472 -
Quote:I'll be your partnet...if you decide to show up this time! O_O7pm--The return of the Medic TF
Blaster and Fenders pair up on an ITF. The goal? Neither partner that you have formed a buddy with can die. The surviving pair gets a free Layla doll made after any of their personal characters. If there are more than one pair of survivors, they will enter SUDDEN DEATH! (I hope we have sudden death, it will be lots of fun.)
Speedy better freaking come back, he was my partner for this once. -
Quote:Thanks stone! I totally thought "go to protector forum" and clicked virtue. Old habits die hard.Slowy never could find his way around...be it in the game or on the forums.
I'll have to check, with this year starting up I don't have much time for games, but social networking sounds good for me. -
Sign me up for Knockback Katie and Drunken fist
Hey everybody! It's me, Speedy Avenger, here. With the whole "paragon studios shutting down" announcement I just thought that I'd put my thoughts out there..
Protector server has made my experience with CoX one to remember. Everyone here was so friendly, even back when I knew virtually nothing about the game when i first joined in August 2006. About two years in I decided to take a leave of absence from the game and eventually re-joined just this year.
With Kheldian fridays I had so much fun, and learned a lot of new things that I was missing out on in the game; and this was thanks to all of you guys out there helping me out!
That means you, stone, layla, Abe, Sep, Kat, Zal, Bla, and everyone else out there on "Protector Vigilance" that made my return to the game the best that It could be.
It was a good run, and I hope to see some sort of "Farewell paragon" event in the mix...because I would absolutely love to be a part of that.
Thanks again everyone, best of luck!
-Slowy ;D -
Simple, but to the point! It would be nice for this to be sticky'd as a nice "welcome to the Kheld boards" banner hanging above our door.
S/L defense is the way to go. Like everyone above me said, it's the most common damage combo in the game.
Try to boost it as high as you can without loosing Perma-LF. If you (can) reach around 32.5% defense, a single purple will make you damn near unstoppable.
Some tricks I use (without purples involved):- Kinetic combats in Dwarf strike, dwarf smite, brawl, and boxing or kick, if you took them. (+3.75% s/l defense)
- Steadfast protection unique +3% defense into your first auto-resist power, spring for the PvP +3% defense as well if you feel like splurging
- 6 slot oblitration, you get 5% recharge along with melee and S/L defense.
- In your ranged ST attacks, Decimation works wonders for recharge
- make use of 5 slotting the ATO set. It can give pretty decent recharge, and if you boost it with catalysts, its even more awesome.
- take "1 slot wonders" in the power pools that give defense, slot them with 1 LoTG: + recharge and call it a day. 5 of those alone can give you 37.5% global recharge.
If you do use purples:- Apocalypse set in nova blast instead of decimation
- Ragnarock in Nova scatter instead of Positron's Blast
- ATO purple set into nova detonation instead of Positron's blast
Quote:With teleport foe powers, it all depends of the rank of the enemy. Minions will just about always be teleported. I've never really used it simply because my first method of attack is to Gravity well any voids i see...thus making them useless.During the Penny Yin mission, if for whatever reason the fight drags on, Taunt looses its effectiveness on the Voids. Grav control can wormhole them to her. I was wondering if anybody knows if starless step can tp them. I ask because my current build does not have starless step and I hate the idea of doing a respec for such a limited use.
Thanks for any idea on this.
Teleport also will not work on "more powerful" foes. So you might be better off just managing your holds and paying attention. The slot for that power could be used better. -
Quote:That's what i had imagined. The character wouldn't have to actually take arrows out of the quiver, just reach in it's direction...making it seem more realistic. It could be in the back options like the current capes/backpacks we have. For archers it would be functional...for other players it could easily be thematic. Like a dual blades player wielding two dagger-like weapons or a magical elf character.What about all the weapons that come out of thin air?
I think it would take a tech change for weapons, but arrows could be made to work with an illusion created by clever quiver(hehe) placement.
(it especially bugs me when my TW tank pulls that giant axe out of thin air...) -
I don't like playing on an archery-based powerset simply because my character pulls their arrows out of thin air.
Can we please have quivers?
On the less important side of my suggestion: I would greatly love a energy melee alternate animation similar to icy fists, but more like a glowing/radiating wire-frame version of it. Just energy formed into solid lines.
If i can manipulate energy so well on my blaster, why must he wield pom-poms of light? -
Quote:Hey! those hunts require proper planning...like running to an island before the hunt mission is up...and herding three mobs with dwarf for a nice void judgment.This is why I sometimes think I should be in charge of KF's. Because if it was me, I would call popcorn break. And if Speedy didn't solo those hunts and defeat all's by the time everyone got back, there would be... Consequences...
ANd I don't solo defeat all! We scatter to the four winds and get SH** done, as stone says. -
I gotta say, I completely agree with this. Although I rarely find myself e-mailing influence, I do find myself e-mailing a large amount of useful recipes. I have to wait 15 seconds between e-mails to transfer enh/recipes ONE at a time. Then log back onto another character, in my own personal SG and place them into the desired vault/enh table/insp holder.
It's so troublesome for an experienced IO'er/builder. -
Woo! I'm so glad we finally got to do a RtR. :3 That made my night!
8 Kheldians, most fun i've ever had. It's like a rolling death machine.
All Warshades:- 16-24 EEs (everyone max recharge)
- x8 Inky aspect and Emination. Everything is stunned at all times.
- x8 Stygian return, everyone can rez themselves.
x8 novas: AoE powerhouse
x8 Dwarves: Nothing dies...everything gets stomped on or mired.
Every Friday...it's a blast -
Here's a peek at my Speedy Avenger's costume. My namesake and peacebringer ! :3
I was doing regular tips yesterday and Found the tether. Here's a picture for anyone who hasn't seen it.
Wouldn't it be interesting if this was some sort of lead into that "Kheldian Life sucking machine" mentioned in the backstory? (it's a stretch, but it's interesting none the less.)
Quote:The +Absorb addition to bubbles is interesting. I mean There is essentially NO hint as to what happens when a forcefield breaks currently...It's just assumed that it dissipates. Having some sort of explosition would be neat.If you consider the alternative, Power Burst has a good chance to mag 3+ Knockback a foe, the net effect is probably exactly the same, open distance between you and your target.
But going back to the primary thought of the OP, I'm sure I could conjure up some more ideas for additional themes to old powersets therefore needing just a few extra powers added to the set SoA style.
But what I've pondered so far:
Broadsword: A berserker mechanic.
Katana: A samurai mechanic.
Fire Blast: fire conjuring
Energy Blast: self propulsion
Force Field: some absorb buff for allies that 'shatters' into energy projectiles that harm and knockdown foes when it expires (probably an alternative to one of the knockback powers in the set)
Empathy: apathy powers that debuff foes' ToHit, damage and recharge, perhaps as ally targeted PBAoE toggles or self PBAoE toggles
....Pondering the idea, I'm imagining it'd only be particularly worthwhile for only some of the sets; Blasts, Melee, (De)Buff and *maybe* Armor. Why these? Well, they're shared by the most ATs. Adding options to those 3 covers every primary AT...well, except Doms...Hmm...
Anyway, the idea is diversifying the set's abilities by providing alternate options. Depending on how they're balanced, for instance, Force Field could have something like...
Force Fields
-Hexashield > Deflection Shield adds +absorb to a target (single target only). Upon destroying the hexashield on the target, it explodes in a wide (15ft) PBAoE that does minor energy dmg and debuffs foe's ToHit.
-Barrier Armor > Insulation Shield adds +absorb in an AoE around target. Upon destroying the Armor on the target, it explodes in a wide (15ft) PBAoE that does moderate energy dmg, debuffs Damage and Recharge.
-Flux Barrier > Repulsion Field a self toggle that adds a small amount of +absorb that does not stack every 4 seconds. If the barrier is destroyed, it will cause moderate PBAoE dmg and knockback all in range. The barrier will reform soon after.
-Barrier Fortress > Repulsion Bomb a placed pseudo pet that will grant a special absorb pet to allies that absorbs part of their damage. Upon destruction, it will explode into a small 8ft AoE, causing minor energy dmg around that pet. So long as allies stay in range, it will continue to grant the pet every 5 seconds until this power expires (15 seconds). Basically, a pseudo attack that gets magnified by how many allies get buffed (and that take damage).
So, a FF support character taking all those powers will find their ability to buff team defense limited but gain debuffing properties and damage instead. This might be worth using if the team doesn't need much defense or one may just opt to mix options...or they can choose by theme.
The only thing is moderate energy damage? With the one shot-team bubble thing going on now. Moderate damage x8 would be insane...Especially during an AV fight where they can nearly 1-shot squishies. I'd say there is a high chance of him 1shotting everyone's bubble, getting a carpload of energy damage. Then you re-applying.
If it were a chance to inflict moderate energy damage...sort of like a proc, along with gauranteed to-hit debuffs it would be fantastic!I'd use it on a bubbler.
Quote:That would be kind of awesome actually! Like if your flight gets toggled off and your character flails like crazy.I'm all for alternate options.
However, overall, I like Super Jump's animation and certainly feel like it was the right choice when there is only one option.
If the only option was flailing arms and legs... wow, I can't quite find the words to express how much I'd not like that, haha.
As an additional option though, it could make a funny one (I'd rather see a panicked flailing option for Flight, hehehe).
Quote:If the Hulk was flailing his arms around every time he jumped, it would look pretty dumb.
As an alternate animation? Sure, I guess. As the new norm? No thanks.
Only having one option is the thing I'm not enjoying to much right now. I only took SJ on one character (my tank) and I only use Siesmic path to give it a more powerful feel. Otherwise I won't use it. -
INspired by Android's "teleport needs a change thread" I began thinking about super jump and it's animation.
Every time i see a super hero in a comic or movie, or a person in real life, leap a large distance their arms are flailing and their feet sometimes are too. Much like the animation in champions online. In cox, you tuck your legs bend your arms and soar upward.
If you've ever had your character slide off of a surface and fall off the edge their arms flail like you're actually falling, which essentially is the same thing as reaching the peak of a jump with SJ. You fall and flail.
Would anyone like a more dynamic animation, like from champions online, or is it just me? -
This, so much of this! I hate that hover when i Teleport using my Black/White Dwarf form on my Kheldians. It feels so awkward when my HUGE dwarf is hovering for a second...He's a dwarf, He's not supposed to fly. He's supposed to stomp and rampage.
I'd love an alternate animation for Energy Melee. If my character can manipulate energy, why can't I shape that energy into a fist? Like something out of ice melee.
Rather than a frosty fist, a wire-frame energy fist would be much more fun.
Edit: Added an image for a reference. Technically, green lantern manipulates the energy of his ring into a fist. I'd like that too >.> (obviously not that large though, something small like the ice fist model...which is my favorite melee model in the game)
Quote:I usually tend to use PBAoE Nukes, specifically Nova as a GET OUT OF MAH FACEEE power. Handclap is also pretty useful as a soft control.I'm actually surprised to get a positive response, and have it be the first one!
And I use solar flare to scatter groups into other groups as well. I absolutely love knockback, I wish there were more types of knockback/knockup abilities. They just make me giggle with joy! -
Sorry if my reply was a bit clustered. Dinner was calling so i was in a bit of a rush. >.<
Quote:I really like the RP mechanism, it seems chaotic but fun for solo play.Not that I'm honestly asking for this to be added to the game but...
How so? One of the primary complaints about KB is that other people complain about it. This isn't even KB and considering the secondary effect is having heightened unsuppressed speed 20 or more seconds afterward...My kind of set! The only thing I was a bit iffy on was the user being propelled backwards. I like to stand and blast, but hey, some people might like to zip back and blow up their enemies.
That's just my opinion. I'm not saying its a bad suggestion or anything.
Quote:Anyway, I'm more or less curious if 're-imaginings' of old sets by giving a few alternate options for powers would be worthy of the time it'd take to implement them.
In that case, why not just make it a targeted or placed AoE and cut the teleport?
Explosive blast would be a riot if the animation was a bit more fun. I imagine something like a Character swinging a flail over their head. Instead of a metal ball on a short chain, you get an energy tether (that extends towards your target from above) with an energy sphere on the end. On impact it explodes. It's much more dynamic and simply badass than "AHA! I thrust my arms forward and you fly everywhere! "
Between all of the animations, I think the current power burst has the most overpowering animation. That one handed blast just makes me feel awesome, sort of like how a TW character feels when they use whirling smash, arc of Destruction, and titan sweep. Energy blast could totally use something dynamic and engaging for the KB it provides. It would feel more fun and be extremely engaging to a player.
I think the teleport would be more fun thematically. Essentially it's a flashy animation for a targeted AoE Nuke. Nova has such an impressive sound, i think it would make due with a more impressive animation than the current one. Something like.- Teleport above target (kind of like spring attack)
- Slam said enemy into the pavement, fast animation. Sort of like Spring attack again.
- Explosion/Crash Nuke
- Streak animation away from the target to your original posision. Where you re-appear.
Technically, It's not needed at all.
It makes me think of what the flash would do to enemies if he has SS. bahaha. Appear of their heads, crush them to the ground in an instant, then zip out to safety. Like a boss. -
I've seen it so often...It was absolutely hilarious during our all Nova Taskforce during Kheldian Fridays :P
I haven't really gotten around to posting a bug report. It makes for some good jokes