Inspirations - their cost:effect ratio is inspirational!
Glad to see you've figured out what they are for.
I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to pass a Wakie to a dead teammate only to get the message "Cannot give to X, not enough room in inventory."
I just want to tell them that if they had actually USED some of those inspirations sitting in their tray, they might not be dead.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Glad to see you've figured out what they are for.
I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to pass a Wakie to a dead teammate only to get the message "Cannot give to X, not enough room in inventory." I just want to tell them that if they had actually USED some of those inspirations sitting in their tray, they might not be dead. |

Really should setup some binds for Insp conversion.
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Glad to see you've figured out what they are for.
I can't even tell you how many times I've tried to pass a Wakie to a dead teammate only to get the message "Cannot give to X, not enough room in inventory." I just want to tell them that if they had actually USED some of those inspirations sitting in their tray, they might not be dead. |
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
"What do you need to make a wakie?"
"A purple or a green."
glad you are digging the Inspir system... one of the only MMOs I'm aware of that offers something so useful for everyone to use and freely abuse.
It's a shame some players still consider using them cheating. The whole concept of them, I love... think of all the heroes who dig deep to that one thing(or multiple things) to give them that little umphf to take down the baddie. Well done devs... I love my little tray of "go get'ems".
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
I dislike inspirations and consumables in general. The only reason I use them in this game is that they automatically restock themselves in a convenient bar. If I had to purposefully seek them out and place them in a useable spot I would ignore them completely.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I dislike inspirations and consumables in general. The only reason I use them in this game is that they automatically restock themselves in a convenient bar. If I had to purposefully seek them out and place them in a useable spot I would ignore them completely.
Inspirations, though, I'm taking a shine to. Because of their availability and cost, they're vastly different to, say, a mana potion in WoW. Let's take a Minor Mana Potion vs a Catch A Breath. At level cap, a mana potion will do jack all. Catch a Breath will restore just as much endurance as it did at level 1. A mana potion isn't in unlimited supply from vendors at a set price - it's limited supply, and the price fluctuates and is set by the players. Catch a Breath will always cost 50 influence, and drops very frequently.
As I'm more of a 'saving for a rainy day' person I tend to save as many inspirations as possible, but of course when my case is getting close to full I'll start chomping them. But now that I've seen how effective they are at making EBs chumps, they have yet another use - perhaps the most significant I've seen yet. =)
Basically, they're good as general purpose tools, but great for 'pushing' the bar of a characters potential. =)
I tend to be kind of OCD about my inspiration trays. I try to keep them organized, even in the heat of battle. My generic tray is a column each of greens, blues, purples/oranges, awakens/break frees, and reds/yellows; of course, it varies a lot based on a character's strengths or weaknesses, but if I get something I already have a stack of, I tend to burn it right away.
I also will always trade up a small for a medium or a medium for a large, using the smaller one as soon as possible. Because of this I end up with characters whose trays are entirely filled with large inspirations... but I always keep room for more, and whenever things are looking bleak, I start emptying the tray as quickly as I can.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
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"What do you need to make a wakie?"
"A purple or a green." Facepalm. |
It's not always the player's fault (it usually is, but not always.)
Most of the time I've seen a player with a full try fall over, the damage was spiked so much there was no time to click them anyway. Especially on incarnate trials, where massive damage spikes can blindside players from any unseen angle at any time.
The Bacon Compels You.
Also, it seems like purples have a significant delay after using them before they take effect. Pop 3 or 4, and faceplant before the 4th even finishes animating.
Purple and Orange inspirations are effectively acting as a multiplier to your current hit points. The prevent some of the damage you would take (either by reducing the strength of the hit or the chance to hit) so that you can have more attacks aimed at you before running out of hit points. If you're already under heavy fire then most of the time you don't have sufficient remaining HP for the inspirations to help.
People who don't use inspirations should be shot (and then not given an awaken (they don't have room for it anyway)).
It always surprises me when I see a farmer (who has a good enough build to survive 54x8, so they got IO's down pat) kill agonizingly slowly while I'm trying desperately to shove those large red insps down their already filled throat.
Often if I take my spines/fire out for whirl, I'll fill my tray up with purples, leave one row open for damages, pop about 80 of them, since they cost something like the price of dirt. Load the mission quickly as possible and melt through the first 3 spawns without slowing down to look back.
Also found this a useful tactic when translated into solo xp farming your way up now that they added insp vendors to hazard zones. 30 reds, 20 yellows, about 70 purples (I know, only 4 of those matter) and you can go to town on +6's easy.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
I frequently end up not using inspirations on my Mastermind. I've taken to chugging the small inspirations as soon as I see them, and then dropping the medium and large ones in my SG base between missions. The inspiration bins are starting to get full... I'm gonna have to start cutting out the medium ones, soon >.>
Most of the time I've seen a player with a full try fall over, the damage was spiked so much there was no time to click them anyway. Especially on incarnate trials, where massive damage spikes can blindside players from any unseen angle at any time.
Me: <click green>
Game: I'm sorry, did you want something?
Me: <click green>
Me: <click green>
Game: You cannot use that power after you have been defeated
And then, the brainwave hit - what if I invested (the very low amount of 1k inf) in a full case of small inspirations? Could they do the trick? After all, I'd already seen how as little as 3 purples could significantly reduce damage in a +4 fire farm. So I filled up my briefcase and went back to take on the Mantis.
It was just amazing. Don't get me wrong folks - I'm not claiming to be the first to have used inspirations to clear difficult objectives. To do so would be just plain stupid. But have you ever had one of those ideas that you felt could be really good, then you put it into practice, and you were validated? It's a great feeling. You know you're onto something good. This was one of those moments. Following on from this, 6 other EBs fell shortly afterwards (2 more in that arc, and then the 4 in the incarnate arc). |
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
The lolhonor code of not using inspirations is more common in zone pvp where really cool tough guys with 3 self heals 5 escape powers question your ability when you destroy them using a single respite.
I dont bother pursuing t2 and t3 myself. too much effort when you can go to a inpiration vendor and grab a full tray for 1000 inf.
I frequently end up not using inspirations on my Mastermind. I've taken to chugging the small inspirations as soon as I see them, and then dropping the medium and large ones in my SG base between missions. The inspiration bins are starting to get full... I'm gonna have to start cutting out the medium ones, soon >.>
Let's Dance!
Hey folks,
How awesome are inspirations? I mean, really - they're so good. Obvious, I know, but as a 1-month player who first levelled a Robo/FF MM to 50 (read: very, very rarely need to use any, even on your pets), it was astonishing for me to learn on my SS/FA farming brute how damn good inspirations are.
Well, of course I knew that when farming I'd need to use them, so I was prepared for that part. What I wasn't prepared for was how influential they'd be when fighting EBs. Like many */FA farmers before me, I had to do one of the patron arcs to unlock Mu mastery. This meant dealing with multiple EBs. For some reason I hadn't realised before this point how good a full case of inspirations could be for dealing with an EB, so my first few attempts (at Silver Mantis in Scirocco's arc) ended with me in the hospital after inflicting minimal damage.
And then, the brainwave hit - what if I invested (the very low amount of 1k inf) in a full case of small inspirations? Could they do the trick? After all, I'd already seen how as little as 3 purples could significantly reduce damage in a +4 fire farm. So I filled up my briefcase and went back to take on the Mantis.
It was just amazing. Don't get me wrong folks - I'm not claiming to be the first to have used inspirations to clear difficult objectives. To do so would be just plain stupid. But have you ever had one of those ideas that you felt could be really good, then you put it into practice, and you were validated? It's a great feeling. You know you're onto something good. This was one of those moments. Following on from this, 6 other EBs fell shortly afterwards (2 more in that arc, and then the 4 in the incarnate arc).
Let's think about this for a moment - for those 7 EBs, I bought a full case of inspirations for each (to be technically accurate, for the 2 EBs in the Honoree mission, I did use two - but I used the first batch in a suicide run, killing all the portals and the Rikti, before succumbing to the EBs. I then used the second case to kill both EBs in quick succession). That cost me 7k inf in total. For 7k inf, I was able to clear 6 missions, which would have rewarded me somewhere in the vicinity of ~300-400k xp+inf, as well as, more importantly, access to the epic power pools and the alpha incarnate slot. That right there is profit.
I don't know why I felt so compelled to make this "gush @ inspiration" topic. It was just such a significant thing to learn for me. It feels like such an important lesson to learn as I continue to play the game - and I know that in the tutorials they pretty much say "yeah, these will help you fight" - but they don't say "yeah, in some cases these can prove the difference between not being able to complete a mission and being able to complete it easily". And to think that if I ever get really desperate, I can more or less take double the amount of inspirations by hitting the Black Market (or spending some time in AE on one of my 50's fighting bosses) and taking a full case of large insps instead... it's an amazing prospect.
Well anyway, that's all from me for now. Happy gaming everyone!