Having only procs in a power




I was considering this for a long time for my kat/SR's Gambler's Cut. What I want to ask is it plausible or totally madness to make a build with one (or two) power having just procs in it. In GC's example:

I am not sure which value should be taken into account so I write down all. Use Arcana Time for Animation Times was checked and chance of damage is selected as avarage damage if it matters I am not good at with maths from mids yet. Both calculations done with Musculature Core Paragon.

With my current build in mind (Hecatomb set with proc and Achilles' proc in GC) mids show that Damage per Second is 167.43 (23.74) Damage per Animation is 331.1 (100.81) Damage Per Activation is 305.94 (93.15) With hasten active this build has +172.5% Global Recharge and GC's recharge is 0.903s (3).

With Touc of Lady Greys, Gladitor's Strike, Mako's Bite, Touch of Death, Hecatomb and Achilles' Heel procs on GC and rest of Hecatomb set on SD mids show that Damage per Second is 151.37 (37.45) Damage per Animation is 331.72 (159.05) Damage per Activation is 306.51(146.96) with hasten this one has +172.5% global recharge and GC's recharge is 1.01s (3).

If the numbers in () are the ones important than all procs in GC seems to be a better choice in all fields and if its the number before () matters than I really need to know which one should I consider as a basis.



I am certainly no math person but with all damage procs I see 3 problems

Recharge - If you had more recharge in the power could you run a higher dps chain?
Endo - Yea your blue bar will probably hate you
Most Importantly
Accuracy - With no accuracy in a power you are going to have a fun time either building for acc bonuses or watching the attack wiff on harder opponents



Originally Posted by tektronics View Post
I am certainly no math person but with all damage procs I see 3 problems

Recharge - If you had more recharge in the power could you run a higher dps chain?
Endo - Yea your blue bar will probably hate you
Most Importantly
Accuracy - With no accuracy in a power you are going to have a fun time either building for acc bonuses or watching the attack wiff on harder opponents
Well for recharge in GC I don't think it will be a problem having a 0.1s delay in power and like I said if its numbers in () which are important than there is no change already. For global recharge it didn't changed at all since I moved hecatomb to another set.

Endurance is not a big problem either thats why i choose GC since its fastest yet most end friendly power and frankly I doubt you need to put any end red. in it if it was not for set bonuses.

For accuracy it has %190.13 when proc was put and %253.76 before that I am not sure but there is a (78.75) beside both of them so i guess it doesn't change without some -acc and I have focused accuracy in the build with a %69.2 tohit debuff res. Ofcourse I didn't tweek much with mids and this maybe number for hitting on same level mobs so only big problem maybe accuracy at this point.



I find 2 to be the magic number for procs in proc friendly powers.

Otherwise you're missing out the 100% chance for lethal damage proc, that is the power itself.

As an example though, I use two procs in every claws attack I have. Still has good enhance numbers, but often I see double or more damage pop up. Because in a power like strike (similar in high speed low damage like GC) the procs can do more than the power itself... but they don't fire every time, so they're not as good for reliability. With decent global numbers, I could see taking it up to 3 procs.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



If you want to try a proc heavy build, put 2 nucs and 4 procs in gamblers cut then balance up the rest with musculature. Its a decent dpa attack so you want to enhance it for damage.
If you aim for the gc, sd, gc, gd chain you should have loads of proc opportunities, especially if you throw a proc into sd with the hecas and run arms and a fury in gd.

add some procced out trops with the reactive interface



It's the number outside of (), and since the time to cast the attack is the same in both cases, you want to look simply at damage.

However, since 300+ damage from Gambler's Cut is completely out of line (base damage is less than 60), you also have some problems with what you're doing in Mids'. For instance, you might have Build Up selected, and also one or more powers with a Build Up proc, such as Tactics with a Gaussian set.

For a clean start in Mids' with only that one power, we're looking at 149 damage with the standard purple and Achilles' Heel slotting. With all procs we're looking at 147 damage. We can call that comparable damage, but no accuracy, no endurance reduction, no recharge. And a 0.1 second delay may not sound like an issue to you, but since the attack would otherwise be 0.924 seconds in a chain, and now it's 1.024 seconds in a chain, you really have to compare it like you were doing 147 * 0.924 / 1.024 = 133 damage. So you don't do as much damage, and you don't have anything else in its favor. So other than the pure fun of it, no, it makes no numerical sense whatsoever. And on higher damage attacks, where normal slotting adds comparatively more damage, it makes even less sense.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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