Alttitis Disease




I don't have a too many characters problem, I have a too few server slots problem.


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Have you tried a Mastermind or something Dark Armor?
Only MM I've gotten to 50 was my Thugs/Psn, but he never got IOed

DA I think I've played for 10 levels or so?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Have you tried a Mastermind or something Dark Armor?
I have 1/2 a dozen masterminds, and a 1/2 dozen more have been deleted. Several in the 30s, 1 mid 40s. My mid 40s MM has been stalled there for 2 years I'd say. Someday, I'll push on and hit 50 with that alt.

Dark Armor I have in spades, but the only 50 is a Stalker. But a Brute and a Scrapper are right on the cusp of 50. The tankers are lagging somewhat, with the best of the bunch being mid-30s.

And, someday, I'll also push on and get my mid 40s Warshade to 50, too. Then I'll have to get progress on my PB going again. That is one AT I'm really struggling to make progress on. Just not able to feel it.

After that I'll have my every AT to 50 thing done. I refuse to try to get every set to 50, though. Some ATs I just didn't enjoy enough to level up every set available to them.



I think mids makes alt-itis ever worse. I think of an awesome combo, I make up an epic build, I make the toon, finally get him to 50 and then I get to lazy to IO him out or get him to "53" lol.



Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post
I think mids makes alt-itis ever worse. I think of an awesome combo, I make up an epic build, I make the toon, finally get him to 50 and then I get to lazy to IO him out or get him to "53" lol.
I'd wholeheartedly concur.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't have a too many characters problem, I have a too few server slots problem.

Same here, I'm having to look at deleting a few, but it's so hard...



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Same here, I'm having to look at deleting a few, but it's so hard...
That's why I'm hoping for Cross Server Teaming so I can use other Servers lol.



All of my life I wanted to be a comic book artist! The problem... I can't draw. So my COH alts are a fun way to express my creativity.

This game has one of the best costume generators ever! Why limit yourself.. I have quite a few alts.. at various levels. Some I play often... others I just like to log-in and admire every now and then.

Everyone has a different definition of fun.. and there are a surprising amount of players who really love making new characters and costumes. It's also one of the reasons I like messing with the AE story generator!

Not everybody logs into create and play a toon to 50 and then IO + Incarnate them to godhood!

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Before we can address this properly we must first get our medical terminology straight.

Calling the general condition "altitis" is wrong. Altitis is inflammation of the alt, which only applies to Fiery Aura tankers, brutes and scrappers, and blasters, controllers, and dominators with Hot Feet and/or Fire Shield.

In the general case the condition should more properly be called altomania, altophilia or polyaltamy.

We can't effect a cure if we don't properly diagnose the problem!



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
Before we can address this properly we must first get our medical terminology straight.

Calling the general condition "altitis" is wrong. Altitis is inflammation of the alt, which only applies to Fiery Aura tankers, brutes and scrappers, and blasters, controllers, and dominators with Hot Feet and/or Fire Shield.

In the general case the condition should more properly be called altomania, altophilia or polyaltamy.

We can't effect a cure if we don't properly diagnose the problem!
My name is Robert Paulson, and I am an Altoholic.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Bwahahaha... Right. I *really* love mention of the "tutorial." You DO know you can skip that, right?

And "Small knowledge" of the powerset/combo? I've got 27 or so characters at 50. Including several 50+3, by the way - to show yet again you don't know what you're talking about with your assumptions. I've been playing for about 7 years. I've run through every AT. I've explored every inch of the game. And y'know what, sparky? I'm the one in the "help" channel answering questions and fixing misinformation.

Frankly, those who don't have altitis learn from *me.*
Bill... Stop living my life and live a life of your own!

This is what I was gonna say, except you can replace 27 for 15 or 16 toons at 50. I'm expecting quadruplets on the way (with plenty of other toons in the 30's on down).

*Prematurely motions everyone to sit down*

Please hold your congratulations until they've arrived. I don't want my roster to miscarry and your congratulations to be wasted.

All jokes aside, this thread is hilarious. Or the OP is hilarious or something like that...



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I don't have a too many characters problem, I have a too few server slots problem.

This is a problem I have too...