Happy birthday to me, and the last all Kheldian trial! Saturday, September 29th at 9:30 PM est
Yea I'll be there. I never got my Warshade any level shifts, but I'll try to get some in before Saturday. I only ever ran him through solo i-content.
Name: War's Herald
Happy Birthday!
I'll be there.
Happy spawn day to you.
But, "last"? What happens if the game is rescued? You gonna hold a "This isn't really an all Kheldian trial because we had a last one already" trial? |
Occupy elsewhere, hippie.

Does your posting here mean that you'll be coming?
Updated for Grim!
lurks around in freedom pocket D i may as well join in.
I should bring my level 50 warshade, Neverlight Liberty, since it was with help from the forums that I was able to arrive at her current build.
Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!
I will make it! I'm so glad i found this today. I will be thereee!
Would Luv to be part of that.
For sure
Level 53 WS Demonstrider
Awesome guys, if you don't post character names and/or globals though just remember it'll be hard for me to track you down. I still haven't heard back from a few people so this might end up being less ambitious than I hoped, but it'll still be a good time.
Do you still have room for another? If so, I still have a couple of server transfers. @ResplendentMs
Lord Omi, my proud and powerful Warshade, expects to be joining you.
50+3, no holds barred.
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
Good deal!
I made my Warshade a shiny new costume for the party.
Will we have teamspeak or ventrillo for this event?
Less than six hours now!
Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!
Alien set up a chat server last time... He'll be around for the event so I'll mention it to him then if he hasn't seen the thread!
Ventrilo info:
Name: Alien's Sweet Spot
Port: 4535
Password: CoXRules
Let me know via private message if you experience any problems, because I regularly check my e-mail. You could also let THB know, since I'll probably be talking to him in-game... I can also be reached in-game @AlienOne.
See you guys there!

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
Had fun, guys... I would have a couple of screenshots, but evidently the ones I thought I was taking didn't take... :/
I think there are a couple of other people who were taking screens though...

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
That was definitely a fun adventure! We had a few no shows, but I learned some valuable life lessons. Well, COH lessons.
1.) Some Virtue catgirls are actually girls.
2.) Not all Kheldians are created equal.
3.) Using temp powers is important.
4.) Sometimes your buddies bail on you. Glares at AIB, Grim, Microcosm and Dechs.
After we somehow managed to fail a Lambda, we tried a MoITF on 54x8. A couple of us alted to non Khelds, but our alien brethren didn't pull through for us during the first mission.
The next step was turning the difficulty down, at which point we stomped Rommy in possibly record time.
Here's the crew at the end:
Um. Yea, I completely forgot. I was occupied with a free trial of TSW.
Haha no worries man.
That's right guys, Saturday is my birthday! I can't think of a more fitting way to celebrate.
What: An all Kheldian Incarnate Trial!
When: Saturday, September 29th at 9:30 PM est
Where: Pocket D on Freedom server
Bring your ay game. Last time AlienOne set up a chat server, so maybe he'll be able to do that again... I haven't heard back from Digaroo about making it, so someone else might have to take up recording duties.
Post here, send me a tell in game @Septipheran or send me a PM.
Here's what the roster is expected to look like so far:
1.) Me, TwoHeadedBoy, on my 50+3 Warshade
2.) AIB, probably on his 50+3 Peacebringer
3.) Stone Daemon, probably on his 50+something Peacebringer
4.) Doomrider, on his 50+3 Warshade
5.) AlienOne, on his 50+3 Warshade
6.) Hopefully Microcosm
7.) Hopefully Dechs
8.) Hopefully Joe
9.) Hopefully Speedy
10.) Hopefully Omega
11.) Grim, on his lowly +0 Warshade
12.) Kangstor
13.) Neverlight Liberty, 50 Warshade
14.) Justice Bunny
15.) Blackraven
16.) Lord Omi, 50+3 Warshade
17.) @ResplendentMs
If you heard your name, shout out and confirm. If you didn't hear your name, yell at me and I'll promptly add it.