Whatever Happened to Golden/Silver Age Costume Parts?




Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
But /singed so very much. Please Zwill pass this idea on.
Personally i hate it when my posts get singed. The burning odor tickles my nose.

That said, i would like to see a revamp/rebuild of the classic launch tights designs with more current texturing techniques. The classic cowls and facemasks associated with gold and silver era superheroes is another item i'd like to see. (Especially an option for the eyes to be white/solidly tinted.) The Jester and Carnie masks are a more specifically themed version of the general sort of piece i'd like to see added.

Actually, while i would like to see new tights versions with more realistic seams and textures, i also think the launch tights patterns also really need a pass to improve their patterns.

*wanders back out of thread*

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
The fora represent a segment of the population, and a very narrow one at that (I've posted the numbers before so I won't rehash that)
Once you make the forums easily accessible from in-game (UI nightmare, I know) you might get a better sampling of the game population.

Have you thought about announcing feedback threads on specific topics in the GMOTD?



I just hope the new tights come with very cool modern tights, but also with skin tights versions.
We already have plenty of patterns and textures, but more tights variety is always cool, and most of the patterns are very old.
But we definitely need more tight with skin, both for males laking more variety and for female, because they have a lot of "body painting low-res" stuff.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Nevertheless, I am disappointed by what can be genuinely labeled as a prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community. The community won't shut up about this, Zwillinger. Don't be CCP. I know your job is to toe the line, but it's also to communicate our desires to the team, and our desire is pretty much burning like a thousand suns.
"Burning like a thous..." wow, get over yourself. You don't speak for "the community". Some of *US* (including myself) APPLAUD the prioritization of resources and are very happy with the costume sets we have seen lately. I've been buying just about every set and bought a load of superpacks to get the entire Elemental Order set.

At any given time, there are dozens of things the community is absolutely dying for. Golden/Silver Age outfits are ONE of those things. To use a line like this, "prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community" just because you're not getting what you want RIGHT NOW is . . . well, pretty much a SLAP IN THE FACE!

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TBH I haven't heard the community, at large, crying out for Golden/Silver Age costumes either.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
<snip!>burning like a thousand suns.<snip!>
My main problem with that statement is that stars do not "burn" per se. They undergo fusion, where hydrogen, helium, and other light elements combine to form heavier elements such as nickel and iron. So technically, it's "fusing like a thousand suns."

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Having read Zwillinger's responses and the counter responses to them, I can appreciate both sides of the argument here. On Zwillinger's side, he's beholden as his job description mandates to evaluate a standing issue and determine if it's worth taking to a development meeting to make a case for it. Whatever form that takes, be it about graphics, costumes, whatever.

On the player's side (and I think this is crucial) you have a group of people (however much of a minority you could classify it) that are actively and often times vocally calling for an issue to be promoted beyond a discussion point. That vocalism was demonstrated not once, but twice over two very long threads that were extremely detailed, and very nuanced in what expectations were going to come of a Golden/Silver Age costume set.

Now imagine the reactions of those players who worked directly with Noble Savage when they see a costume set not only advocated for by (in their perception) an even smaller minority at the Player Summit, but one that arguably has been pushed for less than the ones they themselves put substantial effort into. I have personally played this game for nearly six years now and have seen actual threads for Post-Apocalyptic costume parts perhaps....a dozen times, at most. Golden and Silver Age costumes I've seen incredibly regularly come up in threads. That may be a subjective viewing and hardly empirical, but it's very difficult to argue measured data in one thread and then not do the same for the other.

I also appreciate that the Player Summit promises player interaction and has to deliver, or the bad PR that results would genuinely hurt the company. The point being made here from a lot of posters is that a similar amount of work from arguably a larger number of posters which resulted in a more defined and applicable costume set was passed over for a less defined and nebulous set that was created by even less people. It's not hard to see a perception that states that the argument for not having a Golden and Silver Age themed set being that of not enough players asking for it could be applied to the Post-Apocalyptic set, because even less people were present and asking for it, but the mandate of 'Create a Costume set' was in place at the Summit.

I realise it's a rock and a hard place situation, but I don't find the posters in this thread (myself included) are coming from a place of entitlement more than a place of wishing for equal representation.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



TBH I haven't heard the community, at large, crying out for Golden/Silver Age costumes either.
Not my words, and more specifically, not the crux of the issues I raised. The community at large wants a lot of different things, so I think they're definitely playing the right game.

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
To use a line like this, "prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community" just because you're not getting what you want RIGHT NOW is . . .
Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I don't care how far out it is on the schedule. What disappoints me, given the name and scope of the game, is discovering today that it's not on the schedule at all.
This is pretty much why I don't post much. Less reading, less listening, more baiting, more sport, more hair-splitting. Pretty much the exact opposite of what I get in-game with my friends. I half-suspect you really just find some catharsis in typing "get over yourself," but you know, if ya'll spent more time trying to understand each other and less time trying to one-up each other, I bet all sorts of miracles would happen for us and for the game.

I'm not the patron saint of communication either, but I'm not here to belittle any of you or any of the work that's currently in the pipeline, which is why I think Zwillinger deserves a medal for regarding my posts during our brief debate for the issues they REALLY raised, not combing through them for assailable sentences to pounce on just for the sake of the opportunity.

I've had nothing but applause for what we have and what's in the pipeline, and there's never been a contest for me of value between these different costume themes. Anyone who thinks I don't support the devs (and a game I believe to be a masterpiece) just doesn't know what they're talking about.

Sure, Ironblade, I can get over myself. I'm not exactly burning up over a video game. But the thing is, you don't even know what I'm disappointed about. You're not listening. I'm not concerned about who wins or what comes first. There is, however, a significant portion of the community who SPOKE FOR THEMSELVES in Noble Savages threads (and others--anyone remember Xanatos's mammoth thread and all the feedback players gave during the first several pages there?). Threads about themes that aren't on the schedule AT ALL after the cooperative work that was put into those ideas, and some of us want those things on the table somewhere, and on the schedule somewhere. I'm not saying RIGHT NOW. I don't hear anyone saying RIGHT NOW.


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Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
Just to add my 2 cents in.

The classic tights options we currently have are about 10 years old at this point (considering CoH's original development time) and frequently look poor standing next to new, more technologically advanced costume items.

I'm certainly not suggesting that we scrap anything, but some new items, with seams, and zippers, and masks. Real masks.

I welcome all new costume pieces, even if most of them aren't for me.

But Golden/Silver/Bronze classics is definitely something up my alley. Even if I tend] not to post about it.

If we could some how get some updates to the classic pieces as well as maintaining the legacy look, that would be awesome.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
TBH I haven't heard the community, at large, crying out for Golden/Silver Age costumes either.
Heck I'd be happy just with a new version of the female "bikini 2" bottoms (could easily name it "bikini 4") that had the Shiny texture so that I could match it up to the existing Shiny textured tights top to make complete Shiny textured leotards.

Some of us would be very easy to please... without having to burn in the fire of a thousand suns or whatever.

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Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Having read Zwillinger's responses and the counter responses to them, I can appreciate both sides of the argument here. On Zwillinger's side, he's beholden as his job description mandates to evaluate a standing issue and determine if it's worth taking to a development meeting to make a case for it. Whatever form that takes, be it about graphics, costumes, whatever.
Yep, agreed.

Objectively, I think the *disconnect* is this directly comes from one of the dev team participating in a discussion and seemingly reviewing and concepting related to this specific topic. Put that in the context of the same time period when there was the retro sci-fi development at the pummit and on the forums.

It seems to have been wrong, but that set expectations for some of being past a 'take to the dev team' for prioritization. And that is where some of the reaction may be coming from as now it seems like it was simply an informational discussion or individual project for an individual now out of the picture.

It is, as frequently, an issue of communication and expectation control.

Subjectively, My opinion is that a refresh of the core of the classic hero costume elements would be incredibly valuable for CoH. Of far greater value than some other recent choices. That is an opinion, and mine, and one formed with a limited perspective related to the entire playerbase or the personal asthetic of the dev team.

I'm backing far from any anticipation of anything in this space. And, I'll probably avoid any future art direction discussions, to limit my internal hype meter getting fooled again.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Subjectively, My opinion is that a refresh of the core of the classic hero costume elements would be incredibly valuable for CoH. Of far greater value than some other recent choices. That is an opinion, and mine, and one formed with a limited perspective related to the entire playerbase or the personal asthetic of the dev team.
I, very obviously, couldn't have said this any better myself. It's what I've been trying to say for the past day.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



I think the biggest issue with wanting costume parts like tights and things designed for a bygone era of costumes is that this game is very much set in the modern world... as such, it would seem like some of the art folks won't want to dig into the past for something like tights that are being made now, in the present day. Other past-themed costume sets focus on items that are only available from that setting (but I am likely forgetting stuff).

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I actually mentioned something about that, if you didn't notice. Totally understandable, I typed a lot.
I saw you mentioned it... prolly shoulda worded my post better, but I wanted to include the image so that folks knew what they WIP designs looked like.



I'm glad the people who want post-apocalyptic pieces, space pirate things and such are getting sets, though I have no use for them myself.

More golden/silver age costume parts is my #1 want for new costume pieces too. I'd like to see maybe a new type of tights so that people using the look of the current sets don't lose their costumes. Essentially it would do for CoH what Alex Ross did for golden and silver age characters, updating textures, adding a few details like trim for gloves and boots.

The retro sci-fi boots are a good step in that direction: I've switched to using the plain version on a few characters because they're just more realistic-looking than what shipped with the game originally. I don't have any retro sci-fi characters, but the generically useful pieces really helped. Same with the leather armor set.

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The heart of the matter is that when Noble Savage posted a thread asking what we wanted some of the forum community responded. What they asked for WAS indeed Golden/Silver Aged style costume pieces and textured bits to help enhance the overall CoH experience for not only them but all the player base. The main thing is I guess since a Redname posted it we assumed that it was going to happen.

Now let me say that I'm a huge supporter of CoH and have purchased every single costume pack they have created. Some things I use more of than others but I feel it's up to us to support the game that we so obviously love and care about.

Yes when the Casey Jones errr...Road Warrior uhm Post-Apocalyptic bits come out I will also purchase them. Some things I will use some others I most likely will not. What I think we are trying to say is we don't mind all of the new stuff that's coming out, heck as indicated we whole-heartedly support it, but we want the Golden Age stuff too.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
"Burning like a thous..." wow, get over yourself. You don't speak for "the community". Some of *US* (including myself) APPLAUD the prioritization of resources and are very happy with the costume sets we have seen lately. I've been buying just about every set and bought a load of superpacks to get the entire Elemental Order set.

At any given time, there are dozens of things the community is absolutely dying for. Golden/Silver Age outfits are ONE of those things. To use a line like this, "prioritization of resources that is largely unresponsive to the community" just because you're not getting what you want RIGHT NOW is . . . well, pretty much a SLAP IN THE FACE!

I wouldn't mind a golden/silver aged tights/costume pack, but good gravy, they've released a ton of awesome costumes over the last year, and a good portion of it was in direct response to the community. YOU do not speak for the entire community, no matter who you are or what you're fighting for.

You know what one of the first comics I collected was? Grimjack. That was an awesome comic. Grimjack didn't wear spandex... ever. Wanting to play a character like Grimjack is not going against the core values of the game, or losing sight of the big picture, or however people want to frame it to basically say "my view is more important than yours".

But again, I wouldn't mind seeing better tights options, I agree that the old untextured versions really don't look good.

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Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
TBH I haven't heard the community, at large, crying out for Golden/Silver Age costumes either.
While I haven't heard a vast majority of things when it comes to tights (well, I've heard wanting better tights, but it's never what they want more). I admit this. I have heard for better masks talked about.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Not my words, and more specifically, not the crux of the issues I raised. The community at large wants a lot of different things, so I think they're definitely playing the right game.

...This is pretty much why I don't post much. Less reading, less listening...

...You're not listening. I'm not concerned about who wins or what comes first. There is, however, a significant portion of the community who SPOKE FOR THEMSELVES in Noble Savages threads (and others--anyone remember Xanatos's mammoth thread and all the feedback players gave during the first several pages there?). Threads about themes that aren't on the schedule AT ALL after the cooperative work that was put into those ideas, and some of us want those things on the table somewhere, and on the schedule somewhere. I'm not saying RIGHT NOW. I don't hear anyone saying RIGHT NOW.

Originally Posted by Organica View Post
YOU do not speak for the entire community, no matter who you are or what you're fighting for.
Yo dawg, I heard you liked straw men, so I put some straw men on top of yo straw man, so you can straw man all over your straw men while you're straw manning.

Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I've had nothing but applause for what we have and what's in the pipeline, and there's never been a contest for me of value between these different costume themes. Anyone who thinks I don't support the devs (and a game I believe to be a masterpiece) just doesn't know what they're talking about.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Yo dawg, I heard you liked straw men, so I put some straw men on top of yo straw man, so you can straw man all over your straw men while you're straw manning.
That wasn't really a straw man so much as an accusation.

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Talking of Michelangelo.



I'm absolutely 100% fine with where their priorities are and the costume sets we've gotten.

Do NOT speak for the "community".

Just cause we haven't gotten golden age costumes yet DOES NOT mean they are not prioritizing what the community wants.

There are so many things the community wants it's not even funny.

They have never said we're never getting them. We will get them. Eventually.

There's about 1000and 1 costume pieces that I want BEFORE any golden age stuff, but I'm not mad that they haven't gotten to it yet.

And I couldn't care less what the "competition" does. A golden age costume set isn't going to suddenly save how horrible like a burning thousand suns those other competing superhero games are. Personally I find the golden age era of comics cheesy as hell. I'm glad comics got a bit more sophisticated.

EDIT: Also keep in mind that this game DOES NOT just represent golden age. If anything this game's comic book influences are anything but. Just because the focus of the costumes are not on that area doesn't mean they've suddenly dropped the ball on the comic book partial focus of the game. This game has NEVER been just a living breathing representation of comic books. And thank god for that.

I'll just say I completely disagree with a lot of the stuff that was said here. I'll be nice and keep what I really think about some of the comments made here to myself.

I look forward to the golden age lovers finally getting the costume sets they've been waiting for. I also look forward to the folks of "insert comics/fantasy/sci-fi area here" finally getting the costume sets they've been waiting for also.

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Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
My main problem with that statement is that stars do not "burn" per se. They undergo fusion, where hydrogen, helium, and other light elements combine to form heavier elements such as nickel and iron. So technically, it's "fusing like a thousand suns."
Science...eff yeah!

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Sure, make Silver and Golden Age costume and weapon pieces but make them limited time, Tier 9 VIP items.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post

On the player's side (and I think this is crucial) you have a group of people (however much of a minority you could classify it) that are actively and often times vocally calling for an issue to be promoted beyond a discussion point. That vocalism was demonstrated not once, but twice over two very long threads that were extremely detailed, and very nuanced in what expectations were going to come of a Golden/Silver Age costume set.
And wildly divergent from one poster to the next,(myself included) With several different camps within the same thread asking for opposing things that both sides claimed was within the same genre, and many many claims for "general super hero stuff" a Functionally useless request when attempting to ask for "not x, but y" I.E. something specific

Now imagine the reactions of those players who worked directly with Noble Savage when they see a costume set not only advocated for by (in their perception) an even smaller minority at the Player Summit,
If you take out the numerous back and forth off-topic discussions(of which I was certainly a part) several multi and double posts by the same players(something I did, again) Trolls, Golden Girl, and Dev posts, the numbers were most likely about the same as the pummit, or, if greater, not by very much.

but one that arguably has been pushed for less than the ones they themselves put substantial effort into. I have personally played this game for nearly six years now and have seen actual threads for Post-Apocalyptic costume parts perhaps....a dozen times, at most. Golden and Silver Age costumes I've seen incredibly regularly come up in threads. That may be a subjective viewing and hardly empirical, but it's very difficult to argue measured data in one thread and then not do the same for the other.
It's very often the same group of people making the Golden/Silver age(urgghhhh!) requests. Over and over again. It's not that less people want one over the other. It's that one group wants their thing more, and extremely dislikes when the other get's theirs. It's not that Golden or Silver Age are pushed for more it's that they are pushed for harder

I also appreciate that the Player Summit promises player interaction and has to deliver, or the bad PR that results would genuinely hurt the company. The point being made here from a lot of posters is that a similar amount of work from arguably a larger number of posters which resulted in a more defined and applicable costume set was passed over for a less defined and nebulous set that was created by even less people.
Bolded bit here, This is EXTREMELY debatable, because, again, Golden and Silver age are different things, and many people lump Pulp in with Golden age which further muddies the issue. This can be seen in the previous thread getting so noisy that NS made a second thread just to focus on the one thing they might have had in common. With Post-Apoc People asked for Mad Max and Fallout and got Mad Max and Fallout. With Retro Sci-fi they asked for Buck Rogers and got Buck Rogers.

With Golden/Silver Age People Asked for: The Shadow, The Green Hornet The Rocketeer Old AND New Flash, The Original X-men The Clairmont X-men And The movie X-men As well as Spider-man Batman And Superman
That is NOT a cohesive message. That's fifty years of about ten different artistic approaches at a most charitable minimum.
It's not hard to see a perception that states that the argument for not having a Golden and Silver Age themed set being that of not enough players asking for it could be applied to the Post-Apocalyptic set, because even less people were present and asking for it, but the mandate of 'Create a Costume set' was in place at the Summit.
I've already gone over this above, I'm just quoting it so nobody will say I ignored it. I do agree that there was an unintentional misinterpretation of the NS thread versus the very clear "We will make this set and put it in game" nature of the Pummit.

I realize it's a rock and a hard place situation, but I don't find the posters in this thread (myself included) are coming from a place of entitlement more than a place of wishing for equal representation.
This I disagree with. for pretty much the reasons I went into above Tldr the problem is:
  • The false impression that "My side" who want this represent a majority of any kind
  • The idea that the "other side" represents a minority
  • The idea that the "other Side" has less clear or distinct ideas
  • The idea that "My side" Is not ill defined or muddled
Ultimately, people asking for this particular thing are just one group amongst the diverse player base. And do not represent a majority. If they want to be heard like everyone else they need to present like anyone else. That includes a cohesive statement. One key problem is they are very often several groups asking for different things under the same banner(perhaps in unity against "da eeebil emo RP glampire robot animu catbois" threatening us true fans") You're not more you're just one more.
People are going to have to bite the bullet and present one thing with the knowledge that they aren't going to get another(at that point in time) Ask for Golden Age, get Golden Age, wait for another opportunity for Silver age to have it's turn. Accept loss gracefully if it doesn't get that turn and try again later.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.