Sign it
[what I said:]
Baffled. I just bought another YEAR'S subscription at the end of June. I Just bought a chunk of points. A lot of my friends have come BACK to the game, and most of them have RE-subscribed. Have we not thrown money at NCSoft for years? Has there not been buzz and new excitement since Freedom's launch?
I know nothing lasts forever, but forever is a long way away. Evil is afoot, there are a thousand thousand more adventures before us. What can we do to persuade you, NCSoft? ONLY YOU can save us now! For nearly a decade you have let us pretend to be heroes, and it was great. Can you find it in your corporate heart to be, at last, yourself a hero?
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I just did a year sub ;(. If they think I'm going to play another one of their games they are crazy!!!!! If this has to happen I will be getting a refund or I will dispute this charge with my card company!!!!! Very Unhappy NCsoft!!!!!
Signed and posted elsewhere... if it is a licensing issue, nothing can be done.
Somehow I'm now really glad I didn't spend any money on buying more points for Nature's Affinity.
I am very disappointed in NcSofts actions, out of the blue they announce they are pulling the plug? It feels like NCSoft is saying, thank you for your money over the past 5 years but now we have tapped this resource dry we are going to move on to another richer resource, have a nice day! I am sure they knew this was coming for sometime but yet kept it from the customers as well as I'm sure some of the employees that work for them.
I have signed it! I'm not sure if this will keep the game going or not, but maybe it will show the powers that be at NCSoft we love the game, we love our server and we love our SG and VG families, and we want the game to continue.
New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Signed it. After playing since beta I just can't let this game go so easiliy.
As of 6:00 AM PST (Sept. 3, 2012) - we only need 330 signers to fill that petition.
That has to say something, doesn't it?
Imagine if NCSoft changed their mind...and somehow got us back into Paragon City into our capes, making the streets safer...
Imagine what that would do to their positive P.R.
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.

As of 930 AM EST only 279 people are needed, there are currently 9700 + on the petition. Come people, join in!
Thanks to the OP for starting this.
Actual Location: Inside the system itself.
"When the most exciting thing about Mace is AceMace's avatar, then it's time to get realistic."
Shield Guide
The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable. -Jet Boy
The petition never "fills", technically. Once it hits 10,000 signatures it'll raise the limit again.
Not that that's not a reason to try for 10,000. That's a nice round number. (I already signed it myself)
I've already signed it, but checked to see where we're at. 9746 and counting.
If we can get everyone to sign that we can, it can't hurt. Will it help? *shrugs shoulders*
We'll see...
I signed it not only in the name of helping to allow you folks to keep enjoying the only MMORPG that allows players to be creative with the Architect Entertainment, and has the fewest grief players in all the MMORPGs i've played, in addition to the best Solo and Group experience ever, but also in high hopes of keeping the 80 people who have lost thier jobs from having to go through the horror show of having to look for another job because I did my part as a member of this community work to ensure they have a new one to come back to.
it seems the petition is still keeping up speed, at 10132 supporters and counting

This petition is a great resource as it really shows a lot of personal feelings and such. Also, numbers!
However, I honestly believe it won't be enough! Still, keep signing it! 10k+ people really makes an impression, and the stories are great. Also, it provides a lot of information and feelings about what's happening
But, we should also try other things. I've posted about many of them here. Bring it to real life: Send letters. Call companies. Go to their doorsteps.
I'm still really, really happy we made it past 10k in just three days! <3

Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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i know the petition by itself is not gonna do much, but with all of the other stuff thats going on it certainly can be used to make an impact

Signed, and shared on my FB.
If it moves, KILL IT! If it doesn't move, prod it with your toe so it looks like it's moving then KILL IT!