408 -
Quote:I can see FemFury, even though she's towards the back! (yay for making her really tall!)Two screenshots from the event are available here:
Samuraiko/Dark_Respite -
Thanks for everything Arcanaville.
Your forum posts were a lot of additional entertainment value added to my CoH experience (often educational too, of course).
I'm gonna have to try to get off work early and try to make the event. -
I'm recognizing a lot of people there.
Going to miss them all.
Thanks for putting this together and sharing. -
Quote:No worries.I didn't mean to make you late for work! I really hope you don't get in trouble because of me...
I'm valuable enough to show up a few minutes late for work every now and then. And I've earned a lot of brownie points over the years by going above and beyond in the past.
Your video was totally worth it. -
I'm literally going to be late to work because I'l have to clean myself up a bit after crying.
Excellent job, D_R. Lovely use of the music to enhance the impact of the images. -
Quote:I knew there was a reason I liked your posts, Bill.Socially, very liberal. Fiscally, conservative on most things. It's so wonderful having absolutely zero representation in my government.
(just kidding, had no idea of your politics from your posting history that I had read) -
Zwill mentioned it in a podcast interview. "Evolved Hardcore Gamer" was a phrase they used internally at the studio. Zwill said he was a good example. A hardcore gamer who now had a a job, kids, commitments, etc, and only gets a few quick hours of gaming and not every day.
Basically, the ex-hardcore gamer who still loves games just as much, but for whom the 7 days a week with marathon day-long gaming sessions on weekends are a thing of the past. -
Quote:You could be right.Frankly, I took it as his clear explanation of the NC SOFT "going in a different direction" line. It seemed clear to me NC SOFT did not have faith in the super secret project and therefore decided to shut things down now.
To me this was just clear confirmation of what many here were speculating about.
Making a game that has it's target audience as "the evolved hardcore gamer" sounds like a death nail before it is even started. Especially in today's gaming environment of trying to appeal to as many as possible to maximize revenue on every single project.
Sounds like Paragon never had a chance.
While I think targeting the "hardcore gamer who doesn't have much time for gaming anymore" could actually be a nice untapped market, I would think that might be exactly the opposite of what NCSoft wants to target, if they think hardcore grinding MMOs are where it's at. Maybe that conflict of vision doomed the Super-Secret-Project, and NCSoft killed Paragon because they didn't like what they saw in the pipeline.
Personally, I think Paragon was pretty good at being different than the crowd and finding new approaches to things. If anyone could have made a game that would exploit the "evolved hardcore gamer" market, it would be them. -
Quote:Unless, as some scientist theorize, black holes are the method by which new universes are started. Each black hole that forms in our universe may be chance for a new "child" universe to split off from ours.I'm going to go with black holes. Because they're bad for the universe, as they destroy space and time and any object that gets in them, and objectively bad for anyone in the universe.
Quote:The other I thought of is the eventual heat death of the universe. Although there are differing theories about the entire thing, whether it will come to pass or not, I believe it's the only answer.
There was an alien race of artists in GURPS Aliens that believed that entropy had to be a gift from a benevolent creator, because it ensured that sentient beings would always have something to fix or improve, and therefore would never be without purpose. -
Having listened to the interview, I'd basically say it doesn't have much if you are just interested in CoH related stuff. He's not there to give any news or dish any dirt on that front.
He's there as a veteran community manager, shooting the bull with two other industry people about topics like maintaining a persona online, internet culture, and being a community relations person. Interesting if you like those topics, to hear his perspective, but maybe not that entertaining to a general audience who's only interest in this interview would be his connection to CoH.
The one thing related to Paragon Studios that did make my ears perk up: he did mention what the target audience would have been for the "super secret project". He said they used the catch-phrase "the evolved hardcore gamer" for what they were shooting for in appealing to. He said he was an example of an "evolved hardcore gamer", in that he had that hardcore gaming attitude and background, but now he had wife, kids, job, commitments, etc.
That's an interesting idea, to tailor a game to that market. -
Doc Delilah
Tall amazonian heroine? Yes, please.
And she's smart as well. So the conversation the next morning over breakfast will be good too. -
As already noted upthread, this summation of Dev attitude is the key takeaway, I think.
Keep the positivity going for the SaveCoh campaign. Dont let ourselves be pulled into aggressive tactics or negativity towards NCSoft, they are listening and we DO have their attention. Keep up the good fight!
We should post and re-post that quote over and over every time someone on the forums goes all "I'm impatient! How can we hurt NCSoft to express my rage?" on us. -
Quote:He had already been let go as part of Paragon Studios, and the time had come for him to focus on the job search. (The guy has a family, after all).Zwill is gone? Did he move to Cryptic, or did he give his notice and adios to NCSoft and Paragon Studios?
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...61&postcount=1 -
I wonder if quirks like this will only increase as the forums go on with no maintenance.
Then again, not much time for things to go really wonky before the shutdown. -
Best regards and best wishes, Andy.
You're a class act, and a great community manager.
/em salute -
Thread title was poorly chosen / badly worded.
Quote:Well, since the system of the MA grew out of an internal tool created to make the Devs more efficient at writing missions... it therefore seems less unlikely that creating MA displaced huge amounts of content creation elsewhere. They were making the core parts of MA anyway, for their own use.and indeed the lack of new content that was left out in place of MA.
And given that one player who was a talented MA writer went on to be hired by Paragon as a dev to write new missions...
I think implementing Mission Architect had a lower opportunity cost than you might think, in terms of displaced content.
Had it taken off, MA would have been the holy grail of MMO content production, in a way. It would have been a solution to the "Devs take 3 months to create new content, hardcore players finish it in a week, then ask what's next" syndrome. Given that potential, even if we take every criticism of MA as a undisputed fact, it was a risk worth taking by the Devs. -
After reading the linked article, my first thought is "Okay, either a regular COH player has a day job as a tech industry analyst, or this analysis based a lot of its research by following links on the forums."
Quote:In a way, the Rani would make a better ongoing enemy for the Doctor in the nuWho universe than the Master.I'd disagree bringing back the Rani would upset things so much. I mean she's basically a female Master that never 'caught on' as much since the show went into deep hibernation.
With no other Time Lords around, if the Master is alive, he HAS to be the Doctor's top priority. Given enough breathing room, The Master will either conquer the universe, destroy all of reality, or create some similar cosmic disaster. So at the end of every encounter, the Doctor has to be convinced the Master is dead. He can't just "get away" or the Doctor looks a fool for not spending every waking moment working on finding and stopping his arch-nemesis.
The Rani, on the other hand, is more the amoral mad scientist type. She could wander about time and space, performing her twisted experiments, conquering a planet here and there. Basically acting as an "anti-Doctor", wandering at whim, but doing harm with her indifference to "lesser beings" rather than doing good out of caring.
And if the Rani escapes at the end of a battle between them, it's not an immediate cosmic crisis. Sure, the Doctor would want to track her down at some point, out of a sense of Time Lord responsibility. But in the grand scheme of total threat to all life in the universe, the Daleks and several other forces are a greater worry, so the Doctor doesn't look like an irresponsible idiot for putting off dealing with The Rani until her next scheme comes to his attention. -
My mother is in town this week. But I should be able to bring my corruptor for some of the runs later in the night.
I'll make as many of these attempts as a I can, to pay back the karma for getting the badge on my main.
Edit: And see Uber's previous thread (linked at start of his post here) for discussion about why Ultimates and Corruptors and 50(+3) are so darn important. -
Quote:Hm. One thought that I just had regarding keeping the -Resist on Tyrant: Tanker Bruising.There's no question that -resist is one of the only meaningful debuffs in this contest. Normally, -regen factors heavily into this kind of encounter, but Tyrant is completely immune to that - he has over 100% resistance to regen debuffs. That makes -res and -maxHP about the only things we can do to him that speeds him to defeat, and of those two, -res is far more available to us in large doses.
It's only a 20% Resist debuff, but if I remember right, it has a little mechanical quirk where it's not a direct debuff, but rather it grants a power to the target that then debuffs the target. This was done to prevent Bruising from stacking from multiple tankers.
The upside of that is, since the source of the power becomes the target, it's not impacted by level differences. It's still reduced by Resistance, but it shouldn't have the 30% reduction in debuff strength from the level difference. Unless they changed that at some point.
We should remind Tankers to use that Tier 1 attack from their secondary often on Tyrant. (although, I assume most Tankers know to do this in AV fights). Need a Tanker or two to pull Tyrant out of the Lightning anyway, so people can go back to attacking.
Edit: And the -Resist procs from Achilles' Heel and Fury of the Gladiator work the same way, with a granted -resist power. So, they should bypass level differences too. -
Quote:I'm not sure if Uber mentioned it too, but I think it was me who first brought this up in league chat.2. Everyone was using Ultimates, so we were mostly +4 rather than +3. Uber told us that a +4 delivers 30% of his damage onto Tyrant, while a +3 only delivers 15%. I think something similar applies to debuff.
For anyone not familiar with the details of this game mechanic, here's the link to the "Purple Patch" page on Paragonwiki:
So when doing Really Hard Way, Tyrant is 54(+5), and we don't get level shifts from killing the lights. So, taking from that chart, here's how various Incarnate shift / Ultimate combos stack up versus an effective Level 59 target.
50(+3) with Ultimate: 30% of base damage
50(+3) no Ultimate or
50(+2) with Ultimate: 15% of base damage
50(+2) no Ultimate or
50(+1) with Ultimate: 8% of base damage
50(+1) no Ultimate: 5% of base damage
And remember this modifier doesn't just reduce damage, it also reduces your Debuff effectiveness.
These numbers are pretty stark. So, if you think as a 50(+3), you don't need to burn an Ultimate for the fight with Tyrant while going for RHW, just keep in mind that you will be doing half as much damage.
Also means that a 50(+2) is basically half as effective as the 50(+3). Since Scourge isn't 100%, probably means a 50(+3) Blaster or Scrapper is a better choice than a 50(+2) Corruptor, despite the natural advantages of Corruptors with Tyrant.
And a "Pity spot" for a 50(+1) who's new to the trials, and doesn't have Ultimates? That's not looking good. Literally 1/6th as effective as the 50(+3) burning Ultimates. That character would be definitely boosting Tyrant (by adding to league size) more than would be helping.
One of the things about Justice server I've always loved is we are rarely elitist when forming teams or leagues or raids (at least in my experience). It seems to me that the general attitude is "Come one, come all. If you can't pull your own weight, we've got plenty of other people who can pick up the slack. You'll learn a lot about this, and we'll feel good about helping you out." I've seen this with Incarnate Trials, Hami Raids, and Master runs of TFs. I've been on teams where we've said in tells "We've got 3 solid players who know each other and 5 people who've never done the STF before. We can still pull off the Master run as long as the 5 listen and don't actively grief us. And we can get these guys the badge."
I think you have to make an exception to that for Really Hard Way. Personally, I'd say 50(+3) only. Maybe a 50(+2) or two, if they are a really good debuff set Corruptor.
Personally, I do NOT like like being that selective, but this is the most difficult badge in the top trial in the game. Hopefully people can understand that doing other trials and "leveling up" is a good idea before tackling something this challenging. (And it's not like we won't bring along a 50(+1) on a regular Magi trial. It's just the RHW runs that run into this Level 54(+5) monster.)
And everybody has to have at least an Ultimate for that final push around 30% health on Tyrant. I myself have gifted Ultimates to players with less Influence / Astral Merits for RHW runs, and I think that's a great way to ensure success. Make sure *everybody* has those Ultimates, make it clear in league to the more casual players that others will help them out if they just speak up and say they don't have any Ultimates.
Although, I'd say over half the time, you explain that you just buy them from Astral Christy for 2 Astral Merits, and a lot of people realize they have a huge stock of Astrals sitting around from other trials, and are glad to find a use for them. And for other people, buying an Ultimate for 20 million a pop on the Auction House is a nice way to burn influence before the game shuts down. -
Just got RHW on FemFury this last night. (thanks to all the people on that great league on Justice server)
So, that's it for me. Final total 1397.
(no Bug Hunter, Passport, or 8 year vet badge. Although it's a bug I don't have the 8 year badge. grr.) -
Thanks Justice!
Amazingly good Really Hard Way Run tonight.
FemFury's last badge is done, final count of 1397.
It was a great epic battle. Got Tyrant down around 18 to 20, then the league poured it on just as the league leader asked. We had him down at 11 or 12, the crackle warning hit, but a bunch of us clearly thought the same thing: "so close, just a little more!". We didn't flee the crackle, just kept hitting, got him to 10% and finished him off, dying in the lightning, of course,but then he was in his wimpy form. Easy to rez and finish him off. Wonderful fight! -
No RHW, but by switching to my Kinetic, I helped other people get Ready To Rumble. So I feel accomplished and useful!