The Blaptroller: Reloaded -- Guide To Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster [I19]
“And the Lord said 'Let there be light....ning'”
***Numbers from Red Tomax's Power Spreadsheets, specifically ***
Charged Bolts
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Charged Bolts >> Single target ranged, low endurance drain*
Level Required: 1 Damage: 1 (Energy) Accuracy: 1 Cast Time: 1 second Recharge time: 4 seconds End Cost: 5.2 Range: 80 ft. Special: Usable while controlled (Stun, Mez, Fear, Sleep) |
-SO's: SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2) (Really could get away with 4 or 5 slotting this move with just ACC/DMG)
-IO's: Thunderstrike (6)
Lightning Bolt
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Lightning Bolt >> Single target ranged, low endurance drain
Level Required: 1 Damage: 1.64 (Energy) Accuracy: 1 Cast Time: 1.67 seconds Recharge time: 8 seconds End Cost: 8.528 Range: 80 ft. Special: Usable while controlled. (Mez, Stun, Sleep, Fear) |
SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2)
IO's: Thunderstrike (6)
Ball Lightning
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Ball Lightning >> AoE ranged, low endurance drain
Level Required: 2 Damage: 1.02 (Energy) Accuracy: 1 Cast Time: 1.07 seconds Recharge time: 16 seconds End Cost: 15.184 Range: 80 ft. / 15 ft. radius Special: Takes time to travel from caster to target. |
SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2)
IO's: Detonation (5-6) or Positron's Blast (5-6) if you can afford it.
Short Circuit
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Short Circuit >> PBAoE high endurance drain
Level Required: 6 Damage: 0.9 (Energy) Accuracy: 1.3 Cast Time: 3 seconds Recharge time: 20 seconds End Cost: 15.6 Range: 20 ft. radius around self Special: Drains significant amount of endurance |
The first of your "endurance-control" powers and a MUST HAVE as soon as it's available (Lv. 6). This is gonna be your primary opener from here on out. This move is a PBAoE (PB meaning Point Blank or Player Based) so you'll have to run on up into (or hover over top of) a group to use it effectively. The move itself does similar DPS to Ball Lightning and makes a great combo, but that doesn't matter cause it's also going to drain a huge chunk of endurance from anyone it hits and throw a -recovery debuff keeping them from getting any endurance back for the next 5-10 seconds.
The move does have some down falls though. Early on, before its slotted and has SO's, its end drain is somewhat weak and its cast time leaves you rooted and vulnerable for a good 3 seconds. M_A states slotting it for damage in earlier levels will help make it a little more useful till it can shine with DO's or SO's. While I agree, I also think as SOON as you can you're going to want to switch this over to an END killer.
SO's: +EndMod (3), +REC (3)
IO's: 6-slotted Performance Shifter
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Aim >> Self +tohit buff
Level Required: 8 Damage Boost: 37% Accuracy Boost: 63% Cast Time: 1.17 seconds Recharge time: 90 seconds End Cost: 5.2 |
SO's: +3 REC
IO's: I know there are some specific IO's for Aim/Build Up, I just don't remember what they are. Reticulated Reticule or something. Worth snagging, but ultimately, you want recharge in whatever route you go.
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Zapp >> Single target long range, high endurance drain
Level Required: 12 Damage: 2.76 (Energy) Accuracy: 1.2 Cast Time: 4.33 seconds (3 seconds interruptible) Recharge time: 12 seconds End Cost: 14.352 Range: 150 ft. Special: Sniper Attack (Long range, very high damage, interruptible) |
SO: +ACC (1), +DMG(3), +RNG(0-2), -INT(0-2)
IO: Sting Of Manticore (6)
Tesla Cage
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Tesla Cage >> Ranged single target hold, low endurance drain
Level Required: 18 Damage: 0.15 (Energy) Accuracy: 1 Cast Time: 2.17 seconds Recharge time: 10 seconds End Cost: 6.864 Range: 60 ft. Special: Applies -recovery debuff |
This now offers the first taste of versatility to the build. You have the option of forgoing traditional “Blow Everything Up” and can swap it with “Blow Everything Up (While Keeping That One Guy From Killing Me)”. In earlier levels, especially if you're like me a ramp up difficulty to the absolute highest you can possible take without eating dirt every pull, this move will be a life-saver. Pop it on a Lt before engaging a group and you can save a decent chunk of HP from the encounter. Once you get other holds you can start stacking them with Tesla to hold bosses or higher.
SO's: SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2)* (Can get away without these)
IO's: Basilisk's Gaze (4) or Lockdown (6)
Voltaic Sentinel (or Sparky!)
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Voltaic Sentinel >> Summoned “pet”, low endurance drain per bolt*
Level Required: 26 Accuracy: 2.0 Cast Time: 3.1 seconds Recharge time: 60 seconds End Cost: 26 Range: 60 ft. Special: Uncontrollable pet, fires 10 charged bolts or lasts 60 seconds. Untargettable, thus all aggro generated is transferred to you. |
Well, other Blasters schooled me on why you ACTUALLY want this move. Now it will never turn the tide or become a cornerstone attack, but it does serve a very direct purpose: buffing you. Sadly enough, this little fellow affectionately referred to as "Sparky", does piss-poor damage up front and only decent damage when all hits are taken into account, but it comes with its own Defiance bonus of 20.08%. THIS IS NOT A TYPO, 20 MF-ING PERCENT. However, like all Defiance attacks, it wears off after 7 seconds (And have confirmed this both with actual testing and through forum posts). The icon persists and it appears you do have 20% buff, cause it says it, but if you watch your damage, you'll see it drop off after a couple of attacks. Thus, its nice for a quick Build Up + Extra Dmg. As JakHammer points out below (and thanks for the contribution, check the last post for props!!).
Originally Posted by JakHammer
Slot 4 expedient reinforcements for +recharge and -endurance so he is as cheap as possible and always available, enjoy your 6.25% global recharge bonus.
Originally Posted by Red Tomax
Thunderous Blast >> Ranged AoE nuke, high endurance drain*
Level Required: 32 Damage: 4.25 (Energy) Accuracy: 1.4 Cast Time: 3.7 seconds Recharge time: 360 seconds End Cost: 15.6 Range: 60 ft. Special: Completely drains end and leaves caster w/ -recovery debuff |
This nuke, however, has three more advantages that other nukes lack!! First, it doesn't send enemies halfway across the map, instead, it leaves them held for a couple seconds. Seconds, it drains a HUGE chunk of endurance and leaves mobs with the same -recovery debuff you're affected by, albeit shorter in duration. Finally, it's RANGED! Not that you're afraid to run into melee range with this build, but its still a nice advantage and MUCH easier to line up on groups. Easily one of the best Tier 9 abilities in the game, and its alllllll for you!
IO's: SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2)
SO's: Detonation (5-6) or Positron's Blast (5-6)
>>> ELECTRICAL MANIPULATION <<< “Judge, Jury, and Electricutioner”
Electric Fence
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Electric Fence >> Ranged single target immobilize, endurance drain over time*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 1.2 second* Recharge time: 4 seconds* Duration: 18 seconds* Endurance cost: 7.8* Range: 50* Brawl index: 2.7778 (Energy), over 5 ticks of damage* |
SO's: +ACC
IO's: Whatever you feel like? I'm not aware of any decent 1 slot Immob IO's that would be worth mentioning.
Charged Brawl
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Charged Brawl >> Single target melee, endurance drain, sleep*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: .6 seconds Recharge time: 10 seconds* Endurance cost: 10.2* Range: 5’* Brawl index: 5.4445 (Energy/Smashing)* |
Note: Player feedback has leaned in favor of Charged Brawl. Again, I think its an awesome move, just not one that I can fit into my build and slot effectively. Ultimately, I'd say you're gonna want no more then two melee moves, unless you're going pure blapper and don't mind missing out on some R-ST blasts. In general, you'll get more use out of CB, but more utility out of Thunder Strike.
SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (0-2), +EndRed (0-2)
IO's: Mako's Bite (6) or Kinetic Combat (4)
Lightning Field
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Lightning Field >> PBAoE toggle, endurance drain*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 2 seconds* Recharge time: 10 seconds* Endurance per second: 1.6/tick* Brawl index: .4722 (Energy)* |
Slotting: only for good powers, so why are you expecting something here?
Havoc Punch
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Havoc Punch >> Single target melee, endurance drain, sleep, knockback*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 1.5 seconds* Recharge time: 14 seconds* Endurance cost: 13.5 Range: 5’* Brawl index: 7.2223 (Energy/Smashing)* |
SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (1-2)
IO's: 6 Slotted Mako's Bite or 4 Slotted Kinetic Combat both solid choices.
Build Up
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Build Up >> Self buff*
Activation time: 1 second* Recharge time: 90 seconds* Duration: 10 seconds* Endurance cost: 5.2* |
Slotting: 3
SO's: +REC (3)
IO's: Again, I forget the name, will update when I remember. Think its Reticulated Reticule or something
Lightning Clap
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Lightning Clap >> PBAoE disorient*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 1.2 seconds* Recharge time: 30 seconds* Duration: 9 seconds* Endurance cost: 13 Radius: 15' |
Thunder Strike
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Thunder Strike >> Melee AoE, Knockback, disorient*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 3.3 seconds* Recharge time: 20 seconds* Endurance cost: 18.5* Range: 5’* Brawl index: 8.2223 (this is indeed the actual Brawl Index; pretty much every other hero planner is wrong. My in game tests + City of Data calculations confirm this) (Energy/Smashing)* |
SO's: +ACC (1-2), +DMG (3), +REC (2-3)
IO's: 6 Slotted Mako's Bite or 4 Slotted Kinetic Combat
Power Sink
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Power Sink >> PBAoE high endurance drain, endurance recovery*
Activation time: 2 seconds* Recharge time: 60 seconds* Endurance cost: 13 |
When it's used after Short Circuit, it'll comepletely drain the endurance of pretty much anything but the biggest of baddies. They'll be left with no endurance, unable to regain any endurance, and confused, running to targets but unable to attack them. It's almost sad... Almost.
If it isn't painfully evident by now, this move is a MUST HAVE as soon as it's ready pick... which isn't till 35, till then just blow stuff up, silly!
SO's: EndMod (3), +REC (3)
IO's: Performance Shifter (5-6)
Shocking Grasp
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Shocking Grasp >> Melee hold, endurance drain, damage over time*
Accuracy: 75* Activation time: 1 second* Recharge time: 15 seconds* Duration: 9.6 seconds* Endurance cost: 9.5* Range: 5’* Brawl index: 5.0 (over the course of 6 ticks of damage) (Energy)* |
Also, do note that this move takes melee IO sets, so if you were to use it as a damage attack w/ hold, you could throw in a Mako's Bite or Kinetic Combat. Doing so would diminish the effect of the hold (As those sets don't come with a +Hold enh) but would heavily augment the damamge.
SO's: +ACC (2-3), +DMG (0-3), HOLD (0-3) (2/2/2 is a solid way to go, I prefer 1/3/1 and using the Epic Power Pool as a reliable second hold to pair with Tesla)
IO's: Basilisk's Gaze (4) or Lockdown (6) for hold or Detonation (5) or Positron's Blast (5) for damage
These pools can be selected at Lv. 41 and all offer a lot of similar moves in different flavors. Again, I point to the original guru, Mystic_Amethyst's post ( ) for an extended breakdown on all the options. There are many options to choose from and none of them are wrong...
...but Electric Mastery is the only one that's the right choice, or at least my choice, so lemme talk about that. Oh, and for you villains, shame on you for switching sides. Traitors! If I were you, why I'd.. I'd... I'D....... probably go Mace Mastery (Black Scorpion) for that sweet +Def toggle or Mu Mastery (Scioroccoororo or whatever) for some a more conceptual-themed set and shares same hold, cone, and armor of Elec Mastery.
Static Discharge
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Static Discharge >>> Ranged Cone*
Accuracy: 75* Recharge time: 12 seconds* Endurance cost: 14.8 Range: 40’* Brawl index: 2.53333 (Energy)* |
SO's: 1-2 +ACC, 3 +DMG, +1-2 REC
IO's: Detonation (5-6) or Positron's Blast (5-6). If you're hurting on slots, you can throw a Air Burst (4) for some quick S/L def.
Shocking Bolt
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Shocking Bolt: Ranged foe hold*
Accuracy: Same as Tesla? Recharge time: 16 seconds* Duration: 14 seconds* Endurance: 10.7* Range: 80’* Brawl index: 1.389 (Energy)* |
SO's: +ACC (2-3), +HOLD (2-3), +REC(0-2)
IO's: Basilisk's Gaze (4) or Lockdown (6)
Charged Armor
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
Charged Armor >> Toggle self +resistance to Smashing, Lethal, Energy*
Activation time: 1 second* Recharge time: 2 seconds* Endurance cost: .16/s* Resistance: +19.25% Smashing/Lethal/Energy |
SO's: +DmgResist (3), EndReduc (0-3* If you can spare it).
IO's: Reactive Armor (2-3) / Steadfast Protection (Def+) / Resistence IOs (3) (By now you're hurting for slots, but spare whatever you can to try and max out S/L/E resists here, and add defense wherever, cause you're gonna need it)
EM Pulse
Originally Posted by Mystic_Amethyst
EM Pulse: PBAoE foe disorient, energy damage, self –recovery*
Accuracy: 75* Recharge time: 800 seconds* Duration: 18 seconds* Endurance cost: 26 Endurance drain Target -regen |
Slotting: ...Just slap a recharge on it, you'll only use it for an “OH S#!%” moment.
Surge of Power
Originally Posted by Paragon Wiki
Surge of Power >> Self, +Resistance(All Damage except Psionics), +Recovery
Activation time: ? Recharge time: Very Long Endurance cost: ? |
Slotting: Again, I'd slap a recharge in it and call that good, allows you to devote slots to moves that could use them more effectively.
So, again, I'm lazy, I don't have all the numbers. I've seen them in other posts, things such as Mystic's post (up top) and other guides like the Blasters Guide to Defense. Go do some searches and you can find what you need if this isn't suffice.
With I19 and Fitness moved to Innate Power, we are left with three new power choices, but no new slots (Still have to slot Stamina). A lot of powers you may have let pass can suddenly be selected. Take care in selection, but know you'll have a couple points you can really put anywhere without worrying about gimping a character.
>>> Travel Powers
This is really your preference. Each with it's own pro's and con's. Here's a quick breakdown of the powers I'd take and why. Don't need more attacks and sorry Teleport, you're just not that helpful for this build. It's a great TP, but is more support oriented. As a general rule of thumb, you should only have one TOGGLE TRAVEL POWER, but you can dip into other power pools for benefits like Hover or Hasten.
>> FLIGHT <<
Slow and steady, flight has a set speed and you just go any direction. It's easy to use and best for AFK-traveling, as well as a good “GTFO” travel power, this is my power of choice for this build.
>Hover → Slot: +FLY (1-3) and +Karma (KB Protection) for KB safety.
Awesome. Easily avoid melee fights by simply flying above them. Moves like Short Circuit and Power Sink still work if you're above enemies, albeit a slightly smaller area of effect, due to the way the PBAoE mechanic works (Think a sphere with your character as its core). Also gives +DEF, but it's like 2.5% base and not worth slotting for. With the right slotting, it's made versatile (quicker) in combat and with Karma IO you'll be very resistant to most KB effects.
>Flight → Go places faster! You can slot it with Freebird if you want +Stealth in and combine it with another power for full invisibility. I'd recommend going with Celerity for +Stealth in Sprint, that way you can be full inviso while Hovering and not gimp Flights speed further by taking away a +FLY slot.
>Combat Jumping → Makes you able to change direction mid-jump, makes you resistant to immobilize, and offers +DEF similar to Hover. While it's nice, Hover still allows you to negate melee. CJ is useful for going down Leaping Tree however.
>Super Leap → BOING! BOING! BOING! ...Yeah, I'm bored now. Pretty much it. It's quick and has similar mobility to Flight, and again, can be slotted with a +Stealth Unbounded Leap IO, same applies though, better to go with Celerity.
>Acrobatics → Toggled resistance to KB and Hold effects. Hold protection is Mag 3, meaning one hold will cancel Acrobatics, but not hold you, while the second hold would stick you in place. It's alright and worth the point if you're going leaping for traveling anyway. Slap a +EndRed in the innate slot.
>> SPEED <<
>Hasten → Make EVERYTHING recharge QUICKER! It's pretty much a must in most any character I make. Costs no endurance to activate but takes 20 when it fades off. Fully slotted with +REC (3), it's up two of every three minutes. Get it whenever you can fit it in, but definitely by the time you've got BU and Aim. Used to slap a +DEF buff too, no longer the case. (Thanks for pointing that out DG)
>Super Speed → Vrrrrrrrrrrrrm. Superduper fast, but also limited mostly to the ground and where you can get to via jump. With Temp. Travel Powers though, you can get around easily without much problem. It also provides +Stealth and can take Celerity for a full inviso power in one toggle. Also pairs well with Hover, so you can run in, open with SC/PS, then jump into Hover to escape any possible melee.
There's plenty other pools to choose from, but only a few are really worth it. Tough/Weave aren't worth the power/slots they require, IO sets can make up for that. Leadership scales are low for Blaster, so ignore that too. They are:
1. Concealment → Stealth: Gives you more +DEF (not much but its nice) and +Stealth toggle, combined with +Stealth in Celerity gives full inviso with Stealth/Sprint toggled. Invisibility is full inviso but is non-combat only, so don't get suckered into thinking it's simply a better Stealth.
2. Medicine → Aid Other or Stimulant → Aid Self: Pick between the first two (Aid Other will help get Medic badges, so I went with that) and then reap the benefits of Aid Self. Unslotted does about 20%, and each slot makes it better. Devote as many slots as you can spare, I'd say 2-3 is best, and slap in +Heal SO's or whichever +Healing set you can muster up for cheap, getting a +Heal and +Rech/Heal
3. Speed → Hasten Hasten! It's a great buff, really worth it. Kills the recharge on big moves and makes quick ones that much quicker! Can't get it perma-ed, and causes the end crash, but hey, its still frigging sweet!
So, by know you've got an idea what to do, and how to do it. Here's some clarification on slotting throughout the guide. For holds, I prefer at least two +ACC, to guarantee its going to land. As for attacks, I have listed 1-2. If you have IO sets which help ACC, you'll be okay, and if you don't mind missing from time to time, again, you're fine with just one +ACC SO. I would however say AoE attacks should have two just to make sure.
As for the set mentioned, they will maximize defenses, with a focus on ranged or melee avoidance, which will probably be the most likely you'll encounter, as well as resistances. You can get better sets, but those I have are very economic and are gonna give plenty of bang for the buck.
Okay, so here's the deal. I'm really reluctant to post a sample build because then people will follow the build blindly and we'll have Blaptroller clones running a muck. This guide is very tight as it is, it's pretty obvious what moves I like and use (Those with slotting) and those I feel are less useful (Those without slotting). That said, you got a couple moves you can play around with, which are:
-Lightning Clap v. Sparky: Unnecessary
-Charged Brawl v. Thunderstrike: You can pick one or the other, depending on play style.
-Surge of Power v. EM Pulse: Again, both good panic button choices, I favor Surge of Power cause it lets you attack afterwards (as a human Sparky!!), whereas EM Pulse kinda drains you. Both of these powers are skippable as well, giving you a free power slot to toy around with.
-Stealth (From Concealment): If you don't want full inviso, you can skip this power and go with an IO in a travel power. Or if you want full inviso in one button (Without a minor +DEF buff), you can use Super Speed with Celerity:+Stealth.
So that's just a small list of things you could possibly change around. Keep in mind you're most likely gonna end up with more powers then you have the slots for, so that's something else to consider when looking over what powers you want. But, to satisfy some of out there, here's what I wouldn't leave out of the build.
-Short Circuit + Power Sink
-Lightning Bolt + Havoc Punch
-Hasten + +DEF Travel Power (Hover or CJ)
-Aim + Build Up
-Tesla Cage + Other Hold (Grasp OR Bolt, pref. both)
-A Panic Button (EM Pulse, Surge of Power, Phase Shift, etc.) + Mitigation (Toggle defenses, self heals, etc.)
So that should give you enough to go on! Go wild and make some builds. If you wanna be more Blappy, pick up more punches then nukes, if you wanna be more trolly, pick up ranged moves and all the holds, and if you wanna be more Blasty, well, probably should avoid those pesky melee moves if you can. I use a mix of all three and it allows you to fill any role. I find myself more concerned about draining end for the most part, but you can really get LOTS of versatility from a pretty single-tracked class, the Blaster.
That said, if someone really wants to post their build, feel free to do so, I may or may not add it to the guide.
Here's a section where I will discuss some of the tricks I found while playing the character, or just tips in general. Some of this is covered earlier in the guide, I apologize for any redundancy.
-Tesla Cage is useful for keeping enemies locked down and/or tapped out, use it OFTEN even if you don't think you'll need to, it'll save you HP/End over time.
-Short Circuit / Power Sink are usable ABOVE targets and will often be just as effective, so Hover on over and let em rip.
-Ball Lightning takes time to travel to its targets, use it to pull while hiding behind a corner and get some nice LoS set up.
-Group with other Elec'ers as much as possible. End Drain is end drain, no matter who it comes from!!
-Stacking holds will allow you to control tougher opponents. Bosses usually require two holds, EB's require 3, AVs.. well, more. They don't all have to be from you, so coordinate with others and you can pretty much hold anything that needs to be held.
-Sparky aggros group and is not a good travel companion. Bust him out in big fights or AVs, but avoid travelling with him or face the wrath of all those in your wake.
-Aim will help Short Circuit hit people, but with an innate high accuracy, it's not necessary. Save BU+Aim till AFTER you've dropped SC/PS and you'll get more use from them.
-Keep Electric Fence on your menu, it may suck, but it's one of three moves usable while stunned, and the only one that provides any defensive benefit (I.E. keeps something from entering melee range or running away). If you took Charged Bolt and Lightning Bolt (And why wouldn't you have?) you can use these while stunned as well.
-Even thought it can be interrupted, Aid Self is quick enough to be used in the heat of battle. Don't be afraid to try to sneak one in (I like doing it right after Power Sink, to make up for any incoming damage took while opening)
-Use Inspirations!!!! Never have a full box, EVER. Obviously you wanna save some heals or CABs, and always have atleast one Rez and Break Free. Other then that, use those little suckers as much as you can without wasting them. It really helps make a difference, especially for soloing, so don't be afraid to chow down.
-Combat Rez = Awaken-->Break Free-->Respite. As soon as your up, Power Sink your end back, Aid Self for some HP, and get back in there. Break Free isn't usable till your feet hit the ground, but spam that button till it goes off.
-Use knockback to group people up, as opposed to knocking them away. Lightning Clap can be just as useful to throw people into others as it is to throw people away from you. Be careful though, once startled, tanks/brutes will often flee into the wilderness.
>>> MY KEY SETUP <<<
Had someone ask me how my keys were set up, so here it is
I use 1-5 for nukes (CBolt -> LBolt -> Ball -> SC -> TB)
I use ALT 1-5 for melee (Havoc -> TS -> Static -> PS -> Light Clap)
I use CTRL 1-5 for buffs (Hasten -> BU -> Aim -> Aid Self -> Aid Other)
I use SHIFT 1-5 for control (Elec F -> SGrasp -> Tesla Cage -> SBolt -> SoP)
I use Z, C, V, B, and N for toggles (Fly -> Hover -> Stealth -> Sprint(+Stealth) -> Charged Armor
It's very "WoW" oriented, but lets you control pretty much anything with your left hand while leaving right hand open for mousing.
I'd like to thank everyone for their contributions to the guide.
→ Mystic_Amethyst: Author of the original blaptroller guide, which still stands as a great guide! Again, link to this guide is found here:
→DarkGob: Forgot your name till you posted under the guide. Thank you for all your help when this character was still stuck in Praetoria. All the IO set ideas more or less spawned from our discussion, as well as uses for the 3 new powers. Can't believe it took me that long to try out Aid Self.
→ Crasch and his guide: gives good insight on Blaster defenses. Worth a read!
→ Timeshadow. For helping with guide formatting and getting me back into CoH
→ JakHammer for his insight on a previously ignored power, Sparky!!!
→ Any and all electric users who've helped gather information or passed advice along the way.
Any feedback is appreciated and I will update as new information becomes available.
Very thorough guide, as someone who has been playing an Elec^3 since just before Issue 5 I don't see a thing wrong with it. One minor note: you mention that Hasten provides +Def; it hasn't done this in ages.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Great guide.
My only problem is you may have undersold Shocking grasp even if you did recommend it. For me it really put the controller into blaptrolling for my blaster. Sure you can hold a boss with other powers more safely, but this just allows you to 'give the hand' to the other guy (LT) who tries to get up in your boss killing business and leave them instantly disabled for as long as you want. Also, while you fight that disabled boss, if you can't kill him fast enough keeping shocking grasp as part of your blap chain WILL keep him both permaheld and taking heavy DoT.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Actually, yeah, Shocking Bolt combined with your other two holds will let you hold EBs with ease, especially with a Lockdown proc slotted into one of them. Makes Trapdoor the easiest fight ever.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Two notes:
-Didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't like Shocking Grasp. In fact, I like it a lot, just not as a hold with damage, I prefer it as a damage that holds. The thing I disliked about it was the minimum range was a pain to deal with, especially if you're trying to stack two quick holds on a boss.
For that, I'd use TC-->SB. As for EBs, only way to hold as you both mentioned is to drop all 3, which I would. I'll adjust the writing so it shows that I am more in favor of the move. Cause you're all right, it's a great move. I just thought it was a little underwhelming for a Tier 9 ability, albeit in a secondary set.
Second, I couldn't remember you name DarkGob!!! The only reason I know what sets to go with is from your recommendations like... 6 months back. If you look at the Special Thanks section, you'll see an update!
Haha wow, no wonder the guide looked so much like my Blaster's build.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I love this combo! It's one of the best kept secrets in CoX.
Couple points:
1) You're underselling Charges Brawl. /Elec is an awesome set for blapping, and this is one of its main tools. The damage is good and E^3 doesn't suffer enough from End problems for it to be a factor. Take it. Slot it. Enjoy it.
2) Don't slot any of the attacks for End drain! Slot them as straight damage dealing attacks for maximum DPS potential. With the right attack chain their blue bars will be completely drained anyway. make their red bars disappear just as fast.
Going with the attack chain of: Ball Lightning > Short Circuit > Power Sink > Thunder Strike will have them completely depleted of End(if they're still alive at all). The other option is to insert Static Discharge in between Ball Lightning and Short Circuit while you're still approaching the spawn. Either way, they will be completely drained.
Otherwise, great job on the guide!
Thanks for a good new guide to this archetype.
I notice you give Voltaic Sentenal an unconditional NO.
I find the +20% defiance stackable damage bonus lasting a full 60 sec. that Sparky provides more than enough reason to take and perma/maintain this power. +20% Damage. Lasts the full 60 sec. Slot 4 expedient reinforcements for +recharge and -endurance so he is as cheap as possible and always available, enjoy your 6.25% global recharge bonus.
The random ST damage from Sparky is a nice bonus. The unintentional aggro of extra spawns and the early aggro of your next planned spawn are the only drawbacks and you can learn to position yourself to manage those.
So overall I consider Voltaic Sentenial an always take.
Also - MIDS shows Voltaic Sentenal as getting a pass through damage boost from Aim and Build Up. It does not.
An alternate view, with respect,
I had no idea that Vs had that high of a bonus nor that it lasted the full duration. Obviously that makes it instantly worthwhile, especially with your recommended slotting. I know have a tough decision to make as to what power to drop and where to make up for those 3rd extra slots I need.
Phantasm, while I appreciate the fact that you took the time to rewrite a very very outdated guide. I would of liked your guide better if you took the time to pull all the updated data for the Electric Blast set. All the Blast sets have gone through many changes since i8. Heck, Voltaic Sentinel's recharge time changed from 120 to 60 in 2004. Overall good guide a little opinionated here and there, at least you have given new eLx3's some direction.
Slot 4 expedient reinforcements for +recharge and -endurance so he is as cheap as possible and always available, enjoy your 6.25% global recharge bonus.
Yes, Unslotted Voltaic Sentinel attacks every 3.67 seconds for its 60 second duration, thats about 16 attacks, mine only seems to attack 15 times so Im sure Arcana time plays in there somewhere. Each attack does 44.49 energy damage, so even if we calculate at 15 attacks, thats 667.35 damage for its duration if all attacks land. Thats HUGE for a fire and forget power.
Unslotted Zapp, damage per activation, 172.67.
This might make you laugh a little. Unslotted Thunderous Blast, damage per activation 265.89.
I agree.
Almost forgot, Phantasm here is a great site, City Of Data. Check out the Power Quantification tables.
Jets L50 eLx3 Blaster (1300 Badges) @Jets or @Jets Too
L50 Stalker, 4-Tankers, 3-Scrappers, 2-Dominators, 2-Arachnos, 3-Brutes, Blaster, 4-Controllers, Defender

Well, Jets, I 'thought' I had 'tested' Sparky in game when I wrote that the defiance boost was for the full 60 sec. duration, but I must have been tired. Thank You! for correcting my stupid error.
I changed how I play Voltiac Sentinel, and it still makes a nice baby build up while you wait for Aim and real BU to recycle.
So looking forward to respecing Sable Lightning to an E3 or Scorpion Shield real endurance drain build.
Nice update on an old, reliable guide. I had worried that the changes today's issues possessed would render the electric blaptroller obsolete.
Some questions:
One: Does Defiance ONLY work on the top powers (eg. c-bolts vs. lightning) in your power pools or the first ones you select after creating a character?
Two: is 'Sparky' an aggro-magnet or does it damage and end drain enough to be reasonable risk? I read it turned mob attention directly onto your frail glass body too quickly from the original guide....
Three: You have the precious blue as well?!? All for us, all ours!Friends may have some yes, - but only a little! .....our wonderful blue happiness...heee......
Hey there,
Always happy to read about a set that's near and dear to me.
Jadrian, if you're asking about Defiance's mez-proof effects, they're in C Bolts, L Bolt, and E Fence at all times, regardless of when the powers are chosen.
I can't directly speak to Sparky's utility; I ditched V Sentinel years ago, when I was young(er) and (more) foolish. Now it's just a question of squeezing it back into the build. A question I'll throw out to the room: do you think it's still worth it even if you can't really slot it much? Worst-case, it gets a single Expedient A/D piece, and my Musculature Alpha Boost gives it a bit more oomph past that.
Lastly, a general question about Sets: what do you look for when you're eyeing up Set Bonuses? My E3's got a lot of sets working, but I certainly won't claim it was a "holistic" process. It was more just okay, this power has this many slots, what sets work there. Anyone care to chime in?
Later on,
Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.
I had a great time playing with you!
I was about to post asking for an elec/elec blapper build to be my 2nd on Golden Avariel but found this fit me to a tee! Thanks!
The Blaptroller: Reloaded
A Guide To Elec^3 Blaptrollin' and Tribute to the Original Blaptroller, Mystic_Amethyst
Table of Contents
1. Introduction (Props, What Is A Blaptroller, & Questions About Other Powers)
2. Electrical Blast
3. Electrical Manipulation
4. Epic Power Poos: Electric Mastery
5. Power Pools
--5a. Travel
--5b. Others
6. Sample Build (Sorta)
7. Tips and Tactics
8. Key Setup
9. Special Thanks
--03/21/2011] Updated sections, added more content
--03/19/2011] Posted.
This guide reflects my knowledge and experience as an Elec/Elec blaster. That said, lots of information is being taken from previous posts, most notable Mystic_Amethyst's post “Electricity^3: The Guide To Blaptrolling” found here: . In fact, I would go as far as to say this is a fan-inspired continuation of his work, with updates like IO sets and what to do with those three new powers we have from ditching Fitness Power Pool. I would like to take this space to thank Mystic for his/her hard work and number-crunching, cause without this guide to inspire me, I may have never stumbled across the BEST CLASS/POWER COMBO IN THE GAME, BAR NONE. Also, thanks to all the other Elec^2/3 Blasters who have given input to me and others throughout the game, without you folks this advice and information would never be as accurate as it is!
No, it's not a word, it's a lifestyle. It's a way to explain the versatility in some blaster builds, in which aspects of blasting, scrapping. And controlling, are combined to make one hell of an awesome hero or villian. While the name makes it sound like some sort of silly government position, it's actual a word that should be feared across all of Paragon and Rhode Island itself (That's where PC is located!).
Now for the most part, you're playing as a Blaster, something you should always keep in mind. You're main job is walking the fine line between how fast you can kill enemies vs. how fast they can kill you. Even with the other roles you'll be filling in groups, at the end of the day, you're gonna want to be racking up as much damage as you possibly can while still preforming these other roles.
Your “scrapper” role is filled by your insane melee damage. You secondary pools will have 2-3 melee abilities you'll be picking up and regularly throwing into rotation to maximize damage output. You will NEVER have the survivability of a scrapper. Even with IO sets and skewing the set to have more +DEF or +RES, you are still a glass cannon that while shatter on the first onset of focused fire. Also, your primary endurance drains will require you to be in melee range of most of your enemies, meaning you'll have to be good at manuevering in and out of groups. Done cautiously, you can spend entire fights next to tanks and scrappers and not have to worry to much about faceplanting.
Finally, your controller role is filled with both AoE pseudo-control and direct single-target holds. You're AoE control comes from Endurance Drain and -recovery moves. Simply stated, if you're enemies don't have the endurance to attack, they can't attack. By keeping groups tapped out, you'll effectively have them locked down, with the only course of action being to run around with nothing to do till they get a small smidgen of blue to throw off the occasional brawl. Hilarious?! Yeah, it is. Insane?! You betcha! As if that wasn't enough, this build will give you THREE holds; one ranged/end drain oriented, one melee/damage oriented, and one from Epic Power Pools. You'll be so knee deep in control that you'll swear that red class icon is starting to show tints of pink!
When you combine all this, you're left with a versatile class capable of handling almost any situation in an effective and fun manner!! In fact, I would even go as far to say as you can cover as a pseudo-tank and healer in smaller groups. Tank, cause you can keep things aggroed on you but not take damage (Cause they have no endurance to hurt you) and healer, cause if you pick up Heal Other, you can drop healbombs onto people who need it without worry cause mobs can't attack without endurance! I wouldn't actively advertise these roles though, as its not gonna get you very far, but it's kinda fun to think you're every class-type in the game (Even an MM, cause you get a really bad pet!)
>>So Why Elec/Elec? Isn't Ice/Energy The Blap Build?
Yes, there are other Blapper or Blastroller builds, but very few combine the two as effectively as Elec/Elec. Ice/Energy comes close, with it being a little stronger on the scrapper section and a little weaker on the controller section, but either way, just as effective. Visually, electricity is much cooler looking and offers some unique moves to the Blaster class you can't get otherwise. Also, from a character concept point, you can fit elec/elec easily with other origins, could be a robot (My toon is a redesigned Praetorian Clockwork), could be a mystical shaman who controls the elements, a scientist whos harnessed his bodies own electromagnetic fields, mutants, etc etc. However, there is one reason you're going Elec^2 and we all know it's.....
>>Endurance: It's Only For You
The real reason you're playing an Elec^2 blaster is cause you love endurance. You wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, the taste of blue inspirations fresh in your mind. If you could crush it up and snort it you would, thankfully, its a lot easier then that. Endurance is just lying around, free for anyone to take, yet, you love endurance so much that you feel you're the ONLY one who is allowed to have it. Sure, your teammates have endurance, but that's only cause you allow them to use it and only if it benefits your ability to get more of it. Enemies on the other hand, they are NOT allowed to have endurance! Who knows what diabolical (or if you're a villian, heroic) actions someone could do with access to such a delicious commidity. But you're a “Real Man Of Genius”, you Beast of the Blue Bar, Ender of Endurance, Muncher of Mana, Stealer of Stamina!
All kidding aside, electricity moves (Regardless of class) will drain some endurance. For the most part, it'll be a small amount that won't make a difference in the grand scheme. However, some moves (Short Circuit, Power Sink, Thunderous Blast) will drain huge chunks of endurance and remove the ability to recover it. This is gonna be a big part of what your day-to-day battles will involve. While you're still a damage based class, you're gonna want to be draining endurance any chance you get, cause it'll let you take less damage and control a group almost as perfectly as any controller could.