1508 -
*Pops head in
What a read, and I do mean READ.
I feel like I just got off a rollercoaster.
I'm dizzy and I want to throw up.
I would love to hear an official announcement. -
There is no hint, no suggestion, no leak of any kind that says "City of Heroes 2"
The only actions that we have to go on are the sudden and brutal axing of Paragon Studios and the less than melancholy "response" to our outcries.
That doesn't say City of Heroes 2, that doesn't say publicity stunt, that says WAR.
...and when the servers do go offline mark my words it will be. -
Quote:It is not humanly possible for me to care less about what they plan on doing with whatever reapings they think they can get for City.True and possible, but that is the risk with or without COX. Maybe that is what they are gearing up for with the money they may get from a tax thingy off the IP. Which thye might turn into finance a bit for a new game.
This whole mess says either contract violation or vendetta.
I'm going with vendetta. spite. plain and simple.
The real fighting hasn't started yet.
The real fighting starts when the servers go down, and when NC tries to peddle their products on any website that has....forums.... feedback.... expressions of public opinion...
THAT is when it's gonna hurt THEM. -
Quote:All the more reason there should be concern.True, but according to many here, NCSoft reputation in America is dead in the water anyways now. I doubt that is the case, and it will be buisness as usual. But even then I think they will survive even if they completely pull out. Probably not on as large of a scale as they are now, but I dont think the american market is as large to the point it's a make or break them. There are plenty of Asian companies that are public traded that sells not a single product here and is doing just fine. America is a signifcant part of te world economy but it isnt THE world.
They aren't the only player in the Asian market<s> and therefore some other Asian or even Eastern focused companies and their product<s> could stand to obsolete them.
...possibly without much effort.
Edit: their reputation might make it happen sooner than later. -
Quote:That sounds about the right path they are on.Actually it doesn't look good for NCSoft. The first online magazines are starting to report about a big loss of players in Guildwars 2 and you will find massive "fail" reports about it already, just use google.
Blade & Soul will be a niche market from the beginning (no big money MMO on the western market, Asia Style MMO number 1.456.347, oversexualized women is nothing for family - oh yes, there won't be multi VIP accounts like in COH because of that; Tera was'nt a big success either on the western market), so I wonder what they want to sell and live on over here in the future?
Wildstar? Nobody cares. Just watch the response and interest of gamers (producing new MMOs, where you can only use 3 specific Characters with specific sex on jobclasses is outdated anyway).
And the money went to... Capcom with Dragons Dogma. I'm sorry, but I did not bought GW2. I just remembered at the shop, that NCSoft is shutting down MMOs when they feel like it.
If fate sees fit to bankrupt NC wouldn't that eventually lead to liquidation of assets?
I wonder what would happen to City of Heroes should that happen...
Nc has always "starved" City by not giving it the budget and resources it should have had. I wonder what the game would have been like if it had a larger budget. -
I'm going to start my own pinata factory and the only thing we will make will be the NCsoft logo.
Another valid point:
People were bringing their kids into this game, if that doesn't say longevity I don't know what does. -
and Transformers was supposed to be a fad of the 80's....
The REAL fighting begins AFTER the servers are shut down. -
Quote:I'll gladly wear the well known and celebrated medallion of Bat Sh*t crazy, but then again, I don't need to state the obvious.Yeah, but let's be real people for a second ok? You're not the character you pretended to be playing the game here.
I've seen everything from ..
"Let's sue them and force them to GIVE us the game"
"Let's be the superheroes we were meant to be"
"Let's picket government offices"
"Let's involve politicians"
"The game HAD to have been making millions, even though we have no idea what their overhead was"
"Let's get celebrities to claim this means something to them" (whether they played the game or not)
"This is what everything means, because my husband said so"
"NCSoft is now out to get us, and they're sending people here to weaken our resolve"
"Force them to sell" (Even though none of us has come forward with that kind of cash yet)
Let's be honest, this is getting to be half desperation, half bat $h*t crazy. It's not even close to being grounded in logic. Half of the time they break into game talk like they're fighting an AV. You can get tired of the realists all you want, but at the end of the day this IS a video game.
I would rather suit up, bear my claws and get shredded to bits in the battlefield than hide behind some closed door in tears waiting for the end.
I'm going to keep making my noises and keep pissing people off.
Your'e welcome. -
Of course you realize....
This means war... -
*perks ears up...
Nice knowin' ya Kat
Nuthin' but luv for ya.
At least we tried. -
Quote:Would have been ready but for some reason we don't have copy,paste,save,load options on rooms or items.I wish I'd been able to finish my two bases so that I could have shown them off here. But, oh well! I'm still gonna finish them, eventually.
we got lots of neat costumes that we have to pay for... tho...
>.> -
Quote:Let them.You come off a bit more authoritative than need be in a situation where you are powerless to change what you are trying to exert authority over.
Then when they realize they are dealing with the one sick bunny the situation will dawn on them like a garbage can full of recently used diapers... and I know what that's like!
>.> -
I guess I should have also mentioned that bug that allowed our base defenses to attack us, many MANY people were ecstatic about having the ability to construct a danger room.
If any attention is going to be brought to player housing, by 3rd party website, social media, or promotional stunt, you can bet that the noise of "bases need love" will be there in volume.
Count on it. -
Quote:I'm beginning to think that's just a bunch of smoke being blown so they won't focus resources to updating the editor.Understood.
One thing that really chomps my hide is gaming companies talking about code in a retail game that cannot be touched because the person wrote it is gone and the program would collapse if messed with in certain ways like to give use more base functionality.
Argh. Why let "any" code into a retail program that cannot be adjusted, save one guy you are going to fire because you don't like him anyway.... This happens in the computer industry way way way too much.
If it was true then we wouldn't have gotten i13 rules, Axis tools, or new telepads. -
Your Forum Handle: MrHassenpheffer
Your Global: @class5virus
The Character who will be doing the tour: Mister Hassenpheffer
The name of your SuperGroup: The Twisted Burrow
Your Home Server: Infinity
A brief description of your base: It's a Labyrinth -
Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Mushroom, Badger-Badger!!!