After playing Kinetic Melee extensively on what is arguably one of the best AT to play with it...
... I think it sucks, for highend performance.
Its DPS at high recharge levels, without the "right" secondary, is middle of the pack to good, and that's only if you leverage Power Siphon to its fullest. In real game situations, not so easy to keep those 5 stacks going. PS can seem awesome at first glance, but spending 2 seconds of animation for 20 seconds of buff - and a buff that builds up rather than always on - isn't all that impressive. So much of the DPS being tied to it also means you get less out of damage buffs (be it external, or stuff like Assault and Musculature) than some other primaries. The AoE isn't anything to write home about either. Burst has the standard terrible PBAoE radius, 8 feet, and Repulsing Torrent can't possibly be intended as a damage power, as it does less than Quick Strike. |
It's a little disingenuous to start off with "it sucks" before admitting in the same breath that it's actually pretty good in the circumstances in question. Also, power siphon is still buffing your damage during the ramp up and ramp down periods so I'd call it a thirtyish second buff for two seconds of animation. And corpse blasting? C'mon, nobody has forgotten that all you ever do is fight increasingly large piles of AVs at once.
The reason I enjoy KM as much as I do is that, like you said, it seems like it was specifically intended not to hinge on any particular gimmick. It has a number of strengths, therefore a number of possible secondary synergies. It seems particularly suited to the resist sets, as their damage auras love long-uptime buffs, this in turn supplements burst, and their heals are just the ticket for bolstering its somewhat incremental mitigation.
Really though, it was made for fire armor. AoE for days, or as much single target as you can handle, both on tap. Ideal for, well, that just about covers all of the content in the game, really. This combination's only drawback is that in a target rich coupon oriented reward collection facility, or similar such setting, power siphon is legitimately inferior to build up and collects dust with the rest of the single target part of the primary.
I thought KM was the BEST ST dps...?
It's a little disingenuous to start off with "it sucks" before admitting in the same breath that it's actually pretty good in the circumstances in question. |

TL;DR version of my post :
I first talk about highend performance, and I think it sucks for that.
Then I move on to discussing casual play, and in those circumstances I believe it's great.
I know people will disagree vehemently with the first part, and that's fine, but there's no need to make me say something I didn't.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
Dual Blades(and Katana to a lesser extent) can be better, but it's lethal damage based and doesn't work that well if multiple people in your team have the -res procs.
Sets like Kinetic Melee and Dual Blades also have the problem of "charging up" to reach their full DPS potential.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Are you a solist Nihilii, because my biggest gripe with km is how it works on teams. The build up power was very frustrating on teams, because it either makes you an underperforming aoe player (because you either fire them off immediately non-built up, or you build up and fire them at corpses) or a strictly single target player, with your best attack ridiculously slow animating, neither of which is a very good design for a powerset in a team game, imo. I played it on a scrapper, and I felt like a stalker with really hard hitting single target ability but not much else and the key attacks all felt very slow.
I totally disagree with you on the sounds, they sounded like some kind of wierd old atari game sound effect. I usually don't notice sounds, and I cant think of a single sound in the game i've ever had a problem with, until I heard the km sound effects. But I do agree with you about the animations, they look pretty damn nice, except for maybe the excessive concentrated strike three stooges move.
But to each their own, if some players like it, rock on.
I was considering a km for highend performance. I think you just talked me out of that.
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
I totally disagree with you on the sounds, they sounded like some kind of wierd old atari game sound effect. I usually don't notice sounds, and I cant think of a single sound in the game i've ever had a problem with, until I heard the km sound effects. But I do agree with you about the animations, they look pretty damn nice, except for maybe the excessive concentrated strike three stooges move.
My opinion on KM is that it's yet another single-target set in a multi-target game. It would be a crazy good set somewhere like CO, where three minions are supposed to be a challenge. Here, where you can become completely buried under piles of opponents (and feel "super" in the process), a single-target set, no matter how hard-hitting, is just not what I'm looking for. It's still good for proof-of-concept builds (e.g. pylons) and fiteklub, but not so good for the rest of the game.
My KM/SD is essentially shelved because picking off targets one at a time is some tedious... work. That's why I don't play Stalkers. In the meantime, he happily markets all those 3M-5M recipes I end up with, but don't want clogging up the rest of my characters. I might delete him eventually, but I'm a long way from running out of slots, so he'll stay for a while.
I have an idea. You guys should try KM/FA. I hear it's a great combo that everyone likes if they're cool.
I have to admit I agree with you, after coming from my dm/sd scrapper it is going to be hard to find something that can top that performance. Some friends decided to create some toons on Union and I rolled a KM/SR and I have had a blast with it, love the animations (except power siphon, I hate the mini-whirlwind around me) and is just an enjoyable set to play. I have noticed the CSing dead bodies which tends to be annoying but also noticing one-shotting things. I agree fully with ya, fun to play, maybe not so much high-end performance wise.
Are you a solist Nihilii, because my biggest gripe with km is how it works on teams.
I couldn't stop thinking, "what does Nihilii being socialist have to do with team play?..."
/e headdesk
lol stalkers |
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
![]() |
^Professional Katana/regen build thread
My opinion on KM is that it's yet another single-target set in a multi-target game. It would be a crazy good set somewhere like CO, where three minions are supposed to be a challenge. Here, where you can become completely buried under piles of opponents (and feel "super" in the process), a single-target set, no matter how hard-hitting, is just not what I'm looking for. It's still good for proof-of-concept builds (e.g. pylons) and fiteklub, but not so good for the rest of the game. ... |
I have to say I have to say "this" to the above. I just finally finished lvl'ing my KM/Nin. Stalker to 50 and while I thought he'd be fun and he kind of is not as much fun as I thought he'd be.
KM: A ST powerset in an AoE game.....very much fits this set (as well as many others of course). I know when I'm in teams with him, I really don't use AS, don't use CS (too many times I've hit dead bodies over and over again) I'm left with the ranged attack and the three other smaller attacks....which all do piddly damage. I also took the PBAoE attack (forgot name) but...meh...
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade

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PS can seem awesome at first glance, but spending 2 seconds of animation for 20 seconds of buff - and a buff that builds up rather than always on - isn't all that impressive.
I did tests in beta with a scrapper that were able to get - by back-calculating true damage points delivered in combat logs - an average of 58% damage buff from PS. That's 58% damage buff all the time.** Meaning, the damage I delivered over time was the same as if something buffed me +58% damage permanently. KM attacks themselves have only moderate DPA, but with PS the set should deliver significantly above average single target DPS. Not the best, but definitely above average.
Power Siphon seems to have the sort of mechanics that psych people out. The calculations show its a strong buff. Testing shows its a strong buff. Specifically counting damage points from actual play shows its a pretty strong buff. But people seem to just look at it and know its not impressive. Its main weakness compared to Build Up is its significantly weaker tohit buff, which can degrade its performance against high defense targets: a definite weakness of Kinetic Melee in general.
** That doesn't count the cast time cost of Power Siphon itself, because that's more difficult to factor out of a combat sequence. But an averaging estimate similar to those used for Build Up calculations suggests that would create about a 10% damage buff penalty, reducing the effective overall average damage buff to about 45-48%.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Power Siphon seems to have the sort of mechanics that psych people out. The calculations show its a strong buff. Testing shows its a strong buff. Specifically counting damage points from actual play shows its a pretty strong buff. But people seem to just look at it and know its not impressive. Its main weakness compared to Build Up is its significantly weaker tohit buff, which can degrade its performance against high defense targets: a definite weakness of Kinetic Melee in general.
I keep having to remind myself that you can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
(The same people also talk about how fast the dual pistols attacks are.)
Its main weakness compared to Build Up is its significantly weaker tohit buff, which can degrade its performance against high defense targets: a definite weakness of Kinetic Melee in general.
Build Up is the opposite in that regard.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
What is considered high end? My pylon time is 2min 50sec with my KM/EleA. That seems pretty good to me.
I would have to say that KM is the most fun I have had with a set since DB was released. I prefer flashy animations, and would love updated versions with this amount of style for all of the melee sets. Some need it more than others (Claws and BS I am looking at you).
The only thing I don't like about KM is the sound fx with it. I like the end hit, but would rather of had a swooshing wind sound.
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Like I said, the main weakness is the "charge-up" time it takes to reach full DPS. You can have a very high recharge build that gets +100% damage from PS on average, but all that doesn't matter during the first several seconds of the encounter.
Build Up is the opposite in that regard. |
It is a mechanical difference, but I'm not sure its a disadvantage per se. Most scrapper fights of any consequence tend to last long enough for the damage to average out. In fights that don't last that long the limiting factor tends to be not your own damage, but the rate at which you can move from target spawn to target spawn.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
On scrappers, the damage power siphon damage buffs are +31.25% per stack. Which means while it takes five stacks to reach full power that full power is 156.25%, it only takes three to get to about the buff of Build Up (93.75%). So the ramp up time isn't as bad relative to build up, if we're comparing to the actual damage buff of build up.
It is a mechanical difference, but I'm not sure its a disadvantage per se. Most scrapper fights of any consequence tend to last long enough for the damage to average out. In fights that don't last that long the limiting factor tends to be not your own damage, but the rate at which you can move from target spawn to target spawn. |
A Katana scrapper can hit BU and immediately fire off its best DPA attack, Golden Dragonfly, with maximum buffage. If a Kinetic Melee scrapper wants to immediately fire off its best DPA attack, Concentrated Strike, it will take longer to charge up damage from Power Siphon and it will not benefit from damage buffs.
If the KM scrapper wants to set up a 100% damage buff for CS, it'll need to attack for at least 3-4 seconds and then wait for Concentrated Strike's animation to end. By that time, a Katana user will be firing off his second GD. In AV/GM fights, that doesn't matter. But if we're talking about getting rid of bosses in a team environment, it makes a big difference, at least for the first boss(and two bosses are a much bigger threat than one).
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]
Yea, except killing minions and leiuts isn't hard in this game, especially on a team, but AVs tend to take at least a little time and that is where sets like this shine.
... I think it sucks, for highend performance.
Its DPS at high recharge levels, without the "right" secondary, is middle of the pack to good, and that's only if you leverage Power Siphon to its fullest. In real game situations, not so easy to keep those 5 stacks going.
PS can seem awesome at first glance, but spending 2 seconds of animation for 20 seconds of buff - and a buff that builds up rather than always on - isn't all that impressive. So much of the DPS being tied to it also means you get less out of damage buffs (be it external, or stuff like Assault and Musculature) than some other primaries.
The AoE isn't anything to write home about either. Burst has the standard terrible PBAoE radius, 8 feet, and Repulsing Torrent can't possibly be intended as a damage power, as it does less than Quick Strike.
Now for Concentrated Strike ; great damage, but the long animation makes some corpse blasting bound to happen. The chance to recharge Power Siphon is of course unreliable, and will often happen while PS is already recharged, and during the animation, you often go down to 4 or even 3 stacks of PS.
Thankfully, highend performance isn't everything.
In spite of all of that, in my opinion this is one of the best melee powerset the devs ever made, if not the best.
The feel in general of the attacks is great. The sounds make it sound like you hit hard, the animations are beautiful ; I find myself logging on my KM characters just to whack stuff and watch the pretty hand motions, and then later I glance at the time and notice I've been here for a whole hour doing just that.
The DPAs on the powers (speaking about the 4 melee ST attacks) are relatively even, with a slow, steady increase as tiers go. This lets you build all kinds of attack chains while leveling, or even not care about an attack chain and do barely worse than someone who would optimize each millisecond of fighting. It also means there isn't as wide of a gap between high recharge chains and lower recharge ones, and the DPS KM does while leveling is very solid (possibly one of the best, if not the best) compared to other primaries.
The first attacks are fast and recharge quickly. By level 4 you have your bread and butter ST powers, by level 8 you get your shiny buff. This makes for a great early game experience, as well as a potent character for exemplaring. You get your PBAoE at level 18, which is right about the time you need it ; a flavor power / ranged attack at level 26, which is more or less the point when team content gets more dynamic (Kal, Sutter) ; and finally, the tier 9.
Concentrated Strike does everything a tier 9 should do. It looks powerful, it hits very hard consistently and the whole nature of the power, a slow, hard hit whereas all previous ST attacks were fast but weaker punches can turn the playstyle into a fun minigame of ramping up damage to deliver a super buffed up CS to take down a lieutenant in one go or remove a significant chunk out of the HP bar of a boss. *Can* being the operative word, because you're not forced to do that either ; you can just as well play willy-nilly and remain at an acceptable performance level comparatively speaking. This is one of the greatest strengths of KM - it doesn't force you into doing something, but rather gives you all these options and tells you it's alright to use any of these. Just punch faces as you see fit.
There's other nice things about CS. Earlier on I complained about corpse blasting, but just as well doing more damage in one hit can be useful. Killing those freakshows before they get to pop Dull Pain. Killing a sapper in one go. Doing good damage while kiting against Apex Battle Maiden or Nightstar/Siege while under warnings.
The way Power Siphon works can also be nice for regular missions. While people often discount it, there are travel times, from the knocked out baddies on the floor to the next punching bags to be. PS doesn't root so can be used during that travel time, at which point its animation time is irrelevant.
The mitigation isn't too bad either. After Concentrated Strike, bosses often end up stunned while attacking at full speed, as well as under a ~-20% damage debuff. It's not fantastic, but it's there. At high levels, combining that with Void Judgement (for the -50% damage) and/or Paralytic Interface can turn KM into a nice damage debuffer. There's knockdown here and there, with % high enough to not feel anecdotal.
All in all, the powerset is more focused on providing a balanced experience through the whole game than balance at high levels, and that's smart. Let's face it, few players care about the latter part ; we're maybe a few dozens actively speaking about highend performance on here, there's maybe a few hundreds or thousands caring about that in game. Compare and contrast with the 70,000 or 80,000 subscribers we have - as in any game, most players are casual. More importantly, even for spreadsheet-loving number junkies like me, the set is so much fun than any concern about performance just disappears.
Kinetic Melee is a fantastic, well designed powerset. It's such a departure from older powersets, that seemed to be mostly about making cool animations and cool powers, and then trying to adjust the numbers to make it somewhat fit. With KM you can really see a lot of thought went into it, and everything just works as a whole.
Thumbs up for a job well done. It's things like this that give me faith in the current dev team.