Alttitis Disease




Hi, this is Kaa-Kaww from freedom server and please remember im not a doctor nor a licensed physician. But I do want to talk about alttitis. For all of you who don't know alttitis ( The act of remaking new chars back to back with no hope of keeping them).To Sg leaders and farmers this is not an un comon thing to see, Sg leaders are always on recruiting phase and they know the the worse thing to happen is to pick up an alttitis patient. Not only is this bad for the sg it self but could also be very contagious to other sg members and farmers, you know the ones that farm for free find them selves in a non stop disappointing circle. They wanna see these poor lowbies they just farmed make it big and feel good to know they aided that. But I have a cure for all that....

To end alttitis disease you need to spice up your old char change your costume your power Colors your incarnates, make a whole new person without re-rolling, and have some fun and imagination to support the good fight, or to aid in the end of the world.

Thank you for your time.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Or roll a MFing Warshade, so that nothing else ever seems as fun again.
I do blame you for the neglect my alts suffered for some time...



For me A week without making a new character means either my computer has gone belly up or my wife has drug me off on a vacation....

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



Altitis is not a disease. A disease implies it's something negative, something to be avoided. Altitis, instead, is something to be celebrated!

For too long those of us with altitis have been told we "suffer" from it. And yet, if someone wants to know if someone's played a powerset, who can probably answer? The Altitis 'sufferer!"

Who gets to know more of the game, from seeing a different way through? The altitis "sufferer!"

Who probably has someone in range of whatever you want to run (and is likely to be getting that needed salvage or drop?) The altitis "sufferer."

And "Bad for the SG?" I don't know how anyone can say that with anything close to a straight face.

Of course, the immediate linking with a PLing farmer shows the *immediate* bigotry and misunderstanding that we "sufferers" of Altitis have to put up with on a daily basis. Note also the utter misunderstanding of just what a unique and precious thing a character is! To think someone can suggest "just make a whole new person without rerolling" is, of course, ludicrous! Each and every character deserves to have a life of their own, their own story, the full use of all the costume slots they've earned! Would you tell a company that needs to hire new people that they can do just as well having their existing employees just change clothes partway through the day? Of course not! How about telling your spouse who wants another child that you can just have little Timmy put on a dress every other day and pretend he's the daughter she wants? Of course you wouldn't! So why should this be a "cure" for altitis?

Not to mention those of us - not always the older of us - who have multiple accounts. Who can bring along the buffer? The "sufferer" of altitis! Who can add "just one more person" when you need it just to start? The "sufferer" of altitis! And don't forget those of us who subscribe and/or buy things for both accounts - we're helping *even more* to fund the game - the *designed to be alt-friendly* game! - that some would deny our particular enjoyment of.

No, we altaholics do not "suffer" from altitis. We are not bad for your supergroup or the game. We are an army unto ourselves (moreso if we keep making masterminds.) It's time to stand up and trample the misunderstanding and *derision* of altitis into the ground, to say no more, to say loud and with pride from millions of voices "No, we do not 'suffer' from altitis! We cherish and enjoy it!"

M_B - 307 alts and counting!



Originally Posted by JordieLc View Post
Sg leaders are always on recruiting phase and they know the the worse thing to happen is to pick up an alttitis patient. Not only is this bad for the sg it self....
Please, justify this.

EDIT: Also, what Bill said.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
It's time to stand up and trample the misunderstanding and *derision* of altitis into the ground, to say no more, to say loud and with pride from millions of voices "No, we do not 'suffer' from altitis! We cherish and enjoy it!"

M_B - 307 alts and counting!

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Altitis is not a disease. A disease implies it's something negative, something to be avoided. Altitis, instead, is something to be celebrated!

For too long those of us with altitis have been told we "suffer" from it. And yet, if someone wants to know if someone's played a powerset, who can probably answer? The Altitis 'sufferer!"

Who gets to know more of the game, from seeing a different way through? The altitis "sufferer!"

Who probably has someone in range of whatever you want to run (and is likely to be getting that needed salvage or drop?) The altitis "sufferer."

And "Bad for the SG?" I don't know how anyone can say that with anything close to a straight face.

Of course, the immediate linking with a PLing farmer shows the *immediate* bigotry and misunderstanding that we "sufferers" of Altitis have to put up with on a daily basis. Note also the utter misunderstanding of just what a unique and precious thing a character is! To think someone can suggest "just make a whole new person without rerolling" is, of course, ludicrous! Each and every character deserves to have a life of their own, their own story, the full use of all the costume slots they've earned! Would you tell a company that needs to hire new people that they can do just as well having their existing employees just change clothes partway through the day? Of course not! How about telling your spouse who wants another child that you can just have little Timmy put on a dress every other day and pretend he's the daughter she wants? Of course you wouldn't! So why should this be a "cure" for altitis?

Not to mention those of us - not always the older of us - who have multiple accounts. Who can bring along the buffer? The "sufferer" of altitis! Who can add "just one more person" when you need it just to start? The "sufferer" of altitis! And don't forget those of us who subscribe and/or buy things for both accounts - we're helping *even more* to fund the game - the *designed to be alt-friendly* game! - that some would deny our particular enjoyment of.

No, we altaholics do not "suffer" from altitis. We are not bad for your supergroup or the game. We are an army unto ourselves (moreso if we keep making masterminds.) It's time to stand up and trample the misunderstanding and *derision* of altitis into the ground, to say no more, to say loud and with pride from millions of voices "No, we do not 'suffer' from altitis! We cherish and enjoy it!"

M_B - 307 alts and counting!
Heres the best way to find them people, this man right here has it bad, not only has but chooses to believe its a good thing, you dont get to know the game by remaking chars you get to know the tutorial and a small knowledge of that power set / combo , where if u spend time with those who dont have alttitis (level 50 +1 ) you can learn more of there powers than remaking that char your self.



Kind of like how you'll never learn the subtleties of spelling, grammar and syntax by repeating the third grade over and over and over. Got it.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



It's times like these that I refer the OP to Poe's Law.

You can save yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying "Yeah, I was joking." Because as it stands, we can't really tell, and I could go either way.

Nothing short of "English isn't my first language" can redeem the spelling/grammar/syntax though.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Kind of like how you'll never learn the subtleties of spelling, grammar and syntax by repeating the third grade over and over and over. Got it.
You have it to? Your poor soul.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
It's times like these that I refer the OP to Poe's Law.

You can save yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying "Yeah, I was joking." Because as it stands, we can't really tell, and I could go either way.

Nothing short of "English isn't my first language" can redeem the spelling/grammar/syntax though.
This comment people, is how you can tell they to have it. They become offended and try to veer off topic.

I wish you the best man. I really do



Originally Posted by JordieLc View Post
Heres the best way to find them people, this man right here has it bad, not only has but chooses to believe its a good thing, you dont get to know the game by remaking chars you get to know the tutorial and a small knowledge of that power set / combo , where if u spend time with those who dont have alttitis (level 50 +1 ) you can learn more of there powers than remaking that char your self.
Bwahahaha... Right. I *really* love mention of the "tutorial." You DO know you can skip that, right?

And "Small knowledge" of the powerset/combo? I've got 27 or so characters at 50. Including several 50+3, by the way - to show yet again you don't know what you're talking about with your assumptions. I've been playing for about 7 years. I've run through every AT. I've explored every inch of the game. And y'know what, sparky? I'm the one in the "help" channel answering questions and fixing misinformation.

Frankly, those who don't have altitis learn from *me.*



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Nothing short of "English isn't my first language" can redeem the spelling/grammar/syntax though.
I don't know, most (not all) people who have English as a second or third language tend to be really *picky* in their spelling and grammar - or they make some specific tense and word order mistakes that show they're coming from a different language structure. Spelling you "u" and using the wrong "you're/your" or "to/two/too" and the like, not so much.

As far as Poe... well, there's another quote, not from him - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt." Or if you want a really old version of it, "Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding."

Something for the OP to consider when breaching a subject of which he obviously has no understanding.

Edit: Also, as far as "veer off topic," I note the OP doesn't actually try to refute anything said, just start in on the people who point out the multiple flaws in his argument.



Englishing critically hits you for over 9000 point of damage.

Wait, what?



I don't suffer from Altitus. In fact...I rather enjoy it.

However, I do wanna say something else to this. Altitus (or at least as I see it)...isn't solely about "rolling up a new character every other day/week/whatever" as much as it is also not sticking to one toon from start to finish and beyond. Not all of us like to play the same thing over and over ad nauseum, and personally I'm one of those people. The most I might sometimes play one toon constantly is maybe for a week or 2. Rarely more than that. I like to mix things up a bit...maybe pick something back up again that I haven't messed with in a while.

If i happen to get a new idea...THEN I'll do a run through the character creator...possibly play that toon for a while...then flip back to a completely different one...and most likely one that i created a good while ago that I hadn't been in the mood to play.

Here's an example for ya. I created a TW/EnAura brute. Played him for about 2-3 weeks solid....-ish. Took a break from the game for a while...came back...played said toon a couple more days. Created a Staff/SR scrapper. Been playin him...oh...2 weeks or so...i guess. Broke out my lvl 50 Stone/WP brute that I'd created /years/ and FINALLY started him down the incarnate path. Day or 2 there. Of course...playing a stone melee toon got me thinking about my Earth/Earth dominator, also created /years/ ago, that's been stuck at lvl 42 for quite a while (read: months). Ran around yesterday with the him up to level 43 and did a respec (he was still using a pre-inherent fitness build). Today? Who knows. Might run my Earth/Earth dommy a little more...or maybe pick up my lowbie Plant/Earth dommy...or something else entirely. So many many different forms of fun. Altitus. LIBERATION!!! HOO-HAH!!

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by JordieLc View Post
This comment people, is how you can tell they to have it. They become offended and try to veer off topic.

I wish you the best man. I really do
Nice try, except that I only play four characters. They're all slotted and iPowered up. Despite my lack of altitis, your argument is still flawed, devoid of evidence, and your English is still poor.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by JordieLc View Post
Sg leaders are always on recruiting phase and they know the the worse thing to happen is to pick up an alttitis patient. Not only is this bad for the sg it self but could also be very contagious to other sg members
Hi. My name's Roderick, and I'm the leader of the Flaming Quasars, and I have altitis. I roll at least one new character a week. I currently have 6 Level 50 characters, with a level 43 soon to join them. Each of those level 50 characters has hundreds of hours played, at least 200 badges (including all the power-granting accolades), builds valued at 2-6 billion Inf, and at least a T3 Alpha. All but one have something in both their Interface and Judgement slot, one has T3 in all five slots, and my main has T4 in all five slots, plus several other T3s for when I need to switch something out. According to City Info Tracker, I was in the top 30 badgers on my server a few weeks ago. Now that I've increased that count to almost 1200, I'm sure I rank higher.

I play my main for an hour or two almost every day, and my various alts as much or more. Who am I hurting by doing so?

As far as the "always recruiting" goes... I'm never recruiting. I am coalitioned with a number of great Supergroups, and I happily refer people to those larger, more active SGs if someone asks me about one. I also direct them to one or more of the server's global channels (which I am an active participant in). Who is hurt by this policy? The active SGs that I direct new members to? The new members that are directed to good SGs? Or my own SG, which neither needs nor wants to increase its roster?

To end alttitis disease you need to spice up your old char change your costume your power Colors your incarnates, make a whole new person without re-rolling, and have some fun and imagination to support the good fight, or to aid in the end of the world.
What makes you think that those of us with altitis don't do that? Most people with severe altitis make more use of their costumes and bios that those who don't. Ask the forum's most (in)famous single-character poster: "My character is me."

I'll make you a deal: You pay for a one-year subscription on my account OR find me one person who can demonstrate exactly how my altitis has hurt their game play, and for the next 12 months I'll only play the characters you tell me to. If you can't, or won't, do either of the above, then shove off, go play the game your way, and let everyone else play the game their own way. Telling us that we're doing it wrong because we play too many characters for your liking is no different that telling us that we're doing it wrong for not having a top DPS build, or for taking a Knockback power, or for skipping a power that you think is mandatory. It's not your chharacter, it's not your account, it's not your business.




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Bwahahaha... Right. I *really* love mention of the "tutorial." You DO know you can skip that, right?

And "Small knowledge" of the powerset/combo? I've got 27 or so characters at 50. Including several 50+3, by the way - to show yet again you don't know what you're talking about with your assumptions. I've been playing for about 7 years. I've run through every AT. I've explored every inch of the game. And y'know what, sparky? I'm the one in the "help" channel answering questions and fixing misinformation.

Frankly, those who don't have altitis learn from *me.*
Bill's got a lot of good points, both in this post and earlier, but this one has two things I want to touch on:

1- I haven't played as wide a variety of characters as Bill, but I've played enough to have a good feel for most ATs and powersets. I also read a lot on the forums and wiki, and play with Mids' almost constantly. I don't consider myself an authority on much of anything - but that doesn't stop the large number of people who ask me when they need help.

2- I think I can safely say that I've deleted more 50s - Including at least one +3 - than Bill even HAS. I don't consider that particularly relevant, but I'm curious to see how the OP uses that as proof that I'm wrong and bad.




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Have you tried a Mastermind or something Dark Armor?
My first love was a Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrapper. It ruined me for any other scrapper. She's been 50 for 6 years and I have logged more hours with her than all my other characters combined.
Then Villains came out and I discovered the joy that is the Mastermind.



To say nothing of the OP's what I can only assume is satire...

I will say that there is some suffering to my altitis. I have 7 50s with 5 more knocking on the door to 50. Most of my characters are strictly on Common IO/SO builds and their potential suffers for it. I have 2 almost fully IOed characters that are +3 incarnated, one of which is full tier 4s, and one character on an IO/SO mix at +3 (my MFin WS). The rest of the 50s are only just scratching the surface of the incarnate experience or have only unlocked their alpha slot. I suffer because I continually want to get my other characters to the level of my IOed 50s (and I'm not talking 6 billion inf builds either). Every character in my stable has a Mids final build for them that I want to see them achieve because I see on paper how effective that can be. I ought to spend my somewhat limited playtime farming SSAs and tips to get hard to buy recipes and farm a bit on my ElM/Inv brute for tickets to get salvage. If I did that, I'd have the inf to finish my 2 mains and start IOing my other 50s. But I look at my character list and think, "Oooo, I haven't played him and he's got a bunch of patrol xp and is only a level or two from a new power." So I fire up an alt, try to scrounge up a team and run something, maybe a TF since those are good bang for your buck. But oftentimes I'll be on one alt and the call for a WST or a BAF/LAM/Keyes will go out and I'll remember I have that other alt sitting on the cusp of greatness too and is in the lvl range for it so I'll jump over there and run that with a group...and have a great time mind you. Meanwhile, one of my alts languishes in some day job spot with max patrol and so much potential yet unlocked.

That's how I suffer, but in truth I don't mind. I enjoy playing all my characters and like has been mentioned, when someone asks about a powerset for a potential alt, I've generally played it to the 30s at least. I can give real answers because I know how the set plays and what it's strengths and weaknesses are. I've also made some personal ground rules to help my altitis. I haven't repeated powersets yet and I'm on an alt hiatus until I get a dozen 50s. Once I've played all the sets, I'm sure I'll go back and replay ones, heck I've got Mids builds for a couple sets. I'm just taking it in since I intend to be here until the game isn't fun anymore and I only foresee that happening when I've played out all my alts to full incarnate, IOed powerhouses I've got a long way to go, but the journey looks like fun, and that's why I play games as I'm sure most of us do.



God...I'm just as bad as Memphis Bill...I have over 25 lvl 50's LOL. Hilariously I still have yet to level a Scrapper but I will once I23 hits. Masterminds are painful for me as well but I have a lvl 50 Merc/Poison that is collecting Dust on a dead server.



You people are sick! All of you! Don't you see what's going on here?! You are all falling for it! It is a disease and it's spreading like wildfire! It's all just a ploy to keep you doing the same thing over and over day in and day out to line the pockets of developers so they can keep you coming back for more digital crack!

That said...

Brb.... switching toons...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I also love the idea that making a new character is just doing the same content over and over... not like the sheer overwhelming variety of playing a single 50 in incarnate trials every night.

I currently have forty characters, by the way. Eleven of them are level 50, nine of those are +3, and four of those are "fully IO'ed" -- a tank, a controller, a mastermind and a defender, all of whom perform very well even with an unfocused altaholic lunatic who never learned to play them properly (me) behind the keyboard. Three of them solo hero tips at at least +2/x6 with no trouble.

Despite all that, I made not one but two brand-new level 1's last night. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.