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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celtic Coders View Post
    Congratulations and pre-congratulations!
    thanks celtic.

    since the original post i have also raise a new crop of fiddies: Doctor Magnus; Blitzer Cat; Iced Pixie; Feye; and L'il Pele. They join my other fiddies in searching for incarnate stuff: Morr Gan; La Feye; Lady Starblazer; Quantum Lace; and L'il Annie.

    My humanoid PB, Illuminous Phantasm, is next highest at 40 but i think i want another redsider Aquathing to be my next 50 [he's 34] joining my other redsider Lil Annie.

    thanks again to the Peregrine Island regulars and the new toons as well for their help.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    Good times my friend!
    indeed, kinrad, indeed.
  3. it was fun running with you over the weekend kinrad.
  4. i wanted to thank my friends from the peregrine islands for help in getting Doctor Magnus to 50 and Blitizer Cat to 49.

    that's 6 for me now with blitzer at 49 and 3 others at 48. despite the heat july will be a good month on coh.
  5. thanks again guys. of course now i'm trying out various IOs on for size.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Congratulations! I know I was on a team with her at some point, but I don't remember if I was there when you hit 50... @_@
    i remember you being on one of the teams i ran on friday and i think it was when i hit 50. mucho gracias.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celtic Coders View Post
    Evil Congratulations MorrGan!
    danke. also found the entrance to DA on redside. It was hiding behind other dots.
  8. L'il Annie, my demon/pain mm, made it to 50 on friday. she's my first mm and rogue/redsider 50, as well as, my 5th 50 total. thanks to all who helped it happen!
  9. MorrGan

    Full set

    gratz kay! 31st fiddy and a full set [collect them all!] gratz again.
  10. MorrGan

    Double XP?

    i'm planning on getting my rogue L'il Annie from 45 to 50. my stay redside with Aquacritter or work on getting more toons on blue beyond 30s.
  11. really need to get my widows and crab to 35 and beyond. although one did switch over to the blueside [the traitor].
  12. would love to join in with my humanoid pb, illuminous phantasm, put between depression and fanaticism i'd never get to sleep. evenings and nights are pretty much out for me
  13. MorrGan

    Lucky #13!

    many belated gratz!

    [been offline for a while]
  14. MorrGan

    Happy Turkey Day

    [unless you're a turkey then my condolences]

    for those celebrating thanksgiving have a great and safe day.
  15. MorrGan

    One Year Later

    i know from personal experience that it's hard on the anniversary of a parent's death: my mom died in october of 2006 after a 11yr battle with cancer. you and your family have my condolences, kheldarn.

    the pain does fade with time for most people but it's important to remember the good times like the holidays. i remember christmas best by the 'peanuts' christmas ornaments my mom made [with dad on the jigsaw to cut out the basic shapes she outlined] for the yard: snoopy on dog house; charlie brown; lucy; sally; and linus. hope you have good memories too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
    As of right now, the Halloween costume pack is on sale in the Paragon Market, and it does include the Bats aura. No MoC CCE, but the aura is global, as part of the pack.

    yep, bought the bats aura separately since i have no clue what's in the halloween costume pak.

    bats do look killer on my dark defender, midnight feye. waiting for murder of crows for a couple more toons
  17. welcome back to the asylum, Cuppakenja.

    sadly i'm a morn/afternoon person but i do know that there are more then a few nightowls in the group: either by choice or geography so you shouldn't have much trouble reconnecting with the game.

    good hunting and watch dem dingos.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    There appears to be an issue with 10.5 and older.

    We're looking into having this corrected tomorrow morning.
    take a look at winterminal's fix that worked for 10.5.8 and 10.5.7 in post titled NCLauncher 10.5.8 fix.

    edit: and thx Zwillinger.
  19. i got my beta and regular coh to work using your method winterminal. i restarted the system and saw that restarting had changed the:


    back to


    so i went in and changed back to 10.5 and saved. my nclauncher is still listed with the white do not emblem but i double-clicked on the terminal window and nclauncher to launch. i could launch both regular and beta versions to work.

    edit: i rebooted again. nclauncher was still white 'nope' but in applications it active so i deleted the white doesn't work version with the full colored working version.

    ps i was able to read everything in the paragon market on beta and now i can even see how much pp i had.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DvandomZ View Post
    Xinner, most of the posts on this page and the one before are fixes for that problem.

    for 10.5.8 at least. asked those who it worked for and those it didn't what specific osx they are using. 10.5.7 here and none are working. but there is hope for more folks at least.

    edit: working on 10.5.8 fix on other post titled NCLauncher 10.5.8 fix.
  21. for those who had winterminal's fix work let me ask what version osx are you using. same for those who didn't get it to work like me [10.5.7]

    that might help streamline things.