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  1. Forgive my limited knowledge, but as an ice dom for 12 levels I had no problems. You can't completely debilitate people like other pools or do high damage, but once you hit something, chances are it wont recover and its painy-hurt moves won't recharge fast enough again as long as you spec for max slow and such.

    Again, only 12 levels and I switched to earth-fire for aesthetic purposes. I still enjoyed ice a lot when I had it. Not designed for raw pain - that might just be fire - but very good at killing recharge and such. Cold forces everyone into slow motion, IMO, and when on the receiving end, it's power is obvious. Trying to fight an AV moving at half the speed of cold molasses with crippled -recharge...... yeah.
  2. Doms are awesome. I have an earth/fire dom and wanted to try something out of the Isles and Praetoria since I have two characters I am currently comfortable with form each region (the dom and a MM at 26). I know elecdomination is fun but it's almost too obvious in terms of setup when looking at the pools.

    I wanted to see if that old school build still worked, despite the alternatives such as Elec Control or a shock domination setup. Those were too..... how you say..... simple? I dunno how to phrase it properly. They are good! But.... so good they aren't really a challenge in creation or design. The dom basically IS a blastroller. That's the approximate AT design. Slight loss of damage for far better control. The electroller is the other end of the shock-scale into low to piddly damage and SUPERIOR containment and end killing. I want the final point on the triangle of zappy champions. Moderate control, high, versatile damage output, defense through end drain and quick knockouts. That sort of thing may or may not be valid anymore, and I want to try it in combat compared to the electric dom and/or troller builds of similar type.
  3. Nice update on an old, reliable guide. I had worried that the changes today's issues possessed would render the electric blaptroller obsolete.

    Some questions:

    One: Does Defiance ONLY work on the top powers (eg. c-bolts vs. lightning) in your power pools or the first ones you select after creating a character?

    Two: is 'Sparky' an aggro-magnet or does it damage and end drain enough to be reasonable risk? I read it turned mob attention directly onto your frail glass body too quickly from the original guide....

    Three: You have the precious blue as well?!? All for us, all ours!Friends may have some yes, - but only a little! .....our wonderful blue happiness...heee......
  4. Fantastic! I'll redirect my inquiries and play testing information there. Many thanks!
  5. I just read on the FAQS about the validity of making a 'blaptroller' from an elec/elec powerset. The guide is old, though, and with Electric Control around and in full force, is it still a valid concept? I enjoy the blaster lifestyle, and while actual control obviously isn't going to be what I do, severely crippling people with end drain sounds like a fun challenge.
  6. I find it delightful that these 'casual mental sparks' could detonate lesser games and forums. They all seem so.....plausible. Tweaks here and there, balancing, and they'd practically be a testserver and patch away.

    The Earth power might be tricky, since Corruptors have an Earth Assault already. Kinda hard, I agree, to make it blasterfied without it feeling like Dom Lite.

    Wind makes me think of Gale from the Storm set, and I'm afraid of a knockback set with lots of AoE to it, ha ha. I also can't fathom a good animation set to it that doesn't degrade into a sonics imitation or storm knockoff.

    Water is good on paper but Ice is simply easier to animate, I think. The ideas of more damage-more water are great though.

    Eldritch power deserves to exist already. Mini-derps to placate have a innate balance already, since the foe would basically stop attacking for just two seconds, just enough to get a quick heal or insp pop in. Maybe steal a buff from certain foes. In exchange, make em slow or end-heavy, something. I dunno. I JUST WANT IT OKAY? Call it something more neutral sounding if you must but....please?

    Thrown projectiles...... yes. Just yes. I can see them as the 'light and spammable' pool - damage and range under average for low end burn and/or versatility, allowing the blaster to basically annoy people to death with....uh.....what should a shuriken or chakram do? I'm thinking assassin tools, so poison/disorient on most of them, maybe an Aoe choke and stat breaker, hence a genuine toxic power pool for blasters to compete with Thorny Assault and Spines? (also, for absolute comedy, a Kitchen Sink power or invention! YOU KNOW YOU'D LOVE IT EVEN IF IT MADE NO SENSE.)
  7. Delightful idea, making a blaster who can shoot from maximum rage.

    Also, the reduced range on some arrows could possibly be handwaved as the arrow having a different balance, what with a bomb or glue or angry badger or whatnot stuck on it. It's an excuse, I know, but there's gotta be some technobabble to patch glaring plotholes. It;s almost mandatory in super-fiction.

    More on point, max or near-max range is delicious and I had to stop because it made all my other blasts feel like they were practically melee range. .
  8. Your guide is a thing of beauty. You even have advice or playing alts and not playing alts rather than one or the other. Fantastic.

    I only got my three month reward now, but I have only five characters and instead keep costume files saved for later character making rather than lots of alts. I am working towards unlocking the Arachnos agents at the moment, and intentionally made a throwaway level-to-20 wonder for that purpose, but overall, I'm getting through everything and having a blast.

    I have to agree, despite my rookie status, on one fact: Delete all gravity characters for now. I tried that as my second character........ow.
  9. FIrst forum post, whee. Anyway, I have decided to remake all my characters after returning to CoH from my free month after purchase. (I started dreaming of character creating and massive power frenzies in parties again).

    Ahem, getting myself off point.

    Anyway, I know a bit about most classes but NOTHING of Dominators. I've been reading the guides here and wonder what Earth/Fire can do. I didn't see a guide about it in particular. Does it work well? Is earth/earth a safer combination?