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  1. What are your global handles/recognizable names?
    @Van Wilder or Alpha Rhythm
    What server do you primarily play on?
    What server do you prmarily PvP on?
    What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP?
    Which of these toons is on Freedom?
    If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league?
    What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting?
    What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting?
    Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50?
    No, time constraint
    Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league?
    Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also)
    Fairly new to PvP, been doing the nightly KBs on freedom mostly, more or less want to learn the game, don't have to be played in actual matches
  2. First off I'm going to suggest you try and make it to the softcap if you can, DM does have a to-hit debuff but in large crowds you are going to have trouble keeping everything debuffed especially considering that DM isnt exactly AOE friendly

    First I have to ask, do you plan on doing Incarnate powers? If so which Alpha?

    Now for you build and what I don't like:

    First off you don't have the recharge to seamlessly run MG>Smite>SL>Smite, MG needs to recharge at the very least in 4.488s but most tend to get a tad lower than that for server lag, I believe Werner clarified this in a post I made awhile ago. It looks like even with just the T1 Spiritual Alpha you would be able to run the top chain.

    Secondly and honestly even more important because I just noticed it. You skipped over Phalanx Fighting. That is a free gimme 3.75% def one slot wonder, drop assault and take that and you are softcapped.

    True Grit is vastly underslotted

    I would advise against using Reactive Armors in Tough, its a tiny tiny positional bonus for many slots

    If you plan on running the top chain many would suggest putting the Heca set in smite so that proc can fire off more.

    Siphon Life is a very good heal and you didn't enhance that aspect of it, some people (like myself) went 3 Acc/Dam Hami-os and 3 Heal/End Hami-os. There is another thread lying around that had many more combinations for slotting Siphon Life.

    I would personally put a Rech IO in Active Defense, it gives you DDR and getting it to doublestack really helps you get that up and since you skipped over Grant Cover and not using Membranes (not uncommon) your DDR is rather low.

    Hope this helps, and if anybody sees I said something wrong please correct me, 3 hours of reading syllabi drains your brain...right?
  3. I actually went and tested the Absolute proc about a month ago because somebody said it was working and last I had remembered it didn't sure enough its working.
  4. tektronics


    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    What's "spring?"
    Seeing as T is right above G, I am gonna say OP meant to type sprint
  5. tektronics

    New Lore Pets

    I did a quick search and couldn't find anything on the subject.

    Do we know how the new pets stack up to Warworks from a DPS standpoint? I guess it will be a little harder to figure out now considering the massive addition comparatively speaking to what we originally started with.
  6. tektronics


    Not a whole lot of people here PvP, not saying you won't get answers from them but, try the PvP forums
  7. Don't just ask for a build to be given to you and maybe people might be a little kinder, you don't care to look around in the forums and try to put a build together yourself why should we care about taking our time to put a build together for you?
  8. tektronics

    I Am Awesome!

    I had this exact same feeling on my DM/SD scrap last night on a Kahn, a stone tank was sitting there trying to taunt it away and he just kept tryin to pound on me to no avail. Always love stealing aggro, I always say to myself "I'm in your spawn stealing your aggro"
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    Smite -> Siphon Life -> Smite -> Midnight Grasp. As for recharge, get Midnight Grasp to recharge in 3.87 (Smite Activation * 2 + Siphon Life Activation)
    You sure Pine?, I have MG recharge needing to be in 4.488 seconds (I don't think you used Arcanatime)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorTractor View Post
    I think 3 lvl 50 I/O rech in hasten with t4 spiritual alpha gives you perma hasten without any global bonuses.
    With that you will still have 29 seconds of downtime
  11. Ok Arcana brought something up, I'm not sure if I missed it in the OP or not but, is the time just to complete the mission or to clear the entire map? That could lead to very different times
  12. Well if you are looking for a set that has some decent ranged attacks you might outta take a look at Claws
  13. I have to ask... Why are you building for ranged defense and then going for the Ice Mastery pool? If you are going for Ice Mastery you are better off actually slotting it and building for s/l defense instead of ranged, otherwise go for an epic that has a res shield
  14. For me I look at it in a few ways

    1. As said before its a great place for PBAOE sets
    2. I like to use it for the occasional end boost (typically to offset the OwtS crash) mine isn't slotted for any end mod but I am typically surrounded so it gets me a full bar
    3. Frankly I just don't get many AOE's and while its not much for dmg, its better than nothing
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suneleb View Post
    When you look at it like that I can see OwtS going in the build instead, looking at taking the LotG +Rech out of either Grant Cover or Phalanx Fighting, but unsure what to slot instead.
    Take it out of Grant Cover and just shove an end reducer in it, that's the easiest option
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suneleb View Post
    Thanks for pointing out the sixth LotG +Rech, had thought about picking up OwtS, but also thought the -Resist from Melt Armour would help out some, but can see your point.
    Yea, but with melt armor its only like a 9.something% debuff IIRC and then you have to factor in AV resists so it helps you out a lot less than you think and the end cost makes me cringe a little bit
  17. I have to admit I agree with you, after coming from my dm/sd scrapper it is going to be hard to find something that can top that performance. Some friends decided to create some toons on Union and I rolled a KM/SR and I have had a blast with it, love the animations (except power siphon, I hate the mini-whirlwind around me) and is just an enjoyable set to play. I have noticed the CSing dead bodies which tends to be annoying but also noticing one-shotting things. I agree fully with ya, fun to play, maybe not so much high-end performance wise.
  18. I'm not so keen on FM but...

    First thing I usually check is your set bonuses and you seem to have 6 Lotg +rech so that sixth one isn't counting for anything.

    Also Melt Armor is a very meh power, for a one slot wonder I would much rather you see you pick up OwtS, you will in all likelihood get more mileage out of that
  19. tektronics

    Claws/SR Build

    6-slotting purple sets...meh that last bonus typically isnt worth the price

    Also you might think about slotting an interrupt into aid-self
  20. I'd say try the power out, if you like it use it.

    I personally don't like it and didn't have room in my dm/sd build to slot and get something out of it so I personally skipped it. It is one of the few aoe powers you will get from that combo so it really comes down to what you want imo.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Hit 22. Stamina has 2 SOs and a Perf Shifter chance for +End. All toggles and attacks have one or more end-red slotted. I still run out of end far too rapidly.

    Attack chain is Smashing, Quick, Body, Quick, repeat.

    Haven't bumped my diff at all yet because even with a steadfast +def unique and maneuvers, she feels awfully squishy.
    I'm in the same boat with my KM/SR running that exact chain, at least when I have hasten up, and with the same slotting in Stam I still cry for end with only CJ and my two toggles. I have been running at only +1x1, I could probably bump it up a bit though
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I'm already skipping confront, focused burst and grant cover. After I get shield charge I'll dump RT but that's a long way off.
    Don't want Grant Cover for the added DDR?
  23. On my DM/SD scrapper I have both Clocks and Warworks and I have to say that I like both for different reasons.

    I would say if you are playing a secondary with a taunt aura, more than likely you will be able to hold aggro and keep at least vicky alive, the ACU unit has died pretty easily from my experience with it. With the clocks you can pretty much summon them and they wont move from that spot until you move and will stay at range always, I have yet to see them run randomly into melee.
  24. I just rolled a KM/SR and I am having a blast even though its only lvl 14. Happy Hunting!
  25. Looks alright to me, except I would like to see more recharge in Sleet to get it closer to perma, mids lies, its duration is 15 seconds not 30 in case you were unaware.

    Just some personal things I see:
    I really really really hate to see tough underslotted like that.

    You really don't need that rech IO in your blast its netting you .06 seconds faster, I would at least move that slot into benumb for another acc IO, you are only 70% vs +4s

    I'd also recommend using the dmg/end decimation in ice blast, that chance for build up is only like 5% every time so I don't think you will get a whole lot of mileage out of it

    The rech IO in snowstorm is also netting you only ~3 seconds so that might be better used elsewhere.

    And I hope you know that PVP proc runs around a billion on the market, so not really budget unless you already have it, the apoc proc is better and cheaper

    Hope I helped