Sign it!
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Signed and stamped...SAVE OUR TOONS
Evil, Time to see the light!!
Just signed it.
I am also taking the suggestion from another forum to write to Mr. Taek Jin Kim, Chief Executive Officer of NCsoft, to add my voice to trying to save this game.
I told my 9 year old daughter last night, who just earned her own account in March, that the game was closing its doors. She burst into tears and quite nearly made me do so as well.
I am hoping that these efforts will allow us to, heroically, save the day at the last minute.
There is a Save CoX Master List (link in my sig).
Let's all get the word out wherever we can and do what we can to keep this place alive.
The petition is a great start, but let's get some physical letters on the CEO's desk (address in the link in my sig).
There are some great FB groupsCity of Heroes - Guardian Server, Save City of Heroes and CoH Survivors where ideas are being shared too.
Get on FB, get on Twitter, if you have a contact in a news site; try and get them to get the word out on what a great community this is.
We raise thousands for Real World Heroes every year; let's not forget that too. This isn't just a game.
If we're going to go down, let's do it fighting. It's what heroes and villains do (let's not forget the villains!)
NC, you'll have to prise me off these servers with a crowbar because I am NOT going quietly.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
If it moves, KILL IT! If it doesn't move, prod it with your toe so it looks like it's moving then KILL IT!