roots.
These are all a far cry from Skillet, Pat Benetar, Smashing Pumpkins you mentioned (all of whom I like and respect as artists)... but, maybe you'll find something in there ya like...
I'd also like to say that Terrorizer has the next #1 song in America! Move over Key$ha and Beiber! o.O
I'd also like to say that Terrorizer has the next #1 song in America! Move over Key$ha and Beiber! o.O
Thanks for the cred Supafreak >_>

Yea, that was wrong of me. Wish they were talented, seriously. Sorry it couldn't have been better than that.
Okay, I'll stop with the promoting of heavy songs I'm into... here's some radio-friendly songs that may work:
REO Speedwagon Only the Strong Survive
Soundgarden Rusty Cage
Foo Fighters My Hero
Smashmouth All Star
Tom Petty I Won't Back Down
Rush Mission
That's all I can think of or find at this time...
While I am a fan of the 80s metal scene, I am also a fan of where these bands (Anthrax / Testament / Metallica / etc) progressed to later in their careers. I have a problem being nostalgic, and feel we can't have copy after copy of "Master of Puppets" and any other great metal albums.
.. |
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
I would like to think that all bands with longevity will evolve (or devolve) depending on the band in question. Some bands enjoy a resurgence (Duran Duran and their "Wedding Album" CD for example). For Metallica, the turning point was ...and Justice for All. That was the end of their "speed metal" days and they evolved into a more "mainstream metal" band. The quality is still there, just the evolution of their sound (again for better or worse).
The Red Hot Chili Peppers were another example of a band who success came after several albums of work and an evolution of their sound.
I am a U2 fan and they are almost the poster child for evolving. Take their early work which was heavy on the drums/bass and when Eno/Lanois came into the picture, they developed their sound and their biggest success followed (The Joshua Tree). Then, they re-invented their sound in the 90's (Achtung Baby). They are not the most technically talented individuals, but as a band, they play on their strengths and create some great music (IMHO).
Well...back to the grind
Global: @Armeros
City Info Terminal - Armeros
City Of Heroes - Guardian Server page on Facebook
"Official Park Ranger of the Shadow Shard"
I’m a fan of playlists. I enjoy tweaking, deleting, and reconstructing them. At the moment, I’m trying to put together a Guardian Playlist that I can use while playing on the server. Here’s where I could use some help.
What songs would you suggest for my new playlist?
I’m trying to create something similar what was done in Music from the Succubus Club, a compilation of songs dealing with themes in the Vampire: the Masquerade role-playing game. I’d first like suggestions for general “hero related” songs. Songs like Hero by Skillet and Invincible by Pat Benatar are examples of this. But I would also like songs that fit a specific hero archetype. For example, Bullet with Butterfly Wings by Smashing Pumpkins could be a choice for a brute, with lyrics like “despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.”
Part of this exercise is also get people discussing more; so I’d also be interested in hear the reason why you made your suggestion. For example, I could suggest the song Wish I Had an Angel by Nightwish (used in a COH Fan-created YouTube video a few years ago, not to mention the Alone in the Dark movie). The song doesn’t directly tie to superheroes by theme or lyrics, but it really works well with the pacing of a task force mission. And the heavy drums and guitars with its contrasting, melodic vocals make me want to plow through mob after mob. This song could be a possible candidate for general music to include. Ultimately, any music can fit into the general category if you think about it. It all depends on taste, preference, and background.
But as I stated before, this post is also to get people discuss more diverse topics; possibly even start side conversations about even more topics. And if I come out of this with a cool playlist, I’ll call that a bonus. Oh, and since I am trying to put together a playlist, could you please include the artist.
Thank everyone,