Two powers that USED to be cool




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I remember that variations on ED and variations of the GDN were suggested by players long before they were implemented by the devs to address what were perceived at the time to be nearly fatal flaws in the game's PvE balance.
From what I remember most of the ED and GDN changes suggested by players were very minimal compared to what we received.

My reply wasn't that they weren't needed, I was alluding to the fact that the Devs did such a poor job at communication and pissed off the majority of the forum posters.



Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
From what I remember most of the ED and GDN changes suggested by players were very minimal compared to what we received.

My reply wasn't that they weren't needed, I was alluding to the fact that the Devs did such a poor job at communication and pissed off the majority of the forum posters.
That was a long time ago, at a different game studio, and with much different devs. Comparing now to then is like comparing apples and oranges.

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Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
From what I remember most of the ED and GDN changes suggested by players were very minimal compared to what we received.
Most of them were actually more severe in overall effect in many respects. For example, Pilcrow's ED-like suggestion actually topped out close to where ED's actual softcap is, but his version had a gentler curve. The consequence of that was a smoother decrease in power rather than the more abrupt one ED has, but conversely it also meant virtually every possible slotting configuration would end up lower under his version of ED than the actual one.

The reductions being suggested for melee defenses were even more draconian in many cases, and it was certainly true that buff/debuff strength was also seen as vastly too high, something that wasn't even seriously addressed by GDN per se.

I'm sure you can find people who were suggesting tiny inconsequential tweaks back then: you can find them at any time. But the players actually asking for consequential changes were asking for changes on the order of magnitude of ED and GDN or higher. Amauros once told me there was a significant contingent of players from beta that were directly telling the devs that player powers were so ridiculously overpowered that there was a real threat of people getting bored and quitting before the game made it to a year old, and asking for extremely deep cuts to make the game interesting.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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How we got here I'm not sure, and I'm not really sure what we're actually discussing; ED, GDN, pissing people off, or Invention Diversification.

I made an simple comment that Invention Diversification (originally stated by Samuel Tow) would piss people off.

That is all.

Thank you.



Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post

How we got here I'm not sure, and I'm not really sure what we're actually discussing; ED, GDN, pissing people off, or Invention Diversification.

I made an simple comment that Invention Diversification (originally stated by Samuel Tow) would piss people off.

That is all.

Thank you.
Actually, what you said was that a) ED and the GDN were obvious proof the devs don't listen to players:

Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
Do you remember ED and GDN?

Player input means very little when the change is already in the works or according to the "master plan".
b) ED and the GDN went farther than players suggested:

Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
From what I remember most of the ED and GDN changes suggested by players were very minimal compared to what we received.
and c) the devs didn't communicate ED and the GDN very well to the players:

My reply wasn't that they weren't needed, I was alluding to the fact that the Devs did such a poor job at communication and pissed off the majority of the forum posters.
The first statement is false: players were asking for changes comparable to the GDN and ED, and in fact there were a not insignificant number of players lauding the devs for making those changes after they were implemented.

The second statement is mostly false: while there existed players asking for far lower changes, the players directly asking for changes of a balance-significant nature were asking for changes of the same magnitude of ED and GDN, or higher.

The third statement is half-true. The devs did not have an opportunity to communicate ED to the players because it was leaked from CoV beta while still being tested. The devs did explain the GDN changes and why they felt they were necessary. Many players hated them anyway, but that wasn't a communication problem.

The biggest communication glitch players accused the devs of perpetrating with regard to ED was not about ED itself, but about the fact that Statesman said after the GDN that "no more major balancing changes for powers was planned after the GDN." Many players took that to be a lie given their interpretation of ED as a "change to powers." I myself pointed out that this was an ambiguous statement, but not a lie: its a definite communications error, but one few players would themselves consistently avoid either.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Why are you attacking me?



Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
Why are you attacking me?
Do you consider anyone who points out your facts to be in error to be attacking you? Because if that's the case, then the answer to your question is that you posted things I disagreed with because they were inconsistent with the facts as I know them to be, and I elected to attack you by stating that I believe those facts to be in error because I'm often compelled to point that out when that happens. I have never felt the need to have more reason than that.

If you feel this is also an attack, then the answer to that question is that you asked a question, and I decided to answer it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Please stop.



Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
Why are you attacking me?
I bet if you stubbed your toe the neighbors would assume you were being fed feet-first into a wood chipper.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hurricane really annoys me, as well. There are two things in this game that I will never get, and they're PBAoE knockback and PBAoE repel. Hurricane has a very nice debuff, which I would really like to apply to my enemies, only I can't because the power keeps pushing them out of range. Yes, I guess I could corner enemies with it, but this is rarely reliable even with the much broader front of Force Bubble, let alone the much more curved front of the considerably smaller Hurricane.
I would have sworn, but could be wrong, that Hurricane's full debuff range is 25ft but it's repel/KB range is shorter than that. Redtomax says the PvP outer range of it is 15ft...but yeah, you *can* keep some foes within the range of it without repelling them.

As for keeping foes in corners, Gale helps too as does Lightning Storm as does Freezing Rain/Snow Storm. If you position Lightning Storm right, it's your goalie, Gale is the power shot, then your slow powers make them less likely to run past your Hurricane and your goalie.

And Thunder Clap doesn't knockback. It's just a plain vanilla (slooow!) mag 2 stun...but at least it's also in a wide range. Frankenslot the mess out of it or put a juicy stun set in there and you can have it's duration up to 25+ seconds and it's recharge below 30 seconds. Stack it with a ST stun to get a Lt+minions or boss+minions or other optional AoE stuns or combine it with Power Boost to lock down more stuff.

The beauty of powers like Hurricane and the set it's in is the variable options available.



Originally Posted by Gunstar View Post
Please stop.
Gunstar, try to imagine for a moment that Arcanaville isn't actually directing any hostility at you.

She has a tendency to try to set records straight, but that doesn't mean she's attacking you. It means she's pointing out errors. That's all.

Just because you said things that are erroneous doesn't mean you're a target, or a victim. It means you were wrong. And that's okay, as long you can see how you were wrong when it's shown to you, and accept it.

Life is a lot easier when you can recognize that you've made mistakes and that they aren't the end of the world.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Life is a lot easier when you can recognize that you've made mistakes and that they aren't the end of the world.

No matter what it is.

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Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Life is a lot easier when you can recognize that you've made mistakes and that they aren't the end of the world.


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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hurricane really annoys me, as well. There are two things in this game that I will never get, and they're PBAoE knockback and PBAoE repel. Hurricane has a very nice debuff, which I would really like to apply to my enemies, only I can't because the power keeps pushing them out of range. Yes, I guess I could corner enemies with it, but this is rarely reliable even with the much broader front of Force Bubble, let alone the much more curved front of the considerably smaller Hurricane.

Like Hand Clap, these powers just seem to cause more problems than they solve in almost every case I've tried to use them. And I'm the kind of guy who LIKES Dimension Shift and Detention Field.
I used to think so as well.

Then I saw some guy bring Repel to the BAF. Hilarious.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
I used to think so as well.

Then I saw some guy bring Repel to the BAF. Hilarious.
More like Disastrous.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
More like Disastrous.
Why can't it be both?



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Why can't it be both?
Well...well you're right it can be! Lmao.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
More like Disastrous.
No, he was able to guard a path more or less by himself. (apparently the commandoes don't have repel resistance)

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
No, he was able to guard a path more or less by himself. (apparently the commandoes don't have repel resistance)
Hrmm, Kudos on the devs for thinking about that. I've seen fellow stormies with the Tripple hurricane threat and I was thinking to myself "man, I like the chaos of storm but 3 hurricanes?! That's Crazy!"



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
No, he was able to guard a path more or less by himself. (apparently the commandoes don't have repel resistance)
Weird, I swear I tried to block them with Force Bubble and had zero success.

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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
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-- The Fox and the Hound



All I know is the escapees' running animation disrupts KB a lot. Kind of annoying seeing a pair get hurled by Tornado but land on their feet without skipping a beat. Lightning Storm is pretty amazing in that instance though...Hurricane certainly pushes them but they'll still move around you.

I bet Dimension Shift would be pretty handy though.



Hurricane is one of the most potent powers I have on my /storm. I have it franken-slotted to reduce endurance and give a high -tohit buff. With around -45% to-hit combined with my few IO defenses, hurricane essentially lets me tank I-trial content. I'm not sure how long the -tohit is applied, but it seems like quite awhile before enemies that I have tagged with the hurricane are able to hit anything.

The KB of hurricane is the only reason why it isn't on all of the time. It makes for a great panic button and enemy relocation power though, largely because you're nearly untouchable while it is up. So hurricane is mostly about knowing when it will not be too disruptive.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Now all of a sudden there are /DA toons getting beat to death in DA (funny that) because instead of going for damage and resistance, they went for the def soft cap of 45%, and all of a sudden 45% is not enough.

I have EA and SR toons that have defense in the 60's and sacrificed nothing to get it. They do fine in DA. My KM/ElA scrapper has 60+ resistance to everything except psi and toxic. He does fine in DA. My toons are doing fine because I stuck to what they were designed for.
Here's the problem - my SR Scrappers DON'T have defences in the 60s because SR doesn't provide this much defence. I need to gather that from Inventions sets. Now, I know the general consensus is "too bad so sad," but here's the thing - my Invulnerability characters don't have that problem. Sure, they get hit more often, but they have resistances to overcome this. I don't start meeting enemies with "resistance penetration" that makes my resistance mean less ON TOP of hitting harder. I don't feel the need to build for extra resistance via set bonuses on my resistance-based characters, which I can't say for my defence-based ones.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Do you consider anyone who points out your facts to be in error to be attacking you? Because if that's the case, then the answer to your question is that you posted things I disagreed with because they were inconsistent with the facts as I know them to be, and I elected to attack you by stating that I believe those facts to be in error because I'm often compelled to point that out when that happens. I have never felt the need to have more reason than that.

If you feel this is also an attack, then the answer to that question is that you asked a question, and I decided to answer it.
Facts are scary. And since you're a walking fact book.... you're potentially the scariest thing ever.

Probably why they gave you your own villain group.