Kheldian Fashion




After over six years and a bad early experience with Peacebringers I finally decided to try out Warshade, and after getting to 30 in like a day of amazing grouping, I'm super pumped about the AT. My problem, however, is dressing well as a fashion-conscious former Nictus.

So, I'd love to see what costumes you guys make for your Warshades (oh I guess PBs can come too) and what sort of choices you make to keep things thematic in therms of Khelds and WSes.

For example: Eye auras? Omega seems good, but no color choices give off that nice black and purple streams that the powers do.

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



The Tendrils aura set to eyes only works well.



Originally Posted by Death_Adder View Post
The Tendrils aura set to eyes only works well.

Yep I use this on both of my Kheldians, it's very close to the Kheldian NPC's eye aura. You can also never go wrong with a good Void Hunter costume, or some cool purple and black Cimeroran armor.

Feel free to draw inspiration from these pictures.



Ah, tendrils does seem like a good idea. I'll try that out. Thanks.

And thanks for a link to that thread. It's pretty cool that you get a whole bunch of Khelds like that together. Too bad I'm not on Protector, because that seems really fun.

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



Originally Posted by Xarybdis View Post
Ah, tendrils does seem like a good idea. I'll try that out. Thanks.

And thanks for a link to that thread. It's pretty cool that you get a whole bunch of Khelds like that together. Too bad I'm not on Protector, because that seems really fun.
Its a shame, because there's nothing else like it that i've played thus far. It's a blasttt!

And on terms of your costume question. My PBs usually tend to be angelic, while my 'Shades will end up with a rogue type of costume, usually having chains on the chest/arms, CoT shoulders, A tattered cape, and the mouth/shoulder wrap detail (I think its called reaper? idk)



My Warshade's costumes are designed to look somewhat sinister, since he's killed countless innocents in his quest for eternal life... and it's debatable just how reformed he really is.
In addition, his costumes are high-contrast black and white. I've never found any colors that really compliment the swirling purple, so I let his powers provide all the color.

However, I think the ultimate fashion accessory for the well-dressed Warshade is Penumbral Shield (the fire/cold/toxic resist toggle). It has a better tendril aura than you can get from costume options and it gives you the "white pin-point with tendrils" eyes that Shadowstar has.



Ah, when I respec my powers next time, I'll see if I have room for what amounts to a costume power choice. XD

Or if I have a spare power choice as I make my way to 50.

Thanks for the suggestions you guys. Here's what I ended up coming up with:

Which looks pretty similar to what I started out with-- but the legs, boots, shoulders and belt all changed, and of course the eye aura. Tendrils worked out beautifully. And I'm glad I have enough costume slots for both goggles up and goggles down (in addition to civilian garb. Not sure if those should have glowing eyes or not)

Former Nictus ponders life as a heroic Warshade.

Not 100% sold on the color scheme. I think I want to try some Navy Blue, Brick Red, & Black like the Council Galaxy troops and Arakhn have. The belt, too. Maybe try the folded cloth to approximate the Kheldian sash that the Awakened Division get. (Yeah, they're PBs and not WSes. It's still fashionable!)

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue




(I'd still love to see other people's costumes and takes on these concepts!)

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



Your Warshade has very narrow shoulders and very wide hips.

I guess I can't really say anything though, since my Warshade is about 5 feet tall, so yours could probably still stare at him very intimidatingly.



Alright, let me see if I've got a few pictures of Curse.

He's got the two basic costumes and a few variations on them. The first one was just what I rolled out of the costume creator with, and the second is a more mystic look for an SG I run with. I also have a black suit with purple pinstripes.

It's all about the MFing Purple.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Re: TwoHeadedBoy
She's somewhere between 5'4" and 5'6" IIRC, and the default character shape always seems too skinny, with really wide shoulders and really narrow hips, so the first thing I tend to do is narrow the shoulders, widen the hips, move the physique bar up and the chest slider down. I think I used to play on the wrong sized display ratio because some of my older characters circa 2006 are all super skinny. Oh, and make the legs shorter. The default proportions there seem really long, too.

Re: Dechs Kaison
That's really cool! I always like the baggy pants in boots look, but combined with the arm band shoulder parts it really brings it all together. And combined with the coat in the second picture, Curse is an intimidating Warshade indeed! He certainly makes the purple and black look really, really good!

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



Originally Posted by Xarybdis View Post
Re: Dechs Kaison
That's really cool! I always like the baggy pants in boots look, but combined with the arm band shoulder parts it really brings it all together. And combined with the coat in the second picture, Curse is an intimidating Warshade indeed! He certainly makes the purple and black look really, really good!
Thanks. I don't know what it is about the arm bands that I like so much. Purple and black are the main themes, but its the bit of blue that makes it all pop. No costume should be just two colors, in my opinion.

I'm glad he comes across as intimidating. He should, being the first MFing Warshade and all that.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I think what makes those armbands so attractive is that they help break up the solid arm color without merely being a cap on the top, like most of the shoulder options are.

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Thanks. I don't know what it is about the arm bands that I like so much. Purple and black are the main themes, but its the bit of blue that makes it all pop. No costume should be just two colors, in my opinion.

I'm glad he comes across as intimidating. He should, being the first MFing Warshade and all that.

I find your lack of macro trays clustering up your UI disturbing.



For both my Warshade and my PB I went with the idea of a kind of "galactic warrior" (mmh, they so look the same x_x).

On the left, Des Astres, my human PB (his name is a pun based on "désastre" which means "disaster" in French - he was created a few issues ago - and "des astres" which means "(from) the stars"). I almost never use auras on my characters because I feel it often looks too much once the shields are on, but the Atomic aura on the hands in combat was pretty I took the IDF boots and the Resistance gloves because (I like heavy boots and) the glowing lights matched light-based PB powers.

On the right, Wayang, my WS ("wayang" is a Javanese shadow puppetry): his costume is way older, I wanted it to look cold and slightly gloomy with all this black and metallic grey, and opted for a blue color instead of purple because er... because I don't even remember why but I like it ^^' He has alternate costumes I don't use that much. This one is completely stolen from... somebody in the Best costume designs topic This one is just my "look at me I'm Incarnate!" costume.



My oldest character by far, I've been playing her on and off for 1 and a half years. Dark Soleil!

The one on the left is her previous form before she took a new host the one on the right is her now though it's outdated since I upgraded her costume a little... I actually need to update that pic.



This is my Peacebringer Adella. I was going for a more elegant, contemporary style of look. At least, that is the way I envision Peacebringers.

And this is my Warshade Seventh Shayde. The purple is a real easy fit with a shade. I've had many characters since 2005 and she is by far my favorite...I have considered her my main for some time now and I don't see that changing any time soon

On a side note, looking at the picture closely, it's looks like someone flattened the front tire on my car. Ya know, you try to park in a decent neighborhood. You turn your back for one second and some Kheldian hater has to screw up my afternoon!



Wow, on my phone, the purple on Wayang looked really blue. o_o
Those are nice costumes, very sleek and they fit together very well. I've used the IDF boots w/ Resistance gauntlets on another character of mine and agree that they work well together. I'm a little less enthralled with the belt on Des Astres, which looks really plain in that screenshot as compared to his gear, and with the matching justice gloves and boots on Wayang. That might just be my dislike of the justice gloves in general, though.

As for Maiden Marionette/ Dark Solei, your screenshots are really dark! But the color on the shoulders and gloves on the left picture really stands out nicely. Is that the bioluminescence face? It fits nicely, if it is. I think the belt looks good on the right, but the shoulders there less so. Maybe it looks better in motion or with better lighting?

Trip: Your PB is a little hard to see at that size and with the effects going off, but your WS I love for the color scheme. The white and purple look really good along with all the various spiky elements in the costume. A lot of choices I would have never made, but you pulled out a really good looking ensamble.

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



Originally Posted by Xarybdis View Post

Trip: Your PB is a little hard to see at that size and with the effects going off, but your WS I love for the color scheme. The white and purple look really good along with all the various spiky elements in the costume. A lot of choices I would have never made, but you pulled out a really good looking ensamble.

Thank you and sorry about that. First image looked half decent in photoshop. I've updated my original post. Hopefully, a better pic.



Ah, it's still a bit small, but I can see the parts a lot better. It looks like you've got way too much black there, without a real highlight color to make it stand out. The WS costume has the dashes of purple, which is what makes that look good. The little bit of white doesn't count, incidently, as it's not a real color. (same as black) A white/black scheme could work, but you'd want more of a balance between the two and still, have a third highlight color. (skin and hair can suffice in certain situations)

And you've made some odd choices on not highlighting some parts, like the spats and the bustier. Keeping things in just black and white, I'd certainly change the colors there and probably make the trim on the jacket vest a solid color with the rest of the garment.

I could suggest a couple of clothing changes, too, depending on what you have available, but I think, when it comes down to it, the design just doesn't scream Kheldian to me.

Xarybdis | Level 50 Invul/Axe Tanker & Cygnia Level 50 DB/Will Brute on Triumph | AstroGal Level 50 WS on Virtue



I just made my Warshade a "heroic" costume, it's much more colorful than everything else I have for him. I used the "fire stripe" pattern since it's used on all the Kheldian NPC's, so I wanted to try it out.



As promised, here is modern Dark Soleil (2 years after the first pic was taken almost a year after the second) updated is that I gave her some organic armoring on her arms to add to her mutant appearance. (Not seen is her devil-style tail that is always present):

And as a bonus here is my Peacebringer when I first started her 2 years ago (the character was 16):

and here she is now as an adult-teenager of the age of 18 (2 years later):



Originally Posted by Xarybdis View Post

(I'd still love to see other people's costumes and takes on these concepts!)
I know it's not a screenshot but...

It does bear a remarkable resemblance.

THB forgot to photoshop his initials.