
Multimedia Genius - 11-28-2011
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  1. If you know how to use a chroma keyer (or even have the option in your movie maker) you could use a existing widow and make it a view outside.
  2. I figured I'd post some of my favorite youtube videos to remember the good times I had playing this game. Its amazing how talented some of you are:

    CoH - Dance Gun:
    E3 2005 1337 Trailer:
    The Internet is for Porn:
    BaBs turns into Hami!:
    CoH Legos Edition:

    Feel free to post some of your favorite videos, or some that you have put on youtube yourself. I'll be adding them all to my favorite list so I can go back and remember the good ol' days when this community flourished.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    This was intentional. I discussed with Marketing and we decided that individual IOs will be 25% off.

    Not cool.

    Still, better than nothing.
  4. You know, I haven't spent money on this game in months (won a free year sub about 6 months ago). Thanks for keeping my wallet full for super packs.
  5. I remember Z saying something like "july/aug" a month or 2 ago on the forum but I'm too lazy to try and find it.
  6. I really hope so. I haven't been playing my huntsman because it annoys me that my new build with ato2's is superior and I'm stuck with second best.
  7. This smells like a Nemesis plot...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Yep. That's how I got my PVP zone time badges ages ago. Set myself up on a task force, run into a PVP zone, die horribly and lay there online while I went to sleep in meatspace. (Yes. I was one of those people who, for five hours on each character, ruined your bounty in Siren's Call. )
    Was the killing yourself part for fun? You could have just sat in the hosp...

    And I would bet a cookie that the timer was put into place mostly because of one person. He would leave 2 alts dead and one alive for recall friend (thats right, 4 accounts) and would double stack veng and run around and smash heads on a damn near invincible toon. And anytime he got below half health he would tp himself with his recall friend drone and double stack veng again. He was well known in the PvP crowd and pretty much lived in sirens call.

    I know he wasn't the only person that used a bot, but he did it on such a big level that it got noticed by a lot of people. And the guy was reported all the time by people that claimed he "cheated".
  9. The best part of this weeks sale is seeing those enhance pictures up close. I can't make out most of them when they are so tiny.

    If they were on sale as separate enhance I would have bought a few. As is I'll pass.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    I demand the Elaine emote NAO!
    Then play Guild Wars

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    SmegHead: I can look into it only not right away as I need to finish the Post Apoc set.
    You are the man Dink!
  12. SmegHead


    Originally Posted by LightningBird View Post
    I was thinking for a suggestion maybe players could use vehicles like motorcycles,helicopters,jet,cars,ect.

    For example different styles like catwoman has a motorcycle and so does batman both different styles so like a spots motorcycle and a chopper,ect.
    With all vehicles allow different styles.

    And the vechicles can be earned when you can fly or pick a new powerpool.

    The reason is Batman,Wonderwoman,wolverine,catwoman,robin,TwoFac e,all have vehilces why cant these guys for ppl who dont want powers to get around.

    Already been done:
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Magic Bolero Shoulder Fur is now in all Female upper body categories with the exception of Armored and will be released in a future update ^_^

    I also got a bug for the Monstrous gloves, so that will also be in a future update as well.

    Thanks guys!

    Now, about that mandible...
  14. You know what I would like to see? The old mandible. It was a great half helmet option for the character that didn't want part of a skull on his face...

    I still have it preserved on a few characters, but I would really, really love to see this added back into the game. It was one of my favorite half helmet options when it was available. In fact I missed it recently on a costume I made that it would have been perfect for.

    Here are a few screenshots of the old mandible before it was changed into a jaw bone:


    That is all.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    To try and find out, I just conducted my own experiment: I just dualboxed a tank and a claws/willpower scrapper into a mission together, sent the scrapper on ahead and collected full spawns of [+2/x8] Council with RttC's aura. The scrapper simply stood in the middle of the Council with RttC on, the villains attacked the scrapper, and the tanker was able to pull six of the villains off the scrapper at a time with Taunt.
    Well, RttC has a inherently weak taunt aura. Even tanks have a hard time keeping aggro with it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    When your opinion centers around denying content for others just to save you a very minor inconvenience, deal with the fact that others might express their opinion that you're being selfish. I dare say I understand what this forum is a lot better than you do... If you can't deal with people's reactions to your opinions, perhaps you should keep them to yourself. I know, it's a real horrible and disappointing shock that not everyone agrees with you. You'll adjust.
    I did deal with it. Nothing wrong with saying what you wish, I just think that idea sucks just like you think mine does.

    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    I actually stopped farming outside AE cause I was getting Carpal tunnel deleting those things. They drop WAY too often and considering they take up recipe space they're a massive headache to deal with every 5 minutes.
    And this ^
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Then sell or delete them rather than advocating against content other people want that won't actually hurt your gameplay?
    Sell it for what, 100inf? Can't even buy 1 SO with that. So I have to clear out my tray every mission to make room for stuff I actually want to drop. To me that is hurting my gameplay by annoying me. I'll admit some are cool and rather useful like the backup radio but most are just fluff that we don't need. I say keep the temp powers as rewards for game content rather than random annoying drops that I will never use.

    And you do know that this is a forum right? Seeing that you have over 14k posts I'll assume so. Learn to deal with other peopls opinions and ideas. You want them, I don't. Nobody is wrong here and there is nothing wrong with me speaking up about how I feel on the matter.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
    It's been a while since we get new temp power recipes. That'd be one good place for it to make a comeback.
    Please for the love of god no more new temp power recipes. I can't stand those things as is.

    I wouldn't mind a alternate animation though, even if it looks kind of silly.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Only if they applied it to two separate game accounts. I also think the other accounts have to be active when the code is entered.
    Actually I won a code from a costume contest a few months back and they asked what one I would like. I asked for the ppd police costume but they gave me a ppd hardsuit code instead. I already owned the hardsuit costume but I was still able to apply the code to my account (had no idea it was wrong at the time). I had to contact frietag and ask for the correct code.

    And back when they did code giveaways for the costumes a few years back they had issues where people were using codes twice. They even went as far as asking people to make sure they weren't using codes they already had and ruining others chances to get one. Unless it was changed sometime in the last year it is possible.

    And no, accounts don't have to be active unless something has changed recently. I've applied plenty of codes to my second account that I don't use (the alpha omega code giveaway for example) in case I plan on resubbing it in the future.
  20. I was about to chime in and say your end would be horrible with all of those toggles. On my huntsman I skipped the fighting pool in place of the medicine pool and was still able to softcap all positions and get perma pets. It made my build more flexible, much less end intensive and I really don't notice a difference without tough. Add incarnates and hes damn near unstoppable.

    Just something to think about, especially with the upcoming changes to the medicine pool.

    And another thing, I swapped the force feedback with the kb2kd proc and I wont be looking back.
  21. Here are my 2 submissions:

    Hyper Omega:

    Rusted Busted Ben:

  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by nytflyr View Post
    part a. is incorrect, you just have to bookmark the page. when they had you retweet last week you had to sign up.
    I see, but as it stands it still sucks in my eyes. Too much bull to deal with. When I play a game I want to have fun playing it. Staring at a twitter page while frantically hitting refresh is not my idea of a good time so I'll pass on this ill conceived promo.
  23. So let me get this straight. If I want this code I have to:

    a. sign up for twitter
    b. take off of work
    c. refresh twitter every 5 seconds
    d. pray that I'm lucky enough to get the code after completing A through C

    Man, what a fun sounding promo!

    They should change the name to "Torture Code Thursdays". Next weeks theme is pull your own teeth for free stuff!