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  1. Capa_Devans

    Be well ...

    I want to say a final "thank you" to all the great people I've met in this game over the years. You made a stalker feel welcome; even blueside.

    Particular *doff cap* to anyone who helped through one of my Master's runs; they were wonderful and I enjoyed them immensely.

    If I name people, I'm going to miss some and while I don't want to upset anyone, I do want to say a big shout out to:

    Leprechan2 - The best team partner and a great friend
    Lady Bellicose - Been a pleasure to ho with you! Fantastically fun TFs.
    Lady Willow - Awesome on so many levels
    Professor Malice & Vivixen - Mo'ing above and beyond the call of duty and I'm sorry about the last time we spoke, Prof.

    And in no particular order; Addo, the only scrapper which didn't scare me on a mo; Armeros a blaster with an unusual ability to live!; Badjac for being a great guy; Alushya and BL00DBATH who taught me how to speed; Coonie and Granite Girl/Guy; The Henges; Lago for truly eye watering puns; BLU and WB for keeping the music on afkradio; Alien for all his help (still have an email from you about binds from 2009!); Anne Marie; Countess; Echoes of Darkness for help with builds; FF7 Aeris; Farula Maglia for camping it up; Ironblade One for helping me with SG badges; Jasra and Kay for being great teammates; Severe, Ribic and MouseHouse for some serious tankage; Tex Mech and VixenHealer for keeping 50 fun and Stargazer for doing the same in Guardian channel; and for the hundreds of others I've met over the last five years for being (in the main) fantastic people.

    Whether you were just pratting around in channels, badging, base making it was always interesting to be around you guys.

    Guardian; I will never forget you. Be well all.

    NCSoft/Nexon; I will never forgive you.

    @Capa Devans
    @Capa Devans2

    I hope to use those globals again one day ...

    *stabs* *hide*
  2. I wouldn't touch a CoX 2 if it had any involvement with NCSoft. Yeah, I'm THAT racked off with NC.

    Give you five years subs on two accounts, a shed load of money for costume packs etc and then have it pulled out from under me? Not a fracking chance.

    Wish I'd known about their habit of closing MMO's down before I joined CoX because I would have put my money into a better company.

    Looking forward to those newspaper articals on the situation next week.

    And NC shares nose diving even further.
  3. Capa_Devans

    Guild War 2

    Guess what .. no more NC titles for me!

    See that flash, NC? It's your customer loyal disappearing!
  4. I doubt anyone from NCSoft is reading this thread because we all know they don't give a flying fig about us BUT ....

    Posts NCSoft's Korean and English Facebook pages are disappearing. Not rude posts just "Save city of Heroes" in English/Korean. They've posted there "please stop with the negative and hurtful comments". So they ARE noticing they've racked off a large amount of articulate and vocal people.

    I vote that we keep doing that.

    Not just to NCSoft but Nexon - their largest shareholder. Also to their business partners; warn Logitech, NVidia and all the others that the bad business practices of their partners are going to directly affect sales of THEIR products.

    We're still fighting after two months. I don't EVER intend to shut up about the way NCSoft has treated CoX, the Devs or the players. If we ALL keep going, that's a LOT of noise.

    We're having an effect via Facebook and the media and their stocks. So we all keep doing it.

    Oh and NCSoft, if you ARE reading this ... you have NO idea what you started. If the servers go dark, this won't end. It will be the beginning.
  5. I *will* say, I'm not giving up.

    If NCSoft think this BS message to get us to STFU and keep quiet is going to work, they are dead wrong.

    You're still going to hear us and you're going to KEEP getting bad press.

    Suck it up; you reap what you sow.
  6. That announcement is utter hogwash.

    Judging by the way NCSoft has handled this entire episode, I don't think they had any intention of a making any negotiations. To me, this is one more piece of bad-faith from NCSoft.

    We know there were buyers; NC just went "through the motions" rather than seriously negotiate.

    So, NC this is the count so far ...
    1) Taking money from people up to a suprise closure
    2) Dumping your staff just before a holiday weekend
    3) A "thanks for the money kkthxbai" closure message on a profitable game
    4) Taking days to announce a closure date
    5) Attempting to take subscription money from people after the announced closure
    6) Taking weeks to announce refunds
    7) Throwing away customers who have been loyal for years - many with multi-account subscriptions
    8) Dumping a Community Manager who actually understood the Community feelings
    9) Ignoring the prospective buyers and people who still want to be customers of CoX
    10) Keeping non-profitable games going at the expense of CoX because they fit your Korean market better

    Well, you are a disgrace to the business community. It's obvious that you don't care about your customers, their views or their money. So it won't bother you a bit if I never touch any of your products again, will it.

    You do not deserve the type of loyal customer you have had with CoX. You deserve hacking kiddies who play for two days then go on to the next shiny.

    I'll leave it there because what I actually want to post would be word-filtered to an incredible degree.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Not in the least... actually.

    All the Facebook and Twitter info are there.

    Save City of Heroes is one FB group; easy to find others.

    I'm finding out about all the ingame events on FB/Titan and ingame channels, not here.
  8. So, we're getting refunds and not game time on a title I don't want.


    And if we need to raise money to buy the IP, I can put my refund towards that cause.


    Keep on giving me what I want, NC ... thanks.
  9. Capa_Devans


    Really hoping this gets onto the main site.
  10. I was astonished and delighted at the Atlas Park(s) turnout.

    I was around and about five hours before the start and there were people gathering. Three hours before there were multiple APs. An hour before the start, the server was almost full.

    Someone posted at max load there were 40 (?!) APs on virtue (I took a screenie at 29), a queue of 300 people to get in, 6 APs on Freedom and other gatherings on other servers from people who couldn't get into Virtue/didn't have slots on other servers.


    A friend of mine doesn't come to the forum, is a low-profile player but he stopped what he was doing to get online and get to AP yesterday. THAT'S the type of community/loyal players you are trying to throw away, NCSoft.
  11. There is a fair bit of media coverage; see the spreadsheet link in my sig.

    There's also a CNN ireport (should be in that link).

    For those of you going to the Virtue Atlas Park vigil, the /e holdtorch has begun many hours before it's scheduled start time! 5pm EST is the scheduled start but if you want to pop over now and hang out; there's plenty of people here!
  12. Fantastic to see how much media coverage the campaign to save CoX is getting.

    Check the link in my sig.
  13. I understand exactly how you feel. When the world is scary, the City/Isles are safe.

    We aren't closed yet and if we all do what we can, we might not be.

    I know it is hard to think/to do stuff when the darkness hits. Maybe writing that letter to NC is too much today? Try tomorrow. Maybe you can't read and comment on a news artical supporting us today? Try tomorrow.

    If CoX is your lifeline, let saving CoX be part of that lifeline.

    Brutally honest posts like the ones in this thread from people who are not afraid to say how much CoX means to them is why we should all fight to save CoX. Even if we can't make those brave posts ourselves.

  14. Good grief, was this off the front page already?

    Outstanding work everyone; let's keep the momentum going.

    Make sure to get those physical letters off. Nothing says "racked off customer" like a physical letter.
  15. We're not dead yet.

    This is the media coverage the campaign is generating:
  16. The flexibility of the game. Costumes, bases, missions, badges ...

    I joined before the push to get new content out every month and there was still a lot to do then.

    The community is just that a community of friends who stick by each other, who help out when there's a shout out. I still duo with a guy three years after we met when we both went to help someone during a valentines event.

    There is no game like CoX; it's equally enjoyable if you want to bop a few mobs casually or hardcore pimp out a char.

    I want to finish casually purpling out my Warshade (and Peacebringer) and all my other characters.

  17. In a heartbeat. For both of my accounts. Pretty sure everyone I know - including those who don't frequent the forums - would, too.
  18. The CNN report is great news.

    See you all in the Sit in on Virtue on Saturday.

    With both of my accounts.
  19. I'm going to keep all my stuff and make a killing when NC changes their mind and the game stays.


    (Please do what you can to support the efforts being made to keep the game alive; check the link in my sig for details.)
  20. Capa_Devans

    Sign it!

    There is a Save CoX Master List (link in my sig).

    Let's all get the word out wherever we can and do what we can to keep this place alive.

    The petition is a great start, but let's get some physical letters on the CEO's desk (address in the link in my sig).

    There are some great FB groupsCity of Heroes - Guardian Server, Save City of Heroes and CoH Survivors where ideas are being shared too.

    Get on FB, get on Twitter, if you have a contact in a news site; try and get them to get the word out on what a great community this is.

    We raise thousands for Real World Heroes every year; let's not forget that too. This isn't just a game.

    If we're going to go down, let's do it fighting. It's what heroes and villains do (let's not forget the villains!)

    NC, you'll have to prise me off these servers with a crowbar because I am NOT going quietly.
  21. Can we get this Stickied, please?
  22. I cannot express how gutted I am to hear about this.

    I've ran two accounts for over four years and it's given me so much; a distraction during the bad times, good friends and hours and hours of entertainment.

    I'd keep paying my subs even if there was never another update because there is so much to do already.

    If there's anyway to reconsider this, I'd like to ask that it is reconsidered.

    If not ... best wishes to the NC staff who've just been dumped on too. Thanks to the friend who introduced me, to the friends I've made and the great team mates .. thank you for the fun.

    And to the person who decided that closing this down would be a good idea ... you are a flaccid excuse for a human being. The decision, the way it was announced to players and staff was disgusting.

    I'm hoping the full story of why the closure is made comes out because I'd hate to give money to whoever caused this; whichever company you're in.

    Best wishes to the Titan guys for trying to keep CoX alive.,4877.0.html