Issue 20: The Reason for DualBoot.
Are you using an ATI-based Mac?
If so, the related issue I've been gathering info on (crashes on ATI-based Macs) is apparently already being looked into according to an earlier redname post. Hopefully the wait won't be long.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Yeah, I've got Nvidia as well, don't crash every 10 mins but definitely has gotten worse with I20
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
That's right, you're the one with the same Macbook Pro as me but with a lot more problems. Sorry I forgot about you! Did I ask you to try creating a new user Mac side and running CoH from there?
Same issues. Crashing every 10 minutes at the very least.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I have the same computer, and the only way I can play is in safe mode. Even then, I still crash a few times a day. It is worse since i20. I refuse to mess up my computer by getting bootcamp. *sigh*
This is very strange. I'm going to see if there's a way I can compare my install to your two installs and find out why mine's working and yours isn't.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
I crashed 3 times last night over a 2 hour session, while with I19 I don't remember a single crash. I remember thinking last night "the crashes are back". I have a macro button on all my characters to /reloadgfx. I even tried /sync and /neterrorcorrection 2, which have helped in the past, but no dice now.
Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide
I played for one hour last night. I crashed eight times. Eight.
I've stopped using the mac client. I suppose I shouldn't bother posting here anymore, since I won't be using the mac client unless/until the problems it has are fixed. I can't take not being able to play my favorite game for more than five or six minutes at a time.
This is the worst part:
AFAIK, there are no current plans to upgrade the mac client to a newer version of Cider, however I could be wrong.
So, until things change, I'm not playing CoX on a Mac (which saddens me greatly).
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

While I do hope he's wrong, no plans for upgrading the Cider wrapper means no chance of getting these problems fixed. The cider wrapper is the problem; it's the source of the memory leaks, the assertion failures, the improper caching to RAM, and the reason that my machine can run CoX 10 times better in Windows, a much more inefficient OS, than it can on it's native OS.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: this game needs a Mac OS native client. Wrappers are a kluge at best, Cider should have been a "we'll give you this until our Mac OS native client is ready" thing.
Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide
With the constant crashing -> hard shut-downs -> reboot to Windows, my interest in this game is waning pretty dramatically. I'd have more hope if I didn't feel totally marginalized and ignored by the devs. "We're looking into it" is no longer sufficient. I want to know what's being done to address the problem.
I won't be waiting much longer.
If there hasn't been some indication that this is being WORKED ON, and not LOOKED INTO by the time a certain up-and-coming MMO featuring light-swords and scruffy-looking nerf-herders goes live, I'll be done worrying about this.
In all seriousness, threatening the devs by removing your subscription in favor of another game probably won't make them move any faster. If you feel your time is wasted, and I certainly understand why you would feel that way, then by all means quit.

Hang in there everyone, there's definitely something being done about the Mac client. Hopefully we'll find out what that is soon.
As another player who's familiar with the Cider family of products told me, part of the delay may be due to a major issue in the software it's based on (WINE). Pretty much anything related to it has been ground to a halt for a while because if it. An example of what went wrong is in the new Crossover Games, where lots of games that were working before with it are now badly broken.
Looking at it that way, it's probably fortunate the Mac client hasn't been updated in a while.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
OK, OK, I posted that about 5 minutes after locking up right at the end of a mission (again!) and I was a little hot at the time.
I've been patient with it all so far, and I'll continue being patient for a while. But I DO wish a redname would check back in and let us know that some kind of action is being taken.
Meanwhile, thanks, Cuppa, for being the voice of hope.
Now, pardon me while I reboot to Windows so I can get my crash-free game on...
I have to dual boot. There's no option for me now. I20 has drastically increased the amount of times I crash per hour. I've even installed on a newly-formatted drive with a newly-created admin account. I crash about 6 times an hour (every 10 minutes).
I have no choice but to dual boot my machine and run the game in Windows until the devs actually find a way to fix the mac client. As it stands, the mac client, for me, is now useless.
I'm sad I have to abandon my favorite OS to play my favorite game. I'm also disappointed that the client has been like this since Issue 15, and apparently won't change anytime soon according to Zwillinger's first post in our forums.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."