Two powers that USED to be cool




I know many of us feel many powersets have major things that could use changing, but I wanted to talk about two powers that I used to find really cool, but now I don't. Both of these powers seem like they were a lot more useful back in the early issues, but don't sparkle anymore.

The first is [ice slick]. I remember how badly I wanted this power when I saw tanks taunt 40 minions to him and then we all watched them bounce up and down until we killed them. I especially wanted the troller version (in fact, are they called different names?). But now, when I do play my ice troller (which admittedly is rarely), I never even activate this power. Things are dead before I would finish the animation and/or it wouldn't do much for me. Too bad. It was a really fun power to watch.

The second is [granite]. Again, I couldn't wait to get granite! I worked through the levels (which was harder then) and finally got there. I didn't love being slow, but I loved how truly super I felt. Then things slowly changed and my "weak" fire tank can tank EVERYTHING. Why would I choose stone tank over others? It used to be my go to tank, now it is my "sit in the tray and never get played" tank.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



I always thought ice slick should have -def/-resist in it... I mean hello they are flopping around all crazy like trying to just stand would think their defense would be lowered and resistance hehe.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Ice slick is suffering from issues. On my troller I combine it with Freezing Rain to have even more KD while debuffing the enemy group. The problem usually arises when one of two things happens:

#1: Someone else uses a group immobilization. This actually happens a lot, since pretty much all other controllers and dominators and corruptors and defenders will spam their AoE Immobilize on every single enemy group despite it not really doing anything. This has a -KB effect, so ice slick ceases functioning.

#2: Someone will use a power with incredible knockback that blows all of the enemies out of the patch.

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ice slick is great at lower levels
it's true power is in being used from out of LoS so no one has to take an alpha

and it is ice slick vs ice patch

the problem is that the game gets easier and therefore simpler as you level. IO sets and procs, and incarnate powers make the game stupidly easy. You can throw out 90% of the game at level 50.

If you want to have a challenge, play the game up to level 35 then restart.
If you want to avoid a challenge, play at level 50+ with IO sets.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
#2: Someone will use a power with incredible knockback that blows all of the enemies out of the patch.

hehe yeah, I had that issue with my TA/A Defender. I use my powers in pretty much all in the same area, "great they're debuffed!" I think....then, BAM! KBBBBBB!



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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Ice slick is suffering from issues. On my troller I combine it with Freezing Rain to have even more KD while debuffing the enemy group. The problem usually arises when one of two things happens:

#1: Someone else uses a group immobilization. This actually happens a lot, since pretty much all other controllers and dominators and corruptors and defenders will spam their AoE Immobilize on every single enemy group despite it not really doing anything. This has a -KB effect, so ice slick ceases functioning.

Why do trollers DO this? Really, what possess them to spam AoE immobs? There are half dozen very good reasons NOT to use this except in select situations, and yet on every team, there seems to be an immob-happy troller totally oblivious to the fact that this is not helping any team past level 12. Aarrgh!

Understand, I say this as one who loves to play Controllers most of all.

Oops, that hit a nerve. Sorry for temporary thread derailment. /endrant



immobilize sets up containment - which ice slick does not
so controllers who want to do more damage will use an aoe immobilize

also apparently people now put a bunch of damage procs and chance to hold in aoe immobilize so they actually do damage and can hold as well.



Ice Slick/Patch is still a good power, ya just can't use it on a team. Solo or on a two man team it is very useful.

Granite... Eh, once the devs allow for power customization for it, you'll stones popping up again regular like... Then they'll go away again.

As far as trollers dropping all their immobs ASAP, that's just bad trolling. Immobs (any lockdown power) gets popped once the mob has gathered. That's troller 101. You can daisy chain Immobs on incoming agro to kinda lay a path of faces to be punched if the team is swelling with trollers.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Ice slick used to be so cool, but that was before I saw her at the controller reunion. Everyone else had gotten on with their lives but she was still clowning around with the same stupid gags everyone thought were hilarious back in the day. Last I saw of her she was passed out with a martini in her hand. Grow up, ice slick.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
immobilize sets up containment - which ice slick does not
so controllers who want to do more damage will use an aoe immobilize

also apparently people now put a bunch of damage procs and chance to hold in aoe immobilize so they actually do damage and can hold as well.
This x a million. The chance to hold proc is just awesome.

Plus usually the team doesn't need the mobs to be flopping around to be "safe", they die fast enough.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Ice slick used to be so cool, but that was before I saw her at the controller reunion. Everyone else had gotten on with their lives but she was still clowning around with the same stupid gags everyone thought were hilarious back in the day. Last I saw of her she was passed out with a martini in her hand. Grow up, ice slick.


Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
immobilize sets up containment - which ice slick does not
so controllers who want to do more damage will use an aoe immobilize

also apparently people now put a bunch of damage procs and chance to hold in aoe immobilize so they actually do damage and can hold as well.
I understand containment. However, past the mid-20's, any decent troller should have ample tools from which to select that a) set up containment, and b) actually do something useful.



I have one for you. Acrobatics. Every DA and FA toon had to have it because those sets lacked KB resistance. Now you just get some IOs to cover it.

Or were you just wanting to talk about those two powers?

There are a host of powers in the game that need to be reviewed because of IO's and changing game theory.

Elude is another good example. Most of my SR toons have defense in high 60's w/o ever needing elude. Shoot, I don't remember the last time I took a t9 armor click. I can build around almost all of them.

I blame the crash mechanic. It was stupid then, and it is stupid now. There are so many better ways to balance even a god mode power than a crash at the end.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I have one for you. Acrobatics. Every DA and FA toon had to have it because those sets lacked KB resistance. Now you just get some IOs to cover it.

Or were you just wanting to talk about those two powers?

There are a host of powers in the game that need to be reviewed because of IO's and changing game theory.

Elude is another good example. Most of my SR toons have defense in high 60's w/o ever needing elude. Shoot, I don't remember the last time I took a t9 armor click. I can build around almost all of them.

I blame the crash mechanic. It was stupid then, and it is stupid now. There are so many better ways to balance even a god mode power than a crash at the end.
Heck, make them an actual GodMode, you know completely unkillable (or mezzed, end smacked, etc.) for a small duration of time, but leave the crash... The way T9s are now, they are skippable.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
The way T9s are now, they are skippable.

Most of the serious players that I know do skip them.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Elude is another good example. Most of my SR toons have defense in high 60's w/o ever needing elude. Shoot, I don't remember the last time I took a t9 armor click. I can build around almost all of them.

I blame the crash mechanic. It was stupid then, and it is stupid now. There are so many better ways to balance even a god mode power than a crash at the end.
I'll agree that the crash mechanic makes these annoying to use, but remember that not everyone min/maxes their builds (I'm guessing it's not even a majority of players). I pretty much pass on trying to (unless I'm using a build I've taken off these forums) because it's too chore-like; I'm no longer in school, I don't want to waste time time doing homework when I could be out there spreading mayhem to the bad or good.



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
#1: Someone else uses a group immobilization. This actually happens a lot, since pretty much all other controllers and dominators and corruptors and defenders will spam their AoE Immobilize on every single enemy group despite it not really doing anything. This has a -KB effect, so ice slick ceases functioning.
Well, every AoE immob except the one in Grav

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
As far as trollers dropping all their immobs ASAP, that's just bad trolling. Immobs (any lockdown power) gets popped once the mob has gathered. That's troller 101..
It makes me cranky to see the Immobs go out the instant we see spawns, before the Tanker can gather them, freezing them in their (widely separated) places.

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
It makes me cranky to see the Immobs go out the instant we see spawns, before the Tanker can gather them, freezing them in their (widely separated) places.
Me too. I understand what they were trying to do with containment, but I think it has some really unfortunate side effects, such as this.

I've also rerolled a DB/WP that was based around melee cones because any time I teamed, I got to use Attack Vitals on one or two guys at a time, because of regular immobilization of spread-out mobs.

On topic, Phase Shift used to be cool, before it wasn't nerfed for pvp, right around the time pvp came out.

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God that happens so much.

Tank - "OK, let me pull off a mob from that very crowded room and once they are clear you can hold them and then everyone can attack them"

Controller(s) - right

Tank - <taunt>

Mob turns and takes one step ...

Controller(s) - spam hold

Tank - em facepalm

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Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
Well, every AoE immob except the one in Grav
You just made Electric Control



The power I used to like was Instant Healing. With it as an always-on toggle I could largely ignore the clicks in Regeneration, which made it feel more like Regeneration and less like Self-Only Empathy.

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Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post

Why do trollers DO this? Really, what possess them to spam AoE immobs?
Please, EVERY decent controller knows that you must use your AoE immobilize powers on the spawn first from within melee range. It's just what you do as a controller. Style points for targeting an AV and beating the tanker in!

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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
It makes me cranky to see the Immobs go out the instant we see spawns, before the Tanker can gather them, freezing them in their (widely separated) places.
This may speak pretty badly of my personality...

But whenever I'm tanking and someone gets overzealous with their powers, I'll let them go at it, get insta-killed by the spawn, and THEN go about my normal tanking moves. :P

Getting their rear handed to them typically helps them understand that they're doing something wrong.

On another power. I hate, hate hate hate hatehatehatehatehatehate Claws' Shockwave. Who's idea was it to have a cone THAT massive do massive knockback on a melee set? It wouldn't be so bad if people didn't use it in their normal attack chain like it was totally okay to toss every enemy out of AoEs/Taunts/etc. >.<

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
The second is [granite]. Again, I couldn't wait to get granite! I worked through the levels (which was harder then) and finally got there. I didn't love being slow, but I loved how truly super I felt. Then things slowly changed and my "weak" fire tank can tank EVERYTHING. Why would I choose stone tank over others? It used to be my go to tank, now it is my "sit in the tray and never get played" tank.
If I may make a suggestion: Try respecing Granite out of you Stone tank. It should make it feel fresh, and it should at least be able to out-do fire against Psi damage.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post

Why do trollers DO this? Really, what possess them to spam AoE immobs? There are half dozen very good reasons NOT to use this except in select situations, and yet on every team, there seems to be an immob-happy troller totally oblivious to the fact that this is not helping any team past level 12. Aarrgh!

Understand, I say this as one who loves to play Controllers most of all.

Oops, that hit a nerve. Sorry for temporary thread derailment. /endrant
On my Gravity Troller, I have my AoE Immob loaded with Procs, so I spam the hell out of it as one of my main damaging powers. However, Gravity's Immobs don't have -KB, the Holds do... so... yeah.