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  1. Finally joined the 1300 club!
  2. Just as easy to roll a lowbie on whatever server your selling to and email to yourself.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cailloux View Post
    is their a way to trade, across servers, that I am unaware of?
    Email to a global name.
  4. Phantasm, while I appreciate the fact that you took the time to rewrite a very very outdated guide. I would of liked your guide better if you took the time to pull all the updated data for the Electric Blast set. All the Blast sets have gone through many changes since i8. Heck, Voltaic Sentinel's recharge time changed from 120 to 60 in 2004. Overall good guide a little opinionated here and there, at least you have given new eLx3's some direction.

    Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
    +20% Damage. Lasts the full 60 sec.
    NO, this is bad information and 100% inaccurate. The 20.5% Damage buff only lasts for the first 10.6 seconds of Voltaic Sentinel's duration and the effect does not stack from the same caster.

    Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
    Slot 4 expedient reinforcements for +recharge and -endurance so he is as cheap as possible and always available, enjoy your 6.25% global recharge bonus.
    Yes, all day long. I love the large recharge bonuses from minimal slotting, plus 2.5% Mez resistance (always great for a Blaster) and a 3% Damage bonus, again, love it!

    Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
    The random ST damage from Sparky is a nice bonus.
    Yes, Unslotted Voltaic Sentinel attacks every 3.67 seconds for its 60 second duration, thats about 16 attacks, mine only seems to attack 15 times so I’m sure Arcana time plays in there somewhere. Each attack does 44.49 energy damage, so even if we calculate at 15 attacks, that’s 667.35 damage for its duration if all attacks land. That’s HUGE for a fire and forget power.

    Unslotted Zapp, damage per activation, 172.67.

    This might make you laugh a little. Unslotted Thunderous Blast, damage per activation 265.89.

    Originally Posted by JakHammer View Post
    So overall I consider Voltaic Sentenial an always take.
    I agree.

    Almost forgot, Phantasm here is a great site, City Of Data. Check out the Power Quantification tables.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by iMidget Perfection View Post
    T3 is the biggest boost and T4 is great but wont help out SS that much but u'll notice it.
    Just wondering why do you think the T-3 Alpha is a better boost than the T-4.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stratoman View Post
    My suggestion is to roll a brute. It will be much easier and much cheaper to build a farming brute.
    Dont want to derail the thread, but I would have to agree with this. Honestly you can farm with almost any AT but you have to weigh risk vs reward. I just retired my Fire/Psy Dom, broke my heart, but I can do things with my Brute my Dom could never do.

    If you still want to go the Dominator route I would suggest Fire/Psy, Fire/Earth or Fire/Fire.

    Originally Posted by BeastMan View Post
    How do doms handle ambush farms?
    They really cant. For Doms its all about control, once the ambush mobs rez your dead, because you lost control. The AOE holds and stuns just dont recharge fast enough and you wont have enough defense/resistance to overcome the massive amounts of damage smashing you in the face.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vidszhite View Post
    Only thing stopping me from turning it up to x8 right now is I'm afraid of Bosses showing up in every spawn.
    You can select no Bosses, when solo, in your difficulty settings.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellyButtonJelly View Post
    If I see an ss/fire I almost always farm with them, showem how its done.
    Why dont you post your build, I would be interested in seeing it since its so awesome.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellyButtonJelly View Post
    How is a toon that is only good at one farm type the "Very Best Farmer?” If I change the type of farm so that it resists smashing is it still the very best farmer?
    Clearly you fail to understand what it means to be a farmer, but your random comments have been pretty funny. Let me highlight something for you...

    Originally Posted by Jets View Post
    The whole point of making a farming toon is to effectively complete one task in the shortest amount of time possible for the maximum rewards.
    Add or take away all you want or comeback with another what-if, it doesn’t change anything. We used to farm Dreck, Wolves, Family, heck we even farmed the Winter Lord. Farmers built ATs for those specific farms and we continue to do so, and the King right now is the SS/FA Brute. Take it or leave it, until you bring facts or evidence that some other AT or build is better no one is going to take you seriously.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellyButtonJelly View Post
    If my build is slower who cares right?

    The OP asked what is the "Very Best Farmer?”. I think you lost track of that while trying to defend your Brute and I don’t recall seeing anyone write that Elec/FA was an awful farmer, it’s just not the best. The whole point of making a farming toon is to effectively complete one task in the shortest amount of time possible for the maximum rewards. For Brutes, on a fire farm, the #1 Brute is SS/FA.
  11. Great CoP, thanks for all the Fish.....
  12. There are some AV's I've never been able to solo, Lord Recluse for instance. The hardest AV I was able to defeat was Nightstar, she was a PITA. Easiest AV for me, probably Requiem and if you want to head into AE to fight Heroes Manticore is a pushover.

    Good luck!
  13. I just discovered today is actually not my birthday. Thanks Sav. :P
  14. Jets

    Badges Needed

    Me and Sav ran a Swiss Draw event a while back. He did a really great write up on how we did it, it was kind of a PITA because none of us knew what we were doing. So here is some instructions for you Ariel. If you need anyone to sit in on any of your events let me know.

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post

    Here's what you do:

    Get 8 people at an Arena Terminal. Pocket D works best, because you can have Heroes and Villains.

    Designate one person to be the Lead, and decide what order you're going to earn the badge(s) in, i.e. who will be the first person to earn the badge(s), who will be the second person, etc.

    The Lead will click on the Terminal, and create a Swiss Draw event with a 10 min. time limit. The lead will then invite the 7 other people to the Event.

    When the event starts, it will auto-load all 8 of you into the Arena. Each map will randomly have two people on it. Wait for the loud, annoying Horn sound to announce the start of the match. Then, everyone but the person who was pre-determined to earn the badge will click the Exit button on the Compass. The first 4 to do this will be eliminated. The remaining 4 will advance to Round 2.

    When it says a Winner has been declared, the pre-determined badge earner, and the other three, may exit via the Stats window that pops up.

    After a 2:00 timer, the remaining 4 will be auto-loaded into the Arena. As before, everyone but the person who was pre-determined to earn the badge will wait for the loud, annoying Horn sound to announce the start of the match, and then click the Exit button on the Compass. The first 2 to do this will be eliminated. The remaining 2 will advance to the final round.

    When it says a Winner has been declared, the pre-determined badge earner, and the other "winner", may exit via the Stats window that pops up.

    After a 2:00 timer, the pre-determined badge earner and the other person will auto-load into the arena. The person who wasn't pre-determined to win will wait for the loud, annoying Horn sound to announce the start of the match, and then click the Exit button on their compass. The pre-determined badge earner will be declared the Winner, and shortly after will be awarded the Tournament Victor badge. If they have the other new Arena Badges, they will also be awarded the Arena All-Star accolade badge.

    Once it says Badge Earned!, and you've verified you got the badge(s) (Menu -> Badge), you may exit the Arena Map via either Exit button.

    Congratulations!! One person has earned the "Swiss Draw" badge, Tournament Victor!!

    Now you just repeat that for the other 7 people, until everyone has the badge(s).

    Note: Make sure you have at least an hour to dedicate to doing this. It takes 6 mins. for one person to get the badge, plus load times, and Event Creation and Invitation. That's a minimum of 48 mins. just for the 3 Arena Auto-Loads for all 8 people.
  15. Thanks for all the information. Cant wait to see the new site.
  16. Jets


    What were the bugs/exploits you reported?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
    Judging by the past few issues...

    No one will raid for at least 1 week, as everyone would be running around and pointing things and saying "PWEEEETY" (well, i will be doing it!).
    A few of us will be creating the DS (i will be doing it).
    A few of us will be running the new Positron (I will be doing it).
    A few of us will be recreating costumes, and that can take a lot of time (I will be doing it).
    A few of us will be tasting the new storylines (I will be doing it).
    A few of us will be running some arcs to try dropping the new temp recipes (I will be doing it)...

    Or we may just run a few ITFs (I will be doing it).
    A few of us will be Badge Hunting (I will be doing it).
  18. If I remember correctly it was changed sometime around i7-i8.
  19. Only TF I can think of is the Moonfire TF. If you look around Bonny Morass and The Bog in Striga there should be some lvl 23ish mobs, bring purples. Remember the Vamps come out at night.