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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
    Cricket, you are going to jello spoon Mako? That sounds... interesting. Pics or it didn't happen!
    I was going to spoon with him...but your idea sounds better,
  2. The_Terrorizer

    Sup Yo!

    Message says it all.

    Hola Guardian!
  3. While probably not the most useful item to put up, it certainly does no affect the way I play this game. I will claim it, as I am sure at some point I could certainly use it on a lowbie.
  4. I read through most of the reviews on that rig. It looked like a decent rig until I saw the numerous PSU issues customers were reporting. Even at that price, I am not going to drop that kind of money just to find out I need to drop more to keep the darn thing turned on. I would think for an extra $50 they would put a decent PSU in that thing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Heck, left to its own devices, I'm pretty sure nature would take care of that by itself. As proven with the honey badger, nature can be quite nasty.
    Honey Badger don't care....Honey badger just eats and eats. Is that a Cobra? Ew it's eating a snake!
  6. Quote:
    Gawsh, so much haet over free stuffz.

    N33dz m04r h4wt 54uc3.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post

    Comment about this being an evil marketing plot (gimmick) - check.
    Comment about this somehow mysteriously dissing the EU players - check.

    Okay, we're still missing someone grousing about "play to win" and/or how this will wreck the in-game economy. Do we have any volunteers? We need to at least get the basics dealt with, before we can move on.
    Omg, this is an obvious pay to win feature that will surely wreck the market.


  8. Pft, you should use instant transmission to go see it. Running, Driving and Warp Factor 10 are not fast enough.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    In response to Zwill's post there:

    No. I am not pleased. I don't speak for everyone, of course, but I have waited patiently and without complaint for Staff Melee for some time, as have a lot of anxious players. Certainly one more week won't kill anyone, but this is one of the few times CoH has kind of let me down.

    The stuff posted here today is petty to me, and I have surplus of most of it just from Super Packs I had purchased with my stored stipends during their release. Most of those I will never use, save for the boosters and unslotters.

    I know anything I say here won't bring Staff any faster, but I truly feel there could have been more direct communication on it's release and at the very least, a better reason given than not wanting to release too many sets at once to compete with each other. You assume no one would buy powerset A if powerset B was released simultaneously. The people who want to play both would plan to buy both, the people who only play on will still only buy one. Your revenue will still be there. Granted it might not be all at once (even the ones who buy both may buy one before the other, based on their preference).

    I am not a MM person, but several of my friends have been begging for a true "Pet" summoning set. I am a melee enthusiast who would have gladly spent 800 points (or the money needed) to get Staff Melee.

    I feel like one week, maybe 2 weeks, at most. Most people level so quick now anyway that I have seen dozens of lvl 50 Beast MMs with tricked out builds. I think it would have been ok.

    Anywho, that's my 2 cents. I will wait until next week. In the meantime, I basically am wasting a week of subscribing because I really don't feel like playing anything else.
  10. The_Terrorizer

    14th The 15th

    Murder Death Kills in the thousands! Demons are an endangered Species! Someone call PETA >_>
  11. The_Terrorizer

    14th The 15th

    I am kind of late on this, but you're welcome.

    I made a cool billion in influence overall that weekend just farming. Most of that was influence earned while murd...kill...."arresting" demons >_>
  12. A while back, with my Glucose level being wildly unstable, I had failed to eat for an entire day while working outside and went to bed, exhausted, on an empty stomach.

    I dreamed about how I WAS my main toon, Terrorizer, and had to save the world from invading aliens and giant bugs (Yes, giant bugs. It was as if the Starship Trooper bugs and Rikti had plotted a great war against us!). After finally waking up, and realizing my glucose was at 12, my wife managed to convince me that eating was a good thing. Side note: Two weeks later I hit rock bottom again and this time ended up in the hospital.

    You might be a COH addict if....You would prefer to be in a coma dreaming about fighting aliens using your COH characters than wake up and eat.
  13. The_Terrorizer

    ok listen...

    I don't run the Hami raids very often, maybe one every few months. And I'll admit I don't know much about it, I just look for orders and do as I'm told. But it seems to me that someone is purposely doing it. It doesn't take a lot of effort to "spawn" Hami, a team of 8 (especially with the new incarnate stuff and Alpha level shift) could do it pretty quick I'd imagine.

    I don't know how easy it is to triple spawn hami, nor do I know how to do it. Again, however, with the new incarnate stuff I'd imagine a team of 8 could easily jackknife the whole thing.
  14. In all seriousness, threatening the devs by removing your subscription in favor of another game probably won't make them move any faster. If you feel your time is wasted, and I certainly understand why you would feel that way, then by all means quit.
  15. Inferno's "words" should not be taken as the official Dream Team manner. He has long since caused trouble for Dream Team by opening his mouth and trying to do what he thinks is "right" and get into a battle of words with others, despite no one giving him the prime authority to do so. Lady Temptress is a fine person, and has been nothing but supportive of the Hami raids and other people's RWZ raids. Are they huge undertakings? No, the Hami raids have become, from what I've heard of multiple people, as easy as cake, as well as the Cathedral of Pain trials which Omega runs, though admittedly, I can understand him giving up the Villain side portion due to the low villain population. Even the greatest general requires at least a decent sized army.

    It's true, it doesn't take pure genius to lead any of these things, all it takes is someone who knows how to call out simple commands and for people to listen. I should also remind you all, that this is a game, and calling out people and challenging people over a game is childish, and furthermore, uncalled for. Several of us are happy Dream Team may be returning, not because of the raids, but for the pure fact that we liked these people and liked teaming with them. The raids only made it that much more fun. So get off your horse, no one is saying Dream Team is the only group that can run raids the right way, nor are we saying that the raids themselves are hard and require great effort. If you have a problem with Lady Temptress, any other member of DT or DT itself, don't show up to the raids. I for one like the group, and have always enjoyed their company as friends and fellow players.
  16. And that is why Ulli's family can't have nice things on the dinner table. Ulli eats them.
  17. For what its worth, on my Inv tanker (yes i know this is the brute channel), I just went with soft capping S/L/E/NE defense, mostly because a good deal of Fire attacks already have a smashing component with which you can dodge with Smashing defense, with the exception of Breath of Fire and maybe a few other select attacks. That allowed me to focus on other bonuses (recharge, regen, accuracy, etc).
  18. I liked Death MAgnetic and St. Anger as albums, though St. Anger probably ranks lowest on my list. Death Magnetic really broguht a good attempt at reviving classic Metallica, however like it's predecessor St. Anger, I heard a lot or repetition in the songs as far as lyrics go (and no, not just the choral parts). I beleive Metallica to still be a good band capable of delivering good heavy metal, but their creative prowess seems to be waning.
  19. Now hold on a gosh darn second, what if some of those people don't get this message until the 15th???????
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
    I'd also like to say that Terrorizer has the next #1 song in America! Move over Key$ha and Beiber! o.O

    Thanks for the cred Supafreak >_>
  21. Recent Single from Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare. Goes pretty good with my main toon, Terrorizer. Additionally, Just about anything with Disturbed. Their rock really makes for good arresting/plundering.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Dimension Shift should now work on players in PvP
    Is this a joke?