New Blaster Power Ideas (Water, Earth, Wind)
I think water would be very do-able. Like for a nuke have something like "Tsunami" where you launch a wave a few feet infront of you. or maybe a "water twister" nuke instead and have something called Tsunami for maybe a targeted AoE similar to energy torrent for a energy/ blaster
I was think the exact same thing along with air be an easy one too. Earth be a little tricky but I was hopping maybe some with some feedback I could come up with something a little better or more then what I generally have.
If you make and Earth, Wind and Fire blaster, I think I'd name him September
Yeah lol I could see that but earth is a tricky one I thought I make it so you make crystals or shards of rock shoot from your hands or something down that line or maybe even just make it so you form daggers our of rock or crystal and threw them at high speeds
I've been wanting to make these blasters since Day 1, so I certainly hope that they get put into the game eventually.
Might be interesting with stone to have some of the attacks come out of the ground like a longer distance, single target stalagmite. The rest could just have stone envelope the players hands (like stone melee) and fire shards at the enemy.
Not a bad idea now that I know the support is there for these powers is there me and a few friends if theyre willing to help might start to plot things out for all 3 (Wind, Water, and Earth). Keep making suggestions and we might use them and the stalagmite idea sounds good might try that also gives me a good idea for the nuke so keep the ideas coming and will work on our power set and keep you all up to date for what we come up with. Feel free to make your own power sets and submit ideas were always open to suggestions
Somebody is about to come in here and remind folks that Energy was originaly supposed to be Water, but it didn't look right.
But I would be all for these. I have to say though, that I really want a Dark/Dark blaster first.
Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1

I get water was tried before but in deafens of that it was some time ago and now we have ultra mode and stuff the graphics have been bumped up senses then so it doesnt hurt to try and a dark blaster wouldnt be that hard you jut base it mostly off the W.S.
Earth would be easy enough. Projectile based, with out the need for a weapon, conjuring/creating minerals and firing them at mobs. Take the Rifle set and mix in a toss of earth control.
Water really already exists. Not as tinted power, but as Ice. Frozen water is still h2o.
One aspect of air, and a common form for it to deal damage in many fantasy games is lightning.
So that really just leaves earth, if you dont mind using lead as your projectile you might almost say that exists already too.
I'd like to see an elemental set. In the light of making a veat for each origin, science could be the 5th/council warwolves/vampires and magic could have an elemental blaster (caster). Using the switch ammo tech from DP the various powers in the set could be set up to animate and use the secondary affects of each element.... fire = dot, water = slow, air = sap, earth = slow?
The t9 power could summon an elemental pet, choose between 3 imps, stony, 2 gremlins or something for water.
Each with its pros and cons.
I'm bored.
Water Blast: The most prominent and powerful element of them all, if one understands it properly. Alone, a droplet of water does little but with enough you can carve a canyon, crush anything and wring the life from anyone.
1. Water Pistol (ST minor smash/cold damage; 20% knockback; -fly) A basic burst of water that splashes into the foe and knocks them back and even spearing airborne foes out of the sky.
2. Water Blast (ST moderate smashing/cold damage; 20% knockback; -fly; *special Splash summon) A larger burst of water that explodes into a rain of water.
3. Wave (Cone 60degree, moderate smashing/cold damage; 45% knockback; target must be near ground; *special Splash summon) A torrential wall of water erupts from your feet and consumes all infront of you.
4. Blast Stream (Narrow cone, high smashing/cold damage; 60% knockback; -fly; *special Splash summon) Release a focused stream of water from your palm that shoots right through your target and several more behind them.
5. Aim
6. Monsoon (Ranged summon, minor cold DoT; -fly; *special Splash summon) Cause the moisture in the air to rapidly condense, creating a miniature rainstorm in a localized area. It doesn't do much damage at all on its own.
7. Riptide (Toggle foe knockup; foe must be near the ground; *special Splash summon) Create a rolling tide to tumble a target over and over, leaving them helpless. A riptide can be escaped however. This toggle can only be kept on for a maximum of 30sec and there is a chance it will automatically shut off before that.
8. Moisterize (PBAoE foe minor cold damage, -regen; *special +cold damage) Draw on the moisture in the air around you, even from the cells of the enemies in your wake, and use it to build a stronger assault.
9. Whirlpool (PBAoE high cold damage, moderate smash DoT, foe 75% knockup, -movement/jump/fly; summon Mini-Whirlpool; self -EoT) A spinning whirlpool forms around you, drawing foes in (not literally), knocking them up and hindering their movement. Creating a big whirlpool around you might form mini-currents as well that can easily disorient foes as well as crush them depending on how much water is around you.
-Water blast does more smashing than cold damage (somewhere in the realm of 75%smash/25%cold)
-Splash is a PBAoE around a target. It does no damage but lowers resistance to the cold damage type. The -res doesn't stack (only refresh) but actually summons invisible pets (in the form of puddles) that do stack.
-Each power that summons splashes doesn't necessarily summon one. Like Monsoon might summon 3 instead.
-Moisturize draws on the splash puddles and adds extra cold damage to all of your water attacks while doing a bit of cold damage in the process.
-Whirlpool does a burst of cold damage followed by some smashing DoT while enacting a sort of 'Minus Endurance over Time' on the magnitude of 8 tics of -20 END over a short time (like 15 sec).
-Mini-whirlpool summons will spawn with your nuke depending on how many 'splashes' are on the battlefield and work like Tornadoes. A maximum of 4.

Earth Blast: Slow but mighty and stable. As a user of the earth, you have extreme control of the things around you and the earth they stand on, but using the ground as a weapon requires you remain grounded for maximum damage.
1. Stone Spears (ST moderate lethal damage; foe knockup) Strike the ground with a fist/foot, causing an upheaval at the foes feet, flinging them up. Foes must be on the ground.
2. Meteor Hail (ST moderate smashing damage; foe -fly, knockback, disorient) A quick gesture brings a stone boulder falling on the foe with devastating and crushing quickness.
3. Tremor (PBAoE moderate smashing damage; foe knockback) Cause a localized quake that hits foes up to just beyond melee range and knocking them off their feet.
4. Crushing Blow (ST close high smashing damage; foe knockback; foe disorient) Launch a huge boulder from your hand that pulverizes on impact. If the foe is in melee range, this will have a higher chance to disorient the enemy.
5. Gaia Connection (Self +dmg, +ToHit +resistance vs hold/disorient/sleep/immobilize/knockback/-ToHit/-recharge; self -fly) Connect with the earth to gain its qualities and power. This power recharges faster than Aim and lasts longer but its effects do not stack. Gives less +dmg and +ToHit.
6. Stalagmites (Targeted AoE, foe moderate lethal damage; -def, minor disorient) This power creates a group of sharp earthy spines from the ground to stab the foe and lowers their defense. Some foes might be disoriented from the resulting tremor and you must be on the ground to use.
7. Local Quake (PBAoE summon knockdown patch; foe -speed, -ToHit) Like ice patch but with earth.
8. Meteor Swarm (ST Superior smashing damage snipe; foe knockback) A cluster of rocks hone in on a target, crushing them from all directions. This snipe does not require line-of-sight.
9. Tectonic Indignation (Range AoE; Extreme smashing/lethal damage nuke; foe hold; summon -speed/-jump patch; self recovery/END crash) Shake the plates of Earth itself to crush your foes and leaving them pinned within heavy folds of earth.
-Gaia Connection would most likely have 50% of the damage buff of Aim and 75% of its ToHit buff but last 15sec. The resistance (not protection) to mez and -ToHit would last longer (like 30sec).
-Tectonic Indignation is a ranged nuke that, after its damage is done, creates a long lasting patch of ground that is difficult to traverse. It will continue to slow any that try to pass through it even after the blaster is long dead.
-The premise behind this set is burst. There are no DoT and the damage is suppose to happen instantaneously (although the animations might still slow you down).

Wind Blast: The strength of wind is often underestimated. Of the elements, it is the is the freest and allows for better mobility and has a large variety in its damage.
1. Wind Scythe (ST moderate lethal/energy DoT; -flight speed) A searing sickle of air launches from your hand and through the foe.
2. Jet Stream (ST moderate lethal/energy damage; -flight speed, knockback) A focused, piercing stream of air slices into a foe and has a chance to knock them off their feet.
3. Updraft (Ranged AoE, target foe moderate smashing damage, close AoE knockup) Create a strong upward rise of air that violently lifts an enemy into the air at crushing speeds. Foes near the target may also be caught in the upward draft but won't receive damage.
4. Aim
5. Gasp! (Snipe, target Superior Lethal/Toxic DoT; foe disorient) Create a bubble vacuum that, when it hits the target will remove air from the target's lunges that will cause disorientation.
6. Northern Squall (Target AoE, moderate lethal/cold DoT; foe -flight speed, -res) Concentrate a ball of air that encapsulates cool northern air currents that explode in an icy burst of howling wind.
7. Air Friction (Close ST Extreme lethal/fire dmg; foe knockback) Air molecules can rub together to create high temperatures. Reaching a hand out to the target you create a wind tunnel of high pressure air that will not only knock the foe back but could vaporize then like an object falling through the atmosphere.
8. Air Lock (PBAoE summon sphere; foe flight/-flightspeed; self res vs -flight/-flightspeed) Create a zone of air currents that can slow down flying foes to the point of locking them in mid-air or draw non-fliers into the air.
9. Blast Zone (Placed summon, Extreme lethal/energy DoT; foe -movement, -fly; extra fall damage; self recovery/END crash) Create another zone of violent air currents that slice any caught in it with wind scythes. Foes that fly through this zone will also be forced to the ground and take a heightened amount of fall damage even from short heights.
-Air Lock is meant to be an anti-melee tool. It causes fliers to slow to a crawl and foes that don't fly will be granted flight and therefore slowed. The exception would be to foes that resist flight (like enemies with stone armor powers). This power also grants the user resistance to -flight powers and -fight speed debuffs.
-It doesn't say but Blast Zone is suppose to have the widest range of any nuke (something on the benchmark of 40ft radius) and creates a persisting foe -flight area. Any enemy flier caught in the area will instantly be forced to the ground and take more falling damage than usual.
-The general premise is this is a ranged set. All its powers are either ranged target, ranged AoE or placed summons.
-The set also sports a variety of damage types: most prominent being lethal and energy, there's smashing, cold and fire, toxic as well as falling damage.

I love these ideas... I always wanted a throwing Blast set... throw knives... stars... etc...
and a sword 2ndary... melee attacks... some kind of sword smack thats an Immob...
No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."
@Leo_G, I would love to see these
Vote: Leo_G for dev!
All very very nice ideas but for the water blaster I was thinking I like to carry the 2 strongest elements in that which be one Tidal wave a large wave you threw at people and the other be Tsunami this is the largest wave of water and is highly directive I was thinking we could use this as the nuke
As for earth blaster I was thinking eruption where you pull a large amount of magma to the surfaces and blast it in all directions
I completely agree with Silent!
@ Leo_G, your power suggestions are well thought out and you really seem to know what you're doing when it comes to power design, I'm amazed(:. With that being said, I'd gladly make a blaster with each of your powersets...especially water. Great job!
I also agree with @Leo_G, for Dev. ^_^
Lol, I didn't put all that much thought into them so they're probably not balanced at all. I'm just used to posting powerset suggestions. Mine usually have some sort of direction to them (like I tried making the water blast set 'weak' in that it doesn't have that many particularly damaging powers but it has a mechanic that tries to simulate 'more water around = more powerful').
I love these ideas... I always wanted a throwing Blast set... throw knives... stars... etc...
and a sword 2ndary... melee attacks... some kind of sword smack thats an Immob... |

1) Shuriken - The warrior lets fly a throwing star causing minor Lethal damage and a minor Toxic Dot. Damage Minor/Special Recharge Fast
2) Kunai - Flings a Kunai with causing moderite lethal damage. The narcotics coating the blades have a chance to disorient. Damage Moderate, Recharge Fast. (Other Option would be to replace the Disorient with a Lethal DoT but Kunai were often poisoned so I went with my gut.)
3) Boomerang - Throws a boomerang in a wide cone, hitting all enemies with smashing damage with a chance to disorient. Damage Moderate, Recharge Moderate
4) Aim
5) Circle of Stars. Lets loose a PbAOE attack as the warrior spins, unleashing devastating volly Shuriken to the enemies around them. The Toxins coating the stars inflict toxic damage over time. Damage Moderate Recharge Moderate
6) Bola - The Warrior is trained in throwing the bola. While designed to stagger or drop enemies, the bola also smashes the victim. Moderate Smashing damage /Snare(Slow) chance for Imob
7) Splitting Chakram. This ancient, thin bladed circle when thrown splits in a cone causing all those hit to suffer serious bleeding injuries. Damage High on impact with minor DoT (Bleeding). Recharge Slow.
8) Wave of Blades. The warrior unleashes a devastating cone of bladed bommerangs inflicting a devestating torrent of damage to those hit. Those hit may be stunned by the toxic narcotics used to coat these blades. - Wide, Moderate Range Cone, Damage High, chance to disorient / Recharge, long
9) Falling Stars. Your Prowess with Shuriken has grown allowing you to fling your stars into the air, sending them crashing down on your enemies in a deadly rain of falling stars. Those who wallk through the path of your falling stars will have their movement hindered as the blades catch them. Targeted AOE, Damage High (DoT), -fly /Snared during the DoT. Recharge Very Long or long...either really(Think Caltrops for the movement penalty)
It's 5 am here. I should really not be writing new powersets, but I think with some tweaking this idea could be functional.
Again, very cone based with some single target options. I wanted to focus on disorients mostly and snares because researching many of the weapons mentioned narcotics or poisons were added for effect. I also liked the ideas of snare effects, because throwing weapons were generally used to stagger opponents before entering into melee. But I really wanted to keep it as natural feeling as possible, without treading on Archery to much.
Unfortunately natural would mean less aoe, some cones, and not the range of other powers.
I hope you like some of the ideas

@ Nyx, I like these sets. It would seem like a really interesting build.
@ Nyx, I like these sets. It would seem like a really interesting build.
Leo G, has much more experience than I when creating these things. Obviously!, I would love to see something he could throw together.
I am always in favor of my favorite AT getting more power sets (especially secondary sets, for the love of all things super-powered!). Animation wise, I think these sets could look amazing. Water attacks could be of a constant-stream-like design, visually similar to Electric Blast in that the animation stretches from the character to the enemy (also differentiating it from Energy Blast). Earth attacks are pretty unique in their own right, and wind attack animations could easily be based off of the Kinetic Melee animations. I think the problem, though, is finding unique secondary effects for the powers.
Water, IMO, would do better as a control set. In blast form, you are really looking at Energy Blast in terms of secondary effects, with maybe a hold and/or stun opportunity thrown in. In control form, you have drowning, slippery-when-wet effects, disorients, etc. and you can't give as much of that to a blaster.
Wind would have a hard time appeasing the masses. Some would want wind that blows them away (i.e. Tornado/Hurricane strength stuff), and others would want wind that "cuts" right through you (i.e. Anyone who has been outside on a windy winter night knows what this means). So a mix of smashing and lethal damage attacks combined with some unconventional animations would be the best thing for a set like this.
Earthen animations already exist in abundance, I bet they would only need to tweak a couple and design a couple more. That being said, I do wonder if this set might get repetitive. I think it might be tough to make this a strictly blast set, and not end up feeling like your Earth controller suddenly got a power boost but lost his/her mez abilities.
But that's enough 'Devil's Advocate.' I think Leo G's sets are a step in the right direction, and I am all for getting these sets in the game.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Well, the amount of possible blaster powers is quite big. There could be Laser, Light (maybe similar to Peacebringers), Venom, Kinetic, Pressure. Those what came up in my mind but I'm sure there are more possibilities. And to be realistic, Wind doesn't really do damage, just knocksback.
Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.
I like opinions on the idea of a Water, Earth and Wind blaster. I have a general idea for how I might set those powers but I like to know if the community like them?