444 -
Quote:That doesn't mean rezzing people with a shield makes sense, also, rebirth needs the buff too.Barrier needed the buff. Before it had the rez there was practically no difference between the Core and Radial branches.
They needed something more barrier..y, maybe a temporary all player intangibility ala carnies at the heaviest portion (the first 7.5 seconds on the 90 sec version). Or maybe instead, the duration of the heavy part is increased to 15-20 seconds, but it still falls off totally at 90. -
I just wonder why the heck rebirth doesn't include the rez power and barrier does. It seems like a clear accident, it just doesn't make any sense.
Quote:That rifle + Snipe is the only reason my AR is still around.AR just got a big boost, namely you can pick that gigantic Vanguard rifle in the Character Creation screen now. Giant rifles FTW.
With boost range and that big a** scope, I really feel like I'm sniping them. It's almost totally aesthetic, it's certainly inefficient, but it's perfect. -
I don't know who you're talking to, but, Solo/Duo Poison (also because its heals actually mean something there) by a good margin, otherwise TA.
TA Has almost entirely AoE (commonly Autohit) debuffs. Debuffing a single enemy on an x8 team will mean just about close to nothing unless that enemy is an EB/AV. Not to mention flash arrow used as crowd control, it's incredibly effective on teams that like to blunder into rooms with multiple levels. -
I'd say slot accuracy in shockwave if you want it as only a KB tool, damage instead of damage proc if you want a tiny bit of damage, or elude if you don't care all together. Elude is up for 3 minutes, works fine with one rech (since it's usually an emergency tool) which in the new incarnate content will put you well above the new softcap during periods you run out of the extra purple. (Also, yay unsuppressed movement during that time).
The regen+ You have in aidself only procs on click, so it's much better in an auto power where it will run constantly, Also, just a generic healing IO or heal/rech will raise your total health gain in the end anyway.
Incarnate powers? Rebirth Regeneration, t4 ASAP, that is a nearly full self heal, and a huge regen boost for those few hits that slip through. I don't even miss aid self anymore. While I usually believe each character has a lot of freedom, rebirth regen is just perfect for /SR's.
Interface, reactive radial tree, the DoT is an enormous boost to damage on single targets (since you attack so quickly) and great for killing runners you've tagged with focus.
Lore? Up to you. I found IDF a little disappointing though. Seers (for psychic damage, to your lethal resistant targets) or warworks (because victoria is a powerhouse) are probably your strongest choices. Clocks have the best and most reliable heal though. -
I see you already managed fine, and with very little loss. but just also tossing out there, remember the Ageless t4 can be made perma, which will put you far ahead of your goals plenty of the time, and at them the rest. However, it's another power you need to click, and as an SR I'm sure you're probably going to want to go rebirth (am I right?).
This is how things stack up IMO (and I've raised them all to 50)
DP: Probably best, you're gonna be a lot closer to the enemies, but your powers don't feel clunky (buckshot, m30) or slow (flamethrower) or useless (ignite)
AR: Has it's pros, Full Auto is a sweet power, the activation (Click to damage) is instant and it's range is extremely long, also, it looks awesome. Burst is solid and the snipe is probably the most usable of all the snipes (and it's entirely possible that's purely for aesthetic reasons), I've never even looked at it's stats, because I don't care when it looks so right Ultimately Flamethrower ,ignite both make this set lag, coupled with the largely lethal (heavily resisted) damage. Archery easily has the damage to combat these resistances... AR, not so much. Flamethrower really should be the reason this set doesn't have Aim, it has such 'potential' but you will hardly ever see this do anywhere near the damage it should due to the slow tick long duration issues, ignite simply doesnt have the radius or the damage to be worthwhile.
As for /devices, it's a decent set but NOT WITH AR or DP. Lacking both Aim and Buildup will make you kick yourself in the end.
/NRG gives AR some incredible cone range, BU->FA combo, Boosted teleport (if you want it) and some sweet ST damage. This combo specifically makes AR competitive.
Many secondaries work well with DP, I'd suggest /fire, /mm, or /ice for extra melee range damage/survivability.
One last thing Soldiers of Arachnos get a far chunkier more refined Assault rifle experience, their burst/heavy burst feels sooo good, and all their defenses/debuffs and other powers work far better than your standard AR will. (with exception perhaps of AR/nrg).
*P.S. I am just adding emphasis to this, unless you are very dedicated to your concept, choosing /devices on either of these primaries will very likely end in regret. -
Quote:I do see your point in some content it is more useful to most than others, of course in old school content especially ageless shines (since we're steamrolling that now). Also though, a lot of the times it's good to be survivable is where we already are (BAF, during the AV Fight you are usually 'new softcapped' due to all of the buffs going around) Also, my SR was easily able to push the next soft cap simply by popping one purple insp or elude, that winds up being about 8 purple insps to maintain 60% over the entire trial without team buffs, I still hardly ever die on that char, no big change, of course 3 level shifts may have something to do with it.With the ToHit incrementation and general increased deadliness involved in Trial Mobs, a lot of people with strong survivability may need it to be a little stronger these days.
I could maybe see Ageless really being useful if for some reason you couldn't afford or didn't have the various IOs and accolades that really tend to shore up endurance/recovery and recharge boosting. Mileage varying, of course, but so far in 9 50s I've never had a character whose end issues couldn't be solved with a combination of reasonable slotting, Numina's Convalescence, Miracle, Atlas Medallion/Marshal and Portal Jockey/Born-in Battle.
So, on to characters I had that actually took it, my spines/fire did (this way I can run tough and weave, have my heal up almost constantly, and BU/FE on perfect cycle.) (I also t4'd barrier on that one, simply because I like the visual associated with it, but honestly, 75% of the duration it hardly seems to be helping me out more than one purple insp would).
Also, my Elec/Dev took it because he's constantly stealthed due to cloaking device doesn't ever even draw aggro, so ageless means (to a stealthed character) more uses of strong offensive capability, for my blaster that means I can throw down mines constantly, permahasten (with only 20% or so rech comin from IO's). AND it negates my THREE crashing powers (surge, nuke, and EM Pulse), incredibly powerful abilities which I never used before, that I use freely now. -
Along with this, the common choosing of the other sets actually directly increases the usefulness of choosing ageless (since often the other's will cap you to those attributes). And any character who already has survivability nailed down will almost certainly love this offensively usable destiny (as well as the ability to run ALL toggles ALL the time).
1.) Alpha - The Level shift that applies to all content is in this power. You can also use it to completely shore up any one weakness you have enhancement wise, by itself.
2.) Destiny - (Most useful) it effects your whole team and then some, actually scales well all the way up to t4, and is definite awesomeness, another game changer.
3.) Judgment - (Favorite) This won't make a loser team steam roll, or a winning team move all that much faster (unless several have it) but it is awesome to have spawn crushing power no matter what AT you play.
4.) Interface - As long as it's not gravitic, these are pretty cool, with reactive (of course) being notable of all. It's nice to take our old powers up a notch.
5.) Lore - It's can be awesome for a soloist, but in real content (IE, non hard target soloing) it simply spends too long on the recharge timer for me to find myself caring about them. Also, it makes just about 0 thematic sense. Not only does it hardly ever sync up with your personal character, half the choices are robots, and all of the choices are praetoria related.
These are supposed to be the essences of those who've tried to tap the well, what about vanguard, what about nemesis, the midnighters, cimerorans etc. Why do robots even have essences, wth do ANY of these (considering the seers don't even have a will of their own) have to do with the well?
Quote:I find diagmagnetic -tohit 100% chance (core) tree to be worthwhile, it's a very noticeable defensive boost to those that can stack it quick enough. In squishy AoE monsters, lowering the chance of an almost certain reprisal hitting you is nice. So that's like... one full tree worth right there[color=lime]
Sure, all the other trees have maybe one booby prize tree (Alpha's Nerve; Destiny's Ageless) that is mechanically lackluster and will rarely be taken, but Interface has exactly one side of one tree that's worth getting excited about.. (Actually, I'd been wanting defense debuffs on my sonic/sonic for awhile, but MOAR -res was more appealing in the end anyway, so I think we are taking our options power for granted, reactive is just overly good comparatively).
Firstly, I've never really played a stalker, but I want to, and I want them to perform their roll specifically better. So I may not have the issues down quite right ... but, in descending order (with 1 being the fix I think would work the best, thematically and generally speaking).
1.) Unresistable Assassination damage: This way stalkers aren't pushed quite so hard into non-lethal primaries, and they continue to be masters of taking down HARD targets (such as enemies under a t9 resist, or high resistance enemies). This would be applying D&D style rules, basically "you've had time to find an opponents weakness and capitalize on it".
2.) Scaling chance to 'triple-crit' upon entering hide state to a certain threshhold. This would work like the destiny incarnate powers, but for a special crit chance and it would rise instead of fall over two minutes. This maintains the stalker as a precise ambush fighter well, rewarding the use of stealth, but limiting also the frequency of useful applications thus reducing a chance to abuse the power.
3.) Take the time to apply truly interesting secondary effects to ALL powersets, this would put them into a semi-single target debuffer type roll. (which makes PERFECT sense, considering stalkers specialty is supposed to be precise fight control and no one else fills this roll).
specific suggestions...
-Ninja blade: Chance superior lethal DoT (Bleed damage)
-Broad Sword: 5% chance proc bonus lethal dam (hit something important)
-Martial Arts: -dam/-tohit (you redirect force and anticipate opponent movements)
-Dark: (leave as is)
-Kin (As is)
-Elec Small chance to jump attack on every attack (a la chain induction)
-Nrg -rech/slow movement. (It's harder and harder to move as you're pummeled by pure force).
-Spines: Increase Tox DoT to actually mean something.
-DB: very small +Def/-def (your dual attacks are difficult to read and relentless.
-Claws: Light lethal DoT/light +dam (Bloodfrenzy, the sight of your weakened opponent only urges you on).
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
This is an attempt to step back on the right path of correction. The previous fix rewards scrapping in a team scenario, and it seems inherantly one of scrappers most powerful tools with the most recently added sets (/Elec, /Kin) are their abilities to do strong AoE.
Neither of these things really reward stalkers for doing, thematically, what they were built to do. Hide, ambush, and apply heavy, precise, burst damage.
I'm interested in which of these ideas may appeal to you, and which are totally off. -
My first Scrapper was a claws/sr, going by the same name as my handle here around issue 2.
Since then I've lingered around these forms, mostly a lurker at first, I like to think I know how to build a character and how to use them... but I've never really pushed myself to optimize my build totally. I've never had an attack chain, I've never held perma hasten down, or picked up heal self to fill my need for that (because like BillZ once said (and I'm paraphrasing) "Screw the tricorder") and instead snagged some regen and dealt with the weakness that caused.
And while that playstyle was fun, I always did feel a bit like a poser or a hypocrite when I'd attempt to give advice to those that were soloing AV's (because I hadn't done it on my scrapper), I'd never taken down a pylon (I didn't have the survivability, and the dps was always right below the threshold). If went against the RWZ challenge set up a few lucky swords would end me almost inevitably.
But, even though it might seem a bit cheap now, thanks to I20 my namesake character finally makes me feel like my scrappers got value.
I've picked up -t3 reactive, t4 rebirth regen, t4 warworks, and t4 ion
Thanks primarily to reactive and rebirth I've finally
-Soloed mariahs whole arc of AV's minus siege w/o warworks (stupid self heal)
-Soloed a pylon without lore (slowly) and with lore (ridiculously quickly)
-Taken a Monster of monster island down by myself (I never thought I'd be able to pull that off on my scrapper)
-Taken the RWZ Challenge on and won
- Routinely taken all the turrets in the lambda down, alone, before the rest of the league finishes the spawns.
I don't care that I had to use incarnate powers to do that, or that those achievements might be reachable by so many more now.
I feel fast and agile, I feel powerful. I live where others die and can complete the objective with no one else to assist. No other character I've ever had can say that, not with in the new content at least.
It's invigorating.
For the first time in 7 years I think I truly know what it feels like to be a scrapper. Not a farmer. No, I can take any AT and make a successful farmer, but they require too many restrictions to be effective.
Not my scrapper.
I Kill. I survive. I'm totally free.
Long live the scrapper. -
Just to tag on the last post, the seers are best for buffing (fortitude) and control as well.
The battle orb, in my experience doesn't toggle defenses, it uses it's field projector (a click forcefield) much in the same way the protector bots of the robots MM do. It is reasonably reliable if you don't surround it with alliest (to field instead of you) and can stack up one extra for brief periods of time.
I feel like the clockwork mender is the only pet that cares about healing me, but that may just be because the orbs heal is less noticeable without the ticking heal attached. -
On my Claws/SR scrap last night I ran entirely 16 man BAF's and Lambdas, those times I got 5 rares, 2 uncommons and a common. This is incredibly unusual for me (and unfortunate actually, that character already had all but one t4 so I crafted them to a VR).
I think something about high movement rate, survivability, and rapid fire constant attacks fair well with the gods of participation. As that same character got 3 rares tonight previous the patch as well.
My Fire/Cold Corr on the other hand has received only common/uncommon, never a rare yet in about 20 runs. -
I just found out on my only decently built Spines/Fire scrap, I kill everyone in a 50x8 mission... without attacking, about as fast as I could before with. That's just reactive and 2 damage auras. Barrier to keep everything clean.
Before Judgement. Without Pets. -
Better go ask in the PvP forum, no one else has any idea how the hell anything functions over there.
Quote:I believe the quote your referencing was clearly stated by one of the senior designers (Berionyx).I still don't believe that's been clearly stated. Something like that was stated, and then something else was said that can be seen as contradicting it. Requests for further clarification have not yet been answered.
Basically: The more you participate, the higher tier table you gain access to, at the end, you randomly receive one of the tables up to the tier you've opened that trial. So if you 'participate' alot, than you might have the ability to get a Very Rare, but you are also much more likely (since it sounds like the tables are weighted) to get the other more common results. Those that don't participate get no chance to access the higher tiers when their random is rolled.
As for what 'participation' is...
They say it's definitely not
*Damage Points Done
*Healing Points Done
*Randomly Clicking Powers
*Tagging enemies
Also they say leadership is rewarded to some extent because they expect leaders to pause now and then to give direction.
I would assume some issue with this 8 man Lambda, is that participation VERY LIKELY has something to do with time spent in proximity of your league, less people = less points.
I'd assume objective killing and enemy killing (not tagging) have something to do with it. Perhaps it's even awarding chatting, it's really hard to say since this whole randomness value exists so heavily.
I will say, in my experience, heavy pseudopet users do NOT seem to be getting correct participation points. I have done 10-15 runs with my dual rainer (fire/cold) and not received higher than an uncommon (often common) drop. I then logged my scrapper on and got 2 rares and a very rare in a row. -
I find 2 to be the magic number for procs in proc friendly powers.
Otherwise you're missing out the 100% chance for lethal damage proc, that is the power itself.
As an example though, I use two procs in every claws attack I have. Still has good enhance numbers, but often I see double or more damage pop up. Because in a power like strike (similar in high speed low damage like GC) the procs can do more than the power itself... but they don't fire every time, so they're not as good for reliability. With decent global numbers, I could see taking it up to 3 procs. -
Honestly, anyone who wants that badge can either get it while fighting on the tennis courts where it's safe, pulling to the hutch and between the buildings where it's safe, or by announcing it beforehand. (Or even more unlikely asking the leader to help them get this badge).
No, I'm talking about just watching people get mowed down while they're wide open, causing either excess deaths. (or, during keep em seperated, not fighting on the ambush site) the death of the spawn team, and the resulting death of the entire BAF.
I was considering not responding, but this is precisely the lack of attention to, or use of communication I'm referring to in this thread. All a person needs to do is ask the leader (sometimes that's me, so I know) and they will then spread word that this time, we play said method for said specific result. And if someone screws it up then, well, nutter. You just have to keep trying or be more selective.
Requests such as these are completely understandable If I choose to lead something it's probably with the aim of (during off hours, just getting it going) or during actual peak times, giving the best experience to people possible (because I'm frustrated not getting it otherwise). If YOU having the best experience you can, means all of us doing a simple task, that doesn't interfere with our end reward, than by all means. I, and many other leaders I've teamed with are more than happy to oblige. -
Quote:Wait waaat? That's awful, for the one AT That's supposed to the most damage it's given the slower option? (Corr and scrap both came in quicker).Not the Blaster version.
Quote:I think just having them say ANYTHING in league would be enough for me, that's how I'm going to start discriminating. However, often you pose a question like that at and you get 1-2 answers. Thing is, often you only have time to do something like that after it's started. Often people afk a bit while waiting for the team to form up, you take too long they leave, so you can only ask complicated questions in the trial... where kicking them ... might actually be more productive anyway... but you see the point.I ask them to drag their bottom-most Temp Power since that is where the other Temps wind up. No drag, no go. Kick.
"Why'd you kick me?"
"You didn't follow instructions in League Chat. I'll invite you back in if you'll follow instructions. Do you want back in?"
As for Aliana's answer. There is ONE thing that gives me personal "I'm making a difference joy" in the trials. I now know I can kill all of the turrets on the wall alone before the team makes it there. And when they get there and the walls are clear, I get to be smug about it, and know I saved everyone about 5 minutes. I'm sure you and others with decent ST DPS builds could get a kick out of this.
(another thing that makes a difference is disabling towers during keep em seperated on the baf, but that just makes me angry because you have no choice, 1:40 people will do that, watching the other 39 get mowed down time and time again makes the job feel too forced and frustrating.) -
Well, if you have the fighting pool cardiac's not a bad choice, it would make it very easy for you to run it all the time (while decreasing needs for res slots).
If you don't, probably spiritual for the buffs to healing (rttc and hpt) and I'm sure whatever offensive set would like the recharge.
Not nerve though, a wp gets very little worthwhile out of that.
The common scrapper debate is musculature v spiritual, with cardiac being an aside for those who havent mastered their end recovery. -
Quote:(Laughs)People who don't use inspirations should be shot (and then not given an awaken (they don't have room for it anyway)).
It always surprises me when I see a farmer (who has a good enough build to survive 54x8, so they got IO's down pat) kill agonizingly slowly while I'm trying desperately to shove those large red insps down their already filled throat.
Often if I take my spines/fire out for whirl, I'll fill my tray up with purples, leave one row open for damages, pop about 80 of them, since they cost something like the price of dirt. Load the mission quickly as possible and melt through the first 3 spawns without slowing down to look back.
Also found this a useful tactic when translated into solo xp farming your way up now that they added insp vendors to hazard zones. 30 reds, 20 yellows, about 70 purples (I know, only 4 of those matter) and you can go to town on +6's easy. -
Quote:This is a good point too, I'm not sure they are fully aware that most peoples power trays are completely full already (to the third table AT LEAST) I could easily see someone not noticing the temp amongst all the junk in that area anyway.I'm fully convinced that people play MMO's while stoned or drunk. I have no other explanation for some of the behavior I've seen.
However, I'm starting to reach the belief that the handling of acids and grenades on Lambda is poor game design, because it's adversely affecting too many of the runs to just blame on a few bad players. Maybe we need to have a separate power tray for mission-critical temp powers, or something similar.
Actually, at this point (I counted) I have 26 powers that are not included in my power sets at level 1! (Various vet powers and bonus pack powers that have accumulated, +walk, +the origin brawl attack thing) this means I have enough powers to fill up 3 power trays nearly before I even start.
Unfortunately, in this case, I would personally err with the devs. At some point you have to trust the community to be intelligent when making your most challenging end game content. They could have handled it better very likely, but people shouldn't even have managed to get to this point I don't think if they really have that poor an understanding of how to play. They do flash enough giant yellow text at you.