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  1. What about people who bought points with pre-paid credit/gift cards? How do you plan to refund to those "original payment types"? And seriously...August 24th? I promise you I didn't spend a MINIMUM of $50.00 a month on points just so you could pull the game and my access to the items/services I paid for. I think need a refund for ALL points purchased (spend or unspent) since the beginning of "Freedom". I think this whole "here buy points, buy our stuff! Hey thanks for giving us your cash, and now you get nothing!" idea of NCsoft's is criminal, and if I don't get refunded voluntarily, I'll be happy to spearhead a class-action for everyone who purchased points. Normally, I'd just take the loss, but this is NCSoft, and we all know the popular saying regarding NCSoft. "F^%$ NCSoft".
  2. I'm guessing the people who were making fun of others for this "crazy idea" are either going to remain silent. FYI, for those who don't know, here are the numbers.

    CoH $10 million net profits per year.

    Guild Wars 2 and Blade & Soul, producing a $6m loss in the second quarter of this year.

    So, we know who's to blame for a profitable game getting the axe. They're losing money on other games, and rather than WAIT to make it up, they'll axe CoH, save a little money, and in the process, LOSE a huge chunk of their US player base forever. Fine. Mark my words. NCSfot will change their minds, or sell CoH to someone else, or go under completely in the next 5 years. All 5 of which will be spent trying to somehow recapture those players they callously tossed aside, while still dealing with other games (Aion anyone?)hemorrhaging funds. In the end, they'll spead alot of time on "Wish we didn't, while looking for new jobs.
  3. Isn't THAT interesting? It's ALMOST like NCSoft doesn't want us worning GW2 players/potential players not to spend on money on micro-transactions, because they could lose it all on a whim from a corporate D****bag. They don't want us asking those players to hold a boycott or something until CoH is left alone. Looks like they've been playing this move for longer than the admit, and the are proving more and more they still don't and have never cared about their customers.
  4. Get it going, you can count on my support.
  5. This is an overall decent build, good for a little of everything. It seems to me that you've traded off a large amounts of resistance across the board for small amounts of defense increase.

    I played with this a little, (didn't save the build, sorry) but here's what I had:

    Your DEF My DEF
    S/L Def 48.6% 47.3%
    Fire/Cold 48.2% 45.2%
    Eng/Neg 53.2% 47.7%
    Psi 35% 31.5%
    Melee 35.3% 31.8%
    Ranged 31.8% 24.3%
    AoE 27.4% 23.1%

    Clearly your Defense is beter, but not by a whole lot.

    Your RES My RES
    S/L Res 68.1% 81.1%
    Fire/cold/eng/neg 10.4% 21.5%
    Toxic 12.3% 24%
    Psi 43.6% 55.3%

    Your build had about 200 more HP than mine, and slightly better managed End/regen but not to a significant degree. Normally I wouldn't suggest it, but perhaps you should try to work SoW into the build to make up for the loss in RES. Dropping one power for a 30% Increase to RES might be your best bet, or just rework your build and shave a little DEF off for the bigger increase to RES.

    If I think of it, I'll post that build later tonight.
  6. Finally! Thank jeebus for small favors!

    Here's my brilliant idea for a GREAT market item:

    A Characer re-do! I still have a level 50 Fire/Ice tank from Pre-ED, and I don't delete him as I have years invested in him, but I also don't play him, because ED completely destroyed his effectiveness. There is simply no way to respec and reslot and re equip him to make him effective with the secondary and primary he has. if he was Ice/Ice, he'd be great, if he was fire/fire, he'd be great. It's just a sad fact of that combo now, he's ineffective. can't take enough damage, can't do enough damage. So how about a purchase from the Market that allows a person to rechoose the primary and secondary on a single character? Can't change the origin, can't change the AT, just the powersets. Make it a high prices item say 2500-3500 points, so it's not something that get's used often, but for those people who get nailed by a nerf, it gives them a choice to pay to reclaim the time they spent building a character. (Add-on sales would include character re-names, since a character name might not make sense with the new powers) Those who have now ineffective characters win, the market makes a boatload of cash so they win. Anyone see a problem with this that I didn't think of?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    You will all be pleased to know that Staff Fighting is coming next Tuesday.

    Actually, no. I'd have been pleased to know that it came out before 2XP weekend. At this point, pleased is out of the question. I'm now half interested that it's coming out, maybe I'll play it, maybe I won't, but something I wasn't planning on is now something I will seriously consider. Cancelling multiple CoH VIP accounts once the new MMO I'm waiting on is released. Was planning on playing both, but only out of a feeling of loyalty to CoH, which sadly has been squandered.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Just because you don't like a set doesn't change the fact that they JUST released one.
    So what you're saying here, if I understand correctly is that, if they told you Staff Fighting was coming awhile ago, it's on beta, they won't give you a straight answer about it's release, and you're dying to play around with it, then suddenly on a tuesday they release a useless vanity pet, it wouldn't bother you in the slightest. Then the following tuesday they release a different power-set for a class you care nothing about. Still not bothing you. Then they release a new unannounced useless vanity pet, still not bothing you. And say next Tuesday they release a new power-set, looks just like Ice Armor and Ice Melee, except it's called "Paste Armor, and Paste Melee" Only has 1/3 the def/res of other primary tank powers, and hits for 1/8 the damage of other offensive melee, and doesn't have any slow bonus even though that's what you'd expect. Totally useless and unannounced, and it wouldn't bother you in the slightest, right? Just because you were waiting for an announced power-set that everyone else is also waiting for doesn't change the FACT that they just gave you a new power-set and the ability to make the Elmers Glue Man. You should be satisfied with whatever scraps they decide to provide you with, because as a customer what you want is of little importance, it's what they want to sell you that matters.
  9. Nice work Chad.

    Too bad none of these items nor the Story Arc is of any interest to me. Beast Mastery was 'eh" to me. I was all fired up, playing every night for months straight, then a little green drunk man was released on the market before 2x XP weekend, and suddenly, I can't bring myself to log into the game anymore.
  10. Weak. Important fix yes, but that's it? Nothing else among the various fixes needed, nothing else amongst the various changes ask for, nothing new on the market except a story arc that VIP's get for free?

    Weak Weak Weak.
  11. This item should have been release at 80 points. Maybe 100. Influence means nothing in the game right now, because we have nothing worth spending it on. If they changed the ratio of inf/prestige I'd spend it on that. As it stands now, I can log on and make anywhere from 7 to 400 Million in 40 minutes everyday. What do I need a little green drunkard following me around for? If they added the prestige boost to the pet, yes, I'd go as high as 300 points, if it was unkillable, 500 points. I get that it was released for St. Patricks day. That's cool. Right before 2x XP Weekend with two new powersets pending? NOT cool. I also understand the high pressure to release something new every week. But aside from the sound issues, the powersets were both ready. Should have released one of them AND the pet.
  12. I am a VIP, I have loads of Paragon Points that I don't need, after already getting everything I needed/wanted from the market. I could buy this pet at 3x it's price without batting an eye, and I STILL won't buy it. Is it racially insensitive? Don't know, don't care. Is it killable? Don't know, don't care. Is the buff worth having? No, and I still don't care. What I DO care about is NCSoft thinking that

    A.) This was a good price point. Players will LOVE THIS!
    B.) This is the item to drop on the market before 2xXP Weekend.

    Todays market item was nothing more or less than an insult directed to every players intelligence.
  13. Name: The Guardians of Orion

    Motto: "The celestial power of Orion shall help us preval!"

    Leader(s): Rygel and Red Electrica

    Player Type: Casual to Power Gamer

    RolePlay?: Nope, but you can if you want to.

    Membership levels: 1-50+

    SuperGroup Colours: Black and Red (Flame Logo)

    Normal time of Gameplay: Mainly Evenings, and Weekends, sporadically throughout the day.

    Other information: A fair play, nice behaviour group. We're all about maintaining our pristine reputation for friendly attitude, and teamwork. We never join a team we aren't going to commit to, and we never quit until everyone else has chosen to. (Sometimes not even then!) If you act badly, or cause problems enough you'll end up on our black list (We don't play with people/SG's on the list) and we take the list seriously. We don't want to waste our playtime with people who make the game less fun!

    Recruiting?: Not openly, and not at random. We don't want to be the biggest, we only want the best. Team with us, show your worth, and we'll ask you (Even try to steal you from another SG!)

    Website: Feel fee to join the forum there, it's just launched (literally today)
  14. Still very not working/broken/frustrating.
  15. Supergroup name: Sexy Superhero Syndicate

    Motto: "Saving the world, and looking good doing it."

    Leadership: Buzz Killer, Narcissa, Proton Volley, Triangle-Man and a multitude of Lt's

    Playertype: Casual to powergamer

    Roleplay: Not really, but we won't hold it against you.

    Membership Levels: 1-50, most average around 35-37

    Supergroup Colors: Black and Red

    Normal Time of Gameplay: Night (Central time)

    Rules: Play nice, play fair. If you join a TF, you finish the TF, unless the entire group quits. No KS'ing, no griefing. Certain SG's and players are known for griefing and other less than acceptable behavior. We do not associate with these players or SG's. We have compiled an extensive list of players and SG's we do not group with, EVER. Each SG/Player has repeatedly earned their place on this list, and the reason for each is marked. Any member found grouping with or associating with anyone on the list may be demoted in rank or removed from the SG. Sorry, but we won't risk the damage to our reputation as a trustworthy and fair SG.

    Recruiting: VERY RARE, so if you're asked, it is very high praise. We have avoided all drama and complications by only allowing people who have proven themselves in game to join, and it takes a long time to gain rank.

    Website: Who has time for that?
  16. It's been 390 hours since I sent my first petition. 102 hours since I sent my second. So far...nothing.
  17. It's been 390 hours since I sent my first petition. 102 hours since I sent my second. So far...nothing.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Thanks to NCSoft Support and Lighthouse for following up with my subsequent probs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Congrats, you're the first person I've heard of that got their stuff. Going on 98 hours without any word on my petition myself. I've already cancelled my 6 month renewals on all of my accounts. If the petition is answered before I can't log in anymore, I'll renew them, but if I run out of time and can't log in anymore to check....oh well.
  19. 72 hours and counting, still no word at all....
  20. Zekiran Elfmaker, no I did not get my stuff back. It's been over 26 hours now, and there has yet to be an official, personal (Non-automated) response to anyone who has this issue. PM's ignored, petitions ignored, forum posts ignored. The best we got was e-mail (automated) saying the issue is being escalated. I've been with CoH for a loooong time, and EVERYTIME I've sent a petition, if they didn't contact me in game within 15-30 minutes, they never fixed the issue. They send out these BS E-mails, and then a day or two later another saying "We'll consider the matter closed if you don't update your petition. Please do not respond to this E-mail" You update get the escalation email...2 days later the "We'll consider the matter closed" email.

    THAT is what is driving me to quit. Not the loss of inf, not the loss of recipes, not the failed fix, but the EXTREMELY UNPROFESSIONAL treatment of the customers.

    Games are supposed to be fun, relaxing and enjoyable. The anger I feel everytime I log in and am NOT contacted about the petition I sent makes the game unenjoyable for me. I can only log in for a few minutes before becoming so irritated I just log right back out again.

    26 HOURS+ AND COUNTING and the devs haven't even admitted that there MIGHT have been a glitch in the "Fix".
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Maybe if the people who lost multiple-many-millions would have WAITED until the market settled down, and the weekend was over so the servers didn't have so much strain, you wouldn't have LOST all that.

    Everyone's gotta have everything RIGHT freaking NOW. Well, that's that.

    If you'd waited, you most likely might have lost 10k or nothing at all. I don't even know if I lost anything but I sure as heck wouldn't STORE rare commodities in there, I would KEEP the rares on me and store the crap in the CH. o.0 duh.

    Sorry guys I don't feel too bad about the situation. Some of us with only about 200 k on them at any moment don't have the option of 'losing' 20 million. Some of us HAVE to wait for the stuff to get less intense. Maybe if some folks had been less impatient, this would have had less of an impact.

    This wasn't the dev's fault, it's a glitch. plain and simple. Every system has them, and outside of this minor problem there are only little bits to fiddle with. Beta can only give so much of an idea of how the whole massive thing will work, so honestly, this was clearly an unexpected problem that might have occurred at *any* time.

    If you just had to have that latest most-expensive piece RIGHT NOW, well, that's your loss. I will spend 1/100 of what you did for the same piece later on, by simply being patient and waiting for drop rates and prices to change. *shrug*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I have to side with HeckTender on this one (Seems I'm doing that alot lately Heck) By your rational, if a person bought CoH day one, and level'd to 50 in a month, and then something happened and all the characters were lost and could not be replaced, it'd be the Level 50's fault for having to level "RIGHT NOW" whereas the level 14 player who took their time and therfore lost less would be smarter and better. The fact of the matter is, if the CoH/CoV team deem something fit for the live server it had better be fit for the live server, because yes if it's a feature of hthe game we're going to <GASP> use the feature.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    First of all, it requires time to confirm that yes, there is a problem. Confirmation other than posters saying "ZOMG I LOST MONIES". I have no doubt that they're working on that. Secondly, even posting that they are looking into it would potentially confirm in the minds of the general public that yes, there is INDEED a problem - somewhat akin to the way they never give out potential dates for patch release, because the "potential" gets dropped along the way.

    Shoot, it took 'em the bulk of a day to post on the FIRST problem. Give 'em more than a few hours before you start raking them over the coals. Just because you live on the forums doesn't mean they do.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    After 7 hours (Approx) they bypassed /telling me in game and instead sent an e-mail, basically stating that it's been escalated. Better then nothing, although it's right there next to nothing.

    Kam, I don't live on the forums, I'm only here when there is a major issue. Granted lately that seems to be more frequent, but am I to blame for that? I might be upset by your attempts to shut down my psychotic rantings BUT.... the phrase "ZOMG I LOST MONIES" has earned you a ton of credit in my (currently woefully underfunded) vault of patience.